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The UN-Ashcroft "Pharmacy" Is Open!

By Mel Young

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

--Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU.

They’ve done it again! Ashcroft and the UN split a wishbone, tossed it to the American sheeple and they pounced on it as though it was a whole barnyard full of fat chickens ready for the barbecue.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE? Doesn’t anyone understand by now that this is a WAR we are in and the bad guys will do anything, say anything to keep the sheeple down and dumb while they carry on the job of disarming America, little bit by little bit?


"WASHINGTON - Reversing a position it adopted nearly 30 years ago, the Justice Department is preparing a formal legal opinion that individuals, not just groups, have a constitutional right to own guns - a view advocated by Attorney General John Ashcroft, department officials said yesterday. ............The opinion will incorporate views Ashcroft first expressed in May in a letter to the National Rifle Association. The officials said Ashcroft, an NRA member, expressed official Justice Department policy in the letter, not his personal views." is the fly in the ointment that makes this nothing but doublespeak to soothe the sheeple until they have clippers sharpened sufficiently to shear them.

"In his letter, Ashcroft said the Second Amendment did not prohibit Congress from enacting laws restricting firearms ownership for "compelling state interests."

And the final kick in the groin......

"One official said the Justice Department would continue to defend existing gun laws in court, even after the opinion had been completed."

What you have, here, folks, is a BIG.....FAT.....NOTHING! If Ashcroft and the Justice Department will continue to enforce and fight in court for some TWENTY THOUSAND-PLUS unconstitutional gun laws, they are NOT doing the honest, gun-owning citizens of the Republic any favors. The fact of the matter is that John Ashcroft, like so many before him, has taken the viewpoint of the socialist-liberals and ignored the meaning and INTENT of the Second Amendment, as expressed by the very people who wrote it. That places him squarely onto the list of potential fertilizer suppliers for the Tree of Liberty, in my view.

In fact, a spokesperson for Ashcroft/Justice said they will continue to press the appeal of the US District Court in Texas, which ruled against the Federal Government in the Emerson case, and which was appealed by the Reno-thugs to the US District Court of Appeals in New Orleans. That body, so far, has failed to rule on the appeal, which they heard a year or so ago.


"On 12 November the General Assembly put its stamp of approval on the actions that the Secretary-general has taken or initiated since last March. Among them:.......Establish a Department of Disarmament Affairs to advance the disarmament agenda;"

In 1961, John Fix-U-No-Who Kennedy addressed the UN General Assembly and presented the United States plan for "Freedom From War", which detailed the eventual disarmament of the United States Military except for US troops merged into a UN Military force. The plan further details the total disarmament of the American people.

Later that year, the congress adopted this traitorous plan into the US Code as Public Law 87-297, without the knowledge or consent of the American people.

Public Law 87-297 is further explained in the State Department Document, called Publication 7277. Your librarian can also furnish you a copy. Ask the librarian to get you a copy of "The Blue Print for the Peace Race." It is a 35 page booklet printed by the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as Publication No. 4 - General Series 3 - Released May, 1962. Publication No. 4 is the unabridged version of State Department Document 7277.

The United Nations is now having kittens because the United States has failed to totally disarm it’s people. A one-world, police state can not be imposed on a country with eighty million citizen gun owners.


Don’t listen to the lies and crapola of their socialist spokespeople and operational executives.


"All States should ensure that they have in place adequate laws, regulations and administrative procedures to exercise effective control over the legal possession of small arms and light weapons and over their transfer...."

"States are encouraged to integrate measures to control ammunition...."

"States should work toward … the prohibition of unrestricted trade and private ownership of small arms and light weapons...."

More from "THE NEW AMERICAN"...

"The United Nations, in its quest for global domination, is stepping up its efforts to disarm civilians. For Americans, this means an all-out assault on the Second Amendment."

The bottom line is simple. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The socialist / NWO / one worlder’s that permeate our congress, State Department, White House and much of the rest of our government are still working hard towards their long-stated objective of total disarmament of the American people and destruction of the Second Amendment.


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God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. — DANIEL WEBSTER (1834)

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