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Field Report from UN Protest Rally in New York City

from Brad Stuart Correspondent

July 15, 2001 -- Over 400 dedicated activists showed up at the multi-organization UN protest rally in New York City Saturday afternoon. It was nice seeing new faces among old friends. All people present seem to share a general consensus: "Get the U.S. out of the UN, keep your hands off of our guns, and go fly a kite."

One thing that rings true, judging from such a small number of people showing up, is the fact that our message about the UN's clear anti-Constitution agenda hasn't gotten out widely enough -- yet.  We must press upon people -- especially gun owners and other liberty advocates -- the facts, the quotes and the documentation proving the UN's true, total disarmament agenda.

The broad diversity of activists who showed up may have been the most exciting facet of today's rally. Though I don't have a list of all of the organizations represented at the rally -- and though I'm reporting from the field for -- suffice it to say that a feeling of "coming together" is taking hold, and that feeling was strong today in New York City.

TRT's gold-on-blue shirts stood out nicely today. TRT members came from as far away as Washington State to participate. According to Angel Shamaya, Founder, KABA webringmaster Jeff Stewart took the red-eye out of Washington state last night, and he wasn't traveling alone.  Shamaya said several other KABAnators were meeting face to face for the first time, as well, and that more reporting from the event is to be expected on this site.

Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America gave a great speech to the crowd, as did the TRT speaker. The Second Amendment Sisters' speaker was also quite "on the money."

Perhaps the best part of the event for me personally involved an interaction I had with one of the 7 New York City police officers on hand today.  I said, "These folks are all gun owners, the safest people in our society, the good guys." He said, "I agree. You guys are not the problem."  Coming from an officer in a city where handgun possession is denied to the general citizenry and the police are running a "Turn in Your Neighbor" program, it was nice to at least hear the words. That they only had 7 cops on hand for over 400 people suggests that they do know that responsible gun owners are just that... responsible.

Unfortunately, I had to leave before the event had concluded, so I'm not sure if they marched to UN facility or not.  And I don't know if they had a "permit" to do that, either.

David Rostcheck of Pink Pistols was on hand today.  Great guy. Tables for SAS and SCOPE were informative to passers by.

And there were a number UN flags with holes in them, possibly bullet holes, producing a spirit of resistance that was tangible. I was hoping to see UN "GOT AMMO" T-shirt, but didn't. Why not?

I did take a few pictures with my digital camera.  They are on a different page to save load time for people who just want the information -- and it is going to take a bit of time to load for people using regular modems. Click here to see them. Enjoy!

--Brad Stuart


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