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Funding the gun wars

by Guy Smith

The problem: So many deserving pro-gun groups and so little time.

In the war against the gun grabbers, we need to give and make funding pro-gun groups part of our monthly routine. But like everything else in life, it’s tough to decide which fundraising letter to reply to and which one to toss in the trash.

The elevator pitch: FundTheCause eliminates that hassle and keeps you off of mailing lists. FundTheCause is a donation service for you, the average citizen. FundTheCause helps you budget your donations as you would any other monthly bill, and distribute your donations among as many organizations as you choose. And not just pro-gun organizations – we list organizations for many different worthwhile causes. FundTheCause allows you to donate anonymously and privately.

-- Our goal is to put $5,000,000 in the pockets of gun owner’s rights groups this year! -- more on that later in this article --

The typical FundTheCause customer: A scan of the FundTheCause databases shows some interesting information about pro-gun donors:

  • On average, they donate about $20/month
  • $15 is divided between 2-3 pro-gun organizations
  • The rest goes to any number of different organizations from free Tibet causes, to free speech organizations, to tax reform groups, to child welfare causes

The Benefits to you and your favorite organizations: Why would you want to use FundTheCause instead of donating directly? There are many benefits:

Privacy: By default, we keep your personal information secret, even from the organizations to which you donate. This keeps you from receiving more fund-raising letters, emails, and telephone calls.

Convenience: One-stop service allows you to handle all of your giving – Second Amendment and other charitable activities – in one place. And no checks to write!

Budget your contributions: The hardest part about donating is budgeting. With FundTheCause, you determine how much you can afford each month (though you can change this at any time) and to which organizations to apply your donations. We take care of the rest.

Monthly and yearly reports: FundTheCause will email you a report with each month’s donations, and we will send you an annual report at the end of the year.

Removal from mailing lists: At your request, we will ask the organizations to which you donate to remove you from their fund raising mailing lists. This saves them money, saves your sanity, and saves a few trees’ worth of envelopes and fund-raising letters.

Tax receipts: FundTheCause will, at your direction, request tax receipts from exempt organizations to which you donate.

Save fundraising costs: Donating through FundTheCause saves your favorite organizations money as they do not have the expense of mailing fundraising letters to you. The amount you donate to your chosen organization(s) goes directly to the organizations you select.

A clear conscience: When giving through FundTheCause, you can toss those fund-raising letters in the trash knowing that you have made a fitting contribution every month.

Project $5,000,000: FundTheCause has the goal of raising $5 million for pro-gun organizations.

From now until July 31st, 2002, FundTheCause will donate 10% of all profits from gun-group donations to pro-gun organizations.

There is nothing for you to do but donate to pro-gun organizations through FundTheCause. And if you have a favorite pro-gun group that we do not have in our database, then let us know. All we need is your stated desire to donate to that group and we will make it happen.

How to get started:

1) Point your web browser to

2) Click on Donate and complete the registration form

3) Click on Add Donations and select organizations to which you wish to donate (the pro-gun organizations are listed under “Civil Rights”)

Who is behind FundTheCause? Guy Smith, a life-long 2nd Amendment activist and author of the popular Gun Facts e-book, is the founder of FundTheCause. From the start, FundTheCause has been dedicated to preserving individual rights across-the-board and will continue to do so in the future.


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I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9

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