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Another of Many Reasons for an Armed Citizenry

Federal BLM Rustlers have stolen Ben Colvin & Jack Vogt cattle in Nv

from Janine Hansen
Thu Aug 2 18:52:14 2001
Sent in via

When you're done reading this report,
be sure to read the Associated Press coverage

Nevada Committee for Full Statehood
P.O. Box 656, Sparks, Nevada 89432
775-352-8262, fax 775-352-8262


August 2, 2001
For Immediate Release:

The Nevada Committee for Full Statehood in cooperation with rancher Ben Colvin whose cattle were confiscated by the BLM last week is releasing the following statement.

"Bob Abbey, Nevada State Director of BLM has made some incorrect and incendiary comments with regards to the BLM's confiscation of my cattle. Mr. Abbey stated, 'I don’t really care to characterize these people as ranchers' and 'They are trespassers.' My family has ranched since the 1860's. We bought our ranch in 1968 with cold hard cash and it ran 800 to 900 head of cattle," stated Rancher Ben Colvin."

"In 1971 the Wild Horse and Burro Act passed. From 1971 to 1990, nineteen years, the BLM never removed one horse or burro from my ranch. In 1988 the BLM count was1300+ head of wild horses and burros. In 1987 we voluntarily reduced to 750 head cows. In 1990 we removed all cattle except 50 head. In effect the BLM had taken over my entire ranch, my water, my ability to make a living, by pushing me off my ranch through their mismanagement, not mine, their over-grazing, not mine. As soon as my cattle were gone they began to gather horses and burros, never enough so that I could return. Meanwhile, the horses are dying and suffering from starvation and thirst caused by BLM bureaucrats," stated rancher Ben Colvin.

"In 1995 I quit signing with the BLM because of the ‘takings’ of the value of my property through their mismanagement and rules and regulations. They cancelled my so-called ‘permit’ with them in 1997. In 1999 I removed my remaining 50 or so head, but, in May of this year I put them back out to preserve my rights to my water through beneficial use and Nevada water law. These are the cattle they have stolen without a signed brand inspection as required by Nevada State Law or a court order, claiming ‘they’ need none," continued Ben Colvin.

"Gary Snow, owner of the Fallon Livestock Auction is holding these cattle for the BLM. Signs are posted stating that these cattle are now the Property of the United States Government unless I pay a $70,000 trespass fee, costs of the gather, confiscation and impoundment. These cattle are worth approximately $40,000 dollars. Mr. Abbey continues to say, 'They are over grazing the range.' How could I be the one doing the overgrazing? I haven’t had more than 50 some head on my ranch since 1990 and the acreage is over 550,000 acres. I should have been reimbursed for my water and forage used by the over populated wild horses and burros," stated Colvin.

Now, the BLM is using Jack Vogt my neighbor, and me to further their ‘cleansing’ of cattle from Nevada range. Even more despicably, they claim authority to take property without due process under state or county law, citing the supremacy clause. Are our constitutionally guaranteed rights null and void under BLM regulations? Have we no right to due process?"

"I plan to continue to fight for my rights, my neighbors’ rights, and your rights. Unbelievably, this is happening in America. I may be old fashioned, but cow thieving is still cow thieving who ever is doing the job. This is the true story. I am a rancher. I am not a trespasser on my own ranch," concluded Ben Colvin.

Help Ben Colvin get his cattle back. Call the following public servants and ask them to intervene and help Ben Colvin get his cattle back from the BLM.

Contact: U.S. Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton:
phone 202-208-7351, fax 202-208-6956, e-mail (least effective)

U.S. Senator John Ensign:
Reno 775-686-5770, fax 775-686-5729, Las Vegas 775-388-6605, fax 775-388-6501
WDC 202-224-6244, fax 202-228-2193
e-mail (least effective) available on website:

Governor Kenny Guinn:
775-684-5670, fax 775-684-5683, e-mail available: website

Additional public servants that need to hear from you.

U.S. Representative Jim Gibbons:
Reno 775-686-5760, fax 775-686-5711, Las Vegas 702-225-1651, fax 702-255-1927
Elko 775-777-7920, fax 775-777-7922 WDC 202-225-6155, fax 202-225-5679

It is especially important to call if you live in these counties.

Churchill Sheriff: 775-423-3116
Esmeralda Sheriff: 775-485-6373
Nye Sheriff 775-751-7000

-copy & distribute widely-

Now go read the Associated Press' coverage right here. Just read it.


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