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Guns and Ammo Endorses Second Amendment Petition

December 3, 2001 -- The Petition for Enforcement of the Second Amendment received a welcome and significant boost in the January 2002 issue of the premiere journal for shooting enthusiasts, Guns and Ammo. Writing in his "Newsbreak" column, feature editor Jeff John informed the magazine's 5.8 million readership:

"RKBA columnist David Codrea and the staff at [Ed. note -- the Petition is also co-sponsored by Citizens of America] have put together a petition asking Attorney General, John Ashcroft, to enforce the Constitution of the United States in a civil-rights action against the state of California. California is accused of violating the Constitution's Second Amendment with passage of recent gun-control legislation. The petition cites specific examples of California's failure to enforce the Second Amendment at the state's legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, as well as the failure of the federal judiciary -- up to and including the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals -- to remedy the situation.

"Why should Americans in other states care what happens to California gun owners? Although California doesn't have the most repressive anti-gun laws in the nation, it is the most populous state in the Union and often influences nationwide trends in legislation. So it is important that the petition start here.

"Recent comments by the state's most anti-gun legislators let Californians know that recent legislation is only a start. This petition asks Ashcroft to do nothing more than his duty. That he has been sympathetic to the true meaning of the Constitution is unquestionable. If it is ever able to begin, such redress must start now.

"The petition can be edited to work in other states through substitution of names, and the inclusion of specific instances of Constitutional violations by a given state's branches of government and failure of the federal judiciary to redress. It's about time we gunowners got pro-active instead of reactive in the Second Amendment fight."

We gratefully agree. The Petition authors, which include Director Angel Shamaya, and Citizens of America President Brian Puckett, thank Mr. John and the foreward-thinking management of Guns and Ammo for this valuable testimonial. We encourage our supporters to let them know that their leadership is appreciated -- and we can't think of a better way than by subscribing to this great magazine if you don't already do so. Here's how:

Click here: and it will take you to their website-- a popup window will appear taking you to their online subscription form. During this special NO RISK online offer, you can get 2 FREE ISSUES and receive an additional 10 issues for only $11.97 - that's just $1.00 an issue. If you choose not to subscribe, just write "cancel" on your invoice, send it back and owe nothing. Either way, the first 2 issues are yours to keep -- without obligation. Just complete the information on their online form, and click on submit.

Related Links:

A Petition for Enforcement of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States

"Gunner's Guru" Supports "Ashcroft Petition"

Gun rights compared to civil rights
Groups demand Ashcroft enforce 2nd Amendment in states

by Jon Dougherty,

Gun Rights as Civil Rights
by David Codrea

Supplemental Strategies: More Ammo for the "Ashcroft Petition"
by Michael Girard

"Ashcroft Petition" Update -- Hitting the airwaves and print media
--Updates about multiple supporters and more

Gun Rights Activist is a One Man Army
--The Patriotic Adventures of Mr. McGee

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