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Elitist Hypocrisy

Elitist Hypocrisy
by John A. Lee

Rosie O'Donnell, the self-proclaimed ignoramus on the Second Amendment, has been bleating long and loud for more gun control. Nevertheless, she feels that her own bodyguard should be able to carry concealed. Nevermind that she told Cokie Roberts on ABC's THIS WEEK (5/14/00, the very day of the Million Mom March) that she's against concealed carry because "that would do more harm than good." Except, of course, when the carrying is being done to protect her or her kids. She's only the latest gun hypocrite,
though, and for her outstanding public performance, she should get a Tony award when she emcees them on Sunday evening, June 4th. If Rosie deserves a Tony for her acting, though, these individuals should get an Oscar:

1. US Senator Diane Feinstein of California has long held that all guns should be confiscated. This scion of reasonable, common sense gun control told the world on Sixty Minutes (12/5/95) that "If [she] could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America turn them all in, [she] would have done it." So much for reasonableness. But her lack of reasonableness is only the beginning: she told the nation in 1995 during Senate hearings on terrorism that she actually has a concealed carry permit. In other words, Mr. and Mrs. America should turn them all in, except for her. Some animals are more equal than others.

2. Senator Edward Kennedy's bodyguard was nabbed by Capitol security as he attempted to bring a concealed Uzi into the building. Nevermind for the moment that it is illegal to possess a machine gun (and has been since 1934); nevermind that it is illegal to possess darned near any kind of firearm inside Washington DC; nevermind that Senator Kennedy has long called for lots of gun control. In fairness to Senator Kennedy, he IS a Senator, and two of his brothers were murdered by gunmen. Having said that, let's also point out that those facts simply argue that he should be armed, and not why I shouldn't be.

3. Nationally syndicated columnist Carl Rowan had to explain why he found it necessary to shoot an intruder who was in the process of leaving his property in 1988. Since the shooting occurred inside Washington, DC - where guns are illegal - one wonders how Mr. Rowan came to possess the gun in the first place. Not to worry, though; Rowan explained that it wasn't his gun. That's a good thing, considering the number of times over the years he argued in his column that there is no reason for anyone to have a gun. 

And of course there are other aspiring constitutional scholars in Hollywood: Sylvester Stallone thinks Americans are barbarians for keeping guns, but glorifies their use in the Rambo movies; Sharon Stone made a public display of turning in her guns, but only after scaring off a stalker using one of them; and on and on. These pompous asses love to tell the world that if you don't want an abortion, you shouldn't have one. They are either unwilling or incapable of applying the same standard to guns. To them I would say this: if you don't want a gun, then don't have one. But keep your damned laws off my body. 

John A. Lee

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