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Anti-gun Governor Gets Publicly Embarrassed

Anti-gun Governor Gets Publicly Embarrassed
As reported by Bill Dietrick
Legislative Director
Colorado State Shooting Association
June 3, 2000

Today was the Colorado state assembly for election of national delegates, resolutions, and miscellaneous offices such as CU regent, state school board, national committeepersons, etc. It's usually sort of a boring day, but today, this was not the case.

Kudos to RMGO. They had printed up a lot of circular orange stickers reading "G.O.P. Does Not Mean 'Gun Ownership is Prohibited'," and a lot of legal-size orange flyers saying in large print "No More Gun Control, Period!" A great many of the delegates wore the stickers, and when Governor Owens started speaking, over half the assembly stood and held up their signs.

He continued with his speech, but was so furious he was having trouble talking. His jaw was clenched, and he was red in the face. I've never seen him so non-plussed. He actually looked, at times, like he was going to cry! This continued until the speech concluded. I have a funny feeling the papers will be covered with this tomorrow. The first Republican governor in Colorado in 24 years repudiated by more than half of his constituents in the first state assembly since his election. He was loudly booed. Really livened up the proceedings!

I was stunned at how many delegates the CSSA had there. Looks like we've jumped into the political process big-time. Every time I turned around, I ran into someone else who had atttended our Grassroots Workshops, and almost all of them were delegates.

Senator Arnold stopped by to gab, and mentioned I had a new CSSA cap. He said "You've got even more caps than I do." I replied, "I also have more delegates than Adams County!" One of the big-time movers in Adams County collared me after the assembly was over and said, "I'd sure like to see your delegate list!" to which I replied "I just bet you would. Nobody sees our lists!"

We elected every one of our pro-gun candidates as delegates to National in Philadelphia. Most of the governor's friends ended up as alternates. He did get named a delegate, but I'll bet he was at the bottom of the delegate list! Sometimes, it seems we do manage to get it right!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to attend your caucuses and worked to get named as delegate to congressional and state. Believe me, we really got their attention! I believe I spoke today to just about every Republican state lawmaker, with only a couple of exceptions. You guys have learned to get it together, and really make a dent in the political scene.

Let's keep it up, and we'll run this state!

Bill Dietrick
Legislative Director
Colorado State Shooting Association

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By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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