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The following is a message that was posted - of all places - to an AOL Message Board, titled, "Discuss George W Bush."

It's Up to You to Decide

by Janet

A few days ago I posted the following message:

"I finally did it. I went down yesterday and changed my registration from Democrat to Republican and, you know what? It kinda feels like it would be to take a long, hot, soapy shower after being immersed in a cesspool for a few years. I just couldn't take any more of being associated with or identified with the slime of the Clinton/Gore crowd. I voted for Clinton twice but this time I WILL vote for Bush."

and signed my name - Janet.

Someone asked why I had made the switch and the responses to my answer really opened my eyes even more than they had been. Please stay with me while I take you on a short journey. I offer this sincerely to the anti-Bush people on this board because as you are so once was I. I enjoyed bashing Newt Gingrich for his wanting to see Medicare "wither on the vine." I deplored the Republican witch hunt directed at Clinton, etc., etc., etc.

My journey starts shortly after the killing of the students at Columbine High School in Colorado. My initial, gut reaction was, "My God, we have to get rid of the guns!" But then I stopped and thought for a moment. If the people trying to get rid of the guns had been around and been successful when I was young, I wouldn't be here.

I won't bore you with too many details, just the ones that caused the problem to some on this board. When I was seventeen, at my father's insistence because of where I worked, I carried a small .32 caliber automatic in my purse. I was waylaid by two thugs one night and, there is no doubt in my mind, I would have been raped and killed but for the fact that I was carrying the gun. And I knew how to use it, again, thanks to my father. In telling the story, in response to a request, I related how one held me while the other one slit open my blouse and bra and then pinched my nipples so hard I wanted to scream but he had already warned me that if I made any noise he would cut my throat. I had to react and it was an automatic response, didn't even think about it, I hit him in the crotch, real hard with my right knee. He responded by punching me hard on the left eye/cheekbone, so hard that it knocked me loose from the one holding me and I fell to the ground. But that's what I needed. An opportunity to have both hands free so I could get at the gun, which I did, and came up shooting. I was nearly arrested because at seventeen without a permit I definitely was "illegal." So much for that.

One of the answers contained the astounding statement, ". . . . Are you on the NRA payroll trying to soften "cold dead hands" with pretty bras and nipples?. . ." and "What a bunch of propaganda." It took another exchange before I understood what he/she was complaining about. The "cold dead hands" is the latest buzz word the anti-gun people are using to demonize Charlton Heston, the NRA and every person who objects to what they are doing. The person who posted that must be deathly afraid that someone will find a way to replace "cold dead hands" with "pretty bras and nipples" to send a message that every woman is in danger of rape, mutilation and death unless she is armed. But all I was doing was simply telling what had happened to me.

I understand this. Two years ago, I probably would have had the same response, "What a bunch of propaganda." But after the Columbine killings I recognized that what Clinton/Gore/Feinstein/Boxer/Schumer (CGFBS) were advocating would not accomplish what they said it would.

I spent a few days lurking on one of the message boards covering the Columbine killings and, mixed in with all the accusations and counter accusations, were a few, factual offerings with links to where they came from. I didn't really want to hear any of the tripe from the people defending guns but I clicked on one of those links and from it to others. And then did my own research into Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice, Center for Disease Control, etc. and discovered that everything coming from CGFBS were lies. Not a thing they were saying would stand up in the cold light of day. When the Million Moms March came along, they simply repeated the lies.

I started asking myself, "What good is an agenda that has to be built on lies?' and "If they have to resort to lies to get it done, what is their real agenda?"

One of the things that had always bothered me was how the NRA had opposed the ban on Cop Killer Bullets and then we were told that Cheney had voted against it. I couldn't understand how anyone could hold their head up in public if they had not supported getting rid of those terrible things. Then, on this board, someone posted a pretty thorough description of how that whole thing had been just another lie. I started to just kiss if off as more stuff from the right wing but then, thought, no, check it out. I copied the posting and e-mailed it to my father and asked him if was true, knowing he would never lie to me. He came right back with the statement that there never had been any such thing as Cop Killer bullets and the only people who had that kind of ammunition was SWAT Teams. I believed him but his answer planted another idea. Without having to tell them why I wanted it, I arranged an early morning meeting with our local SWAT Team. They were a little suspicious and leery, but after saying "Good Morning" I gave each one of them a copy to read with the request, "Would you tell me if this is true of false." They all said it was completely accurate. Another lie, a big one, had been exposed.

I checked on Newt Gingrich and his purported wanting "Medicare to wither on the vine." False. He never said it. I have a copy of the speech he made which contains the statement. But he wasn't talking about Medicare. He was talking about the Federal Health Care Administration and how it would "wither on the vine" once seniors had choices rather than being locked into the present system.

I checked on the School Lunch Program the Republicans supposedly wanted to cut. False. In the lexicon of the contemporary Democrats, if they want to increase the appropriation by $10 and the Republicans proposes only a $9.50 increase then that means those nasty Republicans want to cut the program and "starve our children." There was no cutting. The Democrats proposed increases that were outlandish and then when the Republicans wanted to bring them within a reasonable amount it gave them the opportunity they had set up to demonize their opposition. That's the way it worked on all the budgets for the social programs and regulatory agencies. A reduction from what the Democrats demanded for the EPA brought on the "want to poison the water" litany. Nothing was safe or sacred. The Democrats' definition of bi-partisan emerged to be, "Do it exactly the way we want it to be or we will demonize you and if you do it exactly the way we want it then we'll announce that you don't have the courage of your convictions and caved in."

We are now faced with the same situation in the current debate on Social Security. The plan to privatize offered by Bush is being demonized. I haven't seen the details of his plan, but I have seen the details of what happened with the Municipal Employees in Galveston, Texas. While it was still allowed for municipalities to do it, the city opted out of Social Security and went with a private plan. They deduct the same amount from wages as would Social Security. But in Galveston, If you have been a Municipal Employee earning an average of $25,000 a year and have reached retirement age, instead of the $500 to $800 per month you would get from Social Security you will be getting $2,500 to $4,000 depending on how long you worked. And when you die, whether it's before or after retirement, the money that's in there belongs to your estate, not the government. I want to see the numbers on the privatization. Let's see for ourselves who is lying.

I had just about decided to abandon politics altogether because I could no longer be associated with the new breed of Democrats. And then you folks on this board came along and I got angry. Not at you. At myself for having once been what you are, a blind follower. I admit, I was teetering, but you provided the last nudge that pushed me over the edge by your constant attempt to demonize anyone and everyone who disagrees with you.

It just goes on and on and on, one lie on top of another. The Republicans have done their share. They are not Lilly white. I'm not sure that Bush will be a great President, a good President or even a decent President, but I haven't been able to find anyplace where he has lied to us. But I can't find anyplace where Gore has told the truth.

We cannot rely on either the politicians or the media to give us the straight facts. The politicians are not going to do it and the media is too lazy to do the digging that has to be done in order to get the truth. What I'm saying is two fold. Don't just accept what the politicians or the media say, none of them, dig in, discover the facts for yourself. You have the internet. It's a wonderful tool that can set you free as it has done for me. Don't just sit there throwing stones and insults, dig in, get the facts. Both parties. If your guys are lying, call them on it. Bring it out. Get the truth out and then cast your vote.

And you few people who have the facts and the sources, post them. There might be a million like me who are just lurking hoping to find something to give them a starting point to do their own research.

Thank you for your time,



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