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50 kids and 2 sisters put some fight in Chicago's rally!

by Leroy Pyle
Second Amendment Police Department

If you want some enthusiasm pumped into your pro-gun rally, just add 50 kids with hand-painted signs and a bull horn. Wow, what a boost for our side!

Until the kid's arrival, our small group looked to be the typical annual half-dozen up against the hundreds bussed-in to the downtown anti-gun rally by the Mayor Daley Political Machine. You may have had your own "First Monday" event in your town. Their promotion was as follows:

"For more information on any of the 350 First Monday events occurring on Monday, October 2, you can email OR call toll-free 1-866-FIRSTMONDAY. Please forward this email message to 10 of your friends who also support common sense solutions to gun violence. Thank you for your support!"

I have attended the last two anti-gun events held at the Federal Plaza on Dearborn Street in Chicago. The rallies consist of a bandstand for politicians and anti-gun leaders, and an audience of school children bussed in for the event, led by various adults, some wearing Chicago Housing Authority regalia. Oh, and a little barricaded confinement area for us "protestors".

John Birch of Concealed Carry, Inc. ( was there with his Illinois' Tyranny Response Team, wearing their TRT shirts and sporting appropriate signs and handout materials.

Matt Beauchamp, Libertarian candidate for Congress, 5th District, arrived with his contribution of a good number of decent signs and JPFO's Granpa Jack literature.

And a pair of Second Amendment Sisters, Chicago coordinator Stephanie Sailor (, and Indiana coordinator Faith Mohoi rounded out the adult participation. Stephanie is also a Libertarian candidate for Congress and quite the scrapper. (See

Our side seemed terribly outnumbered, so you might imagine our delight when 50 kids suddenly marched into the middle of the mass, carrying pro-gun signs, passing out pro-gun literature, and chanting pro-gun messages! It was terrific.

It caught everyone by surprise, including the fifty, or so, police officers that are accustomed to the small number of pro-gun "protestors" who usually attend such events. I immediately approached the one adult leader, and learned that he was their teacher at the Christian Liberty Academy - and that they were participating in a history lesson. They had been studying early American history, and were practicing some of what they had learned.

Well, they learned a bit more when they were forced to confine their activities to the barricaded area to the rear of the plaza! They weren't happy, but they learned fast and soon found that it was easy to get the attention of the media. All they had to do was interrupt a few speeches with chants of "GUNS SAVE LIVES! GUNS SAVE LIVES!"

All of the media attention went to the kids and the Second Amendment Sisters, and they did one heck of a job with the reporters. There is a lesson here. We've said it before, but it cannot be said enough. Women and children are our future. We must recruit more women and kids to our side and get them active.

This year's Gun Rights Policy Conference in Virginia saw an increased attendance by women, with The Second Amendment Sisters,, MothersArms (, and Women Against Gun Control,, well represented. I will encourage you all to do all that you can to include these women in your activities. It sure worked for Chicago.

And you just might want to give a few words of encouragement to the students of The Christian Liberty Academy. You can address them via their teacher, Rev. Quentin Johnston at

The text from one of their handouts is good enough to copy. They used various fonts to make it attractive, and I am sure they wouldn't mind if you "borrowed" some of it:


The NAKED Truth

Gun Control Means More Crime

1998 Australian Firearms Buyback

643,726 guns bought... $500 M. SPENT!

One Year Later...

Murders are up 3.2%

Assaults are up 8.6%

Armed Robberies are up 44%

State of Victoria, MURDERS using guns, up 300%




Leroy Pyle is the leader of the Second Amendment Police Department, a collaborative effort of former and current law enforcement personnel who understand the importance of an armed society for community safety and individual liberty. Visit their website at  You can read other articles written by Mr. Pyle at


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Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. — St. George Tucker, in his edition of 'Blackstone's Commentaries,' 1:300 (1803).

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