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from Al Hambridge, Jr.


Okay, I know it sounds kinda hokie, but hey, it got your attention, right? Operation Bodyguard needs some serious intel if it's going to make any waves. We need your help. There probably isn't any of us who can do it alone. This truly has to be a group effort. Between all of us, we might pull it off. What we need is any information about anti-gun celebrities and politicians who carry a firearm and/or use bodyguards (especially armed.) Here's a brief but detailed list of what we need:

  • Newspaper, magazine, WWW articles, etc. which mention that the person carries and/or has a bodyguard;

  • Brochures, web pages, print ads, etc. of Security Agencies that name clients who have used their services;

  • Documented proof, such as copies of:
    - Receipts for services and/or hardware;
    - The carry permit issued to the celebrity or politician;
    - A tax return itemizing deductions for security services;
    - Government budget appropriations for personal security;
    - Invoices, requests for bids, etc.

  • Anything else that hasn't been mentioned, but could be useful for this project.

Now, how do we get these items? Think about who you might know. Ask around, in a roundabout way. You might know somebody who knows somebody who works at the records division. Or knows where a politician's tax return disclosure can be found. Or is a private investigator or LEO who knows how to find such things. Or is a real talent with a computer, who knows which databases are available, or how to really search the 'net. (We are only advocating and encouraging legal means of acquiring this information..) Maybe the guys and gals at your local gunshop or shooting range have some clues. Anybody know how to do a Freedom of Information Act request for public records?

If people are hesitant or nervous about providing information, assure them that everything will be held in the strictest confidence. We don't need to know who it's from. Send it through an anonymous remailer if that would make you more comfortable. If needed, I can provide a PGP or GPG key to use.

Everybody who contributes information, no matter how insignificant it may seem, will be acknowledged in the final report. However, anyone who wishes to be anonymous will remain so.

I have no idea how far this will get. But I do know that the people we need are out there. Like the person sitting in front of the monitor displaying this message.

So let's get out there and dig up what we need to show the public how many of the people advocating a disarmed populace are nothing but arrogant, elitist, holier-than-thou hypocrites.

To those who have already contributed ideas and encouragement, we send our thanks. To those who soon will, we thank you in advance.

Send Bodyguard-specific information to me at, and please carbon copy so KABA has a record of all of the data, as well.