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Media apathy, arrogance, ignorance

by Jack Harbinger


When I was a researcher for a pretty good-sized newspaper, circulation over 250,000, we were all being trained in computer-assisted reporting. 

The consultant teaching the class asked us to practice searching the Internet. 

"Find the text of the Declaration of Independence, allowing for the fact that the title might not be included in the citation," he said. "How would you search?" 

Blank looks from everyone. And these are the senior reporters and columnists. Political reporters and columnists. Who cover the legislature. And win awards for it. 

I wait, then start out slowly "When in the course of human events ... " 

Blank looks. As much recognition of those poetic words as you'd see from a cow. Or a sheep. 

" becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands..." 

Now they're looking somewhat disgusted, as if to say "Oh, he's one of THEM." 

And there you have it. The self-styled Fourth Branch of Government, the self-appointed watchdogs over the people's liberty, don't know what this nation's government's Owner's Manual says, or care. Answers a lot of MY questions. 

That's why I'm so grateful for the Internet and the people such as you who are reading this who use it to further the cause of freedom. 

To our dear media, the Bill of Rights consists of THE Amendment: freedom of the press. Period. 

Thomas Jefferson said "[W]ere it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter." 

So much irony these days. The papers should do a story on it.