CBS Gets Caught Protecting a
Leftist Gun Banner
August 6, 2001
I just sent the following to CBS feedback:
From: "Henry Bowman" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 15:20:36 -0700
I enjoyed reading,1597,305097-412,00.shtml
("Gun Lawsuit Misses Target"). But why did your editor decide to crop
the photo of the hands holding the TEC-DC9? After all, the complainants were
claiming that the gun was "promoted to high-risk users" and
"appealed to criminals." What better proof could you possibly give
them than to reveal the owner of the hands holding the weapon in your photo -- a
grinning Senator Charles Schumer, obviously enjoying himself.
Here's the full, UNCENSORED photo:
Consider your liberal little selves busted.
In case CBSNews pulls their cropped photo of
anti-gun Charles Schumer shooting the exact same gun mentioned in the article
they published, here is their cropped version:

CBSNews ran a report on August 6,
2001 at the above-mentioned address in which the following things were said:
"... many of those to whom
it made the TEC-DC9 available would criminally misuse it to kill and injure
"These guns were designed
for mass killing..."
"Dennis Henigan, legal director for the
Center to Prevent Handgun Violence, who argued the case on behalf of Ferri's
victims, said Navegar should be sued."
"It was their decision to sell a combat
weapon to the public and promote it to the high-risk users who intend to
kill," Henigan said. "We would have no qualms against them if they
just marketed it as a high-quality weapon." [Does that mean that
CPHV now supports all handguns that are " a high-quality
weapon?" Or is Mr. Henigan lying to people for the hundredth time? And why,
pray tell, is CBS printing Henigan's lies AGAIN?!!]
And make no mistake, it's Chucky
alright. Here another uncropped photo taken within seconds of the above photo conveniently cropped by CBSNews:

Here is the archive of this
hypocritical traitor's having fun at the range: