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Operation Self Defense:
Congratulations and Thanks to All Net Detectives

A Message from OpSD Director Barbara Renner

December 17, 2001

Dear Net Detectives,

Sometimes, due to the volume of mail we receive, it’s not possible to personally thank those who work so diligently to make projects such as Operation Self Defense a successful undertaking. Therefore, the founders and directors of Operation Self Defense would like to take this opportunity to publicly express our great appreciation for the outstanding contributions of our Net Detectives.

OpSD would not be the phenomenal success that it is without the hard work of our dedicated volunteers.

"Operation Self Defense is a vision becoming reality right before our very eyes," states OpSD Co-founder and Director Angel Shamaya. "Our growing team of dedicated Net Detectives, working in unison all across America, have established what is now the most current, up-to-date online resource for accessing the latest cases of armed self-defense in America. The biggest ‘frustration’ about the whole thing being online is that we can’t give our detectives a bear hug, buy them lunch, meet eye to eye, or get to know one another personally – a fact that is overshadowed by the obvious ongoing commitment of each participant in this worthy project."

I echo Angel’s sentiments wholeheartedly. I knew that Operation Self Defense would become a valuable tool in the fight to keep (and in some cases, restore) our Second Amendment rights, but the rapid pace at which the project has grown and the caliber of its success has astounded many.

As David Miller, OpSD Assistant Director, recently noted, the lion’s share of credit goes to our team of detectives: "The credit for the success of Operation Self Defense rests solely with each individual Net Detective. If not for the diligence and hard work of each of these unselfish patriots, OpSD wouldn’t be the overwhelming success that it is."

And just how successful has OpSD been? Co-founder Robert Waters addressed that issue in a recent email:

"Operation Self Defense has been so successful that one of the people I send the stories to asked me to stop sending them. He stated that he was getting too many stories and they were taking up too much email space. (As many of you know, each story we find goes to several dozen writers, television producers/reporters, politicians, and other influential people in academia and the media.)"

Although he no longer receives every story sent to us, Robert’s email recipient knows where to go when he needs information on armed self-defense and he knows that the information will be current and thorough – all thanks to our Net Detectives.

Robert went on to say:

"The importance of this project can’t be over-estimated. At least one of the major networks (FOX News) has used one of the stories we reported. Major magazines and newspapers are using our stories. And, most important of all, the anti-gunners can no longer say that instances of self-defense are "rare" (okay – they can say it, but we have the documentation to disprove their lies.)"

David can personally attest to that fact. "My DGU (Defensive Gun Use) folder is overflowing with emails that detail stories about self-defense with a firearm."

We wish we could acknowledge each of our Net Detectives individually, but hesitate to do so out of fear of leaving someone out. Still, each and every one deserves recognition for a job well done, not only from those of us associated with Operation Self Defense – but from every liberty advocate and Second Amendment defender across the country.

I assure you that I speak not only for myself, but for Angel, Robert and David as well, when I say:

Great Work, Net Detectives -- You Are Doing a Fantastic Job!!

Thank you!

Yours in Liberty,

Barbara Renner
Director, Operation Self Defense