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Lessons from Waco
by Angel Shamaya
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We Learned:  Liberals will squeal incessantly about kids who die through criminals' misuse of firearms but they don't get upset when the government shoots them and burns them alive in mass quantity.
Government Learned:  "The liberals will support us after we murder 80 people right in front of God and everybody, even if we kill a bunch of women and children."
Liberals Learned:  "Gun owners will watch 80 people including women and children get shot and burned alive, and they will just sit there and take it, doing nothing."

We Learned:  The government will send weapons of mass destruction including tanks, grenade launchers and helicopters armed with fully automatic belt-fed artillery along with dozens and groundtroops "to apprehend one man."
Government Learned:  "You can kill a bunch of people and even burn children alive and make liberals think they all had it coming."

We Learned:  The liberals really DO listen to the major media, and they even buy blatant lies without even understanding the facts of a case or attempting to formulate their own opinion based on those facts.
Government Learned:
  "We can get away with anything and get the media to support us, and the liberals will suck it up like candy from God."

We Learned:  The government will avoid a simple, non-violent arrest of one person off property when they can attack at the house and obtain or destroy a cache of guns and ammo - even if it means they have to slaughter 80 people and burn kids alive to get the job done.
Government Learned:  "We don't have to take the path of least resistance when carrying out an assault on free citizens as long as we can make up a bunch of lies and get our media parrots on it quickly and repeatedly - and the bigger the lies the better, and we can cover up lies with more lies and drag it on and on until people are numbed to the whole conversation and just stop listening."

We Learned:  The government can instruct every officer present at the scene of an operation to forget any pertinent facts, and they will obey like good little doggies.
Government Learned:
  "When someone is about to bring out a video and other expert witness evidence that will prove our testimonies to be blatant lies, kill him."
Liberals learned:
  "Young expert witnesses in good health who are about to expose the government can suddenly die, but it's just a coincidence."
We Learned:  Liberals really DON'T use the rational part of their minds even when there is substantial evidence that their Government Pimp is obviously lying through its teeth.

Government Learned:  "We can get away with anything, but we'd better pick up the pace on the gun thing; those gun owners are onto us like a falcon on a groundhog."

We Learned:  Keeping And Bearing Arms is mandatory for the preservation of this society, and in the face of a government that kills freedom (and liberals who praise, support and love them for it), we've got a LOT of work to do.

Angel Shamaya is the Executive Director of, a membership-funded internet grassroots organization dedicated to a return to the American Constitutional Republic. Reprint permission granted provided attribution is given including the following link: Copyright 2000. All ownership rights reserved.  To become a member of, click here. We require assistance to press on.