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A Second Rebuttal of "Two Roads for America"

by Darrel Mulloy

After reading the article "Two Roads for America" by A Texan, it became immediately clear why he sent the article in on disc and why he did not include his name, but it was not clear why KABA had the courage to publish it. While I agree with the premise of the report, and possibly the ultimate scenario he describes, I think we must seek all other alternatives, short of laying down like sheep, waiting for the slaughter.

I think it was a great risk for KABA to put the article on the front page of the site, and I commend them for making the decision to do so, in spite of the obvious repercussions that may occur. 

The author, in contemplating his vision of the second road, wonders whether it is possible, and would it be better, to change America's future without the use of force? He concludes, after looking at history, that it would not. I cannot completely agree with his conclusion.  I still want to believe that there are plenty of liberty minded, patriotic Americans that are willing to give up a little of their lives to make the necessary changes to avoid the use of force or violence. I sincerely hope there are enough liberty minded, patriotic Americans with the knowledge of our Constitution and love of their country to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk.

How many of us have complained that the government is going bad, and that our elected officials are doing nothing about it? I think most of us can say, "I have". It is one thing to recognize that there is a problem, but it is an altogether other thing to do nothing to correct the problem. Someone once said "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem", and that could not be further from the truth in this case.  We are a majority, we gun owners, we who love and respect the Constitution, we who love liberty, and we who would fight and die to defend this country, from all enemies, foreign and domestic.

But...before we commit to fight and die, let's examine what we can do to change things from within the existing system.

How many of us, liberty minded, Constitution loving, patriotic Americans have considered doing what it takes to make the changes? How many of us God fearing, gun owning, freedom loving American people have taken the time to either get behind and support a candidate who represents our thoughts, or better yet, how many of us law abiding, patriots have looked into seeking those positions that are now held by those we criticize?

Professional politicians have taken over the congress, with few exceptions, such as Helen Hage of Idaho, and one or two others. Professional politicians are not interested in much more than getting re-elected and it is our duty to see that they do not get re-elected unless they are doing our bidding, and most professional politicians, are not doing our bidding. We must make the changes that need being made from within, and to do so, we must first get "within", and that requires a commitment from those of us that have the inclination, to run, and those who do not have that inclination to get behind those that do.  

The year 2002 will be the first Congressional election of the new millennium, with one third of the Senate seats and all of the House of Representative seats coming open, and up for grabs. It has always been believed, by most of us, that we cannot take on an incumbent, as they have the upper hand, and will probably win. I guarantee the incumbent will win, if he or she is not opposed. Not only is it important to challenge the Democrat incumbents, but also those Republican incumbents that have gone a little soft and find themselves living a little too comfortably in Washington, with the poll driven elite. As conservative, liberty loving, gun owning, patriotic Americans, who are for the most part, peace loving Americans, we must use every avenue open to us before resorting to the kind of scenario offered by "A Texan". It is our right to do so, and by God, it is our duty to do so. If after exhausting all effort to make the needed changes from within, and we find ourselves still faced with the current situation, then I will say to you all, keep 'em all locked and loaded and be ready to use 'em.

Read another rebuttal to Two Roads for America.  Read the original, controversial article.  In looking at the extreme sides of this issue, where do YOU stand?