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Solve the Problem

by Bryan S. Sampsel

The biggest problem facing the gun rights movement today is the political landscape. Regardless of party affiliation, we see NRA backed politicians betraying us as soon as they feel a little heat. The NRA is a venerable organization that has been around a long time. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the full backing of its membership, nor does its management play hardball anymore.

The solution to the "NRA problem" is simple. Get involved on your own. Get involved with other organizations with a little more vigor: JPFO, GOA, SAF. Don't drop the NRA like last year's prom date. But expect a more cautious course from them. The NRA is the press's whipping boy.

Don't rely on the NRA to speak for you. Call the politicians when asked. Get irate. Get mad. Be polite. It doesn't matter, just let your representatives know that you are watching and WILL vote based on their actions. 

Above all, vote. If you don't vote, don't bitch. You haven't done your duty as an American citizen. Excuses? Hogwash. None of them are worth a tinker's you-know-what. There is NO EXCUSE for not VOTING.

Voting. To expand on this topic, let me say, "Stop voting on party lines." Vote for the candidate, their actions, and what they stand for. Don't vote Republican or Democrat just because your grandaddy said so, or the Union said so, or whatever prompts you to elect based on party. For those who don't consider 3rd parties to be viable national options, vote for them at the local level. The Libertarians would be one honorable political party to elect to your city council, county commissioner, or School Board seats. There are many others, but make sure that the candidate stands for what you believe in.

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms will become something we will have to become violent over unless we act peacefully NOW, by VOTING. I don't want the violence. I just want to keep my rights. I'll vote. I'll vote what my heart tells me to.

Many of us don't have the cash to donate to the RKBA organizations, such as NRA, JPFO, etc. For those short on cash, find out how to donate time instead. Teach. Get others hooked on guns. Many people are indifferent till they shoot a gun the first time. Get involved in some fashion.

The point of this rambling mess is simple. Get involved. Vote. And quit sticking your head in the sand.