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Five Minute Activism

Let's All Sing from the Same Page

by Angel Shamaya

The time has come for every gun owner far and wide to begin taking simple, efficient action steps, every day, at the same time. It's time we all "sing from the same songsheet".

If our recent poll is any indication of readiness to move in unison, we can start a snowball rolling that will pick up momentum and mass on it's way to every anti-self-defense business and each legislative body in America. As individuals, we are like BB guns against a tank. As a combined force, deploying daily and nationally through specific, unified actions, we 83,000,000 gunowning citizens are like General George Patton's Third Army going up against a bunch of cavemen.

If there be a possibility of restoring our beloved nation's foundational right to keep and bear arms through civil means, our desire is to do just that. If not - and we'll hold that bridge if need be, just like the founders did - sobeit, but in the meantime, let's put our best foot forward and grow the ranks of people taking the same simple action steps each day and see what we can accomplish.

The following email address is for the SOLE purpose of sending in simple, concise recommendations for 5 Minute Action Steps. (Please DO NOT add it to any distribution lists, please, and please keep it as simple as possible while making it clear why the action step is worthy of national attention.) If you would like credit for your suggestion, simply include your name and state of residence and we'll let people know you came through with a winner. Anonymity will also be honored, as well.

You will now see - each weekday - a new 5 Minute Action Step, on the left side of our home page. Thank you in advance to giving 5 to Freedom, each weekday.

Send this as a postcard. | Email the artist | Cartoon Forum
(ideas for toons? Feedback?)

by A.F. Branco
