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Switching Sides

by Roger Margerison, Pastor


I have decided to switch sides. This is not easy for me. My gracious wife considers me one of the most stubborn people she knows. I have been told that I was so narrow minded I could roller skate on a razor blade (by my children). Changing my mind is tantamount to a miracle. Nevertheless I have decided to switch sides.

We have always had guns in our home. My sons and daughters were well acquainted with shooting and gun safety. We hunt when we can but finding a place has removed this activity from the realm of the financially challenged. 

We have always considered it our responsibility to protect ourselves from the criminal element of society. Nevertheless I have decided to switch sides.

I have decided to support gun control, gun registration, and handgun confiscation. The turning point came during a conversation with a liberal friend. "If we would just pick the guns up no one would be shot." This outstanding, deep, reasonable, and powerful statement swayed me completely.

Gun registration is needed. How can we live as a civilized society, knowing that millions of dangerous guns are gathering dust someplace? A fireman going into a burning building needs to know if explosive ammunition is in a burning room. If the police are called to rescue a lady from a rapist they need to know if she has a gun. Just because 100% of the gun registration programs have resulted in increased crime and abuse of power does not mean that it will in America. Our politicians are different. They do not lie to us. They are good folks that would rather die than break their trust with the American people. 

It is a 20-minute wait for the police to arrive from a 911 call. Therefore, I feel it would be best for all the guns from the bad guys to be picked up first. I think this is a reasonable request. When the criminals have had their guns removed from their possession I will feel safe enough to allow mine to be taken. The only problem I can see is a small one of accountability. Our state Senators could surely take this on as a personal victory and responsibility. The two lovely California Senators that want to remove the guns could promise to take care of the cost any criminal they missed would happen to inflict upon an unarmed public. Mss. Boxer and Feinstein are certainly rich enough to cover for the few criminals that did not jump at the chance of turning their guns in. I mean criminals would not break the law and hide the guns.

This brings us to gun control. I firmly believe in gun control. When I am not using my guns they are under my control. Safely stored where they can be reached and used if necessary. When they are in use I believe in gun control. Acting as they are all loaded all the time (even when they are not), being very careful where the barrel is pointing, and only pointing at what I wish to put holes in are just a few of the important areas of gun control in which I firmly believe. When shooting, keeping in mind what is behind the target I am putting holes in is a part of good gun control, as well. Remembering BRASS which I was taught in the USMC; Breathe, Relax, Aim, Slack, Squeeze, also helps gun control. 

As a Pastor, my job is to hit the mark with the Word of God. Gun control has the same goal. 

I have decided to switch sides. Now I feel all soft and fuzzy. I wonder who I will vote for next month. Good thing we can trust the candidates, isn't it?

Roger Margerison, Pastor
Oat Valley Baptist Church
Cloverdale, CA 95425