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Gun Control on TV

by Charles Pierson


Ok, I’m no TV critic, but a couple of shows this week have caught my attention.

The first was on ABC. The uninterrupted airing of the premier for “Gideon’s Crossing”, at 10 p.m. on Oct. 11 was pretty good, if only for one reason. During one scene, a doctor tells another doctor “Do you know what kills more people every year than breast cancer, automobiles, and firearms combined? Doctors.”

Imagine that. A major network letting out the truth.

The next show is CBS’s “The District”. Set in Washington, D.C., it chronicles the attempts of the city’s new police chief to eliminate crime. What the show is really about, though, should send shivers down the spines of every law abiding gun owner in this country.

Nothing more than an hour-long advertisement for proponents of gun control, the script has the characters in this show spouting every piece of gun control propaganda you can imagine.

An investigator to the chief, talking about guns used in a murder, says, 

“We traced them to a gun show in Virginia.” “At gun shows, you walk in, buy a gun, walk out, no ID” 

The chief to a Congressional aide for a Congressman from Virginia: 

“And how did the Congressman vote on the gun show ID bill?”

When the investigator “recovers” a firearm used in another homicide, he carries it, wrapped up in a cloth, into the chiefs office. He opens the bundle, and displays it to the chief and says: 

“It’s a Browning Automatic Rifle, a World War II machine gun.” The investigator tells the chief that it had been stolen from a home in Virginia. “Why do people have those kinds of things in their homes? What war are they fighting in their heads?” 

Apparently, the only people who would own such a firearm are mentally ill, and there is no need to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, at least according to the show. 

Of course, those were only the lines I managed to write down. The entire dialogue was written in such a way, you'd think they worked for HCI. 

I doubt if “Gideon’s Crossing” will have any more references to the truths about firearms. But I suspect you can count on “The District” to continue to spew the gun hating, freedom destroying, and victim disarming rhetoric.