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I’m Not Even a Gun Nut

Liberal socialist democrat types who hate armed freemen often rant against "gun nuts." Sometimes I wonder if there really are any (gun nuts). I hope there are, but I don’t know any. Sometimes liberal socialist democrat types who hate free speech read what I write and tell me I am dangerous. Well, if I was a gun nut, I probably would be dangerous, but I’m not even a gun nut.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I own four rifles: a single shot twenty-two and three World War Two era battle rifles, only one of which is semiautomatic. If I were a gun nut, I’d probably have one of those new fangled assault rifles – or at least something that looked like one.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I own three hand guns. One is a decommissioned twenty-two single action revolver that used to keep my great great grandmother company while her husband was doing his night watchman job. The other is a Jennings twenty-two semi auto; the third a Russian Makarov semi-automatic pistol. If I was a gun nut I would undoubtedly own a Glock, but I’m not even a gun nut.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I have my own shooting backstop. When we had a pond dug, I made sure the dozer pushed up a big pile of dirt out in back, since they are already building houses behind the woods and I don’t want to be responsible for firing any "stray rounds." If I were a gun nut, I would probably frequent a professional range, or shoot with a club.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I follow the gun issue on the Internet. I don’t watch television or read the news whores’ papers because I think they always twist the facts and often promote outright lies.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I believe in loading another round, not turning the other cheek.

I’m not even a gun nut, but the sight of the nice Jewish lady sporting a Million Mom’s March bumper sticker makes my blood boil. Haven’t her people learned anything? If not, that’s their problem, but I want to know why they are so interested in disarming free Americans.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I understand that the second amendment describes an individual right, and I think it means what it says: It means you should be able to keep guns. Not only that, but you should be able to carry them around with you. However you please.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I understand that someone who attempts disarm you is waging war against you. It’s an act of aggression.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I understand that being disarmed is a Badge of Servitude, and involuntary servitude is against the law in my country.

I’m not even a gun nut, but I am holding people who promote, condone, and encourage my eventual disarmament responsible for acts of aggression, looting, and attempted murder. They are waging war against me, and they started it, not me. I also hold those who vote for people who introduce and support "arms infringing" legislation guilty of the same things. I’d remind them of something, but they never listen, so I suppose I’ll have to type it here, to serve as Public Notice: in a war, you don’t argue, sue people, or call the cops. You kill the enemy before he kills you. You don’t need probable cause; you don’t need evidence; and you don’t need to prove anything to a jury: You just shoot them first.

I’m willing to do that. Maybe I’ll begin doing it soon. Now don’t whine about "gun nuts," Mr. and Mrs. liberal socialist democrat, because as I have mentioned several times, I’m not even a gun nut...

The gun nuts are the people who lie about guns on the evening news; the gun nuts are the ones who now patrol my streets with fully automatic weapons, but don't want to allow me even a revolver; the gun nuts are the people who gleefully murder unarmed women and children and have been shooting up the Bill of Rights for many decades now. Those are gun nuts!

