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Who will keep the government from taking our guns?

by Jim Baughn


As I was speaking with my son about the current attempts by individuals to disarm victims in America, he said, "America will not let them take the guns away."

My question is "Who are these people he called 'America' that are going to prevent it?"

Will it be members of the judiciary like US District Judge Edward Lodges who ruled that a Coeur d'Aleness Montana ordnance allowing veterans to march in parades with guns is unconstitutional?

Will it be senate members like Republican Richard Lugar who have consistently voted for gun control?

Will it be television stars like Rosie O'Donnell, who believes we should not have guns, but her children's bodyguards should?

Will it be the Supreme Court which is now making decisions based on previous case laws that were decided without Constitutional guidelines?

Will it be the ACLU1,2 that will defend the First amendment but not the Second?

Will it be Pediatricians like Dr. Thomas F. Long of Sam Ramon Valley Primary Care Group California? William Edwards took his twelve-year-old son for a standard camp physical. Dr. Long asked his son such questions as what kinds of movies his family watches at home, what he had for dinner the night before and if his friends' families have guns in the house. Dr. Long is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The AAP's publication, "The Role of the Pediatrician in Youth Violence Prevention in Clinical Practice" outlines specific measures to be taken by pediatricians in violence prevention, including advocacy of gun-control proposals. 

Will it be the 84 percent of the American public that does not vote?

Will it be those that vote for politicians because of what the politician can give them even though government programs cost twice as much as free enterprise programs and result in more intrusion by the government?

Will it be the gun owners I have met at gun shows who say 'I don't discuss politics?' Are they not aware, it is the politician who is striping them of their arms?

Will it be those who believe their effort will not make a difference, so they don't try?

Will it be the criminals who are less afraid to commit crimes because their victims are becoming disarmed?

Will it be bureaucrats like those that murdered a woman and child at Ruby Ridge and men, women and children at Waco?

Will it be bureaucrats, like Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo, who are suing the manufacturers of guns? And, if the manufacturer does not capitulate to their demands, will withdraw all purchases of weapons from that manufacturer?

Will it be Dan Blather, Tom Broken Law or Peter Disingenuous who spend weeks analyzing terrible school tragedies but never once report the number of crimes that were stopped by armed law-abiding citizens and never blame the crime on the perpetrator?

Will it be the people with agendas that lie about the number of children killed daily with guns by including drug dealers up to 20 years of age?

Where are these protectors of our rights to keep and bear arms? Where are they? Who are they?

Where were the defenders of arms in England, Australia and Canada when their country's leaders decided citizens could not be trusted with guns? How will England recover from the increase in violent crime that has resulted because the felons know the law-abiding are not armed?

Will it be the common sense, law-abiding citizens like you and I who have every right to defend ourselves from predators as stated in the US and Indiana Constitutions?

But, people say, we can't do anything about it. 

Why then, do so many people believe that 'America' will not let it happen?

Who will it be if not you and I?

"But what can I do?", you ask.

VOTE on one issue.

Mr. Baughn is running for public office in Indiana. If you are in his district, do you believe anyone running against him would better serve freedom than one of his understanding? If not, pull the lever for freedom. Vote Baughn.