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Pro-Self-Defense Doctors Score!

Plus, they created a brochure for you... -- Have you seen the press release published in the current issue of the NRA's journal America's First Freedom on page 19? Looks like the NRA is supporting our doctors group. Let's all get behind the docs as they work furiously to get their colleagues to realize the folly perpetrated on the medical establishment by the "anti-self-defense" crowd who have been deeply involved in circulating the "junk science" claiming that firearms constitute a "public health crisis." (To which our KABA doctors shout a resounding, unanimous "NOT!".)

Doctors Mike Brown and Bill Rogers of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws ( have created a brochure for use far and wide as wake-up medicine. You may download it in Word 2000 at:

Our good doctors invite you to make copies of their brochure and distribute them wherever you know they could bring someone out of the dark. They especially recommend that you give brochures to your family and company doctors -- and to anyone who has been dangerously indoctrinated by anti-rights doctors.

Our doctors are working like banshees to get the anti-gunners to get their grips off of organized medicine. They will shortly have some space in the Texas medical association's journal, and Dr. Rogers is exploring a television debut, as well. Dr. Johnstone and Dr. Rogers have each been on radio shows now, and Dr. Brown is consistently published at (a news source we highly recommend for at least a dozen reasons).

Anyone interested in having one or more of the Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws (of which there might be 4 such laws, possibly 5, and the rest need to go now) on a radio program of any kind, please write to as soon as possible.

Let's give our guys (and gals) all the support we can!