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The Only Good Gun Grabber...

A collection of responses to Anti-Gun Governor of Missouri is Dead

Wow. We've had more responses (sent in through our "for publication submission system") on this one article than on any other one article in the history of

And only two people disagreed with my position, one of whom is the President of I did offer some commentary between paragraphs in the two disagreeing messages, largely because I believe it may help others who have similar thought processes, and it may also stimulate a thorough rebuttal dealing thoroughly with the deeper issues involved in this entire topic. I also added a footnote to this digest offering some thoughts on why on Earth I wrote, fine-tuned and published something that it so outrageous by conventional standards.

Below are the messages that came in, and because our submission form clearly states that your email address will be published unless you request otherwise, email addresses are included below to authenticate the source of these sentiments. (DO NOT add these liberty advocates to your email list without their express written consent!)

The opposing viewpoints first, and I'll wrap it up with the one that gave me a good belly laugh. ~~ Angel Shamaya

Governor of Missouri's passing
from Steven T. Ling

I am deeply disappointed at your tasteless attack on the recently departed governor of Missouri. While he didn't support concealed carry, he still deserves the respect of any human being who, though misguided, did what he felt the right thing was in opposing it.

AS: Really? I should respect a "man" who says my grandmother must lay her precious old body down on the ground and be brutally raped by a violent thug, then must lay there while he cuts her throat, hoping for a quick death so she can timidly but painfully exit her long, devoted life? Surely you jest. Anyone who wields power from a high government position to force such a fate on my grandmother, or anyone's grandmother, mother, sister, daughter cousin, neighbor or friend -- be it through simple ignorance or malice -- can rot in Hell for all I care, sooner the better. While I do have and have exhibited, more times than I can count, patience and tolerance for the sheeple in the anti-self-defense crowd, the "leaders" are defying the right to self-defense and thus life itself, and are therefore, in my opinion, guilty of being traitors against the freedom of individuals and our nation and against life itself and would best serve this country taking an early trip to the hereafter -- unless they wake up very quickly to our rights as free people.

We must remember that most of those who oppose private gun ownership do so because of deeply held convictions, not spite for the individual.

AS: That sounds nice and rosy, but in the case of the late Governor Carnahan, he had the facts at his disposal. Perhaps it would help you to read up on his low tactics. Start here:

Carnahan/Clinton-Gore Coalition Denies Missourians Right to Carry

And, quite frankly, if his program denies life and the means of its defense to citizens in his own state, how many deaths are acceptable before we all stand up and call him -- and anyone darkened by the same policies he supported -- what he was, a killer?

My parents and I disagree on the gun issue. They are vehemently opposed to private ownership of guns yet I love them deeply and respect that our views are different.

AS: And if your father, or MINE, were working from the most powerful position in a state -- against reason and facts presented to him laboriously and over time through civil means -- to kill people through blocking legislation that "allows" women to refuse to be raped and murdered, when he died, without hesitation, I'd say GOOD RIDDANCE. We're not talking about a daddy sitting at home getting on junior's case about his pistol here; we're talking about a man who pushed with all of his political might -- with the help of the highest office in the nation -- to deny old ladies the means to refuse to get their throats cut as dessert to a gang rape. You're comparing a couple with two ignorant votes a misinformed position against a guy who decimated the freedoms of an entire state in the greatest nation on Earth with all of the information at his disposal and a constitution he swore to protect telling him exactly what to do.

People on our side of the gun issue would be incensed if Charlton Heston, Larry Pratt or Bob Barr were treated with such disrespect by the anti-gun side. We should expect no less from ourselves.

AS: As well we should be. They are flat out WRONG to try to take away our rights when to do so requires us to be raped and murdered by bad people they treat more leniently in many case than some drug "offenders." Frankly, if they did that, you'd see the largest groundswell of activism in modern times, so it wouldn't bother me a bit. At least we'd finally have a few more of them exposed as hating our guts, and, quite honestly, while I do have temperance for the simple-minded sheep who believe without fact or reason that "guns are bad," I hold only deep disgust for the "leaders" who work to get women raped and murdered by pushing more gun control from the top of their liberty-killing heaps of dung now commonly funded by ignorant elitist gazillionaires. Read your history, friend. The true "leaders" of the war against guns and their owners will not stop until all guns are banned and those who defy the mandates are dead or imprisoned, unless a whole lot more of us get busy and we make them stop. The sooner you realize that the better.

Would you be upset if somehow Adolf Clinton found an early demise and we applauded the fact? No? Well, Carnahan was on his way to being a minion, possibly, of Al Gore.

On Carnahan's Death
from J.J. Johnson,

If Rep Bob Barr of GA were to die in a plane crash, do you think the liberals would be crying about it, or celebrating?


About your "Carnahan's Passing" article
from Robert Proctor


You know me and my position is to stay out of the reporting end of the organization; it's not my job. However, sometimes our paths cross. I respect yours and you respect mine, here's one of those times.


"As far as Missourian and American freedom are concerned, this couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Good riddance. He should have been hung for being a traitor a long time ago, but this'll do just fine" sounds like it is coming from a southern militia rather than a news agency - pro-2nd amendment or otherwise. I would request you remove this statement as we do not want the branding of "militia" which is surely what this will brand us.

AS: Robert, respectfully, we are the militia. Click here and read, and please read my parting notes at the end of this digest. Being a part of the militia is a noble and honorable position to hold, and it is also a responsibility of great import, as well. The demonization of the militia by the media and the anti-gun crowd is done, in part, because they know that the militia is the greatest threat to tyranny. MOST of what we hear that is negative about militias is propaganda, not reality. Yes, some groups who call themselves militia are still figuring out how to get their points across and grow their ranks without looking "bad," but the truth is: we will be presented as "bad" no matter what we do, and the truth must always come before political "correctness." See the second bullet point of the Guiding Principles and Rules for Membership.


"The Governor's death, it seems, was by Divine Intervention.", is taking it to a level of the same. Church and state have their separations, and I would ask that we do to.

AS: Point taken, but The Big Guy did some good shootin', and I wanted to give some credit thinking maybe he'd pick off another one. :-) Too bad he had to take the other passengers out, but who are we to question such judgement?

And finally:

"God. Good shot" = disrespect to Lucifer since he is the one that most likely took him - again separate the church and state, we are fighting a "legal" battle not a "religious" battle.

AS: Good point. The Big L probably needed another administrative assistant. Hadn't thought of that. :-)

Seriously, the war being waged against freedom is now and always has been a battle for control over the human spirit. Though we've done a fine job of staying out of religious "wars" on our site -- having so many various groups represented in our visitor roster, subscriber base and membership -- we mustn't lose sight of or shy away from the fact that the triumph of freedom is a direct result of the triumph of the human spirit, and that is a very "spiritual" matter, even for people who hold no religious or spiritual ties. If you disagree, ask anyone who owns guns and has his whole family trained to use them, including his wife, who is now helping his wife heal the deep and painful scars of a brutal rape -- because she was told by her "Masters" in her state or city that she couldn't carry a self-defense device. Her pain has a cost, her life is important, her dignity is precious and dear. The people who would deny her the right to refuse to be raped and maybe even murdered are as evil (spiritually dark, whether by ignorance or malice) as the perpetrators of the crimes against her. In fact, they are guiltier; they are given high posts of leadership and should know better (common sense!) than to deny a woman the right to refuse rape.

Other than that it looks great.

AS: Thanks, Robert, for your understanding and for your willingness to allow me to publish your letter and respond to it in hopes of perhaps stirring more debate over the underlying principles undertaken in this exercise. If people knew how much work you've done on this site to bring quality, PRO freedom information to them, you'd be getting heaped with daily praise.

Anti Gun Governor Dead
from Paul Williams

No apologies needed, Angel, for expressing your vision of the future. Missouri citizens have the right to self-defense regardless of the tragic ending of an antigun opponent by accident.

Thousands of honest citizens and family members' lives have been saved by this stupid accident. Out of respect, please pray for one moment for the family. [Done, the moment I heard about it, as I always do.]

In your prayers you should also give considerable thanks for all the families' lives that will be spared by the death of ideas that are foreign to the constitution and bill of rights. We can all pray that honest citizens of Missouri will be able to defend themselves from bad guys with a change in the governor chair.

Pray that other living citizens of Missouri will see the light of the self-defense issue. Also, say a prayer for other anti gun politicians to see the light.

Pray you will have the love to keep the enemy so close to you that you know how they tick so you can change their views or defeat them.

Clergy Speak Out
from Joe Cathey

Angel, as a clergyman I would like to say that I feel that your article concerning Mel Carnahan was right on target. I can't help but read the Hebrew Bible as well as the New Testament and wonder how politicians sleep at night. Why would anyone deny people the fundamental moral right to protect themselves? I shed no tear for this coward that got what he deserved. I too think he has some explaining to the "Big Governor" for his behavior. Keep up the good work.

Joseph R. Cathey

Way to Go
from Eric Gale

Thank you, Angel, for saying what needed to be said! Keep up the good work.

Anti gun Governor
from Sergei Borglum Hoff

No rebuttal here. A more realistic eulogy I've never heard!

Condolences, but ....
from David

No tears shed here, Angel.

As we all know by now, gun control isn't about guns, it's about control. They want to keep us "manageable", and as long as we can defend ourselves, they can't truly control us.

The now ex-Governor could have taken Ms. Boxer, Ms. Feinstein, Ms. Reno, Ms. Albright, and many other toxic waste-dumps with feet, many males among them, with him.

Perhaps we should seek out Mr. Heston to deliver the eulogy.

No apologies will be forthcoming under any circumstances here either. Keep up the great work, and God bless.


Those who give up freedoms for safety deserve neither.

It's a shame
from Bill Donohue


It's a dirty shame that the late Mr. Carnahan hadn't talked my two state Senators, Feinstein and Boxer, into flying with him.

Keep up the good work!

Gov. Carnahan death a break for freedom
from Terry Johnson

I am not a calloused person, but I will not vote for or mourn the deaths of anti-freedom advocates. They dishonor all the brave persons who gave their lives in pursuit of liberty. Those that work to dismantle freedom, live without honor. Why should they be honored upon death? The death of Gov. Carnahan is a break for freedom. In my opinion, we have one less traitor today.
God has seen fit to remove another thorn in the side of liberty and I would never question his judgement. Let's see how many hypocrites praise Gov. Carnahan now that he is gone. You are on course, Angel.

Anti-gun Gov. of Missouri is Dead
from Dan Pierce


Had the Constitution been respected by this man, sworn to uphold it, I could mourn the man. However, defying the supreme law of the land as he did, he was deserving of capitol punishment for treason.

Your comments are very appropriate and appreciated.

What Goes Around Comes Around
from Steve Babb

In life it seems that those who betray, lie and cheat rarely are taken to task.

We are never assured that what goes around, comes around. Even when it does, it's not soon enough.

In this case, it came around in the nick of time. My faith is restored.

No Argument!
from Ron Wilhelms

You're right, Angel; I had other issues with this guy, as well: he bent over backwards to "kiss up" to the D.C. ultra-liberal elitists: witness his "copy my hero Slick Willie" veto of Missouri's legislation banning so-called "partial birth abortions". While I don't applaud anyone's demise, I hope that we gun owners in Missouri can look forward to a brighter day now.

The Honorable Governors Death
from John Adams Esq.

When I read aloud the news of the honorable Governors death to the Continental Congress, I could see pain on the faces of my esteemed colleges at the thought of the widows and orphans. Then I reminded Congress of the Governor's treachery upon the Rights of Man and defense of self with arms. There were sighs of relief, gratitude and Jefferson's whisper,

"Thy Lord God's hand is still upon the Republic. May he have mercy upon us all wicked and good."

Your faithful servant.

John Adams Esq.

Gov. Carnahan's Demise
from George Carnahan

Well, what did you expect from Carnahans anyway?

If he came from our branch of the Carnahan family tree - yes, it forked a few times - he was descended from coastal Irish clans who derived part of their income from shipwrecks. They were accused of luring ships ashore by means of false lights, which undoubtedly hastened their departure to the New World.

Another relative was Black Jack Carnahan who resided in southern Ohio. He was hanged for river piracy. Perhaps his last intended victim was armed.

The entry into politics would be a logical step for Carnahans & other crooks. The State of Missouri should now check the state of its treasury, in case there's one still left. Someone with a good gift of Blarney & a podium should be able to steal more than a hundred men with prybars.

A good Irish politician can tell you to proceed to the Nether World in such a way that you look forward to taking the trip! :-)

Carnahan Death
from Donald E. Clem

Angel, your article was straight forward and the truth. A friend who lives in Missouri feared the worst from a Carnahan victory. Isn't it odd the group that is trying to take God and prayer from our lives immediately turn to prayer for supplication from God when faced with turmoil?

Death is the great equalizer and can be a problem solver at the same time. Obviously, both occurred in this instance.

Gov. Carnahan dies in plane crash. Yea Baby!
from Bob Frost

Yea baby! What a great blessing for the State of Missouri. The bastard Carnahan dies a violent death, and rightfully so. For years the good citizens of this state have lived under the Carnahan regime. Anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro partial-birth abortion.

How many citizens and future citizens have been murdered due to Carnahan's policies? Never more can this piece of human garbage hold political office. Never more can he foist his far left political views on the populace. Oh grand and glorious day! May the celebration begin!

Carnahan Who?
from Harold F. Hill

Carnahan is dead. There is probably no other such recent instance of karmic justice in the annals of the struggle to protect the Second Amendment. Moreover, imagine the feelings of those Missouri residents legally precluded from protecting their life and liberty at the hands of Mel Carnahan...while he enjoyed the protections of personally assigned security, and the right to carry (as Chief Law Enforcement Officer for the State). Sorry, but don't expect any Crocodile tears from this gun owner and patriot. Carnahan would have added his voice to the other traitors (Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Kennedy, Robb, et. al.), in the Senate.

I know every Soccer Mom with a television set will argue for a delay in the Presidential Debate tonight. Why? Planes crash every day... especially small, charter types. As a private pilot myself, would the debates be cancelled if I augered a Cessna 172 into the countryside? I think not. If we want to cancel the Debate, how about doing it in honor of the Navy personnel lost on the U.S.S. Cole...surely a more worthwhile motive.

You may think my take on this tragedy is hard hearted, but issues of personal liberty and the right to bear arms ARE life and death issues. As I see it, this is one for our side. Carnahan had no problem lying to the public and manipulating the process to obtain the result he wanted: A disarmed public. Now, his lies and manipulation aren't relevant anymore. End of story.

Harold F. Hill
Orlando, FL

Governor Carnahan's death
from Stan Jordan


Right called a spade a spade. Just because he has died, does not alter the truth. Although my sympathies go to any family who has lost a loved one, it does not alter the fact that he was an anti-gun zealot. Kinda reminds me of an Uncle of mine who died many years ago from alcoholism. Everybody mourned the loss, but everybody still said he was a drunk. His death didn't alter the facts. So here's to you Angel. Keep up the good work.

My First Thoughts on Hearing About Missouri Gov.
from Jim Macklin

I am a pilot and so feel bad any time I hear about a plane crash.

But my first thought was that finally, Missouri can get another shot at getting a concealed carry system without the dirty tricks played by the past governor.

About Carnahan's Plane Going Down
from David C.

The only change I would have made would be to title it "The Only Good Gungrabber..." [DONE!] and to conclude with the statement "May he burn in hell." Good job.

Carnahan's death
from Tom Schooley

Amen, Angel. No tears lost over an anti-freedom elitist. I only wish the plane had been bigger and filled to the brim with like ilk.

Anti-gun Governor's Death
from Jim Wissick

All I can say is this: God votes too.


As was the case prior to and during the first American Revolution, there are people who abhor the notion of embracing as victory the death of freedom's foe, even while others take pains to clearly explain the benefit of such an event. The tories stood by and belittled the patriots in the mid to late 1700's, many of them even turning against their own neighbors to the point of helping get them tried, convicted and executed.

Same song, different dance.

There is not now nor will there ever be a law that is more important than the sanctity of (and preservation of) the lives of lawful, peaceable, constitution-upholding, decent and innocent people.

There is not now nor will there ever be an individual who can rightfully justify denying another precious human being the right to defend her own or his own life.

There is not now nor will there ever be a law that will make the worst of the truly bad people stop preying on innocent citizens. The truly malevolent people are not deterred by laws; they are stopped after they commit their heinous acts against their victims -- after it is too late to make a difference in the case of their victims, often once life has already been lost.

This is unacceptable to the farthest extreme one can conceive.

There are two types of anti-self-defense people: the ignorant, and the tyrannical.

The former may find salvation by applying facts, reason and logic to the gun issue, where they will then find out they are wrong, and turn sides -- as the recent ex-MMM member did.

The latter care no more about your rights than they do about yesterday's garbage; they are your enemy, whether they "mean it" or not.

We will not be printing any more one-liners in response to this topic. We WILL print intelligent articles which address any relevant issues brought up in this dialogue, which may include but are not limited to:

  • How can you relate war, freedom, and liberty to the embracing of bad leaders going bye-bye?

  • Why do people boo hoo when someone who seeks to destroy their way of life bites the big one?

  • Why should we/shouldn't we respect someone who is a hell bent tyrant with a one track mind for life-infringing gun controls? And how can we most effectively respect/disrespect them in such ways as to wake more people up?

  • How can we wake people up to the fact that the concern about a potential future warfare in America is not only realistic but already happening against individuals, every day -- without turning them off but rather inspiring them to join the cause?

  • Et cetera, use your creativity, pick this ball up and run with it, then come back and give us all something to think about...

All thoughtful, edited articles are always considered for publication through our News Submission Page, as found from the News tab atop every page on Bring it on. Let's just dispense with political "correctness" and get to a deeper level than any of us have yet done.

Closing with a joke to lighten this topic:

You are returning from the bank on foot after just having cashed a big fat paycheck when you come across a mean looking group of criminals. They are holding Dianne Feinstein hostage and threatening to decapitate her unless you give them $10.


Would you recommend a hacksaw, or a machete?

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The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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