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Legal U.S. Arms Exports May Be Source of Narco Syndicates Rising Firepower - More Than $1 billion In Private-Sector Weapons Exports Approved For Mexico Since 2004
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mainstream media and Beltway pundits and politicians in recent months have unleashed a wave of panic in the nation linking the escalading violence in Mexico, and its projected spread into the U.S., to illegal weapons smuggling." ...

"The deadliest of the weapons now in the hands of criminal groups in Mexico ... appear to be getting into that nation through perfectly legal private-sector arms exports, measured in the billions of dollars, and sanctioned by our own State Department. These deadly trade commodities ... are then, in quantities that can fill warehouses, being corruptly transferred to drug trafficking organizations via their reach into the Mexican military and law enforcement agencies, the evidence indicates." ...

Bans Won't Stop Violence But Gun Haters Propose Them Anyway
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... The writer knows what he's proposing would not have stopped the Oakland killings. And he admits the 'assault weapon' ban he demands as a direct result will not stop future killings."

"He admits it."

"But then he presumes himself qualified to predict that government prohibition against those who obey laws will somehow reduce black market demand and availability ..." ...

Suing for civil rights and looking for a new Seattle top cop
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Remember the old 'Hill Street Blues' where Sgt. Phil Esterhaus (played gruffly by the late Michael Conrad) began each episode with a roll call list of notes."

"Item #1:
The Second Amendment Foundation, based in Bellevue, has filed a federal lawsuit against Attorney General Eric Holder in an effort to protect the civil rights of two American citizens who live abroad, so they are not legally allowed by existing federal statute to purchase firearms when they come back home to visit." ...

"Item #2:
The on-line Seattle Post-Intelligencer ran a story Tuesday morning that wonders what kind of person should be the next Seattle police chief, now that Gil Kerlikowske has taken a job with the Obama administration ..." ...

'One gun a month': rationing Constitutional rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have recently been discussing, one at a time, the various approaches the forcible citizen disarmament lobby takes in pursuing its agenda. Today, we'll look at 'one gun a month' laws. The idea behind such legislation is that if limited to buying only one gun per month, an aspiring gun trafficker will be unable to efficiently ply his illicit trade ..." ...

"Of the three states that do have a 'one handgun a month' law on the books, one is Virginia--commonly singled out as being at fault for violent crime in New York, because of its 'weak gun laws.' My guess is that if the 'Mayors Against Illegal Guns' had their way, Virginia (and every other state) would have a 'no guns per month' law." ...

Ammunition scare should serve as warning to us all
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "A couple of weeks ago, there was considerable concern over a new Department of Defense (DOD) mandate calling for the 'mutilation' of spent shell casings (.50 caliber and smaller) from our military forces. Prior to the implementation of this policy, spent casings were typically sold to private companies, such as Georgia Arms, who then reloaded and sold the ammunition. ..." ...

"Whether you share the view of many and see this as a direct attack on firearms, or simply think it a waste of taxpayer money, the situation has me a bit nervous. After all, this was not a new law. It was not proposed, debated, and voted upon by our nation's lawmakers, but was instead a simple change in 'policy and procedure.'"

Gun owners: paranoid, or predicting accurately for generations?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Some are describing the insight of liberty purists as being paranoid. Is it?"

"Gun owners are not in love with their precious guns, we are in love with our precious rights. Gun owners and non-gun owners have much more in common than media would have you believe. We all want to live in freedom. Some of us can see the clouds forming, others cannot. Do you believe that once this scandal is over, more Americans will have the same vision as liberty purists have? Will they be made paranoid, or will they have vision?" ...

As Obama plots a gun ban, our challenge is helping the next generation learn the truth
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"[Late last week], mainstream media was buzzing about how the President was 'willing to consider' some limitations on firearms."

"As my kids would say as they rolled their eyes 'what-ever.' Baloney is always baloney. This administration is all about limiting firearms ownership."

"I could respect their positions if they didn't try camouflaging another attempt to put more controls on the average gun-owning, law-abiding American citizen."

"This time, it's to help stabilize the political situation in Mexico?"

"Pardon me, but que?" ...

"Yep, there's apparently a chain of gun stores along the Mexican border that enable smugglers to ... hit the drive-through automatic weapons, rockets, mortars and grenades window ..." ...

We're not so paranoid after all
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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sales since November, many liberals out there, including the major media, said that gun owners were being paranoid and that nobody was 'coming to take all the guns.'"

"And yet like a kid that can't keep a secret, offhand comments and rogue Democrats who don't follow the plan have shown this administration's true colors."

"While the public line has always been that President Obama 'supports the Second Amendment,' even his own website notes that he 'support[s] making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.' Then comments by Attorney General Eric Holder reinforced that statement. Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said we need to reinstate the ban ..." ...

Bad people get guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Thursday the 26th, 'On The Record with Greta'; last night she was talking about the huge drug problem in Mexico. She was saying how the people don't have guns to defend themselves and how the Border Patrol can't have the same guns as the drug lords because of our gun laws. See, that is what is wrong with this 'Gun Ban Law.'"

"Now listen or read my words: 'Bad people get guns no matter what the law says, they have guns all the time because they are bad people, they break laws!'"

"Good guys obey the laws and give up their guns because there are laws against owing a gun. Our government is trying real hard to take away this right! Yes it is a RIGHT, a Second Amendment right. ..." ...

Wonder why vets and shooters are suspicious of Obama?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The bad ideas just keep Twittering out of the Obama administration, and some of them are so ridiculous that even the Democrats who rule the congressional roost are squawking back." ...

"The Defense Logistics Agency ... classified small-arms cartridge cases as 'sensitive munitions' as part of an overall effort to make sure national security is not jeopardized by the sale of any Defense property."

"Given that this administration is all abuzz with going green, crushing a perfectly recyclable product runs afoul of the 'reduce, reuse, recycle' mantra of environmentalists. It's difficult not to assume that someone new in Defense wanted to reduce the national supply of ammunition by removing the ability to reuse fired brass." ...

FNC Highlights Pro-Gun Dems Opposing Eric Holder on Assault Weapon Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Friday's Special Report with Bret Baier, FNC correspondent Shannon Bream informed viewers of a letter written to Attorney General Eric Holder from 65 House Democrats who oppose the Attorney General's recently expressed wish to 'reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons' to try to reduce violence by Mexican drug cartels. Bream further relayed the recommendations of Democratic Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester, both from Montana, that the Obama administration should focus on enforcing current gun laws."

"Below is a complete transcript of the report from the Friday, March 27, Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC:" ...

Gun control just doesn't work
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "In the Constitution, the Second Amendment clearly states, 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' However, many influential leaders, such as President Obama, disagree with our forefathers' policies. President Obama supports unconstitutional gun control policies which are extremely flawed. Obama's handgun ban policies will raise homicide rates."

"President Obama endorsed a handgun ban in Illinois during 1996, despite its proven failure in Washington, D.C. Although Mr. Obama claims he does not favor a handgun ban, his signature was on a document endorsing a state ban of the sale and possession of handguns in Illinois. ..." ...

Praxis: Lessons of Urban Combat (Re-learned): The Lessons Of Gaza And Iraq
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Israel in Gaza, and the United States in Iraq, have both learned, or re-learned, the same tried and true combat rules for urban fighting. These include;"

"Tanks are a necessity, unless you want to take very high infantry losses (5-7 of your troops for every enemy soldier). The ratio of infantry to armor vehicles should vary from 30 to 100 infantrymen per tank."

"The most useful armored vehicle is the D-9 armored bulldozer. This beast is large enough, and powerful enough, to plow through buildings, or to shake buildings to set off booby traps or force civilians (and sometimes fighters) to clear out. You've got to protect the D-9 with infantry, as it is not invulnerable to anti-tank weapons." ...

Gunning for common sense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Few people talk about gun control much anymore. You might say the mighty [NRA] has won the day, beating the proponents of reasonable control measures into submission."

"If so, it's a dark victory indeed, particularly in light of the shooting that happened earlier this month in the small, south Alabama towns of Geneva, Samson and Kinston. The shooting that occurred Sunday in North Carolina provided another reminder of the urgency of this issue." ...

"A discussion also should recognize that the Second Amendment is part of the foundation of the nation, but that assault rifles are a threat to it." ...

KABA Note: But the NC shooter used a bolt action rifle, so what do 'assault weapons' have to do with it?

Surge of Tragic Shootings Show Need for Gun Control
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Over the weekend news wires reported a 'barbaric' gun massacre in Carthage, North Carolina at a nursing home ... Robert Stewart, 45-years-old, armed with a shotgun, rifle and other weapons, shot and killed seven patients ... as well as a male nurse. ..."

"Elsewhere, in Santa Clara, California, six family members, including three children, were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide on Sunday."

"What's the connection between these two shootings? Simply put, it's the role and easy access to guns in the U.S. ... With over 30,000 gun deaths in the U.S. each year, an appropriate response to this epidemic should be bold and comprehensive policies to prevent further homicides, suicides and unintentional injuries." ...

Kerry: No National Guard to Southern Border, Bring Back Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sending National Guard to the U.S. border of Mexico is 'premature and possibly counterproductive,' but reviving the assault weapons ban would help end the drug-related violence in Mexico, Sen. John Kerry said Monday." ...

"The Massachusetts Democrat said the U.S. must 'revive the ban on importing assault rifles into the United States,' which he attributed to the flood of weapons finding their way to Mexico. The [ATF] reports that the U.S. is responsible for close to 90 percent of the high-powered weapons that find their way to the Mexican drug cartels."

"However, Kerry said that only about one out of every four weapons seized by Mexican authorities last year was submitted to ATF to be traced ..." ...

Did we mention the media don't care about epic gun violence?
Submitted by: jgh

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"And that the press, aside from downplaying what have now become routine, gun-related killing sprees that dot the nation, has completely walked away from even raising the issue of gun control in the wake of the rampages?"

"The latest proof came in the wake of the carnage that unfolded in Carthage, North Carolina, on Sunday when a heavily armed suspect, Robert Stewart, entered a local retirement home and began randomly shooting patients and employees with a high-powered rifle. Eight were killed and three others were wounded before police subdued the man. ..." ...

KABA Note: Since the weapon was bolt-action it's not an 'assault weapon' but instead becomes a "high-powered rifle". Hunters do you really think your rifles are safe from the gun-haters?

Report Urges President to Use Existing Law to Cut Off Flow of Military-Style Guns to Mexico
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released Iron River: Gun Violence and Illegal Firearms Trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico Border, a comprehensive study of how the U.S. civilian firearms market contributes to the ongoing drug-related violence in Mexico. The report ... urges the Obama administration to take immediate action under the federal 1968 Gun Control Act to cut off imports into the U.S. of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons and 'cop-killer' handguns capable of piercing police body armor. Such weapons are imported into the U.S. and then illegally trafficked into Mexico." ...

VA: Paranoia and guns are a volatile, toxic mixture
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A gun in the wrong hands at the wrong time has a way of turning a quarrel into a tragedy." ...

"Paranoia and guns -- like alcohol, drugs and guns -- are a volatile and toxic cocktail." ...

"Gun enthusiasts say they're scared of their constitutional rights being eroded, or of civil unrest and increased crime because of the poor economy."

"They're afraid that law enforcement officers will try to take their guns. And they're afraid that the Democratic-controlled Congress will riddle the Second Amendment with bullet holes."

"Me? I'm afraid of all these guns out here." ...

"The stockpiling of handguns and assault weapons will create no such standoff."

"There aren't enough guns to make us safer." [emphasis added]

KABA Note: Just who is being paranoid here?

Repost: 20 Questions
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If your spouse ran into the room and said her brother - a state trooper - just called to warn that raids under the new Federal assault weapons/domestic terrorism laws were beginning tonight:"

"1) Would you flee, assuming that you believed yourself to be 'a person of interest'?"

"2) Whether your decision was to flee or to stand, what would your spouse and children do?"

"3) What would you and your family use as money and travel documents?"

"4) Would you have an adequate bag or two suitably packed ..."

"5) Would you have all medical necessities ..."

"6) What about three-season ... clothing ..."

"7) What would you use for transportation?"

"8) What would you use to refuel ..."

"9) Where would you go?" ...

Pinelake Health and Rehab: More killings in 'gun free' zones (new video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Sunday morning, gunman Robert Stewart barged into Pinelake Health and Rehab in Carthage, North Carolina, and killed seven patients and a nurse, wounding three others. As in previous massacres, the killer picked a so-called 'gun free' zone where firearms are officially prohibited. According to an employee ..."

"As in numerous other rampages, Stewart was stopped after he was shot by an armed individual, in this case 25-year-old Carthage police officer Justin Garner, who was himself among the wounded."

"And as in other cases, authorities were promptly alerted ... but despite arriving in less than ten minutes, were unable to stop the shooter from killing seven people in moments." ...

Atlanta's gun free zones are not gun free
Submitted by: Ed Stone

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"Atlanta's gun free zones are not free of guns or violent crime."

"Georgia has one of the toughest laws in the country when it comes to banning guns from school property. ... it is a felony punishable by ten years in prison to possess a firearm or other weapon [within 1,000 feet of campus]. So why do armed and violent criminals keep striking near Georgia schools?"

"In just the last couple of weeks, Atlanta's prominent engineering university, Georgia Tech, has experienced five robberies of its students ..." ...

"UPDATE - Following publication, it came to my attention that, in spite of the supposedly 'gun free' zone status of Georgia Tech, there was yet another armed robbery committed by a robber with a gun ..."

NC: Gun control debated after Carthage shooting
Submitted by: jgh

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"Sunday's tragedy in Carthage, N.C., that left eight people dead and three wounded after a gunman walked into a nursing home is reigniting debate over gun control."

"While some are pushing for tightened restrictions on the possession and purchase of firearms, others say areas that prohibit concealed handguns are actually the problem."

"Roxane Kolar, with North Carolinians Against Gun Violence, said the group is in the process of meeting with lawmakers about several gun control issues ..." ...

"But pro-gun groups are also at work this session. Grass Roots North Carolina President Paul Valone said 'no carry zones' like Pine Lake Health and Rehabilitation post signs on site – a welcome sign for criminals." ...

The Law Of Unintended Consequences And Gun Control
Submitted by: jgh

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"Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have done much to change the landscape of gun owning America ... Bill Clinton's 'assault weapons' ban in 1994 was a shock to American gun owners ... both Bill's and Obama's plans have had two unintended consequences."

"... First: Investing in guns, magazines, and ammunition is only second to owning gold ..." ...

"These big gun sales are frightening anti gun groups. One high official in the Brady organization recently said that he wondered what sacrifices to the family were made because of family gun purchases made during the 'insane' increases in gun sales. ... They believe gun owners are insane. The Bradys actually say it for the first time now."

"Second: People who wouldn't have even thought about normally buying an AK or AR ... have done so ..." ...

Are You Hoarding Ammo?
Submitted by: jgh

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"If President Obama has stimulated anything in America, it is demand for guns and ammunition. According to Rich Wyatt, the voluble and intense owner of Gunsmoke ... 'If I had known it would be this good in the gun business, I might have voted for Obama.'"

"It's not just a couple of stores seeing a run on guns and even more so on ammunition. From local gun shops to WalMart ... When the store gets a shipment of ammo ... 'people come in and they buy it all.'" ...

"A customer I spoke with at Bass Pro Shops ... actually owns a gun shop, but he was buying ammunition there because his wholesaler had run out ..." ...

"As for me, after a day of thinking about the Obama administration and guns, I bought my local WalMart’s last box of .38 caliber ammunition."

KS: Kansas to vote on gun ownership amendment
Submitted by: jgh

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"Next year, Kansans will vote whether to change the state constitution to guarantee individual gun rights." ...

"Supporters of a resolution that passed the House and Senate say the move is needed in case the U.S. Supreme Court ever decides that the Second Amendment does not protect individual gun ownership. ..."

"Before that Supreme Court decision, some lower courts had ruled that the intent of the Second Amendment was to tie the right of gun possession to militia service, such as a state National Guard unit, rather than an individual’s right to own a gun." ...

"... The proposed amendment would give[sic] the right to each person." ...

TN: Bill would allow armed professors on Tennessee campuses
Submitted by: jgh

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"Handguns could find their way onto Tennessee college campuses — legally — under one of the latest gun bills coming before the General Assembly."

"State Rep. Stacey Campfield's proposal ... would allow any full-time faculty and staff member with a valid permit to bring a handgun onto their public college campus."

"'By banning guns on campus you ... are banning is the people from being able to defend themselves.'"

"But University of Tennessee officials worry about the effect."

"Based on input of our law enforcement officials ... we don't think it is a good idea,' UT vice president Hank Dye said. 'We think it could open the door to a lot of things that are detrimental to general safety.'" ...

KABA Note: Name one of these detrimental 'things' that won't fail the laugh test.

FL: Clay GOP urging gun ownership; Dems react
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Got Guns?"

"That's what a Clay County Republican Party flier promoting a '2nd Amendment Day' in April asks all who pick it up."

"County GOP Chairman Leslie Dougher says the party is reacting to growing concerns among its members that President Barack Obama may try to limit gun ownership, particularly handguns."

"'Some people are very concerned that their constitutional rights are being eroded away,' Dougher said. 'People are scared where our country is going in the future.'"

"The April 25 event ... will include a concealed weapons class taught by a [NRA] instructor. Participants who pay $70 and complete the class will be eligible to carry a concealed handgun once their application is approved by the state." ...

TN: Vote Delayed In Guns At Bars, Eateries
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Channel 4 reporter Cara Kumari wrote Tuesday evening in her blog that as the bill was introduced, several representatives' murmurs of 'Here we go' could be heard."

"Rep. Curry Todd, of Collierville, requested the delay Monday night after a fellow Republican lawmaker sought to strip out a proposed 11 p.m. curfew for handgun carry permit holders to carry their weapons in bars and restaurants."

"Rep. Brian Kelsey, of Germantown, argued the curfew would be too confusing. The House voted 61-32 to reject Todd's motion to throw out Kelsey's change."

"'I'm disappointed with my Republican colleagues who sat there and didn't vote with me,' Todd told reporters later. 'I feel like they left me hanging out there.'" ...

AR: Open Carry Bill Fails in the House
Submitted by: ARCCA

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"Another news of note today, while I was in the hearing on HB1623, Rep Martin's HB 2184 The open carry bill failed in committee today."

"Here's the initial report From Arkansas Business, 'In related news, a House committee has rejected a measure that would have allowed people 21 and older to openly carry handguns in holsters.'"

"The House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday rejected the proposal by Rep. Mark Martin of Prairie Grove. Martin argued that dozens of states permit the open carry of weapons, and that lawmakers should trust gun owners to use and display the firearms responsibly."

LA: Lawmaker proposes tax holiday for gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A New Orleans area lawmaker is proposing a state "sales tax holiday" for gun purchases one weekend each year.

Rep. Cameron Henry, a Republican from Jefferson, is calling his bill the "Second Amendment Recognition Act."

Lawmakers will consider the idea in the regular legislative session that begins April 27.

There are no formal projections yet on what Henry's bill could cost the state in lost tax sales revenue. The proposed sales tax holiday for guns would be annually on the Friday through Sunday after Thanksgiving.

WI: First shots fired over handgun microstamping in Wisconsin
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two Wisconsin lawmakers and the [NRA] hoisted red flags this week over what they say is a coming legislative proposal to mandate so-called handgun microstamping in Wisconsin."

"The goal of microstamping is to track a firearm from spent bullets by etching the gun's make, model, and serial number on the weapon's firing pin, which would copy that information to the cartridge when the gun was fired."

"... opponents say it is an unproven technology pushed by anti-gun advocates whose real motives are to drive up the cost of firearm ownership." ...

"... Proponents also tout the technology as a way to track the illegal trade of guns."

"What's more, microstamping firms dispute the high cost of installing the technology." ...

KABA Note: Fine, then let that be written into the law. At their own expense the microstamping firm must provide and install all required equipment to all gun manufacturers. They must train the manufacturers' employees on how to operate and maintain the equipment. They must pay the manufacturer for all employee time spent operating and maintaining the machinery. And in consideration for this they will be paid $1.00 (page 6, 4th paragraph)[.pdf] for each microstamped gun produced.

WI: Wisconsin self defense laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As you probably know, Wisconsin has no statutory requirement that you must know and understand the laws concerning the threat and use of force, including lethal force before you go armed in Wisconsin publicly."

"Governor Doyle has said very clearly that the two proposed laws that more tightly managed who could carry a gun by requiring training and background checks for those who go armed in public did not make much sense to him. He vetoed both bills after the legislature passed them by an almost 66% bi-partisan support. I can tell you that did not stop over 2,000 of your fellow Wisconsin citizens from attending an AACFI permit to carry training course ..." ...

TX: Lawmakers debate bill that would allow handguns on college campuses
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Texas lawmakers considered legislation Monday to allow concealed handguns on college campuses as officials from the state's private colleges and universities urged lawmakers to exclude their institutions from the measure."

"The bill by Rep. Joe Driver, R-Garland, would allow Texans with concealed-handgun permits to carry their weapons onto college and university campuses."

"Driver said his legislation would apply to people 21 and older, thus affecting a relatively small percentage of the student population. But it would go a long way toward bolstering safety at increasingly vulnerable campuses, he said." ...

AR: "Compromise" amendment forced on privacy bill
Submitted by: ARCCA

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"HB1623 The Concealed Carry Privacy bill had yet another partial hearing today. an amendment was forced on us by the APA and then again by the committee."

"I say 'forced' because before we even had a chance to offer testimony today an amendment was put in front of us and the committee chair immediately asked to see the amendment. Rep. Martin asked if we could at least have the opportunity to testify, and the committee chair 'allowed' it. Then he let the opposition to speak against the bill for a second time. Unreal."

"I suspect that the Governors statement last week had a lot to do with this sudden change in atmosphere over this." ...

Police shootings of dogs may reveal their attitudes toward the public
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The apparent police vendetta against dogs continues. This time, officers in Buffalo, New York, stormed into a home during the course of a search for drugs, gunned the dogs down in front of the family, and then left without making any arrests." ...
"Her father pleaded with police not to shoot the dogs, but they wouldn’t allow him to grab the dogs and put them in another room, Patterson said."

"One of the officers started firing a shotgun at the two dogs, one a pit bull and the other a pit bull-boxer mix."

"One of the dogs was shot three times: once in the throat, once in the back and the last time in the leg while trying to run away, Rita Patterson said." ...

MN: Suit alleges Minneapolis cops planted gun by man they killed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Nearly three years ago, a rookie Minneapolis police officer shot and killed 19-year-old Fong Lee during a chase on an elementary school playground. A grand jury cleared the officer of any criminal wrongdoing and the Police Department's internal investigation found he didn't violate any procedures."

"The officer, Jason Andersen, claimed Lee had a gun, although he said he never directly pointed it at him. The gun, a Russian-made Baikal .380, was found 2 feet from Lee's body after he was shot nine times."

"But new evidence filed Monday in a lawsuit brought by Lee's family against Andersen and the city of Minneapolis suggests that the gun had been in police possession, not Lee's, for nearly two years before the shooting. ..." ...

MN: Path from non-conformist cop to anti-tax adviser led to prison
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sometime soon, former Minneapolis police officer Douglas Leiter will walk into a courtroom to be sentenced to federal prison for filing false tax returns and showing others illegal ways to avoid paying their taxes."

"Sitting in that courtroom will be Sue Winkel, whose son died 10 years ago as Leiter's squad car sped through an intersection with lights and siren off. She still is waiting for justice."

"On the face of it, little seems to connect the death of Winkel's son to Leiter's role in defrauding the U.S. out of more than $1 million."

"Yet the arc of Leiter's life --from non-conformist cop to lawyer to anti-tax activist -- binds them." ...

FL: Avon Park Officer Charged With Aggravated Child Abuse
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Avon Park police officer James Hilton Parker III remained in Highlands County Jail in lieu of $250,000 bond Monday, after being charged Sunday with aggravated child abuse of the 20-month-old baby girl of his live-in girlfriend."

"The child, who had multiple bruises over her body and an apparent fractured skull, was on life support Monday at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, according to the sheriff's office. She remained in 'very very critical condition,' according to Sheriff's Capt. Randy LaBelle." ...

"The recent death of Sgt. Marc Wilbur, along with Parker's arrest and the November arrests of officers Alberto Perez and Adam Willis, leaves the department short staffed by at least four officers." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it. — Thomas Sowell

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