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Newslinks for 4/10/2009

Watch this CNN anti-gun YouTube video and SAF's rebutal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Watch the YouTube link below to see CNN anti-gun rights bias and my on air knock out punch to them.

YouTube - CNN Rick Sanchez 'SLAMS' FOX News's Gun Fear Mongering with guest Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation.

With your help we can make this the most watched video on YouTube.

Thanks for all your help and support in protecting our right to keep and bear arms.

What Does Obama's Weather Control Plan Have to Do with Gun Rights?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "They insist on controlling everything." ...

Dispatch From Knob Creek
Submitted by: Larry

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"Dave Weigel has a typically vivid piece about what the Knob Creek machine gun shoot was like this year, capturing the mix of gunnies, gawkers, conspiracy nuts, and folks looking for cheap ammo. Arguably, the profile of the audience at Knob Creek is newsworthy because a good chunk of the people here form the Republican base. The most revealing part of Weigel's article comes at the beginning, when one of the organizers says 'we' almost won the last election. (The speaker should have been reminded that McCain supported closing the 'gun show loophole.') Attendees at Knob Creek were overwhelmingly McCain voters and Bush/Cheney stickers could still be seen on the backs of trucks" ...

Brady Campaign upset that Gallup failed to manipulate data
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A newly released Gallup Poll shows that public support for more restrictive gun laws has fallen to its lowest level in the nearly 20 years that Gallup has tracked the issue. Additionally, the poll shows that support for an outright handgun ban is at its lowest in the nearly 5 decades that Gallup has polled that issue." ...

"As might be expected, the Brady Campaign is not happy. The first objection is that the poll was taken before the recent atrocities committed with firearms, and thus doesn't reflect whatever temporary boost for public support of more restrictive gun laws that such events sometimes provide (emphasis in original)." ...

Stopping Common Citizens From Having Guns
Submitted by: Larry

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"John Browning’s Model 1911 pistol, an engineering wonder for its day, still serves as a design platform for much modern pistolsmithing. Old examples, especially with military markings, are now highly prized on the collector market, where they can bring hundreds or even thousands of dollars each."

"Yet ... early in the Clinton administration, the politicians declared our government would no longer sell into the civilian after-market pistols being retired from military armories."

"Instead ... the government had resumed ... shredding of 'obsolete' firearms ..."

"... 'Even assuming an unrealistically low value of $200 per gun, more than $60 million of historic collectibles has been reduced to worthless scrap.'" ...

"Now it’s 2009. A new Democratic administration is finally back in power. And guess what? This time they tried for the brass ring." ...

Go after the street criminals, not the legitimate gun owners
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I read with interest and disdain Noreen O'Donnell's April 6 column, 'We must find a way to stop gun violence.' (The column criticized National Rifle Association efforts to oppose "common-sense" laws aimed at stemming gun deaths. - Editor.)"

"Her statements echo the same feelings of the gun owner as it concerns the lunatics who perpetrated these unnecessary horriffic killings around the country. It is for this reason that we must allow the presence of guns in and around our society! Were there someone who was in posession of a weapon legally, they might just have been able to stop the recent carnage well before they came to their final toll. ..." ...

Our gun laws leave citizenry in danger
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Again, the media shouts for more 'sensible' (translation: confiscatory) gun laws. It seems to me that today's gun laws are somewhat too effective. The Long Island Rail Road shooting, Virginia Tech, Binghamton; in each case, the only person with a gun was the perpetrator, someone undeterred by gun possession laws. Apparently, the only thing these laws accomplish is to render the victims helpless, hoping the police will arrive before it is their turn to be killed."

"The rationale is that these new laws will make it impossible for the 'perp' to obtain the weapon of his choice, just as it is now impossible to obtain marijuana, cocaine, etc. ... If there is a demand, there will be a supply, but not, of course, for the law-abiding citizenry." ...

Some link economy with crime wave
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"In Binghamton, N.Y., a Vietnamese immigrant upset about losing his job burst into an immigration center and killed 13 people before killing himself. In Pittsburgh, police said a gun enthusiast recently discharged from the Marine Corps opened fire and killed three police officers. And in Graham, Wash., investigators said a man whose wife was leaving him shot and killed five of his children in their mobile home before taking his own life."

"The carnage that occurred during less than 48 hours last week capped a recent string of unusually brazen mass killings ..."

"The factor underlying the violence, some experts think, is the dismal state of the nation's economy. ..." ...

Second Amendment not just for military
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In yesterday's 'Zeitgeist' column, 'Welcome to the gun show,' Josh Baker argues that the Second Amendment to the Constitution 'specifically mentions the maintenance of a well-regulated militia as the reason for the [amendment's] existence.' He argues that the right to bear arms is one granted to military forces, but not to the general public. Well, no. Read the words ... Note that the word 'militia' is not the same as 'people.' If the authors of the amendment had wanted to ensure a strong military, then the amendment would read, 'A well regulated militia ... the right of the militia to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' The amendment uses two different words, the people and the militia, for a reason ..." ...

Let's All Surrender Our Weapons -- You First!
Submitted by: Thomas Price

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"The rash of recent shooting incidents has led people who wouldn't know an AK-47 from a paintball gun to issue demands for more restrictions on guns. To be sure, it's hard to find any factor in these shootings that could be responsible -- other than the gun."

"So far, this year's public multiple shootings were committed by:"

"-- Richard Poplawski, 23, product of a broken family, expelled from high school and dishonorably discharged from the Marines, who killed three policemen in Pittsburgh."

"-- Former crack addict Jiverly Wong, 41, who told co-workers 'America sucks' ... who blockaded his victims in a civic center in Binghamton, N.Y., and shot as many people as he could, before killing himself." ...

Media conservatives fearmongering: Obama will 'take away your gun'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On ... his radio show, discussing Richard Poplawski ... Fox News host Glenn Beck stated, 'Before they found out about the dog-peeing story, the press, the blogs, everybody immediately went to, 'This guy's a conservative with guns that says Obama's coming.' ... Later on his radio show, Beck said that Obama 'will slowly but surely take away your gun or take away your ability to shoot a gun, carry a gun. He will make them more expensive; he'll tax them out of existence. He will because he has said he would. ...' Beck is not alone -- since Obama's election, several conservative media figures have similarly warned that Obama would seize their guns or have suggested that a government effort to ban guns is likely." ...


98 shots from 'new Rambo' spurs ammo debate
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"The man who gunned down 13 people at an upstate New York immigration center fired 98 shots from two handguns in a little more than a minute, police said Wednesday, a gunslinging feat one expert said would make him a 'new Rambo.'"

"Gun control advocates said if a man who complained about not getting enough in unemployment benefits could afford enough ammunition to repeatedly practice shooting and go into his killing zone with a satchel of bullets around his neck, new ways are needed to stem gun violence, including raising the price of ammunition."

"Ballistics reports showed Jiverly Wong fired 87 times from a 9mm Beretta and 11 times from a .45-caliber handgun. ..." ...

Feinstein: Not The Time For Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The California senator who authored the nation's now-lapsed 1994 ban on assault weapons says she will hold off trying to renew that ban."

"Dianne Feinstein ... tells 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl that the political timing isn't right and she will move to renew the ban at a future time of her own choosing. Feinstein appears in Stahl's report on the increase in gun sales ..."

"Asked by Stahl if trying to renew the assault weapons ban would start a culture war and pose a distraction for an already overburdened Obama Administration, Feinstein replies, 'I agree with you.' "'o you are going to hold off?' asks Stahl. 'That's correct. I'll pick the time and the place, no question about it,' Feinstein tells Stahl." ...

Welcome to the gun show
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Over the last several days, the nation has witnessed several instances of extremely brutal gun violence, all of which may well have been prevented with more stringent gun control legislation. In Binghamton, N.Y., 41-year-old Jiverly Wong blocked the rear entrance of the American Civic Association immigrant center with his car on Friday, effectively eliminating any escape route. He then entered the building through the front door armed with two handguns and proceeded to kill 14 people, himself included, before police could arrive on the scene. In Carthage, N.C., 45-year-old Robert Stewart entered a nursing home where his estranged wife works and killed eight people ... before being shot and disabled ..." ...

TX: Survivor of war loses dog to random violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"All it took was the gunshot fired outside his Walker County home to trigger training ingrained in former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell ..."

"... he found dead his beloved Labrador retriever ..."

"'When I saw she was dead, the only thing that popped into my head was, 'I've got to take these guys out.'" ...

"But as the car pulled away, he didn't fire."

"Instead, he scrambled back to his pickup and launched what became a wild 40-mile chase ..." ...

"Luttrell and the men he was chasing were finally stopped by Onalaska Police Department." ...

"So far, two men have been charged with felonies ..." ...

"There are at least five area dog killings in recent months that could be linked to the case ..." ...

Press partisanship gets ugly in revived gun rights debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The current verbal slugfest over gun rights and responsibilities versus public safety has brought the Second Amendment squarely into the spotlight, but at the same time, many are wondering whether those who make their living courtesy of the First Amendment are not exploiting one constitutionally-protected right to crush another."

"The war against gun rights in the press is nothing new. The late Thomas Winship, former editor of the anti-gun Boston Globe and a columnist in Editor and Publisher, once authored a column in the latter publication that was headlined 'Step up the war against guns'” In his diatribe – for that is what it was – Winship encouraged his press colleagues to engage in 'a sustained newspaper crusade.' ..." ...

Mainstream media misleads on the gun permit issue
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A recent MSNBC article claims that the mass shootings appearing in the national news over the last month have been committed by people who were issued 'gun permits,' which it claims means that they were each 'legally entitled to fire his weapons'"

"So much for media objectivity. The murderers were not 'legally entitled to fire' their weapons. What the media is attempting to do by making such a ridiculous assertion is to create an image in the mind of the reader, and, in this case, the image is of a license to kill." ...

"The article fails to live up to the dubious claim in its title, however."

"Of the shootings recently, the body of the article gives only one lone example of a murderer with a 'gun permit.'" ...

Columbine Plus 10
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It is impossible to view last week's killing of 13 people in Binghamton, N.Y., in isolation. It will soon be the 10th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School and the second anniversary of the mass shootings at Virginia Tech. In the last month, multiple shootings have claimed the lives of more than 50 Americans."

"In this historical context, Binghamton is yet another reminder of America's terrible gun problem and a summons to lawmakers to insist on common-sense gun laws. Yet Congress responds with a collective shrug." ...

If I Only Had A Gun on ABC explores the wrong issues
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You can read their announcement here, but I worry how faithful the show will be to America by what questions it plans to explore and what it leaves out. What would you really like to know about the issue of gun control? it might be better to understand what one needs to know about Liberty."

"Liberty purists often say that if only one person were armed at such-and-such a mass shooting, the situation would have turned out much better. This observation is made because so many jurisdictions refuse honest citizens their carrying of their handguns wherever they have a right to be. Murderers know this, find the location to be as advertised -- totally defenseless -- and proceed unfettered. ..." ...

ABC News gets disturbing results with 'If Only I Had a Gun'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Despite the rash of high-profile shootings in recent years, a group of youths, given the opportunity to play with a gun, did it."

"That's one finding in a year-long investigation by ABC News' David Muir and Diane Sawyer in a special report, 'If Only I Had a Gun,' airing Friday at 10 p.m."

"For the piece, Muir set up a test in which college-age youths were invited to help pack up the contents of a garage for extra cash."

"'They come across a couple of guns and we're rolling,' Muir told the Daily News." ...

"Two years after a massacre at Virginia Tech and numerous other school shootings, the kids went for the guns. ..."

"'We watch everything, from the kids cocking the guns to staring down the barrel,' Muir said." ...

KABA Note: And how many of those kids were taught gun safety and handling at home or in school?

Repealing racist gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A dirty little secret gun control advocates avoid mentioning is that many gun laws have racist origins. In southern states, some date to reconstruction and ensuing decades of racial unrest as whites passed 'Jim Crow' laws to segregate southern states and limit the ability of blacks to vote and hold elected office."

"One example thoroughly documented by David Kopel ... were laws designed to disarm blacks 'cloaked in neutral, non-racial terms,' such as Tennessee, which adopted its 'Army and Navy' law barring handguns except the 'Army and Navy' revolvers commonly possessed by ex-confederate soldiers. Cheaper guns which cash-poor 'freedmen' could afford were prohibited. ..." ...

Nancy Pelosi: Now a word from her sponsors…
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Colleague Dave Workman noted yesterday that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants to implement firearms registration. A perusal of Open Secrets, which reports all campaign contributions, is in order before we conclude that Pelosi is merely a disinterested public servant wanting to make society safer."

"The law firm of Akin, Gump ... contribut[ed] $41,050. Thomas C. Goldstein, an attorney working for Akin Gump, represented Washington, DC in the Heller case, trying to save the DC gun ban."

"The law firm of Patton Boggs LLP donated $17,400 to Pelosi ... Kathleen J. Lester, a partner at Patton Boggs, coauthored a paper ... criticizing Lott and Mustard's research which concluded that concealed carry was responsible for reduced crime:" ...

IL: New Guns Laws Going Nowhere
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Lawmakers looking to expand or contract the rights of gun owners are having a tough time."

"Many downstate representatives want to allow the concealed carry of handguns, but those plans are stalled."

"Voters in two southern Illinois counties overwhelmingly said yes to an advisory question on concealed carry."

"So far 12 counties have voted yes."

"Four have said no."

"Illinois sheriffs also support the plan, but Chicago lawmakers are keeping it from going forward."

"In return, downstate House members are blocking plans from the city that could limit gun ownership." ...

OH: Shooting range protection - The noisy wheel gets the shaft
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Range protection is a hot topic these days and it's becoming more important every day. Urban sprawl continues to envelope ranges and traditional shooting areas, pushing shooters farther and farther out to engage in their sport and training. Developers build houses closer and closer to established ranges and soon the new residents are complaining about the noise. While much of the emphasis in range protection has been focused on passing laws shielding ranges from noise complaints, such laws only provide limited protection and can give ranges a false sense of security. Noise is just the tip of the iceberg and ranges need to guard against the mountain hiding beneath the surface." ...

Drugs, Guns Seized From TSA Officer's Home
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"A Transportation Security Officer trained to stop drugs and guns from getting onto airplanes is accused of dealing in drugs and guns."

"He was held on $750,000 bond on Thursday and also quit his job with the TSA."

"Police said they seized a significant amount of money, drugs and high-powered weapons from his home."

"A police special investigations unit made a big haul at the Palm Bay home of Timothy Monroe. Officers seized piles of cash -- the profits of not only selling illegal narcotics but distributing them to other dealers ..." ...

WA: Accused Medina cop tried to have charges dropped against accuser
Submitted by: none

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"A Medina police officer accused of sexually assaulting a woman he arrested on a traffic stop sent three e-mails to city prosecutors asking them to dismiss the case against her ..."

"Issaquah police are investigating whether the officer raped the woman after asking her on a date and taking her to his home a few weeks after the traffic stop ...She was cited for a suspended license and small amount of marijuana." ...

"[The officer] mentioned that she was attractive and told her not to worry about the charges. The next morning, the officer called her and asked her out. They agreed to meet the following Friday ..."

"The officer also sent three e-mails to the prosecutor, requesting the case be dismissed ..." ...

TX: Oakwood Police Chief Previously Accused of Domestic Violence
Submitted by: jac

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"Oakwood Police Chief Oly Ivey was arrested Monday for allegedly using a taser on his live-in girlfriend." ...

"... Oakwood city council members say it was the officer's knowledge, experience and sincerity that won them over."

"Ivy's law enforcement experience totaled just over 7 years, and took him to Ohio and six other departments in Texas." ...

"The city of Oakwood was aware of Ivy's short-term stints, but ... never did a background check."

"Neel said the city left the background check up to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education, or TECLOSE."

"A spokesperson for TECLOSE said the agency doesn't run background checks, and simply provides law enforcement work history." ...

As Americans get to know the man they elected, guns & ammo grow scarce
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "On October 10, 2008, Governor Ted Strickland told Ohioans that 'as a result of direct conversations that I've had with Barack Obama, if you are a sportsman, if you are a gun owner, if you are someone that honors and respects the Second Amendment - you have nothing to fear from Barack Obama and I want you to spread the word throughout this great part of our great state.'"

"'You have nothing to fear. Spread the word. Ted Strickland said so.'"

"It appears Ohioans have seen through the lipstick."

"The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that Ohio, like the rest of the nation, is experiencing a severe ammunition shortage that can be traced right back to the election of Barack Hussein Obama." ...

CA: Lady Shooters embrace the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The group of women from the Rancho Santa Fe Republican Women, in its third iteration, took their first outing last month - a trip to the American Shooting Range in Kearny Mesa"

"They plan monthly trips to the shooting range to learn how to use a firearms and support their Second Amendment right to bear arms, said Jody Bray ..."

"A member of the [NRA] and the California Rifle and Pistol Association, Bray said she grew up with guns in her Texas childhood, first shooting a gun when she was 10."

"Bray originally started the Lady Shooters in the mid-1990s. It went dark and was brought back in 2000, only to go dark again. Now back, Bray has officially named the group The Madeleine Cosman Lady Shooters ..." ...

"The ideal form of government is democracy tempered with assassination." --Voltaire (Source:

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