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Newslinks for 4/15/2009

ABC's anti-gun bias revealed in 20/20 anti-gun hit piece
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"New information has surfaced about the depth of bias that surfaced on ABC’s 20/20 hit piece that aired Friday, April 10 with Diane Sawyer as the host."

"The [NSSF] revealed Monday that it had been 'asked numerous times by 20/20 Senior Producer Muriel Pearson to participate in the story, but understanding the piece was a set-up, we refused.'"

"NSSF is a firearms industry umbrella group that offers education about firearms safety and programs including 'Don't Lie for the Other Guy,' aimed at helping the industry deter illegal straw purchases. Its biggest annual effort is the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show, a huge exhibition of new products in the shooting, hunting and law enforcement fields." ...

Obama's bogus gun statistics-Mexican crime is not America's fault
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Obama administration is fudging when it claims that 90 percent of guns used in crimes in Mexico come from the United States. The bogus statistics are being used as an excuse to push gun control." ...

"The gun controllers have to use phony statistics because the truth does not support their agenda. According to ... Fox News, 'only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.' On Friday, National Public Radio asked the attorney general about the Fox News analysis. Mr. Holder sidestepped the facts with more misleading data. 'It almost doesn't matter if it's 60 percent, 70 percent or 90 percent,' Mr. Holder claimed. 'The reality is that too many guns are flowing from the United States into Mexico.'" ...

Praxis: Killflash ARD
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Latest Praxis from 'The Trainer':"

"For those who haven't heard of the 'Killflash' or 'ARD' (Anti-Reflection Device) for their binoculars or riflescopes, this is something you may want to consider when putting the 'finishing touches' on your field gear. They're comprised of a honeycombed lense cover that allows almost 100% light transmission but kills any glare or relfection from the objecive lense that may compromise the position of the person using the scope or binoculars. It won't keep water or dirt out of the lense area, but it will do what it advertises, and that's cut out any reflection. ...." ...

Diane Sawyer rigs mass shooting experiment on 20/20
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Do you think it's a good idea to be armed during a mass shooting? Diane Sawyer and the producers of ABC's 20/20 aren't so sure. In fact, on Friday, April 10, 2009, Sawyer spent a full hour trying desperately to prove how dangerous guns are and how ordinary people can't possibly defend themselves with firearms. The show's snarky title: 'If I Only Had A Gun.'"

"Slanted information filled the report, seemingly pulled from the press releases of the Brady Campaign, with not a single dissenting opinion. The most egregious slight of hand was a rigged experiment that struggled to show why having a gun would do you no good in a Virginia Tech style mass shooting." ...

The Long Arm of the NRA: Guns in Parks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"And with the Bush administration in cahoots, doing its utmost to lay landmines for the incoming Democratic crew, they dredged up an old Reagan administration rule to make the new bogeyman for gun owners. Yup, Ronald Reagan put us on the slippery slope to the UN confiscating everyone’s guns in order to impose one world order by ruling that people couldn't take their loaded, concealed weapons on their national park vacations. They could only have their unloaded, safely stowed weapons with them. And how could people protect themselves and their guns from the marauding hordes of international troops coming to take their guns away while they are on vacation in a national park if their gun was unloaded and in the trunk?"

"Or something."

Gun control debate complicated
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration intends to push for the reauthorization of the federal assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004."

"However, the administration is meeting resistance from many within its own party, including Colorado Congresswoman Betsy Markey. In the Fort Collins Coloradoan, Markey said: 'I am a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights. I believe it is a mistake to deny constitutional rights to all Americans because of the misdeeds of a few.'"

"A statement like Markey's fails to see compromise in the complexities of the gun control debate, and it thwarts common-sense efforts to keep the most dangerous weapons out of the hands of criminals and extremists." ...

Submitter's Note: The debate is really not at all complicated. If you try to take our guns we will kill you. See? Isn't that simple?

Gun owners have right to carry, but others have right to safety
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Frankly, I don’t see much point in Congress passing any more gun laws. I think by now, American citizens have enough guns to secure Afghanistan from al-Qaida. I would rather Congress pass a law requiring individuals to attend a one-hour class where they would be instructed on the number of human lives lost and the financial cost to society by gun-related violence each time they purchase a gun. At least they would be informed of the downside of the activity in which they were participating." ...

Submitter's Note: How about requiring all of those who don't own a gun to attend a one-hour class where they would be instructed on the number of human lives saved and financial benefit to society by gun-related self-defense. Then we can add another hour-long class on how the police are not required to protect you, and then another on the difference between 'rights' and 'privileges'. "Feeling safe" is a privilege; using the most effective self-defense tool in existence is a G-d-given civil personal and human right.

Mexican police seize anti-aircraft gun
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Police in Mexico have seized an anti-aircraft machine gun in the state of Sonora, near the US border. They also found ammunition and other heavy weapons. A woman has been arrested."

"The seizure took place two days before US President Barack Obama is due to visit his Mexican counterpart, President Felipe Calderón. High on the agenda of the talks between the two will be the bloody drug war currently being waged, mainly with US weapons, by the Mexican drug cartels." ...

KABA Note: Darn those unlicensed dealers using the "gun show 'loophole'" to sell anti-aircraft guns without a background check to straw purchasers to smuggle over the border!

Chief Scott Knight (video)
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Chief Scott Knight of the Chaska, MN police is the chairman of the International Chiefs of Police firearms committee. Watch the video to learn more about how the Tiahrt Amendment prevents police from cracking down on illegal gun trafficking.

KABA Note: Well Chief Knight may be opposed to the amendment (by the way, nice uniform Chief especially for the head of a 23 officer department in a town of 24,000), but both the BATFE and the Fraternal Order of Police are in favor of it.

Bloomberg, the Gun Show 'Loophole,' and the 2009 Campaign
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"What's up with New York GOP (or formerly GOP) mayors and Virginia Republicans?" ...

"... Michael Bloomberg is backing an ad directed at Bob McDonnell for not closing the 'gun show' loophole. In it, Omar Samaha, the brother of a Virginia Tech victim, asks 'why is Bob McDonnell protecting the criminals instead of protecting us?'" ...

"For two years, the families of the relatives who were killed or injured in the tragic Virginia Tech massacre have been backing legislation to close what has been called the 'gun show loophole.'" ...

"Although the Tech killer, Seung-Hui Cho, purchased his gun with a background check at a store, the families have maintained that closing the 'loophole' is necessary to 'prevent the next Cho.'" ...

KABA Note: Dancing in the blood of the slain . . .

Slain Cop's Mom Joins Mayor's Gun Fight
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Tatyana Timoshenko, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, and more than 10 survivors and family members of victims of the Virginia Tech massacre united yesterday to call for closing Virginia's gun-show 'loophole.'"

"Timoshenko is the mother of Russel Timoshenko, a young NYPD officer who was shot and killed ..." ...

"The push to close the gun-show loophole in Virginia and across the country coincides with the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre ..."

"'I am standing in solidarity with the Virginia Tech families ..' Timoshenko said. 'My son was killed with a gun purchased from a Virginia gun store ... To prevent future tragedies, I want to see the gun show loophole closed in Virginia and across the country.'" ...

VA: Police: Man Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Police say a Botetourt County man shot and killed another man who broke into his home Friday night. ... Police say the intruder was able to get into the home and that's when the resident shot him. But first police say he secured family members in a locked bedroom."

"The Sheriff's Department is not releasing the resident's identity. But deputies say someone showed up at the home at around 10:40 Friday night yelling and threatening to break in. The resident called 911 and loaded his 12-gauge shotgun. We're told he only fired after the intruder used a patio chair to break-in through a glass sliding door. ..." ...

LA: Man shoots Pit Bulls who were attacking his dog
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A 26-year-old man shot three Pit Bulls who were allegedly attacking his dog, killing two, Thursday afternoon." ...

"According to Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office spokesman John Fortunato, the man said that his girlfriend alerted him to the fact that their dog was being attacked by other dogs and he went into his rear yard and found three Pit Bulls mauling his pet."

"Fortunato said the suspect told officers that he tried to chase the dogs away, but when that didn't work, he shot his gun at them, killing two of the dogs and causing the other one to flee."

"The resident retrieved his injured Terrier and transported it to a local veterinarian for treatment."

"No charges were filed against the resident involved."

Good People Need Guns (video)
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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Greg Gutfeld shares a lesson learned from the recent pirate attack.

OH: Summit County backs off on employee gun ban proposal
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Last week, the northeast Ohio county of Summit announced they were considering passing an ordinance to prohibit county workers from carrying firearms while working or doing county business, even while in personal vehicles. At the time, it was stated that the reason for the proposed ban was 'liability purposes' ..."

"Councilwoman Gloria Rodgers, who has stated she is planning to obtain a concealed handgun license, immediately came out in opposition to the proposal, calling it unnecessary and reminding that 'people have a right to protect themselves.'"

"Tom Morneweck, president of the [union] which covers county employees, stated that the Union has no opposition to employees being legally armed ..." ...

IN: Second person dies from Indiana sword fight
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Police in Indianapolis say a 69-year-old man is the second person to die of injuries suffered in a sword fight with a younger relative.

Authorities say Adolf Stegbauer died Monday, four days after an argument escalated into the fight with 39-year-old Christopher Rondeau.

Police said Stegbauer's death had been ruled a homicide.

Stegbauer's 77-year-old sister-in-law, Franziska, was fatally stabbed while trying to break up the fight.

Rondeau, who is her grandson, also was wounded.

Rondeau was being held on preliminary charges of attempted murder and police Lt. Dawn Snyder said amended charges were being prepared.

Investigators said one of the weapons was a World War II-era Japanese sword with a thin blade.

Is the Anti-gun personality backing down or being brought down?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There is no single person who has an anti-liberty personalty; there are simply hundreds of thousands of them. You know them by their notions which seem to work against the better judgment of the electorate, and their use of abusive laws to make them stick."

"The entire report from ABC's 20/20, 'If I Only Had A Gun..', was to fabricate how silly, how futile, how dangerous is the idea of armed self-defense. But, dangerous for whom, is what I ask. Thugs in a large civil disturbance? Anti-liberty activists fighting for their prestige? Somali Pirates?" ...

Why we can't close the 'gun show loophole'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What is the gun show loophole? It is the ability of a person to buy a gun from another attendee at the show, person to person, with no Instacheck to see if the buyer is a felon, or for any other reason should not be able to have a gun. If a person buys a gun from a [FFL] dealer at the show, they must show ID and get the InstaCheck. On it's surface, this seems like a bad thing. The ABC television show 20/20 last Friday documented the ease with which a man bought lots of guns with $5,000 cash and filled the trunk of his car. Who is such a rabid gun nut that they wouldn't want to close the 'gun show loophole'?"

"Buying guns at a gun show ... is no different than me selling my neighbor a gun ... at the local pistol range ..." ...

Myths of armed self-defense: 'If I only had'…the truth
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cleverly aimed at undermining growing calls for arming concealed handgun permit-holders in schools and other allegedly 'gun free' zones which attract active killers, Friday's hit piece on ABC’s '20/20,' entitled 'If I only had a gun,' claimed to demonstrate that mere citizens are incapable of preventing mass murders like Virginia Tech. What '20/20' avoided mentioning, however, is that the personality characteristics of active killers actually make them more vulnerable to armed intervention than common criminals." ...

'Gun show loophole' the number one federal priority for the citizen disarmament lobby?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have mentioned before that I believe that the front on which the gun prohibitionists have the greatest chance of success (at the federal level) is closure of the mythical 'gun show loophole.'"

"Such a measure is not their first choice--they have made very clear that banning so-called 'assault weapons' is what they really want (the 'jewel in the Obama crown,' as my colleague David Codrea called it). The gun haters seem to be coming to grips, though, with the realization that for the time being, at least, support for such a radical measure just isn't there." ...

ID: Bringing Guns To Work
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Allowing guns in company parking lots."

"One Idaho lawmaker is hoping more companies will allow it, and Monday the majority of lawmakers from the Idaho House of Representatives passed a bill that would do just that."

"They're hoping to give companies immunity to any lawsuits, which involve their employees Second Amendment rights."

"For a lot of people guns are a way of life. And now one lawmaker is trying to make a little easier on gun owners, many who often have a firearm in the car or truck."

"'All this bill does is allow people to store their weapons in their personal vehicle on company property. ...' said Rep. Jeff Thompson ..."

"We're not talking about allowing employees to bring guns into the workplace ..." ...

AK: Young straps on gun for 2nd Amendment group speech
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Rep. Don Young was packing heat at a public meeting, and the crowd fully supported it.

Young addressed the Second Amendment Task Force, a gun rights group, Monday in Fairbanks. Young went straight to the meeting from the airport so he didn't have a gun with him.

But he gladly strapped on a borrowed holster with a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum in it. He said "this feels pretty good," and posed for pictures with group members.

About two dozen people in the restaurant audience also had handguns holstered at their sides.

Young is a strong supporter of gun rights and praised the group's goals.

He said, "You can't have all the other parts of the Constitution unless you have the Second Amendment."

OH: Representative Adams introduces HB129: Alaska-style CCW
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Representative John Adams (R-78) of Sidney, Ohio has introduced House Bill 129. The bill ... would repeal many of the onerous provisions of our current concealed carry law and allow law abiding citizens to carry concealed without a license."

"Alaska-style CCW is an exciting possibility for gun owners in Ohio. It shows Rep. Adams is in touch with the most conservative of the gun owner base/constituency. It is an important philosophical position."

"Vermont and Alaska already allow citizens to carry concealed handguns without a license, but all other states require a license (CHL) to carry a concealed handgun. Like Alaska, this bill would leave the license in place so that people who travel outside Ohio can have a license ..." ...

WA: New law to prohibit mentally unstable from having guns
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Legislature on Monday passed a bill designed to keep guns out of the hands of people involuntarily committed for 14 days or more for mental health treatment."

"House Bill 1498 passed the state Senate by a vote of 39 to 1. It now goes to Gov. Chris Gregoire."

"The measure applies to adults and juveniles and mandates that when a person is committed for mental problems a court shall also forward information to the national instant criminal background check system index, a database created by the federal Brady legislation. Such people are prohibited from owning firearms." ...

"Alan Gottleib, spokesman for the Bellevue-based [CCRKBA], said his organization did not oppose the bill after provisions were made for people to petition the courts to restore their firearms rights."

"'At that point, most of our concerns were gone,' he said."

NY: New York gun ownership on the firing line
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Sportsmen may be preoccupied with trout and the upcoming spring turkey hunting season right now, but in a couple of weeks the New York State Assembly will be voting on a dozen or more gun bills that will have a lasting effect on everyone who owns or would like to purchase a firearm for self-protection, target shooting, hunting and — as strange as it may seem — trapping and fishing."

"Why trapping and fishing you ask? Because a number of trappers and anglers carry a sidearm to prevent attacks from coyotes, black bears or any other wild animal — rabid or otherwise — that might take exception to them entering their bailiwick." ...

Recession fueling right-wing extremism, U.S. says
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Right-wing extremists in the United States are gaining new recruits by exploiting fears about the economy and the election of the first black U.S. president, the Department of Homeland Security warned in a report to law enforcement officials."

"The April 7 report ... said such fears were driving a resurgence in 'recruitment and radicalization activity' by white supremacist groups, antigovernment extremists and militia movements ..."

"DHS had no specific information about pending violence and said threats had so far been 'largely rhetorical.'"

"But it warned that home foreclosures, unemployment and other consequences of the economic recession 'could create a fertile recruiting environment for right-wing extremists.'" ...

Why does our Government Equate Constitutionalists with Terrorists?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Demonizing gun owners who believe in the founders' intent of the Second Amendment is nothing new for our government. I've been following such attempts for years, including media attempts to dismiss us as 'vermin.'"

Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism
Submitted by: Click "HSA Right Wing Report" Link

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"The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement agencies that recent news is helping 'right-wing extremist groups' recruit new members and could lead to violence, and warns about the possible recruitment and radicalization of returning veterans."

"The report, issued last week, is part of an ongoing review of extremists on both ends of the political spectrum."

"The latest assessment by DHS' Office of Intelligence and Analysis found no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence, but right-wing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on fears about the recession and the election of the first African American president. ..." ...

KABA Note: You can read the actual report here[.pdf].

D.C.: Federal agency warns of radicals on right
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in 'rightwing extremist activity,' saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias."

"A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines 'rightwing extremism in the United States' as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority."

"'It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,' the warning says." ...

WI: Breaking News: Federal civil rights lawsuit filed against West Milwaukee
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today civil rights attorney John Monroe filed a federal lawsuit against West Milwaukee and it's police force for gross abuses of power against a man solely because the man was legally carrying a holstered gun. ..."

"The complaint alleges that police illegally detained, harassed, and arrested Jesus Gonzales without cause in violation of the federal constitution. Further, the complaint alleges that police unlawfully demanded Gonzales' social security number ... arguably a felony ..."

"Mr. Gonzales was never actually tried in court, but the complaint alleges that the police have refused to return the property confiscated from Mr. Gonzales. ..." ...

VA: Virginia Sheriff Takes Heat over Sniper Training
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Roanoke sheriff first defended and then distanced herself Friday from a controversial sniper training exercise that involved putting officers downrange during live fire."

"When first questioned by reporters at a hastily called news conference, Sheriff Octavia Johnson said that the instructor was highly qualified, and that she may permit that type of training again, despite her earlier acknowledgment that it had violated department policy."

"But when later pressed on whether the training would take place again, she said it would not." ...

"During the voluntary training, officers took turns standing a few feet from a target as another officer, a football field away, took aim and fired. No one was injured." ...

NY: NYPD, Bronx churches to host $200-a-gun buyback
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Six churches are planning to host a gun buyback day in the Bronx, aiming to get weapons off the streets.

Police and Bronx prosecutors said Monday they would offer a $200 bank card in return for a working gun, legal or illegal. The event is set for April 25.

The transactions will be anonymous, and no questions will be asked.

Any number of unloaded handguns, rifles and shotguns will be accepted, but payment is limited to $600 in bank cards per person.

A working BB gun or air pistol may also be traded in for a $20 bank card.

Plainclothes officers will be at the churches to accept the weapons.

LA: Cops Out Of Control: A Mother Is Tased After Learning Her Child Was Dead
Submitted by: Larry

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"The frantic mother of a 6-year-old boy killed in this morning's triple murder in Terrytown was subdued with a Taser gun by Jefferson Parish deputies at the murder scene, a sheriff's spokesman said."

"The mother of Four Overstreet grew irate with authorities when she arrived at the Monterey Court apartment where the rampage happened before 4 a.m., Saturday. When she got physical, deputies stunned her to bring the situation under control, Col. John Fortunato said."

"The woman's name and condition were not immediately available." ...

ME: Police Overkill in the Pine Tree State
Submitted by: Larry

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"Just a couple of weeks ago, Forbes rated Portland, Maine America's 'most livable' city."

"... Portland is seen as a haven from crime and other turbulence. Indeed, Maine ranks third in a recent survey of 'safest states' to live in."

"... the most pressing crime problems afflicting their relatively tranquil community include stolen pocketbooks, fraud, and the occasional robbery."

"So, naturally, the PPD recently received a pair of M113 armored personnel carriers ... from the Pentagon. Oh, sure, people complain that they are a bit 'too much,' acknowledges PPD Capt. Ted Ross. But he insists that the vehicles will 'reduce the exposure to danger for officers who approach ... hostile or armed confrontations.'" ...

Irrational consternation: guns rights activists stoke self-fulfilling prophecy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Since President Obama was elected five months ago, guns and ammunition have been flying off store shelves as the contagion-cultivators and downright clueless proclaim they must purchase guns before Obama takes them away. While the [NRA] denies any involvement in the gun rush, you have to wonder if telling their members that Obama was going to repeal their rights to gun ownership might have had something to do with it." ...

"With respect to President Obama; perhaps he, along with Congress ... may pass an assault weapons ban, and I would support such a move. However, the propagation of myths by the NRA and others that Obama will take away their right to gun ownership is a ridiculous and baseless accusation ..." [link added] ...

RI: Gun sales spike in R.I. — on pace to hit 50% increase over 2008
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun sales in Rhode Island spiked during 2008 to their highest level in at least a decade as firearms purchases in the state mimicked a national trend."

"The surge continues in 2009 as gun sales in Rhode Island are on track to rise nearly 50 percent, to 13,000 firearms."

"Politics and economics are the prime causes, say gun dealers and others."

"'I'm hearing two things,' said Pawtucket police Chief George L. Kelley III, president of the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association. 'The first is [people] are afraid the president may change some of the laws, and the second is the economy.'" ...

NY: Gun Store Owner: Uptick in Gun Sales Due to President Obama
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Fred Calcagno has owned American Sportsman, a gun shop in East Rochester for 22 years. But since Barack Obama became president he's noticed a spike in business." ...

"He estimates sales have jumped between 10 and 25% in the last six months."

"'There's a huge demand across the country and firearms, manufacturers are back-ordered so long that distributors can't get items to sell,' says Fred Calcagno."

"News 8 has also discovered more people are carrying concealed weapons locally. In Monroe County, gun permits are up."

"From January to April of 2008, there were 511 applications. This year, that number is 634. That's an increase of almost 20 percent." ...

KABA Note: 20% is not an 'uptick'

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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