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Newslinks for 4/16/2009

CCRKBA Condemns 'Them v. Us' Homeland Security 'Assessment'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A volatile 'assessment' of so-called 'Rightwing Extremism' by the Obama administration's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is an insult to political conservatives, military veterans and American gun owners, and demands an immediate apology, the [CCRKBA] said today."

"'We recognize that many conservative gun owners will feel threatened by this Obama administration report,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'It appears that DHS under Janet Napolitano is trying to demonize political dissent.'"

"The chilling nine-page document labels citizens opposed to new firearms restrictions, returning veterans and conservatives as 'rightwing extremists' and associates them with white supremacists and violent antigovernment groups." ...

The SPLCization of Law Enforcement in the 21st Century: Conflation, moral panic and the "Narrative of 1995."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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The professional liars at the Southern Poverty Law Center are experts at conflation. You might say they've made quite a tidy pile of money at it. As you can see from the picture above of their shiny headquarters, there ain't much "poverty" about them. They have amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank acounts selling conflation over the years. . . (W)hat we are witnessing today is the institutionalization of their conflation narrative from the highest levels of U.S. enforcement all the way down to the cop on the beat. SPLC's deliberate twisting of facts and prejudice are now accepted as gospel and are ready, for one example, to be executed at the point of a Missouri highway patrolman's gun.

Obama Gun Ban - Not If We Can Help It!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"According to George Mason, father of the Bill of Rights, we are about to be enslaved, as he said, 'What is the militia? It is the whole person. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them'. According to Soviet Communist Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin 'one person with a gun can control one hundred without one.'"

"The writing has been on the wall and hard-working, law-abiding Americans are MUCH less inclined to tolerate the diabolical legislation and hypocritical statements pouring out of the White House in record numbers. We're lectured constantly about accountability and 'reform' from people who refuse to be accountable and have offered nothing except for out of control government spending ..." ...

"We Can Do Both"
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We can do both. We can curb the proliferation of assault weapons — without infringing on Second Amendment rights — and address a culture spawning too many violent teens. We have to. ..."
"No 'we' can't, Ernest Hooper, if by 'we' you include 'you.'"

"Because 'we,' which includes 'I' won't let you." ...

"Because 'we,' including 'I' see an idiot like you, meaning you personally, coming up with utter crap like NAACP gun buy-backs, and realize you don't have the first clue as to what the hell you're talking about. And 'we,' including 'I' have no intention of letting a liberty incompetent have any say in 'our' unalienable rights." ...

Did'ja Hear the One About the "Gun Lover in Pittsburgh"?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"That's how Aida Ekberg characterized him. ..."

"She tells us we 'know these news stories are not helping the view some Americans have of gun owners,' and reveals:"

"I personally wish that no one in America owned a gun, for hunting or otherwise; I've seen the twisted and sick glee hunters get from killing animals, and it makes me wonder sometimes about what they would do to a human being if given the chance."

"Actually, Aida, I do not give a damn about how 'some Americans' view me--not if they're anything like you. You've just relieved us of any responsibility to care what you think."

"It not only sounds like you have a bit of projection going on, but you also reveal some unresolved Daddy issues we really didn't need to know about ..." ...

Buying my first holster
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"My recent experience wearing a kydex holster got me to thinking back to when I bought my first holster. They say most people who carry a gun for personal protection have a box full of holsters that didn't work. For me, I kind of lucked out because I hit a home run on my first swing." ...

"I had done a lot of research on the internet while my boss was on vacation, and learned all about the pitfalls which could lead to the proverbial box o' holsters. I learned about the different types of materials and the pros and cons of each. I decided that an inside-the-waistband (IWB) type was right for me as they tend to be more concealable and less prone to accidental exposure." ...

Cynicism has killed the gun-control debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Here's another reason why gun sales are on the rise: Americans are convinced that politicians aren't going to do anything about gun violence. Sixty-five members of his own party in the House of Representatives have urged the president not to resurrect the assault weapons ban that expired under George W. Bush. ..."

"Most of us are also convinced that there are too many angry, ill and violent people in our midst, and that they have easy access to guns. ..." ...

"We have in our midst millions of one-man militias - trusting no one, cynical about life in a changing society, convinced of the likelihood of more dysfunction and gun violence, and convinced, above all, that few in elected office have the guts to do anything about it."

H/t to David Codrea who notes: Not So Much Cynicism as Resolve in the Face of Reality.

Sorry NRA - - Mexican Gun Traffickers Buy American
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"In a recent 'commentary' posted on, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre dismissed statements from U.S. and Mexican government officials that, based on firearms tracing data from the ... [ATF], Mexico's drug cartels obtain 90 percent or more of their firearms from the United States." ...

"Well, believe it Wayne. Illegal gun traffickers are more than happy to 'trifle with paperwork at U.S. gun stores.' ..." ...

KABA Note: But Josh, didn't your own Tom Diaz (senior policy analyst at the Violence Policy Center) call the 90% figure a red herring when it was shown that the correct figure is closer to 17%?

Dr. Dustin Ballard: Guns - they're a smoldering public health issue
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Now, you may be wondering why I am writing a medical column about firearms. The simple answer is that I believe gun violence should be considered a public health issue rather than a political one. Wintemute and other experts in the field have long argued that bullets should be viewed as pathogens - like bacteria or tumors. If one views the problem through this lens, targeted restrictions on firearms are preventive medicine, rather than an affront on personal liberty." ...

KABA Note: Dr. Ballard why do you ignore the defensive uses of such 'pathogens'? Just as bacteria can be used in vaccines, so armed citizens can be used qagainst these mass public shootings. Otherwise why has every such shooting occurred in 'gun free' zones?

The American Love Of Arms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I love to shoot guns as much as the next red-blooded American -- hunting rifles at home in Vermont with friends, Glocks in Pittsburgh with cousins; I understand the excitement and the rush and the eventual calm that shooting enthusiasts so enjoy. But at no point in my life have I ever felt compelled to carry or own a gun."

"Since Barack Obama has taken office, gun sales across America have surged. Firearm purchases under a Democratic president appear absolutely recession proof."

"What is this American fixation with firearms? Is it similar to the macho car fanaticism that's so prevalent here but rather absent elsewhere in the world?" ...

Are U.S. Gun Laws to Blame for Violence in Mexico?
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A recent explosion of drug-related violence in Mexico killed thousands of people last year, dangerously destabilizing America's southern border. Some people, including many in Congress, believe the violence is being fueled in part by weak U.S. gun laws that allow powerful firearms to reach Mexico. But gun rights advocates see this connection as tenuous at best, and believe the violence in Mexico is being used to scare the public into supporting unnecessary domestic gun control laws. Would stronger gun laws in the U.S. stem the violence in Mexico?"

Submitter's Note: The NRA and Brady Campaign debate...

ABC's Shameful '20/20' Experiment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun control advocates look desperate. Last Friday night, on April 10, ABC aired a heavily promoted, hour long '20/20' special called 'If I Only Had a Gun.' It is ABC's equivalent of NBC's infamous exploding gas tanks in [GM] pickups where NBC rigged the truck to explode. ..."

"The show started and ended by claiming that allowing potential victims to carry guns would not help keep them safe –- not even with hundreds of hours of practice firing guns."

"No mention was made of the actual multiple victim public shootings stopped by people with concealed handguns ... Instead, ABC presented a rigged experiment where one student in a classroom had a gun. But sometimes even the best editors can't hide everything the camera sees." ...

The futility of gun control: Another Plain Dealer columnist 'gets it'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When it comes to the futility of addressing the epidemic of inner-city violence with impotent gun control laws, it would seem there are at least a two people at the Cleveland Plain Dealer who 'get it.'"

"Last year Plain Dealer columnist Regina Brett's series on the thug culture earned her title as a top-three finalist for the 2008 Pulitzer Prize in Commentary, and since then she has written articles that prove she 'gets it.'"

"Plain Dealer editorial writer Phillip Morris, on the other hand, has a more spotty history of support for armed citizens. But his latest op-ed indicates that he is now prepared to join Brett in the effort to lead the newspaper into becoming a positive force for change in the city of Cleveland." ...

Gun Rights Advocate On C-SPAN (video)
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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The author of "More Guns, Less Crime" appears on the C-SPAN program "Washington Journal".

Mexico is Awash with Weapons – Is the USA to Blame?
Submitted by: JarheadSgt

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"It's been confidently reported, as of late, that the United States is the source of 90% of all the weapons utilized in Mexican crime. This has become a dogma, repeated by no less than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others. It's an impressive-sounding statistic – but is it true?"

"In a word, no."

"It's not correct. The 90% figure was originally based upon a misunderstanding, and thereafter it has been constantly repeated ..."

"According to a spokeswoman for the ATF ... 'over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S.'"

"To borrow a Shakespearean expression, 'there's the rub.'" ...

"... during that time period (2007-2008) 83% of the recovered guns in Mexico were not traced to the U.S.A." ...

Roefaro invites gun law backer to city
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor David Roefaro wants a politician from Kansas to come see the city."

"And maybe, Republican Rep. Todd Tiahrt will change his stance on controversial gun legislation, too, Roefaro said." ...

"The legislation Roefaro was referring to is known as the Tiahrt Amendment. Critics say the law makes it harder for law enforcement to track illegal guns because it restricts the tracking of them."

"Proponents say it protects the lives of law enforcement officers and integrity of their investigations"

"'There’s a lot of misinformation out there,' said Wendy Knox, press secretary for Tiahrt."

"... 'Trace data is always available to law enforcement officials and prosecutors conducting bona fide criminal investigations.'" ...

Obama administration to name a border czar
Submitted by: motoboy

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"A former Justice Department official who led a 1990s crackdown on illegal border crossings was named to the new U.S. post of 'border czar' Wednesday ..."

"Alan Bersin, a former U.S. attorney who also once served as California's education secretary, was named to the job by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano." ...

"The Obama administration has promised to target border violence and work with Mexican authorities to curb drug and arms trafficking. Hundreds of federal agents ... are being deployed to the Southwest." [emphasis added]

"But Bersin, speaking in both Spanish and English, immediately cautioned against the exaggeration of the drug cartels' threat to residents of U.S. border states." ...

NE: Neb. Lawmakers Advance Guns in Churches Bill
Submitted by: anonymous

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"A Nebraska bill that would allow church security guards to carry concealed handguns advanced in the state legislature on Thursday."

"The church provision was tacked on as an amendment to a measure that prohibits cities from having their own ban on concealed weapons." ...

"The amendment was introduced by Sen. Beau McCoy of Omaha whose decision was prompted by recent shootings and violence at other churches."

"'A house of worship is a sacred place,' McCoy said ... 'And as such, it should be kept that way.'"

"The Rev. Harry Buse, pastor of St. Leo Catholic Church in Omaha, said he didn't like the idea of arming security guards in houses of worship." ...

KABA Note: Then don't arm them, Rev. Buse, but don't deny others that choice.

IA: Lawsuit Challenges Iowa Gun Permit Law
Submitted by: anonymous

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"A trial date is set for next year for a father and son from Osceola County who filed a federal lawsuit challenging an Iowa law giving local authorities power to decide who gets permits to carry weapons."

"The lawsuit was filed last fall by Paul Dorr and his son Alexander Dorr, both of Ocheyedan."

"The suit names Osceola County Sheriff Douglas Weber, the sheriff's department and the county. It claims the law used to deny them nonprofessional carry permits is unconstitutional."

"According to the lawsuit, Paul Dorr was issued nonprofessional permits to carry a weapon from 2001 to 2006, but his application was denied in 2007."

"The Dorrs believe the sheriff's denial was personal." ...

PA: Rendell to push for gun control
Submitted by: jgh

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"Even the governor's support might mean little in an effort to strengthen gun-control laws in Pennsylvania ..."

"Gov. Ed Rendell plans to urge state and federal legislators today to take action on gun control in response to the fatal shootings earlier this month of three Pittsburgh police officers, he said during a visit Downtown. He declined to give specifics until today."

"'Our police all over the state, not just in Philadelphia anymore, are simply outgunned,' Rendell said while announcing state grants at the Allegheny County Courthouse. 'The amount of firepower that the deranged person in Pittsburgh had was stunning. If the AK-47 hadn't jammed, we might have had a lot more dead than just the three officers.'" ...

MT: Montana sovereignty bills have national scope
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gov. Brian Schweitzer has signed into law a bill that aims to exempt Montana-made guns from federal regulation."

"House Bill 246 was sponsored by Republican Rep. Joel Boniek of Livingston. It applies only to guns made and kept in Montana. Its supporters hope it triggers a court case to test the legal basis for federal rules governing gun sales."

"The measure is one of many introduced this year by state lawmakers across the nation that seek to assert state sovereignty."

"Along with the gun bill, Montana legislators are also considering a resolution that affirms the federal government only has those powers listed in the U.S. Constitution." ...

PA: Rendell Asks For Ban On Semi-Automatic Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Just yesterday, Governor Ed Rendell spoke out about gun control laws."

"Today, the governor asked federal and state lawmakers to do more to protect police." ...

"... Governor Rendell called on the public to push lawmakers to enact common sense gun measures to protect local police beginning with a ban on AK47s and other semiautomatics."

"'These weapons have absolutely no purpose but to kill,' said Rendell. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: For years I have asked any anti-gunner I can reach one simple question, and not one has ever even attempted to answer. "If the sole purpose of these guns is to kill, then why do police departments across the country issue them to patrol officers?"

OK: Edmond Creates Modified BB Gun Law
Submitted by: jgh
Website: http:/

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"Horsing around with replica guns isn't all fun and games anymore. The City of Edmond has passed an ordinance to punish people who alter Airsoft Firearms to look more like the real thing. They say it's been a growing problem."

"They look the same, they feel the same..." ...

"But they're far from the same. These are all BB guns modified to look like a real gun, and it's putting officers and citizens in potentially deadly situations."

"'Nearly all the calls we went to the orange tip was painted over, or otherwise altered or removed,' Officer Harden explained." ...

"At Monday's City Council meeting, an ordinance was unanimously passed to punish anyone from removing or painting the orange tip of an Airsoft firearm." ...

Why does Homeland Security's gun smuggling report mislead law enforcement?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday, we talked about Homeland Security's 'Rightwing Extremism' report. I was able to give you a link to the document itself because it has been unclassified."

"The picture on the right is the cover of their 'Intelligence Report: United States Southbound Weapons Smuggling Assessment.' I can't refer you to the document itself because it is marked 'OFFICIAL USE ONLY - LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE.'"

"What I will do is share a few highlights that are germane to recent discussions we've been having." ...

"Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic And Political Climate Fueling Resurgence In Radicalization And Recruitment."
Submitted by: Larry

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"Says this Department of Homeland Insecurity report: 'rightwing extremists may be gaining new recruits by playing on their fears about several emergent issues. The economic downturn and the election of the first African American president present unique drivers for rightwing radicalization and recruitment.'"

"I've said time and time again that the government (think Eric Holder's hate speech) is trying to fan the flames of a race war in this country. And they are trying to set it up so that they can blame peoples' rebellion on the fact that Obama is (half) black and not the fact that the government, under Bush and now Obama, has stepped up its totalitarian, Communist, Fascist, Socialist agenda faster than ever. ..." ...

Deploying soldier shot while 'training' wife.
Submitted by: gemalo

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"As he prepared to deploy to Afghanistan for his third tour of duty, Fort Lewis Army Sgt. Eric Autio wanted to make sure his new bride knew how to use the couple's gun so she'd be safe while he was away."

"But in what appears to be a tragic accident, Autio was shot in the head and killed Sunday as he stood in their Olympia, Wash., home in front of the loaded gun his wife had pointed at him ..." ...

"Peter Hamm, communications director for the Brady Campaign ... told that while Autio's death was tragic, 'unfortunately, it was not unique.'"

"'These things are extraordinarily dangerous,' Hamm said. 'You've got to treat a firearm like a bomb that could go off at any moment.'" [link added] ...

Revenge of the "Waco Gene"
Submitted by: Larry

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"The Regime has made it official that 'right-wing extremism' is a threat to Homeland Security." ...

"Less than two years ago, Congress enacted -- by a vote of 404-6 -- the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. ... At some point, it also begat a specialized section within the Homeland Security Department called the Extremism and Radicalization Branch ..."

"This means that for the first time in American history, the federal government has a full-time intelligence organ devoted exclusively to scrutinizing the political opinions and affiliations of U.S. citizens. It is difficult to overstate the importance of this development as a milestone in our nation's apostasy from its founding ..." ...

Right-wing extremism may be on rise, report says
Submitted by: Larry

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"Right-wing extremist groups may be using the recession and the election of the nation's first African-American president to recruit members, a Department of Homeland Security report contends." ...

"It compares the current climate to the 1990s, 'when right-wing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers.'" ...

KABA Note: Yes it was the economy and had nothing to do with what many viewed as an oppressive government committing murder, arson, assault and kidnapping in places like in Waco, Ruby Ridge, and Miami.

Iowa DOT officers accused of overstepping authority
Submitted by: anonymous

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"Two Iowa DOT officers have been accused of over-aggressively investigating some vehicles following complaints by Iowa residents involved in two separate incidents."

"Roger Chism, 65, ... was pulled over for a seat belt violation in September 2007 while driving his late 1970s grain truck to an ethanol plant."

"Chism told Land Line the officer, DOT Officer Keith Truog, has been after him for years."

"'It's a case where an officer who has harassed us for three or four years didn’t want to leave us alone,' Chism said."

"Truog allegedly detained Chism for about 90 minutes, Chism said the officer told him to get his truck out of the ethanol plant."

"'He pulls the gun, says, 'alright – you did it now.' He grabbed me out of the truck while the gun was to my head, cuffed me and took me to jail.'" ...

IA: Couple seeks outside investigation of IDOT officer
Submitted by: anonymous

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"The couple who claim they were harassed and mistreated by an Iowa Department of Transportation motor vehicle enforcement officer in March has sent a letter to the department's director, asking the investigation be handled by an outside agency."

"'In the short time we have been observing, we seem to have already encountered a multitude of verbal cover-ups and records discrepancies,' said Jane and Carl Schneider in the letter sent Tuesday to DOT Director Nancy Richardson. 'We would recommend that an effective investigation can only be achieved by an outside agency, perhaps somebody from the federal government.'"

"The officer involved, Darrell Wiegand, has been placed on paid administrative leave ..." ...

Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The way Jay Chambers sees it, the semiautomatic weapons in his firearm collection might be the most promising investment in his financial portfolio."

"Like many gun enthusiasts, Mr. Chambers, a manager for a door wholesaler here, believes President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress soon will reimpose a version of an expired federal ban on the sale of so-called assault weapons. If such a law passes, he figures his collection -- enough guns, ammo magazines and weapon parts to assemble about 30 AK-47s, AR-15s and other semiautomatic rifles -- could triple in value."

"'A guy could easily make a lot of money,' says Mr. Chambers, 47 years old, while at Autrey's Armory, a gun store about 20 miles south of Atlanta." ...

Firearm Sales Continue to Climb in March
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Firearm sales continued to surge across the country for the fifth straight month, extending a trend that began after the November elections. The increase also follows recent comments by several high-profile members of the Obama administration about re-imposing permanently and expanding the ban on modern sporting rifles."

"Data from the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) show background checks on the sale of firearms jumped 29.2 percent in March when compared to March 2008 and were up 27.1 percent for the first quarter of 2009 over the same quarter last year." ...

Hank Williams Jr. Can't Reload in Ammunition Shortage
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Gun City USA, the largest gun store in Nashville, Tennessee, has sold arms to country music stars Hank Williams Jr., George Jones and their entourages. What it can’t sell them much of right now is ammunition to reload."

"'We have very, very little of any caliber,' said Larry Baity, a 74-year-old counter clerk at Gun City who said he has waited on Williams. 'We're virtually out. We've got a lot of bare shelves.'"

"The scene at Gun City is playing out across the U.S. as record gun sales deplete stocks from ammunition makers Alliant Techsystems Inc. and Olin Corp. Demand for firearms is being driven in part by concern that U.S. President Barack Obama may impose new controls ..." ...

Mexico: Mexico focused on guns, guns, guns
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"When President Obama lands in Mexico City Thursday, there will be one main subject on Mexican officials' minds."

"'For Mexico, the No. 1 priority is guns. The No. 2 priority is guns. The No. 3 priority is guns,' Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora told USA TODAY ..."

"The Mexican government wants Obama to take more steps to stop arms sold in the USA from flowing across the border, where they are frequently used by cartels in Mexico's drug war. ..." ...

"... Cartel members buy hundreds of assault-style rifles, handguns and even .50-caliber sniper rifles — some capable of downing helicopters from a mile away — at U.S. stores and gun shows, Medina Mora says." ...

KABA Note: And if he said the moon was made of green cheese would you believe that too?

UK : Businessman burgled after being banned from using giant catapult
Submitted by: J Bowen

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"An eccentric businessman who set up a 30ft dung-firing catapult on his land to deter intruders has been burgled after police warned him that it would be illegal for him to use the weapon."

"Joe Weston-Webb ... decided to adopt such an unorthodox method of protecting his property last year after a series of break-ins and an arson attack."...

"... following a series of attacks by vandals ... he restored the rusty catapult and equipped it to fire bags of chicken droppings at intruders if an alarm was triggered." ...

"His eccentric methods attracted media attention as well as a warning from Nottinghamshire Police that using the giant catapult would be illegal as it did not constitute 'reasonable force'." ...

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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