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Newslinks for 4/17/2009

And They Call Us Paranoid…
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The federal government's latest warning to police agencies about 'rightwing extremists' is an outrage and adds fuel to an increasingly troubling situation. The report, titled, 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment' was produced by the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland Environment Threat Analysis Division of the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the FBI. It consists of 8 pages of what can only be described as paranoid ranting and conflation. Here is how the report defines 'Rightwing extremism:'" ...

Gun control in U.S. a divisive issue for American Jews
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Council of Jewish Women Pittsburgh Section has partnered with CeaseFirePA, the largest gun violence prevention group in Pennsylvania, to advocate for 'common sense' gun control laws." ...

"According to some Jewish organizations, imposing restrictions on gun ownership is a Jewish value." ...

"But not all Jews subscribe to the anti-gun paradigm."

"'Any Jewish group that claims that it is somehow in the Jewish tradition to restrict ownership of guns, misreads that tradition,' said Rabbi Danny Schiff, community scholar for the Agency for Jewish Learning." ...

"Aaron Zelman, founder and director of the 7000-member organization, Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership, would agree." ...

Gun control arguments misfire
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Ammunition is disappearing from gun shops across the country because people are afraid of the government. An interesting phenomenon, really."

"The fear, voiced mostly by conservatives and libertarians (and therefore nearly unheard of on our extremely typical college campus), is that the Obama administration plans to raise the tax on ammunition sales astronomically, thus effectively 'outlawing' ammunition (without which a gun is only a fancy-looking club) and, by extrapolation, getting rid of gun rights without contradicting the Second Amendment." ...

An Examiner answers another Examiner...
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Let me answer Luke Johnson's piece, How so-called 'gun-owners rights' hurt U.S.-Mexican relations, LA Foreign Policy Examiner. Luke notes an uptick in Mexico violence, 6,000 dead, and as with many whole nations on the subject of conflict, armed citizens and the righteous, most effective and just solutions, he takes the wrong conclusion: 'What Congress could do would be to crack down on the amount of assault weapons being sold and smuggled across the border.' What if we’re not smuggling those?"

"The fact is that we are not smuggling weapons across the border, and whatever makes it to Mexico is not coming from the honest citizens here. Most are coming from south of Mexico, as has been documented thoroughly ..." ...

Prepare your portfolio for new gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The gun battles have begun. After a rash of killings over the past few weeks, politicians are seizing the opportunity to prey upon America's emotions. They want to strike while the barrels are still hot."

"As I picked up the morning's newspaper, I realized the headline was sure to stir the angst of any Second Amendment supporter. In ... Pennsylvania, the governor ... is calling on a reinstatement of the nation's assault rifle ban."

"... he is not alone. ... as a citizen of this country, I hope their mission fails."

"And as an investor, my view stays the same. The more they talk, the more money you and I can make."

"For proof, look at the two major publicly traded gun manufacturers here in the States ..." ...

Governor Rendell, Police Officers Ask Federal, State Lawmakers to Stand Against Deadly Assault Weapons, Illegal Handguns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Governor Edward G. Rendell, along with Pittsburgh Police Chief Nate Harper and other chief law enforcement officers from across Pennsylvania, today called on Congress and the General Assembly to stand with them and put an end to senseless murders stemming from the use of deadly assault weapons and illegal handguns." ...

KABA Note: Waitaminnit: If the handguns are already 'illegal' does he want to make them double secret illegal?

In The Aftermath of Gun Violence, Remembrances of Past Violence, and a Plea For Action
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Tomorrow, April 16, marks the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech tragedy ... and survivors and family members still trying to cope with their grief. Four days later, April 20, is the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of Columbine High School, which left 12 students and a teacher dead."

"Tomorrow, Virginia Tech students, survivors and parents of students who died or were injured will participate in remembrance activities ... On Monday at 11 AM, Colorado time, at the state Capitol building in Denver, Colorado, a remembrance ceremony will be led by Tom Mauser, the father of Daniel Mauser, who died at Columbine. A Virginia Tech survivor and three parents of other shooting victims who survived will attend that ceremony." ...

Ten Years After Columbine, Notable Moments in Recent U.S. Gun-control Debate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On the second anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings and the 10th anniversary of the Columbine High School attack, a look back at notable events in the gun-control debate over the past decade:"

"April 20, 1999 | Students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold attack Columbine High School near Denver, killing 12 fellow students and a teacher. Another 24 people are wounded. The attackers then kill themselves. The massacre touches off renewed debate over U.S. gun-control laws." ...

Submitter's Note: Where's the mention of the armed security guard who saved numerous lives because he held the pair off with his gun?

Armed self-defense & 'The Stopwatch of Death'
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Website: http://

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"'If I only had a gun,' ABC's recent segment of '20/20,' treated viewers to a biased and deeply flawed 'study' promoting the opinion that armed citizens are incapable of stopping active killers in mass homicides. On Monday, 'Myths of Armed Self-Defense' exposed '20/20's' fallacy of the omnipotent killer, noting that personality characteristics of such killers actually make them more, not less, vulnerable to armed defense. Today, we discuss the advice '20/20' gave viewers unfortunate enough to find themselves in active killer scenarios."

"This is what '20/20's' 'experts' advise you to do if confronted by an active killer:"

"Try to run: Maybe he won’t shoot you, advises JJ Bittenbinder, ABC's professed expert ..." ...

Education Guide Lesson #22: Pretend 'Gun-Free' School Zones: A Deadly Legal Fiction
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yet another eye-opening study course has been added to the [BFA] Education Guide."

"Written by David B. Kopel, this Article analyzes the law and policy regarding the licensed carrying of firearms in K-12 schools and in colleges and universities. The Article suggests that absolute bans have proven to be extremely dangerous, because they turn schools into uniquely attractive targets for mass murderers."

"The article focuses on prohibitions applied to people who have already been licensed to carry a handgun for lawful protection in public places. The article does not address the bans as applied to persons who have not obtained or could not obtain such a permit—such as persons under the age of 21 in most states." ...

A peek into a liberal's mind
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"My sister, who lives in a large east coast city, is a dyed in the wool liberal ... What makes her wonderful is that she is very intelligent and widely read, and is willing to hold forth on long conversations regarding difficult topics. ... I put a question to her that I thought would crystallize our differences and it did."

"My question: Would you kill to avoid being killed? That is the acid test. If you answer no, then all that you profess makes sense for you. ..."

"Her answer: 'I think that most any creature, if faced with a life and death situation, would instinctively try to save itself. This is instinct, not reason. That is why I would never carry a gun. This way I don’t have to make horrible choices. ..." ...

The Iron Trickle: changing U.S. gun laws won't disarm Mexican drug cartels
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The beat goes on."

"Incessantly, relentlessly, the American public is bombarded with the assertion that much of the blame for Mexican drug trafficking violence can be squarely placed on 'lax U.S. gun laws.'"

"With President Obama going to Mexico, and with the appointment of a 'border czar' (what's with the trend of referring to government officials with a term related to Russian monarchy, anyway?), the issue of the Second Amendment's supposed culpability for the Mexican violence is front and center in the news again." ...

Pennsylvania governor sounds alarm, urges renewal of assault weapon ban
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell held a press conference yesterday to spread lies about guns and demand that the expired 'assault weapon ban' be renewed. In a press release, Rendell laid out his arguments and agenda." ...

"Except that rifles of any type are rarely used in crimes at all, and comprise a low percentage of overall gun homicides. Estimate vary from 1-7%, and only a smaller percentage of those fall under the phony classification of 'assault weapons.' More police officers are killed or injured with motor vehicles that with any type of firearm. Rendell's comment about assault weapons being 'designed to kill in large numbers' demonstrates yet another attempt to confuse the public ..." ...

Obama, Calderon pledge drug war support
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Cooperation is essential to fight the violent drug battle along the border, U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon said Thursday." ...

"In addition the two leaders also discussed a ban on assault weapons."

"'I continue to believe that we can respect the Second Amendment right in the Constitution,' Obama said, 'while dealing with assault weapons that we now know ... are helping to fuel violence' in Mexico and the United States."

"While recognizing that re-instating a ban wouldn't be easy, Obama said, 'we can improve enforcement of existing law' under which trafficking is illegal."

"Calderon said 90 percent of the assault weapons recovered could be tracked to the United States." ...

Submitter's Note: Calderon lies.

Obama Likely Won't Pursue Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"President Obama said in Mexico Thursday that while he continues to back bringing back the expired assault weapons ban, it would be politically difficult to do so."

"He called instead for greater enforcement of existing laws despite the fact that, according to Mexican President Filipe Calderon, such weapons have strengthened organized crime groups in Mexico who are fueling border violence and the drug trade."

"'I have not backed off at all from my belief that the assault weapons ban makes sense, and I continue to believe that we can respect and honor the second amendment right in our Constitution,' he said during a press conference with Calderon." ...

Obama: Mexico drug war ‘sowing chaos’
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Acknowledging a Mexican drug war that is 'sowing chaos in our communities,' President Barack Obama signaled Thursday he will not seek the reinstatement of a U.S. assault weapons ban but instead step up enforcement of existing laws against taking such weapons across the border."

"Despite a campaign promise to see the lapsed ban renewed, Obama was bowing to the reality that to do so would be unpopular in politically key U.S. states and among Republicans as well as some conservative Democrats."

"Mexican President Felipe Calderon ... had hoped to persuade Obama to push the reinstatement."

"Obama ... countered the disappointment for his Mexican host with a pledge to push Congress to finally act on an inter-American weapons treaty ..." ...

President Obama Backs Inter-American Arms Treaty
Submitted by: Protector

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"President Obama will announce in a visit here today that he will push the U.S. Senate to ratify an inter-American arms trafficking treaty designed to curb the flow of guns and ammunition to drug cartels and other armed groups in the hemisphere." ...

"Many[sic] of the guns used by the drug cartels travel south from the United States. Some assault rifles recovered by Mexican authorities have been traced back to U.S. military bases." ...

KABA Note: Reading Article I, Section 1, para. b of the treaty you can see that it would ban reloading or handloading of ammunition, custom building of guns and quite possibly even upgrading existing firearms with new stocks, sights, triggers etc., without a gov't license.

ID: Senate panel narrowly approves bill to encourage employers to allow guns in cars
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Senate committee narrowly approved a bill that would encourage companies to adopt policies that let workers keep guns in their cars."

"The Senate State Affairs Committee voted 4-3 on April 16 to pass a measure that would provide legal protections to companies that 'allow or (do) not prohibit' employees to store firearms in their vehicles. Those businesses could not face civil damages for such policies."

"Rep. Jeff Thompson, R-Idaho Falls, said prohibitions on guns in employee vehicles infringe on the rights of hunters and people who carry guns for self-defense. But he said businesses that have such policies wouldn’t have to change their procedures because of the bill." ...

TX: Opponents of gun bill to walk out of classes
Submitted by: jgh

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"Legislation allowing concealed handguns on state campuses has incited passionate debate at UT. This battle has been ongoing since the founding fathers guaranteed “the right to bear arms” in the Bill of Rights."

"In protest of a new bill, UT students and faculty, will walk out of classes today at 11:30 a.m. and march to the steps of the Texas Capitol against guns on college campuses."

"Today marks the second anniversary of the shooting at Virginia Tech." ...

"Eugene Volokh, a law professor at the [UCLA], said ... 'Protecting the right to self-defense is an important moral right. My sense is that allowing concealed carry is, generally speaking, a good idea.'" ...

Republican Senator Says Obama Aims To Disarm Americans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If you're wondering where the insistence by some conservatives and Fox News comes from that the Obama administration wants to take all of American’s guns away then a good place to start will be the rhetoric of some GOP lawmakers."

"The context: Attorney General Eric Holder has always been an advocate of some forms of gun control. He has also made it known that he personally would like to see a ban on assault weapons. So some cable and radio personalities who seek to whip up an audience — and some elected officials who seek to whip up and win over audiences — have generalized this and talk about the administration seeking to disarm Americans and in effect take all guns away." ...

Submitter's Note: Reading the excerpt I don't see anywhere that Sen. Coburn claims the administration is trying to "take all guns away". He talks about incrementalism and AG Holder's stated feelings on the subject.

Your Wonkette Teabagging Photo Tour, Part I
Submitted by: Larry

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Caution: Profanity ahead

"It is time. You must see what we have seen. There will be more, and they will be worse. This shitty, muddy, 500-person national protest with NO TEABAGS. Prepare to GO GALT. "

"We saw a group that was about 99% black people, and whoa hey, what a mindfuck! Didn’t they know that it was unsafe for them at the teabagging festival, because of racism? But then it turned out they were just a school group taking the usual walking tour, ha. Still: run!" ...

Your Wonkette Teabagging Tour, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Caution: Profanity ahead

"Before starting out on our latest miserable journey into this muddy Randian hell, may we just NOTE that we have noticed various folks on the Internet writing about how lame and trite certain blogs are for covering the Teabaggers only because of that silly sexual double entendre, which is now a dead joke. Indeed it is a dead joke! It's been dead for weeks! ... But we would call them 'Teabaggers' even without the sexual innuendo, because it is a hilarious movement based around tea bags, so yeah, 'Teabaggers.' This is the Republican Party now! There is much more fuel to this thing than a simple sex joke that OMG old people don't understand! Anyway… ha ha, testicles. Let's look at some pictures of human testicles!" ...

Fear and Greed Have Wall Street Journal Anti-Gun Propaganda Shooting Up
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A headline in the Wall Street Journal like 'Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up' is like waving a red flag in front of me..."

Homeland Security’s outrageous insult to veterans, conservatives and firearms owners
Submitted by: Dave Workman

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This DHS report – which used the term “rightwing extremists” 26 times, as if to pound the term into the vocabulary of everyone who was initially supposed to have read this document – is the kind of fear mongering that the Left has traditionally blamed on people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others with whom it disagrees.

Border Patrol Goons Beat Baptist Pastor (with video)
Submitted by: Larry

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"Assuming that this account is reliable -- and this fellow provides numerous details, including the names of his assailants -- the Border Patrol has morphed into an Amerikan version of the KGB's Border Guards:"

"For several years, some of us have warned that the purpose of building up the Border Patrol was not to control illegal immigration (which is itself largely a secondary effect of the Fed's manipulation of the economy and the welfare state), but rather to build a retaining wall around an American garrison state." ...

A 'Domestic Terrorist' and Proud of It
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The denunciations and umbrage that hailed last month's report from [MIAC] are raining on this week's release from the [DHS]. And no wonder: though its title ... is more cumbrous than MIAC’s alliterative 'Modern Militia Movement,' it recycles the same 'constitutionalists-are-terrorists' trash. But we who love liberty can rejoice nonetheless. Be proud and encouraged, not angry: both papers reveal how much we scare the Feds! And that's terrific, because so long as government fears its subjects, freedom may yet revive."

"Otherwise, there's not much that charms in RE's nine pages of wretched writing, worse reasoning, and hysteria. In fact, the thing is so farcical that bloggers speculated it might be a parody. ..." ...

Holder: CIA officials won't be tried for waterboarding
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Obama administration today informed CIA officials who used waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics on terror suspects that they will not be prosecuted."

"Even before President Barack Obama took office in January, aides signaled his administration was not likely to bring criminal charges against CIA employees for their roles in the secret, coercive terrorist interrogation program. It had been deemed legal at the time through opinions issued by the Justice Department under the Bush administration." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course if you or I relied on gov't assurances, we might well be told "It is well established that the government is not bound by the acts of its agents beyond the scope of their actual authority."

Lawless or ignorant cops
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I do not believe that most cops wake up in the morning and think to themselves 'how can I deprive citizens of their rights today without getting myself shot in the process'. On the other hand, I truly believe that some do. We have the evidence."

"Does it really matter if it is a criminal who is pointing their gun at you and threatening your life with lethal force, or if it is a cop who is threatening you? Either way, when you're looking down the barrel of a gun it places you in imminent fear of death or great bodily harm."

"Even if you broke the law by speeding for example, no one expects the cop to show up at the window with their gun pointed at the driver just for going too fast. ..." ...

MD: City police internal investigations official fired
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Baltimore police official in charge of leading internal disciplinary proceedings was fired Tuesday, and the city police union is calling for all cases she handled to be dropped."

"Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi confirmed that JoAnn C. Woodson-Branche was fired but would not provide details ..."

"Mayor Sheila Dixon said Wednesday that the department's ability to police its own has been a 'longtime issue' and called it a 'weak link.'"

"'I think that this is a good opportunity to revamp that whole department and deal with those weaknesses and strengthen that effort' Dixon said. 'I think that everyone from the commissioner on down wants to see that happen.'" ...

Guns: A Better Buy Than Stocks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Forget stocks and bonds, the real money's in guns."

"The Wall Street Journal reports artillery enthusiasts are stocking up on guns and ammo, not necessarily ahead of widespread civil unrest resulting from our ongoing economic swoon, but as an investment. These trigger-happy speculators are betting President Obama will institute a ban on assault rifles, which would crimp supply and send prices, well, shooting up."

"For it's part, the Obama Administration says it has no plans to enact such legislation and supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"During the federal ban on semiautomatic weapons from 1994-2004, prices soared. Recent buying has reached almost a frenzied pitch ..." ...

AZ: Gun debate grows as NRA meeting nears
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Gun rights will be at the top of the agenda when the National Rifle Association holds its convention in Phoenix next month."

"Valley gun rights' advocates say concerns are growing because of President Barack Obama's track record on gun control legislation."

"Landis Aden, who heads the state Rifle and Pistol Association, said, 'People are concerned about a variety of issues, not just firearms. That's just part of the equation. When the government comes out with taxation, inflation, all these factors, you can't isolate one from the other.'"

"Aden said people just don't trust the president."

"'There's concern about the way the administration's trying to take the country overall, not just one aspect of it.'" ...

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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