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Guns, Gold, Secession
Submitted by: Larry

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"There is a secession movement afoot and its proponents are determined to put a halt to the federal government's ambitions to destroy and reconstruct an entire economy and dissolve the last remnants of individual liberty. Twenty-eight states are invoking the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, by rolling out legislation to assert their sovereignty as free states ..." ...

"Perhaps the most significant move on the part of the Feds, outside of crushing the free market through rapid nationalization, is the move on the part of the centralizers to extinguish the single most important characteristic of a free society – the right to bear arms. A society in which individuals cannot bear arms is a society doomed to eternal serfdom ..." ...

Don't kid yourself--confiscation is the goal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A common theme we hear from the citizen disarmament lobby is the claim that they don't want to take our guns--they just want to 'regulate' them. That, anyway, is what they say now--they were once less circumspect, as Handgun Control, Inc. (which is now the Brady Campaign) founder and chairman Nelson T. 'Pete' Shields demonstrated more than once:"
"Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. My estimate is from seven to ten years. The problem is to slow down the increasing number of handguns sold in this country. The second problem is to get them all registered. And the final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition ... totally illegal." ...

Mexican drug cartels do not need U.S. gun shops in order to arm themselves
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The list of voices placing blame for the Mexican drug war carnage on 'weak U.S. gun laws' seems to grow longer every day. In February, it was Attorney General Eric Holder:" ...

"Over and over again, we are fed some variation of the assertion that 90% (or even '95 to 100 percent') of the cartels' guns recovered by Mexican authorities are traced to the U.S. Monday, my colleague, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea, provided some startling--and very instructive--context to that '90 %' figure. Quoting Deputy Attorney General David Ogden, in his statement before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, in testimony for a hearing on the Mexican border threat, David reveals what is really meant by '90%.'" ...

Gun-control crowd pushes radical goal
Submitted by: jgh

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"As the little girl in the 1980s flick, 'Poltergeist,' said, 'They're back.' Now, after consciously maintaining a low profile the last two years, even though the Democratic Party maintained a majority in both houses of the Congress, the gun-control crowd is stirring. Yes, they’re back. And they’re feeling their oats."

"Smartly, congressional benefactors for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's most notorious gun control organization, had lain low; and gun control was but a minor issue in then-Sen. Obama's campaign for the White House." ...

"Now ... Democratic leaders in Washington and their anti-gun counterparts ... are energized and actively starting to push their anti-gun agenda." ...

U. S. targets sale of guns to curb Mexican drug war
Submitted by: Trapper

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"The Obama administration wants to crack down on the sale of assault weapons that are arming Mexican drug cartels, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said ..."

"Clinton said late Wednesday that letting a previous U. S. ban on the sale of assault weapons expire was 'a mistake.'"

"'I think these assault weapons, these military style weapons, don't belong on anyone's street,' said Clinton, who pushed for the ban as a New York senator."

"'During the time period from 1994 to 2004, when the ban was in effect, our police in America were able to drive crime down because they didn't have to worry about these assault weapons getting into the hands of criminals and gang members,' the chief U. S. diplomat said." ...

KABA Note: But how would a new 'AWB' affect the "legitimate" arms sales to corrupt Mexican officials?

We're Being Lied to about U.S. Guns and Mexican Cartels. Why?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Well funded anti-self defense campaigners, politicians and their ministers who enjoy taxpayer-funded protection, and a complicit media are propagating a lie in order to swindle you out of your rights. There is a way to get to the bottom of things, but you won't hear it from them."

"Ask yourself who could be opposed to ATF officials--testifying under oath--as to the complete truth of what they know about Mexican cartel guns? Besides someone who finds an advantage in suppressing the truth?"

Scare tactics: the mainstream media's war on guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When you have an agenda, you can spin nearly anything to fit it. The mainstream media, for reasons that are all their own, are by and large anti-gun. That bias is readily evident in their stories about anything involving guns. Take, for instance, an article in the Nashua Telegraph which begins, 'like it or not, gun sales are, well, booming.'"

"We deal with tragedy every day. Whether terrorist attacks, natural disasters, car accidents, etc., people lose their lives every day. In a free nation with 300 million people, sadly some will choose to commit violence with firearms. Unfortunately, there was just such an episode of violence over the weekend when a man killed eight people at a nursing home in North Carolina. " ...

Sebelius Pays $7,000 in Back Taxes
Submitted by: jac

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"Health and Human Services nominee Kathleen Sebelius recently corrected three years of tax returns and paid more than $7,000 in back taxes after finding 'unintentional errors' -- the latest tax troubles for an Obama administration nominee."

"The Kansas governor explained the changes to senators in a letter dated Tuesday that the administration released. She said they involved charitable contributions, the sale of a home and business expenses." ...

Submitters note: She should have paid more attention to her own criminal wrongdoing than to pushing restrictions on law abiding gun owners.

The Gun Ruse-Opponents of D.C. voting rights reveal their true motives.
Submitted by: jgh

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"TO HEAR proponents of the congressional effort to rewrite the D.C. gun laws tell it, their only interest is in upholding the Second Amendment. They say that the best way to undo what they see as unlawful restrictions on firearms in the city is by amending the D.C. voting rights bill. What they can't explain is why they didn't simply use the powers of congressional review to short-circuit any gun restrictions they found objectionable. Their failure to do so suggests that what they really care about is not the right of D.C. residents to bear arms but denying those same citizens any hope of getting a rightful say in their government." ...

TN: We Wish This Were an April Fool's Joke
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rep. Stacey Campfield's guns-on-campuses bill just died in a House subcommittee. ... But don't despair. The subcommittee adopted another fine piece of legislation to bar the government from confiscating our weapons during martial law. It's one of those just-in-case bills, but you can never be too cautious when it comes to your personal arsenal."

"The sponsor, House Republican caucus chair Glen Casada, explained martial law might be declared 'by the governor, president or somebody like that' usually at a time of 'invasion or civil unrest.'"

"'I'm a firm believer that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,' Casada told the subcommittee. 'Obviously, things are bad under martial law, and we'd need our weapons to protect ourselves.'"

Submitter's Note: Nope, no media bias here.

NY: East Syracuse Police to distribute free gunlocks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sally Seeley doesn't like the idea of guns in the home."

"'Why do you need a handgun?' the East Syracuse resident asked. 'It makes no sense to me.'" [link added by Editor]

"Seeley is among thousands who hold the same view. But like it or not, it is legal to own registered firearms."

"Project ChildSafe, a nationwide firearm safety education and gunlock program, reminds gun owners of the importance in maintaining a safe environment for their family and friends. Its purpose is to promote safe handling and secure storage practices among all firearms owners."

"The East Syracuse Police Department announced last week it is now an active participant in this program." ...

Video Defense Of Gun Rights (Parts 2 & 3)
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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Part 1 of the series was posted here a few days ago. It has occurred to me that Parts 2 and 3 were not.

Here is the URL for Part 1:

Here is the URL for Part 2:

Here is the URL for Part 3:

Cleveland Gun Roadtrip Examiner & national reciprocity
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"A couple of days ago, I suggested in an article that a national reciprocity bill would be a good thing. Whenever this issue is brought up, there is opposition from both sides of the fence. Of course, gun control advocates don't want any bill passed that expands gun rights. But there is opposition from the pro-gun side as well."

"Two of the biggest fears from 'our' side are that the government will take away states' rights by forcing them to accept licenses and issuing standards from other states, as well as the concern that this could turn into a national concealed carry license which could then be easily overturned." ...

Submitter's Note: The Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner faces reciprocity issues head on during a cross country roadtrip.

LibertyTUBE TV: 'Gun controlled'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Dean Garriss and the crew of LibertyTUBE TV have produced a wide-ranging, informative and exhaustively-researched segment on the Second Amendment entitled 'Gun Controlled,' featuring interviews and clips from a variety of notables including (immodestly speaking) this author, Paul Valone. (Yeah, I know: I'm not so 'notable.')

"LibertyTUBE’s slick and engaging productions cover topics such as 'Debt as Slavery,' 'Education by Force,' and 'Checks and Balances.' Far from the usual dogma, the libertarian-leaning episodes entertain with proprietary soundtracks which are, by turns, upbeat and pensive." ...

A safer campus with concealed carry
Submitted by: jgh

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"Over the past couple of months, the issue of concealed carry on campus has come to the forefront of debate in both our Student Government and this newspaper. While I expected this issue to die in January after being overwhelmingly shot down in SG, it surfaced again this week as the House Public Safety Committee debated a bill Monday that would permit college students to carry firearms on campus. In this debate, more than 100 people, including UT faculty and students, voiced their opinions with relatively equal representation on each side of the issue."

"At times, I have been shocked to see what opponents of concealed carry have resorted to in defense of their opinion. ..." ...

Republicans continue to serve wrong recipe when it comes to gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Republican Party lost big in 2006 and lost even bigger in 2008. They didn't lose because of opposition to the war in Iraq. They didn't lose because of the floundering economy. They didn't even lose because of a 'culture of corruption.' Those were symptoms and side issues. The reason Republicans lost, and continue to lose, is because they have failed to keep their promises, live up to their stated beliefs, and they have provided little reason to their base a reason to get excited ..."

"From taxes to abortion to free trade to fiscal responsibility, Republicans have routinely betrayed the trust of important issue groups and constituencies. But no group betrayed, ignored, and taken for granted by Republicans more than gunowners." ...

More Resources, Not Laws, Needed on Border
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Anticipating the arrival of Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on Thursday, Mexican President Felipe Calderon called for the Obama Administration to violate U.S. citizen's Second Amendment rights: 'It is necessary to reduce the sale of weapons, particularly of high-powered weapons, in the United States.'"

"New federal gun control laws are not the answer to Mexican drug violence. Sen. John Barrasso (T-WY) stood up for American's rights at a border hearing in El Paso Monday:"
"Some have suggested that we need to ban semi-automatic assault weapons to curb the violence. I don't understand the rationale behind disarming law-abiding citizens. ..." ...

Gun Owners of America Ready for Anti-Gun Battles in Congress
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Many important battles for your Second Amendment rights lay before us. For instance, Barack Obama and his anti-gun cronies are making a massive push to renew the Clinton semi-auto ban."

"The President and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, are blaming the current violence among Mexican drug cartels on firearms from the United States. This is another blatant attempt by anti-gun advocates to use whatever situation they can find to further erode your Second Amendment rights."

"The problems of corruption and violence in Mexico should not be used as an excuse to curtail your right to keep and bear arms. But once again law-abiding American gun owners are in danger of being punished for the criminal actions of others." ...

Think About It
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Federal Government under Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful person in the world, and President Obama are set on changing America to a socialist nation. As former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich said last Saturday, 'America is rapidly changing to a Socialist Dictatorship'." ...

"Here in Alaska the Federal government has already taken all our navigational waters ... Now, Pelosi and Obama want to weaken our Second Amendment Rights. They want to require every person who owns a gun to have a license or be a felon; to make it illegal to own a long list of rifles and guns; and do away with our carry concealed laws. Many other federal proposals from Pelosi, Obama and Congress are just as destructive." ...

Sen. Kerry makes push for tighter gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The United States does not need to send troops to the border in response to Mexico's drug war, nor is Mexico in danger of becoming a failed state, law enforcement officials told a congressional panel." ...

"At Monday's hearing, committee Chairman Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said he had been shocked to see killings and beheadings 'just a stone's throw across the Rio Grande from where we're sitting this morning.'"

"Across the border, thousands of Mexican soldiers patrol Ciudad Juarez, which saw about 2,000 murders in 14 months."

"Kerry called for a ban on the imports of assault rifles, such as the AK-47, into the United States. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., opposed the idea." ...

TN: Tenn. Senate to vote on closing handgun database
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A proposal to close public access to the database of state-issued permits to carry loaded handguns is headed for vote in the Tennessee Senate.

The Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday advanced the measure sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris, a Collierville Republican, a 6-2 vote.

The panel added a provision to retain access to the records by the state comptroller to ensure the Safety Department is following permitting procedures.

The committee also unanimously voted to send a separate proposal to end a thumbprint requirement for gun purchases to the Senate floor. The companion bill has already passed in the House.

AR: Concealed carry privacy bill, take three
Submitted by: ARCCA

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HB1623 The Concealed Carry Privacy bill, is going before the committee again tomorrow. An amendment was forced on us by the APA and then again by the committee, so we had to come up with a solution that the committee would pass.

See this post for details.

An amendment was crafted and should address the APA's bizzare desire to have a list of names. I think we've been able to limit the damage to permit holders to just a list of names, while making publishing the list of names illegal under FOIA.

This will keep the press from fishing expeditions, and keep insufferable hacks like Max Brantley from publishing it.


TX: County vexed by proposed firearms law
Submitted by: jgh

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"It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes a federal law — in this case a proposed federal law — is upsetting enough at the local level that a local government takes notice of it and dashes off a resolution in opposition."

"And that's what happened in Commissioner's Court on Tuesday, with the county's government voting unanimously in favor of a resolution opposing a proposed new federal firearms law that would require licenses for anyone wishing to buy a semi-automatic rifle or a handgun loaded by a clip and prohibit sale of such weapons — including many used for hunting or home protection — to anyone but a licensed gun dealer or collector." ...

Policemen won't face Mexico gun charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Charges against two Monterey County policemen arrested last summer in Mexico for alleged gun and ammunition smuggling have been dropped by a Mexican court."

"Soledad police officer Hermogenes Llanes and Presidio of Monterey police Sgt. Jorge Matos were arrested Aug. 1 by Mexican authorities who found guns and ammunition in their car during a routine vehicle inspection." ...

"The Mexican court didn't explain why the charges were dropped, said presidio spokesman Eric Hamilton." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks "does anyone think a non-"Only One" would have had the charges dropped without explanation?"

OH: This newspaper editor supports the Second Amendment and concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As a gun owner and a strong supporter of private gun ownership and gun rights, I have found it interesting that recent Telegram articles have reported citizens finding unwelcomed visitors in their homes and have greeted them with guns and have fired a few shots in their direction."

"This, I think, is part of what the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States speaks to when it protects the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. There are, of course, other reasons this right is important, but it seems to me that having firearms in the home is important when it comes to protecting you and yours." ...

IA: Guns, history meet at annual gun show
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Guns carry more than bullets."

"They carry plenty of history, too."

"That's the idea behind the Le Mars Sportsman Club's annual Gun Show, Saturday and Sunday, April 4 and 5."

"The two-day show at the Plymouth County Fairgrounds will feature buffalo rifles and hand guns from the Old West, 1800s ladies watches and accessories, guns and artifacts from the Civil War, and antique military guns from World War I and World War II."

"'Sometimes you just wonder where these things have been,' said Howard Crouse, the Sportsman's Club member who is in charge of organizing the show."

"Everyone who pays $5 admission gets a free ticket to win a boy's 22 caliber rifle or, for the women, a 1800s lady's antique miniature revolver ..." ...

NY: Suffolk County might relocate trap and skeet range to Southampton Town
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"East Quogue, Manorville and Speonk are three of the six communities now under consideration for the siting of a trap and skeet range operated by Suffolk County, according to a report submitted earlier this month to Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy’s office."

"Four sand and gravel mines in East Quogue and Speonk, and a 444-acre wooded area in the compatible growth area of the Manorville pine barrens, were named as possible replacement sites for the county-owned skeet range now operated in Yaphank."

"The three other sites under consideration are located in Ridge, Calverton and the North Fork Preserve in Riverhead. A total of 15 properties were reviewed, but only eight were considered worth further consideration ..." ...

Canada: Evicted woman opens fire in B.C. nursing home
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"A continuing care home on the Sunshine Coast was the scene of a police shooting Tuesday afternoon after a resident allegedly shot an employee." ...

"Witnesses on the scene said the shooter was a woman who normally uses a wheelchair, and who was facing eviction from the facility." ...

"... the incident began when four employees came to the woman's door to 'make arrangements to move her to different facility.'"

"The woman then fired." ...

"Police were called, and when the three attending officers arrived, the woman was in the parking lot attempting to get into a vehicle ..."

"... the officers 'issued commands' which she ignored, whereupon at least one of the officers discharged his weapon, wounding the woman. ..." ...

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. — Alexander Tyler (in his 1770 book, Cycle of Democracy)

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