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Newslinks for 4/21/2009

Bullies Bearing Badges
Submitted by: Larry

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So what’s going on here? Whatever happened to those friendly neighborhood cops like Bert from “It’s a Wonderful Life?”

The cops of course always claim each case is just one bad apple in the barrel, but over the years the whole barrel seems to have rotted.

Any libertarian worth the label will tell you that anyone committing coercion, whether king, cop or commoner, must be held personally accountable. And thanks to dashboard videocams and citizens with cell phone cameras, that’s happening.

But this problem goes deeper.

Cops enforce the laws. The more laws there are, the more cops there must be. So the cop shops all over the country lower their standards to reel in more recruits. But lower standards attract lower recruits. Like the kids you grew up with who bullied you and stole your lunch money and muscled you into the hallway lockers.

A Cautious Approach to the 9th Circuit Ruling on 2A
Submitted by: Columbia Conservative Examiner

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While the ruling of the 9th Circuit Court incorporating the 2nd Amendment hands gun rights activists a victory, caution is in order. The ruling is limited.

And much more needs to be done in order to incorporate the 2A nationally.

Guns and the barometer of discontent
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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Like the frozen moment when dark cumulonimbus boil above and the sky turns green with ozone, American unrest is building. What do increasingly organized protests, burgeoning gun sales and even mass homicides have in common?

Still crossing fingers 10 years after Columbine
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'Students who bring guns to school are hardly ever detected,' the researcher wrote. 'This is shocking to most parents and even other students since it is just as easy to bring a loaded handgun to school as it is to bring a calculator.'"

"...Ultimately, 'a school is no place for a gun,' he concluded."

"The author was Columbine killer Eric Harris, who chose 'Guns in Schools' for his report topic. It's not hard to see why he would favor 'gun-free school zones.'"


NY: Potential for more gun control increases gun sales
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"We're swamped all the time," said B & J Guns Sales Manager, Chris Powell. "These people are not just buying one gun, they're buying multiple guns and plenty of ammo." The economy may be hurting many businesses across the state, but not gun shops. Sales of handguns and ammunition are way up, according to Powell.

GA: State lawmaker speaks to gun enthusiasts
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"Georgia 68th District Rep. Timothy Bearden spoke to the area group Saturday."

"'Most people in Georgia don’t realize it, but Georgians have some of the most restrictive laws in the nation on carrying firearms,' Bearden said. 'States like Washington and even California, which are states that a lot of people feel are liberal states, aren’t as strict as we are here.'"

"The lawmaker said gun rights advocates need to stand up to those who are trying to weaken the right to carry guns. 'The most important thing you can do is to let people know how you
feel. Let your local senators and congressmen know that you feel that this is an individual right,' Bearden said.

Will UN Policy Trump The Second Amendment? [video]
Submitted by: Brian Carey

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Bolton And Rove On Beck
They talk Chavez, guns, greenhouse gases

Submitter's note: A fairly frightening concept (transnationaliztion) as discussed by Karl Rove, Josh Bolton, and Glenn Beck.

GA: TacoMac attempted robbery first of its kind for 30-year-old business
Submitted by: Foo Bar

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"The attempted robbery early Sunday at the TacoMac in Virginia-Highland marks the first such incident for the TacoMac chain, which opened in 1979, according to the Tappan Restaurant Group.


According to authorities, the manager fired shots at the gunman. The would-be robber fled and may have been injured."

GA: Gun group promotes rights while cleaning up highway
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"Members of gun rights organization Georgia Carry spent part of Saturday beautifying Hwy. 34 East and raising awareness of Georgians' rights to keep and bear arms."

"Last month, the 4,000-member group adopted a section of state Highway 34 from Bradford Station Drive to East Plantation Drive for regular cleanup under the state's Adopt-a-Highway program."

"Saturday was the group's first scheduled cleanup event, and many of the members wore firearms as they picked up litter -- but not because they feared abandoned soda bottles or live snakes."

"'We are here to remind people that they have the legal right to keep and bear arms,' said Jerry Henry, who helped organize Saturday's effort."

PA: Rendell, NRA official spar over gun ban
Submitted by: jgh

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Taking his campaign for stronger gun-control measures to the national stage, Gov. Rendell squared off with a top NRA official on national television yesterday over the federal ban on assault weapons...

Rendell said there was no "rational reason" to allow the sale of assault weapons. "They are used for only one reason . . . to kill and maim people,"...

Countering Rendell, Wayne LaPierre..of the NRA, called the assault-weapons ban "a totally phony issue" and called for stronger enforcement of existing laws..

In their 10-minute debate, Rendell and LaPierre got into a heated exchange about the definition of an assault weapon.

LaPierre said there was "no functional difference at all" between an assault weapon and any other gun.

NY: Retailers Struggle to Keep up with Gun Sales
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Despite a struggling economy, retailers are having a hard time meeting demand for guns and ammo. Gun sales are soaring in the Twin Tiers, and across the nation for fear the Obama administration will impose stricter gun control. Retail managers say once it looked like Obama would be elected president, gun and ammunition sales sky rocketed- and they're having a hard time keeping up.

Ninth Circuit Rules 2nd Amendment Incorporated to States
Submitted by: R. Smith

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The Second Amendment Foundation today applauded the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco for ruling that the Second Amendment is incorporated against the states and local governments.

The majority opinion was written by Judge Diarmuid F. O'Scannlain, with a concurring opinion from Judge Ronald M. Gould, who wrote, "The right to bear arms is a bulwark against external invasion...That we have a lawfully armed populace adds a measure of security for all of us and makes it less likely that a band of terrorists could make headway in an attack on any community before more professional forces arrived."

TX: Shortages of ammo and gun accessories cropping up nationwide
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Most days are like Christmas for Glen Furtardo.

When he opens boxes sent to the Winchester Gallery gun store in east Fort Worth, he finds out what ammunition he'll have to stock his shelves with that day as demand for weapons and ammo soars. Reports of heavy sales at gun stores began around the time of Barack Obama's election as president, and months later, dealers are facing ammo shortages nationwide.

"People are panicking and buying," said Furtardo, assistant manager. "The crime rate is high, and they are flat scared of what is going to happen in the next few years with the economy and the country. Manufacturers weren't prepared for this."

Gun Lobby Has Set the Stage for Another Columbine
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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Gun control advocacy group the Freedom States Alliance issued the following statement on the tenth anniversary of the Columbine killings:

"Ten years after the Columbine massacre on April 20, 1999, it is painfully clear that the United States squandered the opportunity in the last decade to enact policies to reduce and prevent gun violence. More chilling is that the United States continues to slide into a dangerous spiral: unable to confront the powerful interests of the gun lobby and industry that is holding the American government hostage..."

OH: Jewel Heist in Westerville: Victim Fires at Fleeing Robbers
Submitted by: Shelley Courter

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A smash and grab robbery in the parking lot of a Westerville restaurant Friday night ended with three robbers getting away with two cases of jewelry as the rightful owner fired shots to try to prevent them from the theft.

Westerville police said that an Indiana jeweler was looking for Easton Towne Center after he left a gem show at the Ohio Exhibition Center, NBC 4‘s Mike Bowersock reported.

The jeweler ended up in a Fazoli’s parking lot in Westerville at about and sent his wife and daughter inside while he attempted to figure out his GPS.

Ten years after Columbine, we still haven't learned real lessons
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Ten years after this tragedy, gun control advocates are still pushing the same failed agenda instead of looking at real solutions to the problem.

Ninth Circuit incorporates Second Amendment!
Submitted by: Larry

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[David Codrea quoting the ruling]

For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the district court’s grant of summary judgment to the County on the Nordykes’First Amendment and equal protection claims and, although we conclude that the Second Amendment is indeed incorporated against the states, we AFFIRM the district court’s refusal to grant the Nordykes leave to amend their complaint to add a Second Amendment claim in this case.

Ed.: Now go read the article, and bask in the warm glow of incorporation. :-)

WI: Obama should stand up to gun lobby
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Earlier this year, when Attorney General Eric Holder called for a renewal of the ban on assault weapons -- he was only repeating the commitment Obama made during his presidential campaign -- the response from a group of 65 pro-gun House Democrats was: No way.

And why can't we at least close the gun show loophole? Licensed arms dealers have to do background checks on people who buy guns. The rules don't apply at gun shows that, as the Violence Policy Center put it, have become "Tupperware Parties for Criminals."

LA: Homeowner shoots suspected burglar
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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According to Livingston Parish sheriff's officials, a suspected burglar was shot, then caught Saturday morning after trying to break into a shed. The reported burglary happened near Highway 63 and Tyler Ballard Road. A Livingston sheriff's deputies say the suspected burglar, 32-year-old Charles Avants, tried to break into the shed when the homeowner shot Avants in the arm.

CT: Student Groups Divided On Right To Carry Guns On Campus
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Philip Axelrod and Sara Adler say they don't want to be defenseless targets.

"There are people out there who are off-balance and who shoot up schools," Axelrod, 20, said. "I don't want to be caught up in a situation where I have to lay down and die."

Axelrod, a University of Connecticut student, and Adler, who attends Central Connecticut State University, are leading "empty holster" protests next week at both schools to lobby for the right to carry concealed handguns on campus. Although state law permits eligible people 21 and older to carry handguns, student conduct codes at both universities prohibit possession of firearms on campus.

NOTE: There's a poll. VOTE!

NY: Southern Tier gun sales are booming
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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On a recent spring day at a private outdoor gun range in southern Vestal, Rick Hadley fired twice from his Browning rifle at a paper target about 100 yards away. The two rounds, which hit the mark, cost Hadley about $3.50 - almost double what he would have paid just a few years ago. Even in the mire of recession, at least one industry across the country and in the Southern Tier is growing: guns. Demand is soaring for guns, ammunition and pistol permits, according to interviews with gun store owners, buyers and the Broome County Sheriff's Office.

LA: Deadly shooting ruled self-defense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Livingston Parish sheriff's deputies say a woman won't be charged with shooting and killing her boyfriend because they believe the shooting was done in self-defense. Deputies say 49-year-old Suzanne Smith shot 26-year-old Mark Lockwood Tuesday morning in her Denham Springs home after he allegedly held a knife to her throat. Lockwood was shot once in the chest.

NY: Pull trigger on new gun laws: On Columbine anniversary, let's close deadly loopholes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Ten years ago to the day, it was Columbine. Two years ago, it was Virginia Tech. This year, Binghamton. The common link between each shooting spree - and between the more than 100,000 Americans murdered with guns over the past 10 years - is not just human madness; it is a breakdown in basic law enforcement.

Survivalist 2.0: Regular People Get Ready for the Worst
Submitted by: Larry

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Spirko, 36, considers himself an average guy with a normal life.

But for the past few years, Spirko has been stockpiling food, water, gas, guns and ammunition. He also has a load of red wine, Starbucks coffee and deodorant stashed away.

“I refer to myself as a modern survivalist, which means I don’t do without,” Spirko explained. “I have a nice TV; I have nice furniture. We are not living in the sticks, but I take all of these things very seriously.”

Spirko, an Army veteran and self-described “stark-raving-mad Libertarian,” is part of a growing movement of people who are preparing for a disaster natural, economic or man-made.

CA: Hunters unhappy over condor range lead ammo ban
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Hunters are unhappy over the lead ammunition ban in California's condor range encompassing all or parts of 13 counties, including all of Monterey and San Benito counties.
Most of the big game and varmint hunters responding to a survey distributed at Monterey County sporting goods stores say nonleaded ammunition is expensive, ineffective or inaccurate. There were 76 responses.

Forty-one hunters described nonleaded copper bullets as "wounders" that lack the knockdown power of conventional lead bullets. They called them ineffective and inhumane, with one hunter writing, "tired of chasing wounded animals."

Nearly a third of those responding say they ignored the law.


The Guys Who Run NICS
Submitted by: motoboy

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Two FBI workers are accused of using surveillance equipment to spy on teenage girls as they undressed and tried on prom gowns at a charity event at a West Virginia mall.

The FBI employees have been charged with conspiracy and committing criminal invasion of privacy. They were working in an FBI satellite control room at the mall when they positioned a camera on temporary changing rooms and zoomed in for at least 90 minutes on girls dressing for the Cinderella Project fashion show, Marion County Prosecutor Pat Wilson said Monday.
Does anyone know why the FBI has a "satellite control room" at a mall? For that matter, what is a "satellite control room?"


PA: Rendell Takes Assault Weapon Fight To Airwaves
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has never been shy when talking about the availability of guns, especially assault weapons. But he is newly passionate about the subject, and that has thrown him in the national spotlight once again.

"The carnage could have been much greater, but the AK-47 jammed," Rendell said. "There's absolutely no reason under the sun – no rational reason – that we should allow people to legally possess these types of semi-automatic assault weapons. They're made for one purpose … to kill and maim people and most often it's police officers."

"What blessed use is there for one of these assault weapons," Rendell said. "What American needs an assault weapon to protect themselves?"

Ed.: _Every_ American needs one, I submit.

The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. — William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

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