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Newslinks for 4/25/2009

'Transforming concern into action' endangers lawful gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'Exhibit shines light on gun violence,' reads the JSOnline headline to a story about a traveling exhibit of 450 shirts donated by families and friends of victims. It's being represented as 'A Journey for Justice, Preventing Gun Violence Across Wisconsin.'"

"Organized by WAVE, the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort, in cooperation with Public Allies Milwaukee, the memorial exhibit traveled to Appleton, Stevens Point, La Crosse, Madison and Milwaukee between Monday and Wednesday."

"So what is it they hope to accomplish?"

"Bonavia said the first goal of the tour was to raise awareness about gun violence and transform that concern into action." ...

Oath Keepers: Napolitano's 'right wing extremists'?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Reading about the Oath Keepers, on one hand, and the Department of Homeland Security's 'right wing extremists,' on the other, it occurs to me that it would be easy to conclude that we're talking about the same folks, in both cases."

"Compare . . ." ...

"Oath Keepers: We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty."

"Sounds kinda like this:"

"'Right wing extremists': . . . those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority . . . " ...

"There's more, but I hope I've made my point: that our own government ... seems bent on portraying those who have shown the greatest commitment to our Constitution and our liberty as a threat ..." ...

Liberal Anger, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I love interaction with readers. Comments and e-mail stimulate my thinking. Let's elaborate on some of the last edition's points."

"In answering a reader's observations and a few other contacts, I answered that they were correct in their notice of paternalism, but that grasping the concept was deeper for an understanding of what animates liberals to be so insistent, so vicious, and so wrong."

"I mentioned the Stockholm Syndrome. One of the reasons it was so named and so clearly articulated was that the concept of such an abreaction to captivity was understood before Stockholm. ..." ...

Which kind of gun owner are you?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Having spent a fair amount of my impressionable years shooting alongside my WW2 veteran grandfather, I was fortunate to have been taught early on the great responsibility that owning a firearm brings."

"As far back as I can recall I have always understood owning a firearm had a deeper meaning. Later in life, and much to my surprise, I would come to understand that not all owners share this belief."

"During Ohioans' struggle to pass common-sense concealed carry legislation, I had the good fortune to join in the fight as a volunteer. While continuing the good work of defending the Second Amendment alongside incredibly dedicated activists, I have interacted with many firearm owners." ...

Second Amendment Rights in the Wild West
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It may seem utterly impossible, but a fairly decent ruling regarding the Second Amendment came from a California court this week. The San Francisco-based Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals actually ruled that private citizens can challenge state and local gun laws under the Second Amendment."

"Jokingly referred to as the Ninth 'Circus' Court of Appeals for its historically horrendous opinions (it's one of the most overturned appeals court in the nation), it is stunning to read the majority opinions in the case, Nordyke v. King. The majority opinions read more like a historical chronology of gun rights produced by the National Rifle Association than a decision from a decidedly liberal court." ...

Questions persist about Paul Helmke, Brady Campaign
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "With the announcement, along with Senator Frank Lautenberg, of pending federal gun control legislation, Brady Campaign’s Paul Helmke seems fired up with high-sounding verbiage these days. But questions persist regarding his credentials as an expert on crime policy."

"Math challenged?"

"Helmke alleges that NRA-endorsed candidates lost 85% of head-to-head matchups with Brady-endorsed candidates. An earlier investigation highlighted how Brady manipulated their 2008 win ratio by:"

"· Endorsing a large percentage of unchallenged incumbents."

"· Endorsing Democrats almost exclusively to benefit from voter dissatisfaction with the Republican administration." ...

Spike missile - the lighter one
Submitted by: Larry

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"I saw many April, 20th news about a missile called 'Spike' being tested - and obviously also being shown off."

"That's pretty much the first news I heard/read about this missile in years. It's been quite a while ago (2003?) that this missile was first made public."

"The intent was to develop a missile of four pounds weight, 4,000 $ cost, more than a mile range and to arm it with an EFP warhead.
The key for its low price was the use of a civilian daylight video camera and electronics for lock-on-before-launch mode." ...

"Now it's back. The weight is apparently 5.3 pounds, price is 5,000 $, range 1.5 or 2 miles and the warhead seems to be a delayed impact fuzed HE warhead." ...

The Second Amendment and the sport of revisionism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Amid the scattered bits of sanity you'll find blots of rampant paranoia by people who, by their vernacular, shouldn't be allowed to handle sharp objects. A common thread that runs through most of them is 'they're going to take our guns away.' By 'they' it would appear that the writer means any duly constituted authority. There was a veritable explosion of this verbiage during the election campaign, and it erupted to even greater heights after the election. ... And amid all the sturm und drang runs references to the sacred 'second amendment rights.'" ...

Submitter's Note: I guess in order to qualify as a rampant paranoiac you just need actually to believe that anti-gunners want to do what they say . . .

Record number of guns in Mexico traced to the US
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In 2008 ... a record number of weapons confiscated in Mexico were traced to U.S. retailers ..."

"The number of traced firearms that originated in the U.S. — 12,073 — is by far the most ever recorded in one year since the [ATF] began tracing Mexico's seized guns in 2005." ...

"Fueling the domestic debate is the fact that no one can really say how many guns in total Mexico has seized, making it impossible to place the number of U.S.-traced weapons in the larger context of Mexican weapons seizures. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Also fueling the debate are inflammatory pictures (like the one at the top of the page) showing machine guns and then talking about US sourced weapons.

Flipping AK-47s in Ponzi Nation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Wall Street Journal recently reported"

"Purchases of guns and ammunition are surging across the country. ..."

"No one knows exactly what is behind the gun-buying craze"

"Not a mystery, of course, if you had bothered to tune into their sister network, Fox ..." ...

"Fair enough, Second Amendment rights are at stake, many believe. Right? It is, after all, one of the few Constitutional rights still standing after the Darth Cheney years. And you never know when you might need an assault rifle or a militia in these times of thousands of hard core banking criminals roaming the country." ...

Obama's Backdoor Fascist Gun Grab
Submitted by: Larry

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"Obviously, the United Nations, from its very inception, has been one of the world's most ardent gun control proponents. ... The CIFTA treaty is one of the U.N.'s pet projects in order to achieve this long-held ambition."
"Chuck Baldwin writes an excellent column on the international treaty (CIFTA) signed by Obama[sic], who blames America's armed populace for the violence in the 3rd-world country to our South. People always hear me talk about "tipping points" when they ask my opinions about the potential for revolts and civil unrest. I see two major tipping points: massive inflation and gun control. ..." ...

AZ: Man shoots woman, foils carjacking, police say
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A woman who tried to carjack a man at gunpoint outside a North Side Walgreens early Thursday was shot and wounded by the man, police said." ...

"The 26-year-old man ... had just left Tucson Medical Center and went to fill a prescription."

"When he drove back to the drugstore to check on his prescription, two women came up to his car. One was armed with a gun."

"The woman tried to shoot the man, but he pulled his own gun while she was trying to pull the trigger. Her gun didn't fire for an unknown reason."

"The man fired his gun twice. One shot grazed her head, and the other struck her in the shoulder."

"The woman fell to the ground, and the man took her gun away." ...

FL: Homeowner Cleared in Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Prosecutors have concluded a Lake Wales security guard who shot a man who was breaking into his home was justified in using deadly force." ...

"Cornwell arrived at his Grove Avenue home just before 7 a.m. His wife left for work, and he was alone with his 3 1/2-month-old son and 3 1/2-year-old daughter."

"A noise awoke him from his sleep and, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, he went to find out what was happening ..."

"Cornwell came 'face-to-face' in the hallway of his home with Michael Collins who swung a crowbar at Cornwell's head. Cornwell chased Collins out the back door and fired two shots ..." ...

First 100 days: Assault weapons ban
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Campaigning before a church congregation on Chicago’s South Side one Sunday in July 2007, Barack Obama said an epidemic of big city violence was “sickening the soul of this nation.”

Sixty-five House Democrats wrote Attorney General Holder in mid-March, saying they “would actively oppose any effort to reinstate the 1994 ban” and predicting “a long and divisive fight” if the administration tried to push for one.

Unless the mid-term election brings a substantial change in the composition of Congress, an assault weapons ban has little chance of becoming law under Barack Obama, and ATF will not be able to count on a larger force of agents and inspectors.


Jews, self defense and guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today's typical Jewish attitude regarding guns is shameful."

"Self-defense is a natural, innate, behavior. ANY means should be on the table."

"We Jews are taught saving a life takes precedence over anything. Saving a life is more important than observing any of our holiest of Holidays, yet the more liberal the Jew the less likely he is to accept the use of a gun in self-defense."

"This is in direct opposition to our very militant history dating to the times of King David and later, Mattathias Maccabeus. Mattathias and his five sons led a revolt and fought off a Greek army to recapture the temple in 167 BCE (BC)." ...

Calls for Homeland Security Chief to Resign Increasing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congresswoman Mary Fallin (R-OK) said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is 'out of touch with mainstream America' if she believes that returning war veterans and people who believe in the Second Amendment pose a terrorism threat to the nation."

"'Like most Oklahomans I was amazed at her statements and actions this week,' Fallin said. 'First she approved a report that implied members of the armed forces returning from combat would follow in the footsteps of Timothy McVeigh. Then she insulted our friends in Canada by falsely claiming the 9/11 terrorists came from there. Is this really a person that should be speaking on behalf of our nation?'" ...

Tiahrt criticizes A.G. over gun data
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Kansas Republican congressman criticized U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Friday for telling Congress the Obama administration may try to relax some limits on sharing gun-trace data."

"Rep. Todd Tiahrt issued a statement saying Holder 'should read the Tiahrt amendment before giving any further misleading comments about it.'" ...

"Holder said at a congressional hearing the laws may limit evidence sharing with state and local authorities. However, he also said he wanted to be sure that increased information sharing does not put anybody at risk."

"'I am concerned this administration is relying more on talking points from liberal special interest groups, rather than on the facts,' Tiahrt said." ...

Obama To Regulate Ammunition- And Other White House Brainstorming (humor)
Submitted by: jgh

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"In his latest effort to be all things to all people, Barack Obama has developed a gun control program that will appease both the pro and anti gun sides. The news will be that you will still be able to own all the guns that you want. However, he will regulate possession of ammunition to only one bullet. You can choose any caliber you want as long as it is under .50 cal Browning Machine Gun."

"Taking pride on well thought out decisions, and after a marathon "Andy Griffith Show" viewing marathon with his full cabinet, Obama decided that the Barney Fife method of gun control is perfect for America. The bullet will be further regulated by a requirement that it be kept in your shirt pocket. ..." ...

Firearms Tracing Data is not Public Information
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"There are good reasons for preventing firearm tracing data from becoming public information. Doing so protects the lives of law enforcement officers and also the integrity of undercover operations that may have been in place for weeks or even months. Restricting access also prevents the misuse of the data to bring nuisance lawsuits, as New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg did when he launched his own private sting operation against out-of-state firearms retailers and interfered with up to 18 federal investigations for which he was chastised in a letter from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives." ...

NY: State Assembly Hides from New York's Sportsmen
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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The New York State Assembly Majority, in an apparent attempt to circumvent both the 1st and 2nd Amendment Rights of their constituents, has changed their long planned "Gun Day" from Wednesday April 29th to Tuesday April 28th. The purpose of this change was, of course, to avoid the thousands of Sportsmen headed to Albany on April 29th for "Sportsmen's Lobby Day" to protest the Assembly's proposed anti-gun agenda. The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association considers it a shame and a disgrace that the Assembly leadership did not have the decency to allow the Sportsmen of New York the opportunity to speak against the legislation proposed to limit their rights.

NC: Marksmen draw bead on range proposal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More than 30 Camden hunters and recreational marksmen were ready to battle a proposalon new standards for county shooting range facilities and required special use permits during a Board of Commissioners meeting earlier this week."

"The skirmish was avoided, however, after the group learned that they’d been misinformed about the content of the proposed change to a county ordinance amendment."

"Several in the group said they heard the proposal,originating from the county Planning Department, would require recreational hunters to obtain special use permits to fire weapons on their own property."

"One member of the group, Kenny Simmons, came loaded to fight for his gun rights." ...

Milwaukee police chief Ed Flynn borrows a page from Bull Connors' playbook
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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encounter between West Allis police officers and Brad Krause who happened to be open carrying a holstered handgun in public. Like the old Roman saying, the police officers' action can be described simply as: they came, they saw, they left." ...

"But while Wisconsin gun owners like Mr. Krause prepare to play ball with consensual police inquiries into their orderly open carrying of holstered handguns, Milwaukee police chief Ed Flynn appears to be borrowing a page from Bull Connors' playbook. As the Birmingham, AL Public Safety Commissioner in the 1960s, Bull Connors became a symbol of bigotry by using fire hoses and police attack dogs against protest marchers." ...

In the Government's Crosshairs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Janet Napolitano's [DHS], Office of Intelligence and Analysis has put out a report, titled 'Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.'"

"This report specifies that certain people or groups who, for example, are single issue voters, who believe that the nation’s borders should be secure, that individuals who believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution protects an inherent right and believe that the federal government has grown to oppressive proportions are a threat to the country and are domestic terrorists.

"All of this with no evidence to support any of these assertions."

"What, then, is the purpose and intent of such a report? ..." ...

The Drug War: A Bonanza for the Enemies of Freedom
Submitted by: motoboy

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"If it had been dreamed up by Satan himself in the bowels of Hell, the War on Drugs couldn’t be more diabolically calculated to destroy our liberties and promote the cause of evil in the world."

"In the Netherlands, where marijuana is (de facto) legal, and most hard drugs are virtually decriminalized and available to addicts by prescription, the rates of drug use are actually lower than in the United States."

"That means we've militarized and corrupted our police forces, turned the Bill of Rights into toilet paper, and handed the country over to gangs (including gangs in police uniforms)—all for absolutely nothing."

"... Urban police forces ... increasingly see the local population as an occupied enemy to be terrified into docility." ...

CA: Many Contra Costa crooks won't be prosecuted
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Misdemeanors such as assaults, thefts and burglaries will no longer be prosecuted in Contra Costa County because of budget cuts, the county's top prosecutor said Tuesday."

"District Attorney Robert Kochly also said that beginning May 4, his office will no longer prosecute felony drug cases involving smaller amounts of narcotics. That means anyone caught with less than a gram of methamphetamine or cocaine, less than 0.5 grams of heroin and fewer than five pills of ecstasy, OxyContin or Vicodin won't be charged."

"People who are suspected of misdemeanor drug crimes, break minor traffic laws, shoplift, trespass or commit misdemeanor vandalism will also be in the clear. Those crimes won't be prosecuted, either." ...

NY: Surrender gun in Bronx, get $200 from city
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Taxi drivers, grocery store owners and a group of mothers are all backing Saturday's first gun buy-back program in the Bronx."

"'It's to our personal concern that programs like this do work,' said Fernando Mateo, head of the New York State Federation of Taxis and the Bodegero Association. 'These are the industries most affected by gun violence in New York City.'"

"As he directed dozens of taxi drivers and bodega owners to hang up posters for the No Questions Asked event co-sponsored by the Bronx district attorney's office and the NYPD, he thought of Crown Heights bodega owner Mohammed Monsoor Abuzaid and his son Abdul, 18, who were shot and killed during a robbery." ...

OH: Ohio State Parks volunteer coordinator says legal ccw may be considered 'threat or act of violence'
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Jim Henahan, Manager of the Community Partnerships Program (which includes the volunteer program) for the Ohio State Parks recently issued a memo regarding legal concealed carry by volunteers who have a concealed handgun license." ...
"'Specific examples of conduct that may be considered 'threats or acts of violence' prohibited under this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:"

"* Unauthorized possession or inappropriate use of firearms ...'"

"In short, volunteers are prohibited from carrying a firearm in the park. If you have questions regarding this issue please do not hesitate to contact me." ...

WI: Milwaukee's Criminal Police Chief and Civilian Disarmament
Submitted by: Larry

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... "While Wisconsin state law forbids citizens to exercise their right to carry concealed weapons, there is no statute banning them from carrying them openly, a fact grudgingly admitted in Van Hollen's memorandum ..."

"That ruling prompted a remarkably arrogant response from Milwaukee police Chief Edward Flynn: 'My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we'll put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it.' (Emphasis added.)"

"... [Chief Flynn] clearly considers himself to be the dictator of a military occupation force, rather than the director of a civilian police agency." ...

CA: Naked Wizard Taser Brawl At Coachella (video with male nudity)
Submitted by: misterskuts

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The police officers beg and plead for the man to put on his robes, but all the Naked Wizard wants to do is be free of his wizard sleeves and hang in the breeze. He throws his colorful garb onto the grass.

"It doesn't have to stop," the Naked Wizard says.

"I'll tell you what," the cop says. "You can have a great time -- but you can have an even better time if you put your clothes on...Can I get them for you?"

The officer grabs the gown and tosses to the Naked Wizard, but he casts it away again. Then the cops put on their rubber gloves, and things get ugly.

Herewith, the best Tasering video since "Don't Tase me bro!"

WATCH (Video contains Naked Wizard nudity):

Submitter's comment - Three burly cops beat and torture a naked man in front of a crowd of gawkers and the writer thinks it's funny.

Watch the video and decide for yourself. (NSFW video of a naked guy being beaten and tazed)

AZ: Police track rifles, union says police lost rifles
Submitted by: Wes Herrmann

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"The Phoenix Police Department has discovered that 11 rifles are unaccounted for from its inventory -- a value of about $6,400 in taxpayer money."

"'It's a dangerous situation,' said Mark Spencer, president of the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association."

"Spencer said the loss could have been prevented if officers could be allowed to personally purchase their own rifles. It's a battle the union has been fighting unsuccessfully for years." ...

"While learning that 11 rifles are missing may cause some to worry that the guns are out on the streets in the hands of criminals, Officer James Holmes ... says you shouldn't worry." ...

"Holmes said there is no internal investigation underway for any of the officers."

WI: Unrestricted carry of guns may be coming to Wisconsin soon
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"From the time the first settlers arrived in Wisconsin until 1871, people were allowed to carry guns any way that they wanted to, either openly or concealed. There was no law prohibiting people from arming themselves and it was common to carry a weapon."

"However, by 1873 the legislature had determined the public was safer if people did not hide their guns so in 1872, a law was passed prohibiting people from carrying them concealed which forced folks who were armed to openly carry their guns."

"Other than revising the penalty for breaking this law a time or two, it has remained on the books pretty much as it was originally written 137 years ago." ...

PA: NRA sues to overturn Pittsburgh's lost, stolen gun law
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The [NRA] today sued Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Pittsburgh City Council in an effort to overturn a law that penalizes gun owners who fail to report lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours."

"The 19-page lawsuit was filed on behalf of four Pittsburgh gun owners who say the ordinance — intended to crack down on 'straw purchasers' of guns — 'severely restricts' their Second Amendment right to keep firearms in their homes. ...

"One of the four plaintiffs, Richard Haid, 60, of Mt. Washington, said the law unfairly punishes law-abiding gun owners." ...

Submitter's Note: Especially since criminals are not subject to these sorts of laws, because it would violate their right to not incriminate themselves.

Demonizing firearms (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Re: 'Some controls OK,' April 19.'"

"Will someone please explain to the letter writer that the Second Amendment of the Constitution has nothing to do with deer hunting? It has everything to do with having the ability to throw off the chains of a tyrannical government! One that wants to subvert the Constitution, control free speech, change our economic system ... and disarm citizens to keep us helpless and in fear in our own homes! Do these issues sound familiar? They are the platform of the Democratic Party."

"If the letter writer has a problem with semi-auto firearms, then what about high-powered, bolt action rifles that can shoot over 500 yards ... Are they OK or are they just next in line to be demonized?" ...

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. — Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

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