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Newslinks for 4/28/2009

NY: Battle to resume over gun control
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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For years, they were the state Legislature's evergreens: measures repeatedly passed by the Democrat-controlled Assembly, only to be blocked in the Republican-dominated Senate. But with both chambers now controlled by Democrats, several perennials are sprouting in both houses.

TX: Midlothian man's shooting death was self-defense, Arlington police say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 42-year-old Midlothian man was fatally shot in self-defense Friday night, Arlington police said.

Rodney Kennedy was in his ex-wife's home when he was shot by his former father-in-law, 67, police said. The shooting happened at 10 p.m. during an altercation, according to reports.

CO: How do you stop the first time?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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How are we in society to protect ourselves from first-time killers? Short answer, we can't. The key here is that this is the first time he ever went off the tracks. There was no record or history prior to this to predict or indicate that he was going to kill multiple people and then himself. There is no sure-fire way even if the police were to start hiring psychic prophets to catch the killers before they strike for the first time. I know that there are many, many records created when a person is caught breaking the law and that person works their way through the court system.

OK: ‘When issue is ripe’ means making crisis
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So we’re looking at semi-automatic firearms — technology that has been around since the late 1800s. The same technology that is used by millions of hunters, target shooters and homeowners who keep firearms for self-defense. Depriving these people of their rightful, legal property would be like depriving you of your automobile because it is likely a getaway car.

Killings justified in pirates' deaths
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I just read Arthur Glaude Sr.'s April 22 letter stating that the three pirates killed by U.S. Navy SEALs "should not have been murdered." The writer is certainly entitled to his opinion, misguided as it may be, but I would like to point out one inaccuracy.

The use of deadly force in protecting oneself or another from physical attack is not murder. Rather, it is called self-defense and would constitute a justifiable homicide in any court of law.

A double agent exposed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But not till now, Gentle Reader, has the full extent of the NRA's clever operation been revealed. Now it can told: In a brilliant move, its political operatives have planted an agent provocateur in the heart of the opposition.

The Hon. Bobby Lee Rush might fool others, but not this hawk-eyed sleuth. Ostensibly he's a true-blue, left-wing lib who represents the First Congressional District on the South Side of Chicago, a founding member of the Black Panther Party before he grew up, ... But that's just his cover. In his secret life, he's obviously in cahoots with the very incarnation of the red-white-and-blue, Second Amendment-revering, concealed-carrying American right: yes, that very same National Rifle Association!

AZ: Rethinking versus reloading
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When will the killings stop? I don't think tougher gun laws will help. The National Rifle Association will protect the Second Amendment, which some gun owners really believe is the most important part of the U.S. Constitution.

The NRA seems to want every American to own a gun. Our state politicians have made it easier to own a gun.

It is not my intent to vilify gun owners. People have the right to protect themselves.

I'm more concerned with those who use guns for the wrong reasons. Such as the man who killed my brother. Such as the man who shoots another for looking at him the wrong way or the thug who shoots first and the bullet ends up killing an innocent bystander.

OH: I heard gunshots last night
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I heard gunshots last night, and the desperate gun violence of desperate people in Youngstown continues. I can only speculate that someone driven to murder has nothing to lose. And these are desperate times indeed, though this is perhaps not new in the Valley.

The NRA claims "Guns don't kill people; people do." Though, as the sage comedian Eddie Izzard points out, "Guns help." Since Obama's election, the conspiracy-minded have bought guns and ammunition by the case, in unwarranted fear that their right to own a gun will be squashed.

SC: Anti-gun lobby has an agenda
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As a Greenville police officer and presently, having retired from that profession, I have tried to counter the anti-gun left's subterfuge and lies, including propaganda that more restrictions and gun bans will stop gun-related violence. The disarmament lobby disdains truth about guns and crime because truth is contrary to their ultimate goal, which is disarming the public. They know pistols, shotguns, BB guns and military-looking semi-automatic rifles in the hands of responsible citizens pose no risk to the public or police. (Their greatest risk is Supreme Court justices disallowing consistent, timely applications of the death penalty and an increasingly nihilistic culture.)

NM: Concealed firearm carriers make for safer environment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It should also be noted that concealed-carry licenses are not just given to anyone who wants one. There are many rules and stipulations governing such licenses, which include thorough background checks, tests and proficiency qualifications. We also have numerous active-duty, retired, reserve military and police who attend classes whose training far exceeds that required of a CCL. In other words, anyone who opted to carry a concealed firearm would be trained and proficient in its use and not pose any threat whatsoever, but instead they would serve to enhance the safety and security of the entire student population.

Obama Mulls ‘Assault-Vehicle’ Ban to Spur Car Sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since the Obama administration’s talk of banning so-called ‘assault weapons’ has resulted in a huge spike in semi-automatic weapon sales nationwide, the White House has recently begun a covert ‘whisper campaign’ suggesting the president might also ban U.S.-manufactured cars and trucks with fully-automatic transmissions, now dubbed ‘assault vehicles’.


The administration source also noted that while people with criminal records make up the vast majority of gun-murder victims, ‘assault vehicles’ kill indiscriminately, murdering 39,800 Americans in 2008 alone.

WA: Where have all the journalists gone?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recently, Komo 4 gave Seattle front row seats to a classic case study in one-sided journalism, in the form of a 20/20 episode entitled; “If I only had a gun: carrying a gun won’t necessarily get you out of a shooting”. Whether you agree with gun control or not, it was hard watching this travesty, to overlook the blatant misuse of the word “objective”.

NYT Watch: Jimmy Carter editorializes on assault weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the NYT editorial, Carter warps several statistics to get his point across. He cites the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in stating that “more than 30,000 people died from firearms” in 2006, which is correct. What he doesn’t say is how many of those deaths were caused by assault weapons or how many of those deaths were suicide. In 2005, there were 30,694 deaths caused by firearms with almost 60% of those deaths from suicide.

Carter Urges Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jimmy Carter is an avid hunter and gun owner who also happens to have once been president of the United States. The combination makes him well-placed in the current debate (or rather non-debate) over whether Americans should retain the right to own semi-automatic assault weapons. And he isn’t buying the “slippery-slope” argument that banning military-style guns like Uzis and AK-47s is somehow a threat to Second Amendment rights.

MI: Jackson area police receive several calls about residents carrying sidearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An apparent organized flexing of Second Amendment rights last weekend was a bit too Wild West for some local citizens and business owners.

Police and deputies responded to a number of complaints about citizens packing sidearms at restaurants, stores and other public areas.

None of the gun carriers was cited.


But a shopper with a handgun on his hip in Target is another matter. Security officers followed the man Saturday and contacted city police.

"One of our officers had contact with the man in the parking lot, and that was the end of it," Lt. Christopher Simpson said. "He was carrying legally."

ME: Bills would help keep guns out of hands of dangerous people
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Public hearings dealing with gun bills in Augusta are often contentious and divisive. Emotions run high, in part because of the smoke screens and falsehoods thrown out by the gun lobby, making it impossible to have a rational discussion.

Legislators need to learn to separate fact from sensation.

Maine allows for the private sale of guns where no background check is run, no records are kept, no questions asked.

WI: WAVE Displays 450 T-Shirts to Show Extent of Gun Violence: Fox11 Reports [video]
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Fox Ch. 11 News ran a story on Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort's statewide media tour in Appleton / Green Bay, Wisconsin to raise awareness about gun violence. WAVE is advocating for background checks to be conducted on all gun sales in the state to keep deadly guns out of the wrong hands. WAVE displayed 450 t-shirts, the number of Wisconsin residents killed by gun violence every year.

More guns, less pirates
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It was just another shiver me timbers day this past weekend when pirates far off the coast of Somalia attacked the Italian cruise ship Melody and it's 1,500 passengers with automatic weapons. Until that is, the pirates found out that "in the darkness, the crew would fire back. . . . 'It felt like we were in war,' the ship's Italian Commander, Ciro Pinto, told Italian state radio."

But the cruise ship did not fire back with advanced weaponry - no, they just deployed some passengers with handguns to shoot at the pirates along side the crew members wielding water hoses. These are the exact "combined arms" tactics I recommended in my recent column "Let's just give the pirates our ships - bullets first, ARRGH!"

WI: Milwaukee police chief Ed Flynn borrows a page from Bull Connors' playbook
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Post Comments | Read Comments — news columns compares Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn's threat to "take down" gun owners for legally open carrying with Alabama's notorious Bull Connors tactics against blacks in the old South. In conclusion, Stollenwerk adds, "If the ACLU and police union leadership of Milwaukee are not very concerned right now, they ought to be."

Biding their time on gun control
Submitted by: Daniel White

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The anti-gun Democrats in power are biding their time so they can enact stringent gun control measures when it will cost them the least.

WI: WAVE Raises Awareness About Gun Violence in Appleton / Green Bay, Wisconsin [video]
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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WBAY Action 2 News ran a second story on Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort's statewide media tour in Appleton / Green Bay, Wisconsin to raise awareness about gun violence. WAVE is advocating for background checks to be conducted on all gun sales in the state to keep deadly guns out of the wrong hands.

CT: Colt Targets Commercial Sales
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A walk through Colt’s Manufacturing’s facility hints at something big happening at one of the region’s oldest companies.

Prominently placed new machines, not yet two weeks old, stand out against the old, signaling a long-needed transition into 21st century manufacturing for Colt’s commercial arm. It’s the result of about $3 million the company invested in the state-of-the-art equipment.

“It’s something we should have done 10 years ago but couldn’t for obvious reasons,” said Martin Tavares, director of manufacturing.

After a decade of focusing on defense contracts and sorting out a financial nightmare, Colt’s Manufacturing Co. is renewing a push to regain its position in the commercial market ...

What's the big deal about background checks?
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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Gun owners who have no objections to the Lautenberg ‘gun show” bill are operating on the flawed assumption the legislative process is honest. Any background check system can be turned into gun registration, and California and New York have already demonstrated that registration is a necessary prelude to confiscation …

LA City Attorney Candidate's Ad Backed Up By Brady Campaign
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Carmen Trutanich, a candidate for Los Angeles City Attorney, is a senior partner of the eighteen-member law firm Trutanich Michel LLP, which represents the National Rifle Association in California. The NRA opposes and has fought against all of Los Angeles´ strong gun laws which help keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people. Even though the NRA´s chief executive officer, Wayne LaPierre, recently said ´the people with the guns make all the rules,´ it should be the voters who make the rules and elect the candidate – like Jack Weiss – who will serve the people, not the special interests. Supporters of Mr. Trutanich apparently don´t like Jack Weiss´ new television ad that spells this out."

New Online Classifieds - Arms List
Submitted by: ARCCA

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Tired of Ebay and Craigslist snubbing you?

Has your local paper refused to list guns in their classifieds section?

Afraid of overreaching legislation designed to strip away your ability to purchase firearms from other law abiding individuals?

Local suppliers unable to meet demand?

Visit the Arms List

They boast, " ARMSLIST, is a free local classified site for listing hand guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, archery, and hunting equipment. We created this site to allow people to find buyers and seller in their local community and not have to pay fees to list their stuff. We wanted the site to be simple, easy to use, and non-intrusive, but specifically for buying, selling, and trading guns!


NY: Roefaro calls for support of federal gun act
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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Mayor David Roefaro asked local residents Monday to support a proposed federal bill he believes could help trace the source of illegal guns from other states. U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., introduced the federal Gun Background Act of 2009 bill, which has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. The act would require background checks on all sales at gun shows, according to Lautenberg’s Web site. “Illegal guns are running rampant not only here but everywhere throughout this country,” Roefaro said, “and we’ve got to stop it.”

NY: Tighten up the gun laws
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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When Jiverly Wong obtained a pistol permit in 1997, it was the first and last time he had to prove he was fit to possess a handgun. The permit was good for the rest of his life — a life that ended when a clearly disturbed Wong went on a shooting rampage April 3 in a Binghamton immigration center, killing 13 people, then himself. In a state that makes drivers get a new license every eight years and requires masseuses to reregister annually, it's more than a little odd not to check in, at least once in a while, to make sure everything is OK with people who possess deadly, easily concealable weapons. Some lawmakers agree, and have put forward sensible, fair legislation to address this gap in the law.

Rush Limbaugh Goes Anti-Gun With Humane Society Ads
Submitted by: Nathan Slavik

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We hope Rush Limbaugh pulls his support for the Humane Society of the United States. In case you missed it, "El Rushbo" recently recorded two advertisements that, unfortunately, lend credibility to a group that is the most well-financed anti-hunting force in America.

For now we will give Mr. Limbaugh the benefit of the doubt, believing he simply was confused about what HSUS stands for, as are many Americans, including a number of hunters and shooters who mistakenly contribute to HSUS and thereby inadvertently strengthen a group that works against them and their hunting traditions.

There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. — Ayn Rand in her must-read novel, Atlas Shrugged

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