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Newslinks for 4/29/2009

The 60s: Assassinations, a School Shooting, and Nazi Gun Control
Submitted by: Larry

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"The 60s were a tumultuous time in America. There were the Vietnam War and its subsequent peace movement; the Kennedy assassinations; the Martin Luther King assassination, and the mass shooting at the University of Texas by Charles Whitman. The high-profile assassinations and the mass shooting prompted the government to lobby for stronger gun control, leading to the passage of the unconstitutional, NRA supported, 1968 Gun Control Act."

"With the exception of the Vietnam War and its protest activity, all of the above events played into the hands of the state and its never-ending efforts to disarm private citizens. ..." ...

Answering President Carter and his Three Rifles
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In an op-ed piece to the New York Times, President Jimmy Carter hasn't only his history wrong, he has his Constitution wrong. It is not the NRA, which insists on gun ownership, it is the Constitution's Bill Of Rights and the Founders who desired that we are the sovereign and not the public servants, past or present. I know that will get me intro trouble, but we do not challenge the authority we granted our servants, it is they who challenge our authority as the sovereign over them. Right wing extremist, my foot." ...

Meeting the Hate
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I have been monitoring so-called Hate in America and I have a few observations. Let me say something about Hate ... largely in answer to a piece posted today at, Increase in hate groups is concerning."

"The piece by the anonymous editorial board at is tragically mistaken. Hate in America is not increasing, something else is. It is a combination of stress, doubt, a distrust of officials, and given their record, it is well deserved. This is not Hate."

"In the People, there is a great deal of worry and search for direction. They know that officials are now entirely indifferent to the needs of the electorate, and many have abandoned their loyalty to us. Pointing this out is not Hate." ...

How The UN Can Repeal, Destroy US Way Of Life
Submitted by: jgh

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... "But what is even worse, the U.N. and the international agreement and treaty process can be used to, in effect, amend, repeal and destroy our Constitution and way of life." ...

"Mr. Bolton, speaking to the [NRA] audience, illustrated this with gun control issues. The lobbying takes place at the U.N. ... And Mr. Bolton says there are more pro-gun control groups than you can count, and very few groups on the other side of the issue, such as the NRA. Mr. Bolton cautioned that the rights of American citizens to bear arms might be sacrificed in the haze of diplomatic negotiations leading to treaties at the U.N. Our basic rights are on the line if we’re not careful at the U.N., including rights under the Second Amendment." ...

Ninth Circuit Upholds County’s Right to Ban Guns From Fairgrounds
Submitted by: jgh

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"The Second Amendment does not prohibit local governments from regulating gun possession on their property, a panel of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held yesterday."

"The court held that the individual right to bear arms recognized last year by the U.S. Supreme Court binds state and local governments, but nonetheless rejected a challenge to an Alameda County ordinance prohibiting firearms on county property." ...

"... O'Scannlain agreed that the individual right to keep and bear firearms in the Second Amendment was incorporated against state and local governments under the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause."

"But he rejected the assertion that the ordinance violated the right ..." ...

Biding their time on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When President Obama was running for office, he consistently paid lip service to the second amendment while making comments about certain firearms that belong 'on a battlefield, not on the streets of Chicago' and that 'our playgrounds have become battlegrounds.' He has consistently stated his support for certain types of gun control, even on the White House website."

"Yet, gun control supporters have been frustrated thus far by the lack of a push for the kinds of legislation they want (repealing the Tiahrt Amendment, reinstating the 'Assault Weapons' ban, closing the mythical 'gun show loophole,' etc." ...

"So, what are they all waiting for? 2010." ...

Are you prepared for the worst?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"The latest disaster scare is 'swine flu.' While it remains to be seen whether it becomes a worldwide pandemic killing millions of people or fizzles as so many other threats have remains to be seen. But, the question remains, would you be ready if it was the former?"

"Do you have one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days? Do you have a three-day supply of non-perishable food? ..."

"Experts tell us that we need to be prepared for all kinds of emergencies, whether it be natural disaster, worldwide epidemic, or terrorist attack. There are lists of recommendations that contain the usual items as already mentioned. What most of them tend to neglect is making sure the supplies you have gathered are not taken away from you by force." ...

Jimmy Carter thinks millions of Americans are aspiring cop-killers, mass murderers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Former President Jimmy Carter has added his voice to the whining chorus of complaints about the fact that peaceable American citizens can purchase semi-automatic rifles without becoming criminals." ...
"But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That's why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult."
"With that paragraph, Carter leaves no room for doubt about what he thinks of the millions of Americans who own so-called 'assault weapons.' ..." ...

Threat of gunfire limits our liberty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In response to Dan Rodricks' column 'On guns, we lost an opportunity' (April 21), I would say that as a nation and a people, we cannot be too vain or too fearful to address gun violence and find new ways prevent it."

"The [NRA] and its allies would have everyone believe that any form of gun control is a slippery slope to banning guns entirely." ...

"The truth is that the NRA represents a small minority of American gun owners and that although most Americans support the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns, most also support tougher gun laws."

"... we are not truly free if we are not free from fear and free from violence in our communities and homes."

Submitter's Note: You can take whatever measures you see fit to be free from fear and violence, as long as you don't restrict my freedom to do the same.

Why Not Gun Insurance? An Invitation to the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Bob Herbert's impassioned column in the NY Times this morning ... reviews the insanity of the role of guns in our society. 100,000 people a year are shot, 30,000 die. Average that for ten years, it's a million people shot, 300,000 die. That's the same as 600 Boeing 747s full of 500 people blowing up. How can we as a society continue to tolerate this slaughter?"

"I have a partial solution to offer. One that people on both sides of the Second Amendment debate might find acceptable. One that the NRA might be able to endorse. And one that will have the mighty insurance industry jumping for joy." ...

Submitter's Note: The only 'insanity' here is doing a cost-benefit analysis without looking at the benefits.

Insufferable hack receive's the 2009 Ernie Deane Award for "valor" in journalism
Submitted by: ARCCA

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The insufferable hack Max Brantley is editor, columnist and blogger at the Arkansas Times.

He's also the one who thought it would be funny to post the names and addresses of all Arkansas concealed carry permit holders on their website.

This from the release, "Adapting to the times, the staff began the Arkansas Blog in the fall of 2004. Brantley is the primary, but not sole, contributor. The blog is a seven-day-a-week compilation of news, commentary and other articles of interest. “We stirred quite a bit of comment – not to mention legislation – by publishing on-line the list of people who hold concealed weapon permits in Arkansas,” Brantley said. “The blog has altered our lives in many ways. We’re back in the breaking news....

A Self-Inflicted Gun Wound
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"After fierce resistance from the gun lobby and its allies in Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder has dialed back talk about reimposing a federal assault weapons ban to help curb the spiraling violence in Mexico."

"As much as 90 percent of the assault weapons and other guns used by Mexican drug cartels are coming from the United States ... But the political obstacles to addressing the U.S.-to-Mexico weapons flow are dramatically underscored by Holder's experience in just the last few weeks." ...

KABA Note: Nope, no media bias here: By inserting the phrase "as much as" Newsweek can use the thoroughly discredited "90%" figure with impunity.

Black Star News Proclaims Infallibility on Guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Comment: I suppose it's not possible that you are, simply, wrong?"

"Editor's Note: No"

Facing no Captain Phillips-type book/movie deal, Maersk crewman sues shipping company
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Richard Hicks, chief steward on the Maersk Alabama, filed a lawsuit yesterday charging the Waterman Steamship Corporation and Maersk Line, Ltd with knowingly sending him into pirate-infested waters without adequate protection."

"Somali pirates off the coast of Africa hijacked the Maersk Alabama, an American-flagged cargo ship, earlier this month." ...

"The lawsuit alleges that both Maersk and Waterman Steamship ignored numerous requests to improve safety measures for cargo ships that sail along the Somali coast."

"'We have had safety meetings every month for the last three years,' Hicks said in his statement, 'and made suggestions of what should be done. They have been ignored.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea.

LA: Baton Rouge cops: woman said killing self-defense
Submitted by: jgh

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"East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff's deputies say a 21-year-old woman who shot and killed a 46-year-old man told investigators he had kept her in a house without utilities by threatening to kill her."

"Sheriff's spokeswoman Casey Rayborn Hicks says the woman's name is not being released because she is considered an abuse victim. She says investigators consider the death of Allison L. Jackson to be justifiable homicide ..."

"He was killed during a fight in a three-room house."

"His brother, 29-year-old Darrell Scott, says the woman was always free to leave and had a cell phone. He says Jackson spent around 70% of his time at the house with the woman and the rest with his wife, who was aware of the affair."

MS: Son's 2nd shot kills intruder
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A woman, awakened by the sound of someone removing the screen from her bedroom window, got out of her bed at 1 a.m. Friday, walked to her son's room and quietly woke him."

"'She said, 'Snigg get up,' the son said ..."

"'I got up, grabbed my gun and went to the corner there by her room,' he said, standing at the door of the apartment ..."

"It was dark in the apartment, but the window was backlit, Snigg said. He heard the window go up and saw a man coming in."

"'He stuck his hand under and pulled the blinds back, the blinds and the curtain,' he said. 'And he eased in like he was attempting to come in.'"

"'I fired two shots, then he ran off,' Snigg said." ...

ID: Kamiah man shot and killed during alleged break-in in Stites
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The Idaho County Sheriff's Office confirmed that a 21-year-old Kamiah man was pronounced dead at the scene. ..."

"He was one of two men who were reportedly trying to break into the Stites Grocery Store. He was shot and killed during the alleged break-in. ... the other suspect ran from the scene. Witnesses say the pair came in through a fan vent in the back of the store."

"The grocery store owner ... said a man was working on an upstairs computer at the store when he heard a noise. She said that's when one of the alleged would-be burglars 'came at' the man who then shot the alleged burglar in the leg. She says when the alleged burglar didn't stop, the man fired a second shot into his chest." ...

Hampton University Shooting Highlights 'Effective' Gun Policy
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Under Hampton's student code of conduct, your second item says: 'To respect the dignity, feelings, worth, and values of others. Each member of the Hampton Family will respect one another and visitors as if they were guests in one's home. possess weapons such as knives or strictly prohibited and is in direct violation of the Hampton University Code, on or off campus.' Do you believe mandating a human being be defenseless respects his dignity, feelings and worth?"

"If he or she believes otherwise, do you believe such a mandate respects their values?"

A shooting always brings out the best and worst, and uninformed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Saturday's shooting in downtown Seattle of an allegedly belligerent man by a woman whom he had reportedly pursued following a confrontation aboard a Metro bus has brought out the best and worst, and in some cases sadly misinformed individuals to public feedback columns on websites for the Seattle Times and on-line Seattle Post-Intelligencer."
"A murderer is a murderer. It doesn't matter whether or not she had the legal right to carry the gun - it doesn't absolve her of her heinous crime. Guns were made to kill and their only use is to kill. It is a tool of death. As such, guns are inherently evil and anybody who has one (that isn't a police officer or the government) is nothing but a murderer waiting to happen. ..." ...

WI: The time for civil obediance is now
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Civil disobedience is defined by Websters New World Dictionary as: nonviolent opposition to a government policy or law by refusing to comply with it, on the grounds of conscience'."

"So what is civil obedience? It is a term that I could not find in the same dictionary where I found civil disobedience."

"I'll take a stab at it. ..."

"Civil obedience is the expectation that citizens follow the law and those citizens expect others to do the same, particularly law enforcement officers. Law abiding citizens expect the police to understand the laws and to act lawfully. This is a very minimal expectation of citizens for the police to meet. ..." ...

Congress Trying To Implement The Medical Records Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congress is moving closer to a showdown over the largest expansion of government in modern U.S. history -- a bill which would require virtually every single American to buy government-approved health insurance, whether they wanted it or not. And, in the process, that bill would feed all of your most confidential medical data into an enormous database, which could be used to take away your guns."

"This is a bit complicated. But here's where we are:" ...

ARCCA Sends Letter to Pryor, Lincoln on Medical Records Gun Ban
Submitted by: ARCCA

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ARCCA acted, today a letter was transmitted to Bothe Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln urging them to oppose this proposal. The letter reads as follows;

Dear Senator Pryor & Lincoln ,

As the representative of over 65,000 Arkansas concealed handgun licensees, in solidarity with the Arkansas Rifle and Pistol Association, we are urging you, in the strongest of terms, to oppose the current budget resolution conference report. The budget resolution conference report would set the stage for legislation to require virtually every American to purchase government-approved health insurance. And it would use government control over health insurance to require providers to feed our most confidential medical data into an anti-gun .....


Bill aims to protect vets’ gun rights
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"A bill aimed at protecting the gun rights of some veterans is under Senate consideration."

"The Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, pending before the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, would limit the circumstances in which a veteran’s name could be added to a federal database used to do instant background checks for gun purchases."

"By law, anyone 'adjudicated as a mental defective,' such as people found to be a danger to themselves or others or who lack the mental capacity to manage their affairs, must be registered in the database."

"The bill ... would prohibit VA from submitting names to the [NICS] database unless a judicial authority finds the individuals to be a danger to themselves or others." ...

Laws, Lies, Lautenberg and Linsky - Part III
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In Part II, I examined Senator Frank Lautenberg's S.843 'Gun Show Background Check Act of 2009', bill by pointing out the California already has this kind of law and that it's a proven failure."

"Now, we'll look at a local bill introduced by Representative David P. Linsky ... 'An Act to Improve the Ballistic Database through Microstamping Ammunition.'"

"Representative Linsky’s bill is really no different than Lautenberg's, but is actually worse in some ways because he clearly doesn't understand the issue. Again the presumption of innocence, should this bill pass, will be destroyed in America. This is something, so precious that we must not give it up ..." ...

Obama: Inter-American Arms-banning Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When President Obama was in Mexico in mid-April, he falsely admitted to a 'shared responsibility' for the Mexican drug wars and all the horrible violence which he said, but which we now know to be untrue, is committed with American-manufactured weapons. He suggested at the time, however, that he would not press lawmakers to pass tighter controls on so-called assault weapons."

"That’s because he already had something else in mind."

"That something else is an Inter-American treaty through the Organization of American States. ..."

"The ramifications of the treaty could be lethal for the Second Amendment. The devil is truly in the details in this case ..." ...

NY: Nine bills on guns scheduled in Albany
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Nine gun-control bills are slated to come before the state Assembly this week."

"One of the bills would impose new requirements on firearm dealers, including more stringent record-keeping and employee training and prohibition of so-called straw purchases ... Dealers also would need to carry at least $1 million in liability insurance for criminal acts committed using weapons they sold."

"'The additional requirements set forth in this bill will help to reduce the diversion of firearms to the illegal market and will also assist police departments, prosecutors and other law enforcement officials in their efforts to trace and recover illegal weapons,' the bill summary says." ...

NY: Assembly passing series of gun-control bills
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Assembly continues to chip away this evening on a package of bills to combat gun violence. The legislation would help police investigate illegal firearms, prohibit felons from buying guns, require child-proof devices on guns, and banning advanced firearms and ammunition used to kill police officers, according to the Assembly."

"A number of Republicans, who are in the minority in the Assembly, are speaking against the bills."

"A bill that is being debated now would require that semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in New York be capable of microstamping ammunition. Microstamping means information that identifies the make, model and serial number of a gun is 'stamped' onto a cartridge as the weapon is fired." ...

NY: N.Y. to Vote on Gun Control Bill Today
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"The Binghamton shooting tragedy on April 3 — in which Vietnamese immigrant Jiverly Wong left 13 dead, four injured and eventually took his own life with a handgun — forced lawmakers to rethink the current handgun license laws."

"Two New York state lawmakers, Sen. Eric Schneiderman (D-N.Y.) and Assemblywoman Amy Paulin (D-N.Y.), have pushed to reform the state's current handgun license system, which Paulin described as a 'dangerous lifetime permit system,' ..."

"Under the current law, every county north of Westchester gives lifetime permit licenses to any handgun owner. The bill, which is expected to be passed by the state assembly in Albany today, will provide for a five-year statewide renewal system." ...

Missouri State Rep. Rick Stream can't make up his mind about 'gun free zones'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There was a time when Missouri State Representative Rick Stream (R-94th District) seemed to have a pretty good idea about the dangers of mandated defenselessness. His district includes Kirkwood, MO, where in February 2008, a psychopath went on a rampage and killed 6 people at a city council meeting." ...

"Stream responds: 'If somebody, for instance the Mayor ... had been allowed to carry a gun ... it's possible they could have stopped many of the killings ...'" ...

"Why, I wonder, is Rep. Stream willing to respect the right of elected officials to have the means to defend their lives, but is equally willing to see that right denied to responsible, peaceable college students and faculty?" ...

Contra Costa County, California decriminalizing criminals
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Contra Costa County, California can now claim a leadership position of dubious repute, as they are the first to admit that shrinking budgets translate into less resources available to prosecute criminal offenders. In March 17, 2009 presentation before county board of supervisors over a proposed budget cut:"
"District Attorney Robert Kochly told the Board of Supervisors that the Recommended Budget would allow for only 'core' misdemeanors to be prosecuted and stated that 45% of misdemeanors that would normally be prosecuted would no longer be reviewed or filed. [Emphasis added]" ...

ATF beefs up effort to stop gun trafficking into Mexico
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Federal officials say 100 agents, analysts and other personnel have arrived in Houston in an effort to stop the flow of firearms from the United States to drug cartels in Mexico.

Kenneth Melson, the acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said Tuesday the agents and other support staff will spend the next four months in the bureau's Houston field division. They'll be developing cases against people and groups trafficking firearms to Mexico.

Melson says 90 percent of the guns that Mexican authorities have seized from cartels and other criminals and given to U.S. officials to trace have come from the United States.

Campaign demands boot for Napolitano
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A coalition of nearly two dozen organizations is launching a campaign that demands the resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and an apology from President Obama for labeling those who hold traditional American values and conservative ideals as terrorists."

"'We, the law-abiding Citizens of America, demand: 1. The Resignation or Removal of DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano for her partisan political profiling of veterans and conservatives and her abuse of power,' says the petition ..."

"It also demands, 'An apology from President Barack Obama to ALL Americans for his administration's call for domestic spying,' and 'The Immediate Retraction of the 'Rightwing Extremism' report ...'" ...

MI: Judge overturns trooper's malicious prosecution award in homeless man's shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A federal judge on Thursday overturned a $500,000 malicious prosecution jury verdict won by a Michigan State Police trooper who shot a homeless man."

"Trooper Jay Morningstar sued the city of Detroit after he was charged with second-degree murder in connection with the April 2005 incident in Greektown, but later acquitted."

"U.S. District Judge Patrick J. Duggan ruled that Detroit Police Officer Tyrine Wheatley, who the jury determined testified falsely against Morningstar, was immune from civil liability because he gave testimony in his role as a police officer and the prosecutor did not rely on Wheatley's false testimony in deciding to charge Morningstar." [emphasis added] ...

FL: Deputy resigns after wife takes patrol car on joyride
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Polk County deputy disgraced by his family's pranks gave up his badge earlier this week."

"Charles 'Chip' Buckner resigned after serving 21 years with the Polk County Sheriffs Office. An arrest report shows Bucker's wife, Gail, and his mother-in-law took his patrol car without his knowledge and drove around Lakeland."

"Witnesses said the cruiser was being driven erratically throughout Lakeland on Sunday morning by two blonde women in the front seat and a man in the back seat. ..."

"Gail Buckner and Sharon Cooper faces charges of car theft, theft of a firearm and impersonating a cop."

"Gail Buckner is also looking at a charge of Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon." ...

Army Iraq War Verteran/Soldier beaten at McCarran Airport (video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An Iraqi War veteran says Metro officers beat him at McCarran International Airport. Action News has video of the alleged beating two months ago. National guard Sergeant Mark England says the officers beat him with a nightstick and shot him with a taser after an argument with TSA agents at the airport. The Metro officers involved are still working and Metro says based on the video Action News showed them they believe the officer didn't do anything wrong." ...

GA: Uphold Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Here I am again, writing to defend my Second Amendment right."

"As Vladimir Lenin said, 'One man with a gun can rule a hundred without one.' We already have hundreds of gun regulations on the books now. Obviously, letter writer David Matos ... has never bought a handgun, because if he had he would know that there is an instant background check that goes through the GBI."

"We the people do not need more regulations or registrations of our guns. ... When California passed a law for all who owned any assault style weapons, six months later they passed another one deeming these weapons illegal. They then confiscated every weapon that was registered."

"By the way, the criminals didn't get theirs taken away. ..." ...

NY: B’ville gun club receives grant
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"For the third year in a row, the Baldwinsville Rod and Gun Club received a grant from the Friends of the National Rifle Association (FNRA). The $5,000 grant will be used to update the club's rifle ranges to current standards. President Tom Merrill ... Treasurer Dave Urban ... and Vice President Jim Hinman ... accepted the grant from Dave Simmons (left), FNRA's second chairman, and Mike Ouderkirk (right), FNRA’s chairman. The FNRA have given local gun clubs thousands of dollars in grants to update their ranges, education and promote community service programs. If you are a sports person, please join the NRA so they can continue to fund these types of projects. ..."

The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion. —ST. GEORGE TUCKER'S BLACKSTONE

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