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Newslinks for 4/30/2009

Why the Second Amendment Should Matter to Those Who Dislike Guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Congress will consider legislation next month that would require people wanting to speak in public to first undergo a background check and pay a permit fee."

"Not really! But how would you react if it was true? What if your other constitutional rights were treated the same was as your right to bear arms? Whether you own a gun or not, the Second Amendment should matter to you – because if one constitutional right can be taken away by majority rule, they all can be."

"Imagine if you had to get a government license before you were allowed to freely worship, or to be safe in your own home from warrantless searches and seizures."

"Or what if you had to get government permission to own a printing press? ..." ...

The State and Piracy
Submitted by: Larry

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"It seems that piracy has, as it did a couple centuries ago, surfaced once again near the top of the official 'things to fear' list. Admittedly, I’m a bit late – as I write, it is being replaced by flu. ..."

"Nonetheless, piracy remains a hot topic today. Piracy on the high seas, of course, has long been a problem faced by merchant vessels. Today, though, the pirates are attacking ships flying the American flag ... The discussion is mostly limited to a narrow range of opinions – the various ways that the military should be involved in fighting piracy. Not asked is the question of whether the military should fight piracy, or if the task of protecting a vessel properly belongs to the owner of the vessel." ...

Does Bill Cosby agree with Idi Amin henchman that 'brave' Somali pirates 'had no choice'?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It would seem that, like other predators preferring prey that can't hunt them back, pirates respond rationally to a show of deadly force:"
"An Italian cruise ship carrying armed Israeli security guards successfully averted a hijacking attempt by Somali pirates late Saturday, according to multiple reports. The MSC Melody, which was carrying more than 1,500 people, opened fire on the speed boat when the six men armed with Kalashnikov rifles tried to put a ladder on the bow."
"Some of us have been saying this would work for some time. I first wrote about in in 2002 for Guns and Ammo magazine. ..." ...

The right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When discussing politics, the topic of gun control is a hot debate. The liberal stance on guns is to restrict, restrict and restrict them. Their argument makes absolutely no sense."

"Liberals desire more gun laws. They believe by creating stricter gun laws, it will be harder to obtain and use them. However, it is a constitutional right for Americans to bear arms."

"You hear these liberals whining all the time about how it is their right to have abortions. In other words, they believe that you can murder an innocent baby, while thinking they can fight against an American's second amendment right to bear arms." ...

A Dubious Victory
Submitted by: Larry

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"With its decision in Nordyke v. King last week, in which the recent Supreme Court Heller decision was applied to state law, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals took another step down the long road of 'incorporating' the Bill of Rights into the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. In doing so, it continued down the path toward completely inverting the model of government to which The People agreed when they ratified the Constitution." ...

Safeload of guns stolen from Ohio man who forgot to close his safe
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"It only takes minutes."

"I learned that lesson several years ago when I left home for only two hours to paint the stairs at a house I was selling. I returned home to find my kitchen window smashed and my computer, leather jacket, and one of my handguns stolen. ..."

"Early Sunday morning, an Amherst Township man returned home and found his house had been broken into. Rushing to the bedroom, he found his gun safe open and 10 guns with an estimated value of $9,000 missing, including a Bushmaster Predator AR-15 rifle, a Taurus Tracker .44-caliber Magnum revolver, a Dan Wesson King Cobra .357 Magnum, a .40 Sig-Sauer 229, a Ruger Security Six .357 Magnum and a Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum." ...

'Existing Gun Laws' Brought Us Binghamton and Pittsburgh
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'The NRA is asking gunmen to refrain from mass shootings while key gun bills are before legislators,' says a newscaster in a recent editorial cartoon."

"Unfortunately, mass gunmen didn't listen. March began with the Alabama, Illinois church, Germany and Oakland police killings and ended with one gunman killing eight at a Cathage, NC nursing home and another killing six in Santa Clara, CA." ...

Submitter's Note: Jeez Louise, Martha, how many times are you going to rerun this piece with minor tweaks to the headline and text? I've seen it at least 4 times since March 17th when I wrote you pointing out some of your errors (which you still haven't corrected).

Terrorists, gang members, can buy guns legally
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"FBI data shows that suspects on the watch list for terrorists and violent gang members make hundreds of gun purchases every year that are totally legal."

"Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group on Wednesday highlighted the little-noticed figure that was included in an FBI report released last weekend."

"The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System Operations report said there were 230 legal purchases in 2006 by people on the watch list. There were 220 such purchases in 2005." ...

"Bloomberg's group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, is lobbying to close that loophole."

KABA Note: First time I've heard "innocent until proven guilty" called a loophole.

GA: Time to get tough on guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Three people were shot to death Saturday in Athens, and three others were wounded. A UGA professor was being sought as the killer. ..."

"The Athens incident will undoubtedly prompt official demands for better screening and more security. Some brave soul might even suggest that the police pay more attention to underage drinking. ..."

"However, you may not hear one obvious remedy: Make Athens and the UGA campus into zero-tolerance gun-free zones, with exceptions in place for a few peace officers and carefully chosen administrators." ...

Submitter's Note: It is already a felony punishable by ten years in prison to have a firearm within 1000 feet of a campus. How much 'tougher' does Bill want us to get?!?

FL: Robbery Suspect Dies After Being Shot By Property Owner
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Polk County man shot at two robbery suspects Tuesday morning when he thought they were going to run him down."

"One of the suspects was hit in the head and died, and the other is still at large."

"The incident happened near a citrus grove on Rifle Range Road in the Wahneta area of Winter Haven."

"Property owner Jamie Jones heard a commotion outside while working inside his shed just before dawn."

"Jones told detectives a man and woman were driving away in his Land Rover. He said after they saw him, they tried to run him over."

"Fearing for his life, Jones pulled the trigger." ...

TX: Midlothian man's fatally shot at Arlington house, police say
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A 42-year-old Midlothian man was fatally shot in Friday night by his former father-in-law, Arlington police said.

Police said the shooting appeared to be in self-defense, and that they would turn over evidence to the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office for a determination. No one has been arrested.

Rodney Kennedy was at a home in the 1400 block of Pecan Street when he was shot by his former father-in-law, 67, police said. The shooting happened at 10 p.m. during an altercation, according to reports.

The house is near the University of Texas at Arlington.

Meeting the Hate, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Of course, as millions may have noticed, it is the Left in America who foments all of the Hate. The Ku Klux Klan was purely democrats. It was never a right wing hate group at all. The first Civil Rights Act of the 1800's was imagined by the dems, but when the Party Of Lincoln took it up in accord, the dems backed off and blocked it. It was passed over their objections. The same thing happened in the Civil Rights Act of 1965; offered by the dems, but pushed through to law by the Republicans over the objections of the dems. The Republicans called the bluff of the Democrats. It's time for this again on the issue of Crime and Hate: they are not right wing." ...

Gun Owners Say Arlen Specter Must Go
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"First, Senator Arlen Specter provided the instrumental Republican support to get anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed by the Senate."

"Then, he singlehandedly pushed through the massive economic bailout, the so-called stimulus bill, which contained several provisions of concern to gun owners."

"So it comes as no surprise that liberal anti-gun Specter, who has no loyalty to the Constitution, also has no loyalty to the political party that elected him. Specter announced this week that he will leave the Republican Party and run as a Democrat in 2010."

"Specter's announcement comes only after poll after poll showed him trailing pro-gun conservative Pat Toomey in a Republican primary." ...

Gun-rights supporters are misrepresented
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In recent weeks, there have been countless statements made by politicians, pundits and even the [DHS] that gun ownership or support for the Second Amendment is connected to, if not synonymous with, violent behavior. Unfortunately, this false assumption has permeated its way into the Utah media's editorials, political cartoons and news stories."

"Short on facts, those making these accusations have decided to disparage and marginalize those who support the rights of law-abiding gun owners. We saw this in the recent DHS report that equated opposition to gun-control legislation with right-wing extremism. I suppose we'd better keep an eye on the Supreme Court, which two years ago found that the Second Amendment confers[sic] an individual right to keep and bear arms." ...

Elected leaders need to fear the people
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"No matter who you are, whether you claim affiliation with the Democratic, Republican or Libertarian party, you are in trouble as a direct result of who is now in power at the federal level of government. If you have any dissenting view, whatsoever, as to the policies of the executive and legislative branches of government, you are now on their list of extremists, and potential terrorists. ... If you are a hunter, a second amendment enthusiast, a Bill of Rights supporter, or a war veteran, according to Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano (who is now being pressured to resign) you are a danger to the security of the United States of America and must be put on a watch list. ..." ...

NY gun debate shows upstate-downstate rift
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Bills that would require renewals of handgun permits and a system to tag and track spent shell casings have touched off the first gun-control battle in years at New York's Capitol."

"The Democrat-controlled Assembly approved both measures this week. ..."

"In the Capitol, students rallying in support of the measures Wednesday were mostly minorities from the New York City area. Many of the opponents lobbying lawmakers were middle-aged white men from upstate ..."

"At issue are two proposals. One would require New York handgun licenses ... to be renewed every five years. The second would require semiautomatic handguns sold or made in New York state to be configured to 'microstamp' identifying information on shell casings." ...

NY: Debate continues over gun 'microstamping'
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"'You have to make a small step to protect,' said Glynn Jones, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence."

"'You got 20,000 to 30,000 laws on the books now! Incrementalism is eroding our Constitution,' said gun owner Harry Feineis."

"Inside the Legislative Office Building in Albany, debate continues over gun control."

"'How much more do you want to go?' asked Feineis."

"Only moments after, state legislators announced they want all new semi-automatic handguns to be sold with the ability to 'microstamp' each bullet casing as it leaves the gun." ...

"'The legislation ensures microstamping would be available for $12 or less,' said State Senator Eric Schneiderman." ...

KABA Note: I seem to remember the initial claims were that it would only cost $1 - $2. Now they are saying $12? Why not just admit that it will be over $100 per gun.

NY: Gun control advocates, opponents lobby at Capitol
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Lobbyists for and against gun control hit the Capitol Wednesday to get their points across to lawmakers."

"On one side, gun control advocates are pushing for a bill that allows cops to trace bullets to guns...and on the other side, pro-gun groups saying law-abiding citizens will be impacted more than criminals." ...

KABA Note: Especially since criminals can't be punished for failing to register their weapons.

MT: Montana Fires a Warning Shot over States' Rights
Submitted by: Paul

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"Montana is trying to trigger a battle over gun control - and perhaps make a larger point about what many folks in this ruggedly independent state regard as a meddlesome federal government."

"In a bill passed by the Legislature earlier this month, the state is asserting that guns manufactured in Montana and sold in Montana to people who intend to keep their weapons in Montana are exempt from federal gun registration, background check and dealer-licensing rules because no state lines are crossed."

"That notion is all but certain to be tested in court." ...

"Still, much bigger prey lies in Montana's sights: a legal showdown over how far the federal government's regulatory authority extends." ...

NY: Gun control battle focuses on micro-stamping proposal
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"One of several gun control measures passed yesterday in the Assembly included a plan to mandate micro-stamping on semi-automatic pistols. The Assembly and Senate sponsors ... just concluded a press conference to promote the idea, in which new handguns would have a laser-printed unique identifier on their firing pins, which police could then match with shell casings from fired weapons."

"Like other measures, the plan has some opponents including a trade group for gun manufacturers who believe it isn't workable, but Schimel and Schneiderman ... gathered a lot of law enforcement support for the measure. Police view it as another tool they could use to help match spent cartridges with a particular weapon ..." ...

NY: Senate announces initiative to help prevent gun violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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The state Senate announced a new initiative Wednesday that will go toward frontline illegal gun and gang violence prevention.

Operation SNUG, which is GUNS spelled backward, is a $4 million program aimed at helping local law enforcement and anti-violence groups steer at-risk New Yorkers away from the culture of gangs and illegal guns.

The funding will also allow for better cooperation between police and prosecutors to keep kids safe.

Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith said, "These young people who seem to think that carrying guns is a glorified thing, and it is just not so."

The funding will be distributed throughout eight communities to provide support for anti-violence programs.

NJ: Jersey City defends gun sale restrictions before top court
Submitted by: Larry

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"The state Supreme Court considered yesterday whether Jersey City can limit handgun purchases to one a month -- a measure that was struck down last year by an appeals court that said the state, not cities, governs gun sales in New Jersey."

"Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy said he pushed for the law to prevent people acting as surrogates from buying weapons for criminals. He says municipalities should be able to set their own gun control laws. Opponents of the ordinance said it would punish law-abiding citizens."

"During arguments in Trenton, Supreme Court Justice Barry Albin wondered why the city is pushing for a measure that has not been passed by state lawmakers." ...

NY: Bacalles, O'Mara issue statements on gun owner rights
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Assemblymen Jim Bacalles, R-Corning, and Tom O'Mara, R-Big Flats, provided the following statements on gun owners' rights related to bills introduced on Tuesday in the Legislature." ...

TX: Bill Limits Gun Regulation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A bill by state Rep. Leo Berman exempting Texas-made firearms, gun accessories and ammunition sold within the state from federal regulation and law -- including registration -- was heard in a House committee on Monday."

"The bill also provides for the Texas Attorney General's office to defend Texans who run afoul of the federal government because of this law."

"Berman, a Tyler Republican who has pushed several "states' rights" measures this legislative session, said his bill would affect more than 300 manufacturers in the state."

"'Under the 9th and 10th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, states have responsibility for regulating intrastate commerce,' Berman said. 'The federal government has no role.'" ...

TN: Sen. Bunch Defends Armed Wife Beaters
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"You might think it would be easy to pass a law in Tennessee requiring wife beaters to surrender their guns ... you would be wrong. This afternoon, Sen. Dewayne Bunch raised questions about whether such a law might unduly inconvenience wife beaters attempting to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"In the Senate Judiciary Committee, Bunch wondered what it means under this bill to possess a gun. If your arsenal of weaponry is stored in your barn or on your fishing boat, he asked, is that possession? And would the wife beater have to surrender those firearms?"

"'This seems very vague and ambiguous as to what possession is. It creates as many problems as it solves in that sense,' Bunch said. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Nope, no media bias here . . .

Janet Napolitano: The new Jeff Foxworthy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Recently, the Director of Homeland Security issued an 'Assessment Memo' to state and local law enforcement agencies. Having reviewed this nine-page document, I felt inclined to share my interpretation of it so you know where you stand in the eyes of your federal government."

"1. If you believe in God and Jesus Christ ... you might be a terrorist."

"2. If you are pro-life (believe abortion is murder) ... you might be a terrorist."

"3. If you believe illegal immigration is a threat to the U.S., might be a terrorist."

"4. If you believe in the Second Amendment and your right to bear arms ... you might be a terrorist."

"5. If you 'did not' vote for Hussein, you are racist ... you might be a terrorist." ...

NY: County attorney: Proposed ammo law constitutional
Submitted by: jgh

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"The county attorney has found that a proposed local law requiring gun shops to register sales of ammunition is constitutional and is not pre-empted by state statute." ...

"The law would ... regulate the storage, possession and sale of ammunition and require dealers to record each ammo sale and the caliber, make and model of the firearm for which the ammo purchase was made. ..."

"'This is not about an individual's right to keep and bear arms,' Denning wrote in his three-page opinion. '... That [Second Amendment] debate is not the concern here. This is about the obligations of gun dealers and owners to follow local regulation of ammunition sales.'" ...

KABA Note: Who here thinks this would fly?

"The law would regulate the storage, possession and sale of sacred texts and require dealers to record each sale and the religion, denomination and sect of the person for whom the sacred text purchase was made."

"'This is not about an individual's right to religious freedom' Denning wrote in his three-page opinion. 'That [First Amendment] debate is not the concern here. This is about the obligations of ministers and parishioners to follow local regulation of Bible sales.'"

U.S. Attorney vows to take on violent crime in East St. Louis
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The U.S. Attorney for Southern Illinois, A. Courtney Cox ... wants to 'clean up' East St. Louis, Illinois. Having lived near there most of my life, I can attest to the need for such an effort." ...

"Hmm . . . I'm liking the sound of that--encourage residents to band together and take their communities back from the gang-banger thugs. In the end, after all, the police cannot be everywhere they're needed ..."

"But wait--this is Illinois we're talking about, where carrying a loaded firearm in an incorporated area, whether openly or concealed, is illegal for private citizens. Does Mr. Cox propose to 'rejuvenate' unarmed 'neighborhood groups' for his crime fighting surge? Count me out of that idea. ..." ...

NY: Beating Handguns Into Coat Hangers
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"With three churches participating in the Police Department’s latest gun buyback program in the Bronx, there was plenty of opportunity for the police commissioner, Raymond W. Kelly, to make biblical references."

"Dozens of weapons were arrayed on tables in front of Mr. Kelly at a news conference at Police Headquarters when he announced the results of last Saturday’s event, in which 987 weapons were dropped off at the churches in six hours — the largest number of guns turned in since the department started the program last year."

"Eventually, that sawed-off shotgun, that shiny handgun, that assault weapon could one day be hanging in a closet. The weapons will be melted down into wire clothes hangers, Mr. Kelly said." ...

NC: Are sheriffs using taxpayer money to trample taxpayer gun rights?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"By any standard, the North Carolina Sheriffs' Association (NCSA) has a checkered past: At various points, embezzlement, fund-raising abuses and lack of accountability for state-allocated money have all dominated the news. What NC gun owners – including NCSA donors – may not know, however, is that not just private donations but possibly even state grants are being used to lobby against gun rights."

"What is unclear is the extent to which elected sheriffs represented by the group are aware of what is being advocated on their behalf." ...

MA: Scituate cop on leave after shoplifting charge
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Scituate police officer has been placed on leave after he was charged with shoplifting from a Weymouth Stop & Shop where he worked part-time."

"Police allege in a criminal complaint that John McGaffigan, 43, of Weymouth tried to steal Christmas wreaths, garlands and plants from a Stop & Shop on Middle Street on Nov. 30."

"McGaffigan, who was hired in Scituate as a full-time patrol officer in December 2001, has been placed on paid administrative leave ..."

"'He’s been on leave since the incident and he remains on leave,' said [Police Lt.] Stewart ..."

"McGaffigan was not arrested. Rather, Weymouth police sought a criminal complaint against him that a Quincy District Court clerk issued this month." ...

FL: Miami-Dade officer cleared after his gun was used in shooting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Prosecutors have cleared an off-duty Miami-Dade police officer whose high school pal, after a night of drinking and partying together on South Beach, grabbed the officer's gun and fatally shot himself in the head."

"Officer Francisco Fernandez's conduct was 'reprehensible' for allowing his drunk friend ... to play around with his loaded Glock pistol ..."

"But no crime ... could be proved because Martinez put the gun in his mouth himself and squeezed the trigger ..." ...

"But the investigation into the shooting revealed evidence that Fernandez had long used drugs, associated with dealers and users, and drove drunk the morning of the shooting ..."

"He is a still a patrol officer in the Kendall district ..." ...

WI: A right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen's statement that openly carrying a gun doesn't constitute disorderly conduct is, taken at face value, obvious."

"How could exercising one's constitutional rights without endangering others ever be perceived as a punishable offense?"

"I don't often see pedestrians 'packing heat,' as my dad would say, but it still feels like something is wrong here. The fact that Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn would tell his officers to ignore Van Hollen's memo reeks of lawlessness-of the same caliber of criminals who ignore our society's laws. West Milwaukee is currently being sued in federal court for civil rights violations. ... It looks like the courts might have to change Flynn's attitude." ...

NY: Two Police Officers Are Arraigned on Charges of Raping Drunken Woman
Submitted by: jgh

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"A New York City police officer accused of raping an intoxicated woman after helping her home 'had sexual intercourse with the physically helpless victim as she lay face down on her bed, having previously vomited multiple times,' the Manhattan district attorney, Robert M. Morgenthau, said Tuesday in announcing charges against two officers."

"The officers, Kenneth Moreno, 41, and Franklin L. Mata, 27, were arraigned Tuesday on charges of rape, burglary and official misconduct in connection with the woman’s accusation that she was assaulted in her East Village apartment in December by officers who had helped her home while she was intoxicated." ...

NY: New fingerprint system shortens pistol permit process
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Until Wednesday morning, being fingerprinted for a pistol permit at the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department used to be a messy affair. Since five copies of each print of each of an applicant's fingers and thumbs were required, it meant repeatedly rolling the applicant's digits in black ink."

"Smudges, of course, complicated the process, forcing repeat rolling until a 'clean' print was obtained."

"But this morning pistol permit fingerprinting at the department entered ... the digital age. ..."

"At about 10:00 a.m. Paul Rich of Adams, a Brinks guard, stepped up to a computer, had his fingers scanned and his prints became file #1 in the sheriff's department Live Scan system for pistol permit applicants." ...

GA: Confiscated gun sales considered
Submitted by: jgh

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"Selling guns is no longer just for gun dealers in Aiken."

"The Aiken Department of Public Safety wants to start selling some of its confiscated weapons to federally licensed dealers, ending a 10-year practice of destroying them."

"Department officials say sales could net the city's general fund thousands of dollars, and officials say they have a quick answer for anyone who questions the policy."

"'Everybody says 'Well, you're putting them back on the street,' said Aiken Department of Public Safety Capt. Wendell Hall. 'But you're not always putting them in the hands of bad guys, and I contend that you're probably rarely putting them in the hands of bad guys.'" ...

NY: Gun enthusiast concerned
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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As an avid gun enthusiast, I, like many others, have recently found it harder to find handgun ammunition. Every time I walk into a local supercenter, I ask if they have ammunition, and the answer is always "no."

I recently discovered the reason. The woman working in the firearms department of the supercenter said she had already sold out that morning. In fact, she sold all 40 cases (2,000 rounds) to one man.

Again, I am a gun lover and support the Second Amendment, but in this day of mass shootings, I find it irresponsible and unnerving that this store would put that much firepower into one person's hands.

Dave Roberts|Erie

Submitter's Note: So Dave, don't think of it as 40 boxes in one purchase, think of it as 2 boxes a week since Thanksgiving. Of course the 'supercenter' has probably been out every time he came in, so when he found it in stock he bought it.

CO: Local people pack more pieces
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Local firearms sales and concealed weapons permits are higher than ever as gun enthusiasts fear Democratic legislation restricting the Second Amendment."

"'All our firearms dealers we deal with have been pretty much out of stock since the day after the election,' said Shelly Malish, co-owner of Kremmling Precision Ordinance, which sells guns in Kremmling."

"The number of concealed weapons permits issued in Summit County has doubled every year since 2006."

"By late April, the number of applications — at 122 — has already surpassed those for all of 2008, according to Summit County Sheriff’s Office." ...

IA: Concealed weapon permit requests jump in Eastern Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Concerns about personal security appear to be fueling a surge in handgun sales and an increase in permits to carry concealed weapons in parts of Eastern Iowa."

"Jones County, for example, issued 42 new concealed weapon permits in March — well above the average of about 15 new permits per month during the past year."

"Jones County Sheriff Mark Denniston said he has noticed the surge, which began in February with the issuance of 32 new permits — up markedly from eight in January and four in December."

"'From the feedback I'm getting, it has a lot to do with personal protection concerns,' said Denniston, who personally interviews each applicant." ...

AK: Hundreds Turn Out to Protect Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It was standing room only at the Soldotna Sports Center last night as many from the Kenai Peninsula attended the rally of the Second Amendment Task Force of the Kenai Peninsula. Even the presenters discussed the turnout, including Bob Bird of Nikiski. He was gratified with the turnout. He explained to the audience that the rally was not called as part of the [NRA], or as part of the [GOA]. Those speaking at the rally wanted to relay the message that there is a reason Americans should be concerned that the freedom to keep and bear arms is being threatened. Bird asked everyone in attendance to sign a statement of solidarity at the end of the meeting. ..."

I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9

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