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Binghamton massacre: death by government?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Today in Binghamton, New York, a 'suspect' shot up an immigration center as people took their citizenship exam, killing at least 13, then he died from a 'self-inflicted gunshot wound.' These are the facts of the story, but there are many more facts not covered in the mainstream media which have an impact on this tragedy. The main question ignored: Why do nearly all of these mass murders occur in places where law-abiding citizens (or immigrants) are disarmed by government regulation?"

"Most mass murders occur in states, like New York, which restrict your right of self-defense. In his book The Bias Against Guns, John Lott examined the relationship between the presence of legally-carried firearms and multiple murders ..." ...

Health Care Records Could Become National Gun Database
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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... "Scary, you say. But why is this a Second Amendment issue? Under the Massachusetts plan, your MANDATED insurance carrier has to feed your medical data into a centralized database -- freely accessible by the government under federal privacy laws."

"So... remember when your pediatrician asked your kid if you have a firearm in the home?? Or when your dad was given a prescription for Zoloft because of his Alzheimer's?? Or when your wife mentioned to her gynecologist that she had regularly smoked marijuana ten years ago?"

"All of this would be in a centralized database. And all of it could potentially be used to vastly expand the 'prohibited persons' list maintained by the FBI in West Virginia." ...

Gun-Free Zones Are a Magnet for Attacks Like the Tragedy In Binghamton
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Time after time multiple- victim public shootings occur in 'gun free zones' — public places where citizens are not legally able to carry guns. The horrible attack today in Binghamton, New York is no different. Every multiple-victim public shooting that I have studied, where more than three people have been killed, has taken place where guns are banned." ...

"You would think that it would be an important part of the news stories for a simple reason: Gun-free zones are a magnet for these attacks. ... We want to keep people safe, but the problem is that it is the law-abiding good citizens, not the criminals, who obey these laws. We end up disarming the potential victims and not the criminals. ..." ...

Bearing arms is constitutional
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "As much as we would like to believe that our police officers and armed forces can protect us at all times, this just isn't true. These men and women do the best they can day in and day out to ensure that our lives aren't threatened, but the simple fact is that they can't be everywhere to protect us from those who would threaten our lives or compromise our sovereignty as private individuals. That is the reason our founding fathers ensured for us in the Second Amendment that we would always have the right to bear arms. I sincerely believe that the right to own a gun is imperative ..." ...

Buying a Gun Legally In Mexico Is No Fiesta
Submitted by: jgh

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"Everyone has heard about strict gun laws in Mexico. Its nearly impossible to get a legal gun there unless you are politically connected and wealthy."

"The Mexican Army runs the only location where a person can buy guns legally in Mexico. That, of course, does not take into account for what you can buy from them and others illegally elsewhere by cash, other bribes and favors."

"All of the requirements for Mexican gun ownership would be welcomed here by gun control groups in the USA. The Bradys would love the steps required to buy or carry any gun in Mexico." ...

"We all know that these Mexican laws prevent violence in Mexico. There is no little or no gun violence in Mexico as a result of their strict laws. Right. ..."

Gun owners and Corporate Social Responsibility, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"American Business is now under attack as Gun Owners and liberty purists have been under attack. The strategy is to alienate, insult, mischaracterize, hold up, shake down, and generally harass people who furnish not only goods and services, but Jobs. Capitalists who need employees and pay them from the proceeds of profits. Government cannot do this, because it has no money. What Government has is our money, none of their own."

"The idea that jobs are furnished at all when they are furnished by Government and more than by private sector is to have gone to college with an open mind only to let your brains fall out. ..." ...

Open letter to the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A couple of days ago I posted my observation that not only is 'gun control' immoral and illegal, it also triggers massacres each time it is suggested anew ... After reading some of the comments I decided it would be a good idea to post this 'open letter' which I wrote and sent to the NRA back on August 20, 2008. ..." ...

"As you can see, I am a very disgruntled Life Member of the NRA. I don't even consider them a 'gun rights' organization anymore, but a police-state promotional organization that sometimes talks about the Second Amendment." ...

"If you are considering joining a true gun rights organization, please check out JPFO ... and GOA. Either one is better than the NRA by a light-year."

Why not put confiscated firearms to good use?
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"In England, a 'long-serving member of the Durham Constabulary, was arrested in connection with the sale of more than 100 shotguns to new owners.'"

"Apparently, this police officer was taking shotguns turned in by people who didn't want them anymore and selling them to 'respectable members of the community' ... it does bring up an interesting issue."

"Even in the U.S., confiscated firearms are routinely destroyed. Why? We don't burn down houses, crush cars, or sink boats when they're forfeited or confiscated as a part of criminal investigations and court actions. Why destroy perfectly good firearms when they could be sold to the law abiding public to be used to self-defense, hunting, collecting, target shooting, etc.? ..." ...

Recent crimes show need for new gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sunday morning, a lone gunman walked into the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, N.C. and opened fire, killing seven residents and a nurse while wounding three others." ...

"Incidents like this highlight the need for increased federal gun control legislation."

"For full disclosure, I'm a hunter and enjoy going to the shooting range to take out some frustration on some unsuspecting soda cans and clay pigeons."

"But when it comes to gun control, there needs to be more than the ole' redneck adage of using two hands instead of one to steady the gun. More than 80 Americans are killed and 200 injured from gunshots every day, so obviously something is flawed with our current system." ...

KABA Note: 46 of those '80' are suicides. Overall suicide rates are unaffected by gun laws. Of the 32 'gun' murders a day, well over half are committed by 'prohibited persons'.

Binghamton and Carthage Shootings Cause More Problems for Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'The NRA is asking gunmen to refrain from mass shootings while key gun bills are before legislators,' says a newscaster in a recent editorial cartoon."

"Unfortunately, mass gunmen didn't listen. The month that began with the Alabama, Illinois church, Germany and Oakland police killings ended with one gunman killing eight at a Cathage, NC nursing home and another killing six in Santa Clara, CA."

"Then April began with the killing of 14 in Binghamton, NY." ...

"The March bloodbath creates PR problems for the gun lobby. When a gunman like Oakland's Lovelle Mixon kills police with assault weapons ... [it does not] help the cause of military-style black guns ..." ...

Submitter's Note: If this piece looks familiar, it is because Ms. Rosenberg is recycling earlier pieces and continuing to ignore inconvenient facts like: Lovelle Mixon was a 'prohibited person' who could not lawfully purchase or possess a firearm and 'assault weapons' are already illegal in California!

Today's Mass Shooting In New York Latest Wakeup Call For Nation
Submitted by: gemalo

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"As the horrific gun violence continues in the United States, Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign ... issued the following statement ..."

"'Today's mass shooting in Binghamton is just the latest wake-up call reminding us that we must do something to stop the gun violence in our country. In the past few weeks alone, in mass shootings, 10 were killed in Alabama, eight killed in a North Carolina nursing home, 10 killed in California, including four police officers, but the silence from many of our political leaders was deafening." ...

Submitter's Note: Sarah and Pete are going to need new shoes soon. All this blood they are dancing in is hard on the leather.

Mexico, U.S. guns and the media's 90 percent myth
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'When all you have is a hammer,' so goes an old saying, 'everything looks like a nail.' Likewise, when you are committed to a bias you try every way possible to support it."

"A recent statement by William Hoover ... is being used by those who seemingly have a bias against guns ..." ...

"The message so far has been clear: Guns are too easy to obtain in the United States and the Second Amendment is to blame. As a result, the gun violence in Mexico is made worse. There is one problem, though: The 90 percent figure is bogus. Fox News was suspicious of the 90 percent claim and did some digging. What the news network found is that only 17 percent of guns found at Mexican crime scenes have been actually traced to the U.S.

The Tom Diaz-Eric Holder '90%' Two-Step
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"And no, for you smart-asses out there (you know who you are), a '90%' Two-Step' is not a '1.8-Step.'"

"Yesterday, I discussed the VPC's Tom Diaz--who is now finding himself forced to retreat from the demonstrably false (but endlessly repeated) claim that '90% of the Mexican drug cartels' weapons come from the U.S. civilian market.' He, in fact called the entire issue a 'red herring.'" ...

"I pointed out that he had said nothing of 'red herrings' in spreading that disinformation in a VPC report (pdf file), and in testimony to Congress (pdf file), and nor did fellow VPC shill Kirsten Rand, in her testimony to Congress (pdf file). ..." ...

"Now AG Eric Holder has joined in, saying essentially the same thing." ...

In Reality, Nearly Ninety Percent of Mexican Cartel Weapons DON'T Come From U.S.
Submitted by: JarheadSgt

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"Apparently, America’s love of firearms has not rubbed off on our Mexican neighbors quite as much as the mainstream media led us to believe."

"It has been widely reported that 90 percent of the weapons used in the Mexican drug cartel wars come from America. As it turns out, that statistic is simply incorrect. According to the figures obtained from ICE and ATF officials by Fox News, only about 17 percent of the weapons recovered from cartel-related crime scenes in Mexico actually originate in the United States." ...

"So to summarize, ninety percent of the traced weapons that Mexico decides to give back to us come from the United States – a sample which doesn't include the vast majority of the weapons found. ..." ...

Exposing lies about U.S. guns and Mexican crime
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We've been challenging the '90% lie' about U.S. guns and Mexican cartels. We've shown how the gun grabbers have been using that as justification to get away with a bigger, more dangerous lie: that curtailing your and my right to keep and bear arms ... will cut off the narco-terrorists' gun supply ..."

"The truth is out there, and it is spreading."

"Front Page Magazine has done its own investigation, stating:"
"...Mexican authorities have refused to provide U.S. law-enforcement officials with the serial numbers of weapons confiscated from drug cartel members—a likely indicator that the weapons were obtained not from American gun shops but rather from illegitimate sources elsewhere."

Mexicali lie on ‘assault weapons:’ just the latest gun factoid
Submitted by: F. Paul Valone

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"Lies in pursuit of gun control are nothing new: What has changed is your ability to counter those lies"

"Yesterday, a report blew apart the latest gun-related 'factoid' being bandied about not only by gun control organizations and politicians, but also by the allegedly mainstream media: What you've been told about 90% of the guns being used by Mexican drug gangs being smuggled from the U.S. is a lie. In truth, we now find, the number is closer to 17%, with the vast majority of the guns which fuel Mexican drug violence coming from:"

"Foreign sources, including the Russian mafia, South America and China; and"

"The black market, including the perennially corrupt Mexican military." ...

NY: Upstate New York gunman kills 13, commits suicide
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A gunman barricaded the back door of a community center with his car and then opened fire on a room full of immigrants taking a citizenship class Friday, killing 13 people before apparently committing suicide, officials said." ...

"One receptionist was killed, while the other ... pretended to be dead, then crawled under a desk and called 911, he said. Police said they arrived within two minutes ..." [emphasis added]

"The man believed to have carried out the attack was found dead with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in an office ... Police found two handguns ..." ...

"Police heard no gunfire after they arrived but waited for about an hour before entering the building ..." ...

PA: Judge upholds Lancaster's ban on firing guns
Submitted by: jgh

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"A Lancaster ordinance barring people from firing guns has passed its first court test."

"Lancaster resident Curtis Swinton, who has a permit to legally carry a concealed weapon, was charged after he fired a gun in a restaurant parking lot in December 2007. He told police his cousin was being beaten up and he fired a warning shot to disperse the assailants. No one was injured."

"Swinton says only the state can make such gun laws and the ordinance bars people from defending themselves. But Lancaster County Judge Joseph Madenspacher this week upheld the ordinance, saying it has enough exceptions to allow people to defend themselves in court." ...

KABA Note: So warning shots are illegal? Curtis would have been okay if he'd shot at the assailants instead?

Outlaws Will Have Guns - And Response
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It does not matter if every gun in the world is taken up, outlaws and criminals will always have guns and bombs."

"The President is doing every thing he can to take guns from honest, law abiding citizens of the United States. He said "I am not against guns or the right for honest law abiding citizens to carry them." Now, he making new gun bills that will take guns and ammo from all honest, law abiding citizens." ...

"If he takes guns and ammo from the citizens, it will only make the criminals job a lot easier. ..."

"If the President gets his way, you will have to give up the ... right to keep and bear arms. The N.R.A and Gun Owner of America fight every day to protect our second amendment right ..." ...

Slow to Learn
Submitted by: Larry

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"Following the mass killings in Binghamton, New York, the anti-gun babblers were quick to mount the MSNBC perch to parrot the mantra about disarming the public. In the face of what had just occurred, one self-styled "expert" urged members of the public to put their trust in police officers for their protection! Good grief! Isn't this what the fifteen unarmed victims had done? And how did their "trust" produce a different outcome than that which prevailed on the Virginia Tech campus, as police officers waited outside the building where the killings were taking place; waiting until the gunfire ended and it was then safe for them to go inside?" ...

Senator Blanche Lincoln fighting on behalf of Arkansans Second Amendment rights?
Submitted by: ARCCA

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She would obviously like to appear as if she is wildly pro gun, but Im afraid that her stances on guns is mixed. The truth is, she is not a dependable defender of gun rights. Want to know why the hook and bullet crowd doesn't trust her?

In the wanning days of the I'll fated Clinton semi-auto gun ban, I wrote her a letter asking her not to support "killer amendments" that were attached by congressional liberals to a good gun bill that would end wreckless lawsuits against gun manufacturers. These lawsuits were designed to bankrupt the industry under a barrage of lawsuits based on the criminal misuse of their products. The bill was known as the "Gun Manufacturer Liability Bill."


Massachusetts Gun Law – time for real reform (Part I)
Submitted by: Ron Bokleman Boston Gun Rights Eaminer

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"You've heard the often repeated phrase; Massachusetts has the toughest gun laws in the nation. The Brady Campaign ... proclaimed Massachusetts being 'tied with Connecticut in third place among the states with the strongest gun laws.'"

"Yet what is the real truth when it comes to the firearms laws in Massachusetts? Do they protect its citizens and provide the level of public safety that was intended or have they done more harm than good?"

"... anyone who reads the headlines of the major newspaper outlets in Massachusetts knows the story of the violence perpetrated against these citizens' day in and day out by those with little, if any, respect for the law." ...

AR: Governor Beebe doubles down on opposition to permit holders right to privacy
Submitted by: ARCCA

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This morning on KARN News Radio the Governor was doing his monthly radio question and answer session with callers.

One of the callers identified herself as Mary from Cabot, asked the Governor about the concealed carry privacy bill and she said that she didn't feel like she was being adequately protected.

You can find the audio here.

I'm not sure which clip it is, but basically the Governor said that he was in the legislature in 1995 when the bill was passed to allow concealed carry, and he said that it passed with the understanding that the list remain public information. That's essentially why he backs keeping the list public.

IL: Did IL State Rep. Dunkin lie about tabling mandatory $1 million liability insurance for gun owners?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Back in February, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea introduced readers to Illinois State Representative Kenneth Dunkin, and a bill Rep. Dunkin introduced in the Illinois General Assembly. HB 687 would require every gun owner in the state to maintain a $1 million liability insurance policy--just in case of some hypothetical damages that might occur as a result of negligent, irresponsible, and/or illegal behavior on the part of the gun owner. ..." ...

"As one might imagine, this did not sit well with gun owners in Illinois, as was made abundantly clear to Representative Dunkin. So clear, in fact, that on March 11th, when thousands of Illinois gun owners marched in Springfield to demand their rights as free, law-abiding citizens, Rep. Dunkin promised to table HB 687 ..." ...

U.S. must acknowledge role in Mexican violence
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While authorities on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border wring their hands over complicated ways of quelling the violence among Mexican drug cartels, some of the factors in the issue are not complicated at all."

"What is the violence about? Money. What is the money for? Drugs. Where is the demand for drugs? The United States. How is the violence committed? Guns. Where are the guns coming from? The United States." ...

"The U.S. also is supplying the weapons that are being smuggled into Mexico, and they are often the kinds of assault weapons that were part of a ban that expired in 2004. Drug thugs do like those assault rifles, which are described as military grade. ..." ...

Canada: Principal Installs Cellphone Jammer But Forgets To Check If It's Legal
Submitted by: none

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"from the whoops,-forgot-about-that-law-thing dept"

"Many educators are having trouble figuring out how to handle electronic devices in the classroom. Some have been educating students on the negative effects, encouraging them to regulate their own use. ... Though, many just try to ban everything. A principal in British Columbia took his school's ban to a new level by setting up a cellphone jammer. There was just one problem -- the device is illegal in Canada. The principal had ordered the Chinese device online, but some angry students were quick to find out and inform him that he was breaking the law. So much for that idea. Now, he's left looking pretty bad while cellphone use in school now seems like some kind of civil rights issue to some students." ...

Why Fearing the Police Is Not Irrational
Submitted by: Larry

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"There was a day in America when we, the people, had great respect for the police. When they would ask you how you are doing, they sincerely wanted to know because they cared. That day has passed with barely a whisper or complaint. Today when a cop ... asks you how you are, they are not doing it because they care but rather to set you at ease so you feel that their follow-up questions are friendly and benign. ..." ...

"What they are not doing is being friendly, but rather they are fishing for information to give them probable cause to search you and your vehicle. ..." ...

KABA Note: My carry class instructors all have said the same thing. The only thing you should say when questioned by the police is "I wish to speak to my attorney and I do not consent to any search." To hear why, watch this video. It is 48 minutes long, but well worth it.

Note in suitcase thanks Nevada senator
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A spokesman for Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., said Transportation Security Administration employees slipped an encouraging note into an Ensign staffer's luggage."

"Ensign spokesman Tory Mazzola said a staffer flying into Washington discovered a note in his suitcase that was signed by six TSA employees and thanked the senator for his efforts to lift the gun ban in the nation's capital, Politico reported Friday."

"'To Senator Ensign: Please continue to defend our conservative values with all your vigor, particularly our Second Amendment! Thank you,' the note read." ...

Political activist detained by TSA for carrying cash (with video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Steve Bierfeldt, Director of Development for the organization, kept his cool during the encounter. We know that because he activated the recording function on his cell phone and captured almost all of the incident for posterity. The TSA agents harangued him for asking what his legal rights were while he was questioned in a detention room. They accused him of behaving 'like a child' when he simply wanted to know whether he was legally compelled to answer certain questions."

"The apparent cause of the encounter was Bierfeldt's possession of roughly $4,700 in cash, the take from sales of books, T-shirts and merchandise at a regional conference ..."

"Is it any of the TSA's business that Bierfeldt was carrying cash? ..." ...

OR: Should sobriety checkpoints be reinstated in Ore.?
Submitted by: none

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"There's a renewed push for police roadblocks to detect impaired drivers in Oregon."

"At a hearing Thursday, representatives of law enforcement agencies and groups that fight drunken driving said 'sobriety checkpoints' have a deterrent effect that could reduce traffic deaths and injuries that number in the hundreds each year." ...

"In 1987, the Oregon Supreme Court banned the checkpoints on constitutional grounds." ...

"But a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon said the state Supreme Court 'made a wise decision' when it ruled that the random traffic stops violated the state constitution's protections against unreasonable search and seizure." ...

OH: Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson refuses to answer questions about gun control enforcement in live Internet chat
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On March 24, 2009, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson took part in a live Internet chat hosted by ..."

"It was clear from many of the questions that Cleveland's crime problem in general, and the city's continued enforcement of illegal gun control laws in particular, were of major concern to chat participants."

"But Mayor Jackson largely avoided these issues, and by the end of the chat participants were expressing their frustrations." ...

"In fact, the mayor was asked about the city's policy of enforcing illegal gun control laws no less than seven times, yet neither he, nor his law director or public safety director responded." ...

WA: State Patrol requests bids for air fresheners, color crayons
Submitted by: none

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"I received a call for bids through the state's vendor system (WEBS) for the creation of 'promotional products' for the State Patrol. According to the email, said products include 'pull apart key chains, air freshener, lanyard, silicone bracelets, color crayons.'"

"Really? I didn't realize the State Patrol needed promotional products. In fact, I thought the state was facing a budget crisis of disastrous proportions."

"Senator Rodney Tom wasn't kidding on Monday's press conference about the state 'cutting programs that are core to everybody.' Good thing too, because we've got to save money for the most important priorities. What would taxpayers do without Washington State Patrol air fresheners?" ...

DC: DC attorney general decries gun amendment
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The nation's capital would be more vulnerable to a terrorist attack if the District of Columbia's gun laws were weakened ..."

"Peter Nickles testified before a House subcommittee examining the potential effect of a gun amendment attached to legislation ..."

"The measure ... would repeal the city's strict gun registration requirements and restrictions on semiautomatic weapons."

"'The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, demonstrated something that we have known for some time: government facilities, dignitaries and public servants are prime targets for terrorists,' Nickles said. 'As a result, it would seem to me the district is the last place where residents across the country would want to allow assault weapons.'" ...

Firearm Sales Continue to Climb in March 2009
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Firearm sales continued to surge across the country for the fifth straight month, extending a trend that began after the November elections. The increase also follows recent comments by several high-profile members of the Obama administration about re-imposing permanently and expanding the ban on modern sporting rifles."

"Data from the [NICS] show background checks on the sale of firearms jumped 29.2 percent in March when compared to March 2008 and were up 27.1 percent for the first quarter of 2009 over the same quarter last year."

"The increase follows a 23 percent rise in February, a 28 percent rise in January, a 24 percent rise in December and a 42 percent jump in November ..." ...

WV: Gun shop customers shell out for ammunition
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Demand for many types of ammunition is far outstripping manufacturers' ability to keep up, according to two West Virginia gun shop owners."

"So far in 2009, Spring Hill Rod & Gun in South Charleston has sold more than 1,000 cases of ammunition - more than a typical year's worth, owner Dan Kessel said." ...

"Ron Wood of Flat Top Arms in Beckley said the 2008 fall hunting season was the first time he had people buying ammunition by the case ... instead of the occasional box." ...

"The shortage isn't just occurring in West Virginia."

"'We have heard from all across the country that there is a tremendous shortage of ammunition,' said Lawrence Keane, senior vice president of the [NSSF]. ..." ...

Bob Foth Hired as Paralympic Coach for USA Shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"USA Shooting is pleased to announce the hiring of Olympic silver medalist Bob Foth as its new Paralympic Shooting Coach and Program Manager. Foth previously held the position of Youth Programs and Coach Development Manager for USAS and will retain some of those duties in his new position."

"A three-time Olympian in rifle, Foth brings a tremendous amount of experience to his new position. He began shooting competitively in 1972 and won numerous national and international medals during his shooting career. He was part of several world champion teams and set six world records. He joined the USA Shooting staff as Youth Programs and Coach Development Manager in 2006 and will assume his new role as Paralympic Coach/Manager on April 6." ...

Canada: How police use the gun registry
Submitted by: jgh

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"Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s decision to try for a third time to scrap the gun registry has been cast by Conservatives as a cultural question, a matter of understanding rural Canada, in particular the way folks outside the big cities use their rifles and shotguns."

"But there’s another gap of understanding that I would argue is more important in getting a handle on this debate: grasping how police use the gun registry. If there's a case for keeping the registry, it must rest on how useful the database is to police ..."

"... In 2008, police across Canada used their computer systems, often terminals right in their patrol cars, to pull information from the Canadian Firearms Registry On-line over 9,400 times a day." ...

Guatemala Passes Gun Control Law
Submitted by: jgh

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"... the Guatemalan Congress approved the Weapon and Ammunition Control Law, considered essential to reduce violence."

"The regulation reduces to one the four licenses previously granted to each citizen to buy armaments, and they are able now to buy three weapons instead of 12 ..."

"It also stipulated several requirements ... including a clean criminal record and passing psychological assessment, income certification and proof of employment."

"The legislation also set between five and 15 years of imprisonment for crimes like possession, export, import, or illegal sale of weapons and ammunitions."

"Shooting without a justified reason and parading with these devices, although they are legal, will also be punished." ...

"Some people think that the Second Amendment is an outdated relic of an earlier time. Doubtless some also think that constitutional protections of other rights are outdated relics of earlier times. We The People own those rights regardless, unless and until We The People repeal them. For those who believe it to be outdated, the Second Amendment provides a good test of whether their allegiance is really to the Constitution of the United States, or only to their preferences in public policies and audiences. The Constitution is law, not vague aspirations, and we are obligated to protect, defend, and apply it. If the Second Amendment were truly an outdated relic, the Constitution provides a method for repeal. The Constitution does not furnish the federal courts with an eraser." --9th Circuit Court Judge Andrew Kleinfeld, dissenting opinion in which the court refused to rehear the case while citing deeply flawed anti-Second Amendment nonsense (Nordyke v. King; opinion filed April 5, 2004)

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