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Inside Out: The Seattle Gun Ban [video]
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ed.: No Nads Nickels is pressing on with his Seattle Gun Ban. This 30-minute video opens with comments by Dave Workman, senior editor of Gun Week and author of Washington Gun Rights and Responsibilities. The video is a moderated discussion between Alan Gottlieb, SAF founder, and Nickels' policy wonk in charge of promoting this illegal ban.

If you have the time, the video is well worth it.

MO: Missouri State Highway Patrol replaces director of MIAC
Submitted by: Anonymous

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MSHP replaces the director of the MIAC center over the controversial militia report. Does this mean that the MIAC will become more discreet in their reports or will they actually change course?


AR: Completely watered down permit privacy bill passes Senate 34-0
Submitted by: ARCCA

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HB1623 The completely watered down, Concealed Carry Privacy bill passed the Senate today on a 34-0 vote.

This from Today's THV, "The Arkansas Senate has approved a bill that would allow the state to release the names and ZIP codes of residents licensed to carry concealed handguns.

Senators voted 34-0 Monday to pass the bill by Rep. Randy Stewart of Kirby. That comes after the bill was amended from an original proposal that would have made the entire list of concealed-carry permits secret.

The measure will return to the House for lawmakers to consider the changes.

Stewart has said he proposed the bill after the Arkansas Times newspaper in Little Rock posted a link to an Arkansas State Police database


ABC Touts Gun Control Group; Hypes Special on Firearms
Submitted by: JarheadSgt

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On Monday's "Good Morning America," reporter David Muir highlighted a rabidly pro-gun control group as an expert on weapons, without referencing the organization's political stance. The journalist also promoted "If I Only Had a Gun," an ABC special to air Friday night that seems to argue for tighter restrictions on firearms. During a segment on the tragic shootings in Pittsburgh and New York, Muir featured a clip from Michael Wolkowitz, who is a member of the board of trustees for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

Definition of 'assault weapon' lost on lawmakers
Submitted by: jgh

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...Let's keep this straightforward: the ban was very bad for Democrats, it would be very bad again, and Pelosi knows it. This is why: since her terse statements of Feb. 26, very little has been made of what could now be called the Obama-Holder Slip-of-the-Tongue...

These are the weapons so many of us joined the military just to get a crack at just seeing up close: the "ma deuce" M2 .50-caliber machine gun, the MK fully automatic 40-mm grenade launcher, and the 25-mm chain-fed cannon that shows up in the turrets of various, menacing armored vehicles.

When these start popping up in gun crimes, then we need to get back to this assault weapons ban.

So, yes, I'm a proponent - of the ban that is already in place.

Ed.: Not many criminals could make a quick getaway with a Browning M2. ;-) I still have nightmares about lifting one to the top the turret on my deuce and a half.

Who is Spreading Fear, Hatred and Lies in Pittsburgh Shooter Story?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"An important component of the meme is that conservative/libertarian speech is hate speech. In the Orwellian Newspeak off the political left, the words of the framers of the Constitution are treasonous."

"It's called projection. Shall we explore the sentiments coming from those who make no secret that they hate gun owners and believe in government monopoly of power? What do popular lefties have to say?"

Again, the debate over guns ...
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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As our community begins the recovery process from the tragedy and trauma of April 4, let us be mindful of those around us who will take political advantage of our moment of sorrow for their own schemes and agendas.

Are We Numb To Mass Murder?
Submitted by: jgh

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Six mass shootings that have taken 47 lives in just four weeks' time.

It seems that no town, big or small, is immune. But why? Is there more violence - and is our reaction to it changing?

"Tragically, I think many Americans have become more desensitized, more numb to the mass murder, to the massacre, because it is no longer that unusual," said Howard Kurtz.....

Part of what we expect are expressions of condolences from our political leaders … but that is where it all seems to stop...

CBS News legal analyst Andrew Cohen says that, in this climate, more is not likely to happen.

"I just don't think [as] a political issue that folks care as much about gun control right now as they do about economics," he said.

NY: Binghamton Killer Sent Letter To TV Station
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The man who gunned down 13 people in an immigrant center thought police had harassed him for years, even spreading rumors about him and touching him in his sleep, and apparently was intent on killing people before returning "to the dust of the earth," according to a rambling letter in broken English mailed to a TV station the day of the massacre.

The letter's authenticity could not immediately be verified Monday, but the city of Binghamton said it was reviewing the material as "evidence in the investigation." The letter was mailed to News 10 Now, in Syracuse, and postmarked Friday, the day Wong stormed into the American Civic Association and went on a rampage before killing himself.

NY: Binghampton Killer Sent Letter to Syracuse TV Station
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people."

Those chilling words begin a disturbing, unhinged letter mailed to a Binghamton TV station - along with Wong's driver's license, gun permit and photos of him posing with pistols - last Friday, the same day that Wong massacred 13 people at a local immigrant assistance center before killing himself.

"The first I want to say sorry I know a little English I hope you understand all of this," continues the neatly handwritten letter, which was placed in an envelope that gave Wong's Johnson City return address. "Of course you need to know why I shooting?"

"Because undercover cop gave me a lot of ass during eighteen years."

NOTE: This article contains a link to the letter itself.

Pitchforks, Pistols and Pepto-Bismol: Introducing the New York Times to the Concept of the Three Percenter.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Yet, with my experience . . . I can tell you that blaming politicians or talk show hosts for the Great Obama Firearm and Ammo Rush is ludicrous. They reflect our anger dully, without truly understanding it themselves. You are playing blame the messenger, at least in part because this is a comfortable way for you to try to fit your unease at seeing something that frightens you and which you don't understand into a familiar meme. Baby want bottle? The politicians and talk show hosts are familiar whipping boys for you, but they are irrelevant to your present circumstances. . . You folks (cluck) in anger at the GOP and the NRA, as if they were your real problem. . . Silly little men. The way we look at it, THEY protected YOU.

Leftwing Bloggers Blame Glenn Beck for Pittsburgh Cop Killings
Submitted by: JarheadSgt

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Three Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, police officers were killed on Saturday, and according to prominent left-wing bloggers including the Atlantic's Andrew Sullivan and Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, it's because of conservative talk show hosts on radio and television.

Most frequently named as the culprit in such vitriolic postings was Fox News's Glenn Beck.

Such a disgusting conclusion stems from comments made to the press by friends of assailant Richard Poplawski as to why he might have carried out such a heinous act.

U.S. Mayors React to Shooting Epidemic Call For National Public Safety Agenda
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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America's mayors are alarmed by the string of mass shootings that have occurred in recent weeks in cities across the nation. This epidemic serves as a stark reminder that the easy availability of guns often turns domestic and personal disputes into acts of murder.

Bulletproof vests not a new problem for police
Submitted by: R. Smith

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In shootings around the nation, police often find the gunman is wearing a bulletproof vest — and while it's an issue that has recently jumped into the spotlight, it's hardly a new problem for law enforcement.

"The bad guys have used body armor going way back," said John Grebert, executive director of the New York State Police Chiefs Association, noting that gangsters in the 1920s and 1930s wore vests made from cotton padding and cloth that worked mostly against lower velocity handguns.

"We still train our officers that if they have to use their weapon, to fire on two kill zones — two bullets fired at the chest, a third at the head, in case the person is wearing a vest," said Grebert, a veteran law enforcement officer.....

PA: Suspect in police deaths tied to supremacist site
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Internet rantings found on a white supremacist Web site,, indicate Poplawski was preoccupied with the idea that Obama was going to overturn the Second Amendment and that Jews were secretly running the country.

Postings made by others on the extremist Web site after the Pittsburgh shooting encourage people to buy assault rifles because they suspect the arms will be banned in the wake of a string of mass shootings in the past month, including one in Oakland, Calif., where four officers were killed and another in Binghamton, N.Y., on Friday when a gunman killed 13 people before killing himself.


IN: Fears drive hordes to gun shops
Submitted by: jgh

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There used to be a time when buying ammunition at Beber’s Shot and Sinker in Auburn was no problem – there were rounds aplenty in stock.
There also was a time when the gun racks in the store on Ensley Avenue were stocked full with 100, maybe 125, firearms for sale.
Not anymore.

Now, co-owner Donald Beber said, the shop has about 25 or 30 guns for sale. People who used to walk in and trade or sell their firearms no longer come around for fear the government is about to take their guns away... ammunition? Forget about it...VanBurk’s shop ...sold 2,000 to 3,000 rounds of ammunition a week this time last year. Now, it sells 22,000 rounds a week...

Often, vanBurk said, he has to close when it becomes too crowded...

TX: Guns on campus-Does New York massacre give new firepower to bills filed in Austin?
Submitted by: jgh

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When police in Binghamton, N.Y. went looking for the gunman who killed 13 people before committing suicide on Friday, the Associated Press reported they led out “a number of men in plastic handcuffs” while they sorted out who was who.

Had there been someone in that immigrant community center licensed to carry a concealed handgun who had drawn their weapon and ethnically resembled the shooter, police might have shot him by mistake.


Texas State Police Captain Paul Chapa acknowledges that such a shooting could happen here, but if it does and police were to encounter a student with a drawn but legal weapon, “We’re not going to ask where the concealed handgun permit is, we’re going to shoot.”

Ed.: Sounds like a declaration of war by Texas cops against law-abiding citizens defending themselves. That doesn't seem like the brightest move to me...

NY: Failed Life for Killer 'Coward'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The lunatic behind the Binghamton massacre was a pathetic, gun-loving coward who got divorced, lost his job and was driven to depression because he could barely speak English after many years in the United States, officials and people who knew him said yesterday.
His life in the pits, Jiverly Wong, 41, became a regular at Gander Mountain, a sporting goods store, in the six months leading up to the rampage, buying and returning as many as six guns after firing each a few times.
Wong -- who has a daughter in California, according to a coworker -- would get agitated when staffers had trouble with his broken English.

NY: Binghamton officials defend response to massacre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Even if police officers had immediately entered the immigrant center where a gunman had just shot down 13 people, the victims' injuries were so severe that none would have survived, a county prosecutor said Sunday.
But police didn't enter the American Civic Association until nearly 45 minutes after the first 911 calls came in at 10:30 a.m. Friday. They began removing the wounded about 15 minutes after that.
It took more than two hours to clear the building. Survivors reported huddling for hours in a basement, not knowing whether they were still in danger after the gunman, 41-year-old Jiverly Wong, killed 13 people.
COMMENT: Hindsight is 20/20. The mindset of the cowardly ninjas seems to be: Why should I risk my butt for a bunch of ...

MO: Missouri legislature stalls on conducting hearings on MIAC report
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Once again the Missouri legislature shows how much backbone they have by pointing fingers at each other and doing nothing to bring to hearings on MIAC to light.
The staffer of Gov. Nixon was right when he advised Nixon that this would all blow over in 2 or 3 weeks.

PA: Video sharpens focus on raid
Submitted by: Larry

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THE NARCOTICS officers knew they were being watched on video surveillance moments after they entered the bodega.

Officer Jeffrey Cujdik told store owner Jose Duran that police were in search of tiny ziplock bags often used to package drugs. But, during the September 2007 raid, Cujdik and fellow squad members seemed much more interested in finding every video camera in the West Oak Lane store.

UK: Caught on film and stored on database: how police keep tabs on activists [video]
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"I trust them (photographers) less than the protesters."

"It's just not right" (that they have media access to this evidentiary gathering operation).

CLOSE [X] " Police footage obtained by the Guardian has revealed the crude monitoring methods deployed across the country against protesters, thousands of whom have their personal details stored on criminal intelligence systems for up to seven years.

Gun rights activists are not to blame for Pittsburgh slayings
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Blaming the gun for crime is a common theme. In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shootings, they're also blaming gun rights activists.

Deadly Rampages Rack the Nation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 22-year-man who shot and killed three Pittsburgh police officers over the weekend had been stockpiling guns and ammunition, buying and selling the weapons online "because he believed that as a result of the economic collapse, the police were no longer able to protect society," according to a court report....
The shootings came during a particularly violent three days across the U.S., with shootings that left 14 dead in Binghamton, N.Y., and six dead in Washington state, where a father shot five of his children, ages 7 to 16, using a rifle, and later, himself. It also follows just two weeks after four police officers were fatally shot in Oakland, Calif., in the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001.

Experts: Many motives drive mass murders
Submitted by: R. Smith

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Mass murderers are as different as their killing field — be it a nursing home or a suburban home — and as diverse as their reasons for killing — whether it's spousal betrayal or the loss of a job.

Mass murder is nothing new, and the invention of repeating guns only made it easier.

Most mass murderers, like most serial killers, are middle-aged, white males, like Robert Stewart....


Obama and the Democrats Pushing People Over The Edge?
Submitted by: jgh

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Is the despair that Barrack Obama is creating causing a nationwide shooting spree? Is he causing the loonies to come out of the woodwork? Seven mass shootings in the US since the second week of March? Obama and the Democrats have done everything they can to destroy the American Dream. They have played on racial hatred, mass depression, and class warfare. When people who could be prone to violence are pushed over the edge, here's what can happen.

Ten people killed in GA
4 Oakland policemen killed
6 people killed in a Carthage, NC
6 people killed in a murder killed in Santa Clara
A gunman killed 13 in NY
An Orting, WA man shot his 5 children
3 Pittsburgh policemen were killed

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. — BARRY GOLDWATER (1964)

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