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Busting the "Gun Control Equals Less Crime" Myth
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"1. Fact: The murder rates in many nations (such as England) were ALREADY LOW BEFORE enacting gun control. Thus, their restrictive laws cannot be credited with lowering their crime rates.(1)"

"2. Fact: Gun control has done nothing to keep crime rates from rising in many of the nations that have imposed severe firearms restrictions."

"* Australia: Readers of the USA Today newspaper discovered in 2002 that, 'Since Australia's 1996 laws banning most guns and making it a crime to use a gun defensively, armed robberies rose by 51%, unarmed robberies by 37%, assaults by 24% and kidnappings by 43%. While murders fell by 3%, manslaughter rose by 16%.'(2)" ...

Pitchforks, Pistols and Pepto-Bismol: Introducing the New York Times to the Concept of the Three Percenter
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "You folks at NYT have spent years editorially clucking your tongues in anger at the GOP and the NRA, as if they were your real problem when it came to citizen disarmament. Silly little men. The way we look at it, THEY protected YOU. Now they have been swept away as a significant force. Politics no longer avails us. We must find other means to defend our liberty and property."

"The Democrat majority and the 'Chicago Way' can give you whatever you want, Constitution or not. You've got us surrounded, you poor bastards. Now you're going to have to deal with us. Directly, without political cover. I pity you folks. I really do. You'd just better pray that if the administration does decide to try to disarm us, we don't embrace Bill Clinton's rules of engagement ..." ...

Skip That Doctors Appointment, Buy a Gun Instead
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'We have 32 people being murdered by guns every day in this country,' said Michael Wolkowitz, a board member of the Brady Center, which lobbies for tighter gun restrictions. 'If peanut butter or pistachio nuts or spinach killed that number of people once in one day, they'd be pulled ...'" ...

"Wait a minute, how about if I can show you something that is responsible for roughly 225,000 deaths per year, but when I pick up my phone book is far more prevalent than gun stores, firearms, or sporting goods in the yellow pages. How about physicians! Yes believe it or not physicians and the health care establishment as a whole are the third leading leading cause of death in the United States behind cancer and heart disease. ..." ...

The NRA, Conservative Radio, And Guns Must Go
Submitted by: jgh

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"Just reading the news in that last few days has shown that the NRA, Conservative radio, and guns are the reasons that many people have snapped ..."

"Newspapers, anti gun groups, and liberal 'journalists' blame the NRA by insinuating that the NRA and similar groups intentionally promote killing while protecting our rights. ..."

"Conservative radio has become the fall guy for all of America's problems. Some liberals have suggested that talk show commentators like Glen Beck and Limbaugh, incredible as it sounds, are responsible for all of our problems, including gun massacres. ..." ...

"And just like you've heard for years, unattended guns are jumping off tables everywhere and are killing people everywhere ..." ...

Gun control restricts those least likely to commit violent crimes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The March 21 murder of four Oakland police officers by Lovelle Mixon, a convicted felon wanted for a recent parole violation, epitomizes the futility of 'gun control,' or the banning and restricting of gun ownership for law-abiding adults. Using the officers' tragic deaths to further an unrelated agenda — stripping away the Second Amendment rights of honorable citizens — is both harmful and distracting."

"Mixon was not an anomaly. Felons commit over 90 percent of murders, with the remainder carried out primarily by juveniles and the mentally unbalanced. The United States already has laws forbidding all three groups from owning guns ..." ...

What Mass Shooting Sprees Mean
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "'After each horrific shooting, some leaders in Washington have said the solution is to ... enforce the existing laws ...' Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign ... wrote in response to the shootings. 'It is time for leaders in Washington to drop empty platitudes after each horrific shooting, and instead ... enact reasonable laws to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people.'"

"Who are those 'dangerous people' he's talking about? He's talking about you."

"Law-abiding citizens cannot be trusted with guns, according to the elitists at the Brady Center. These organizations ... are based upon the belief that only government officials have sufficient moral fiber to wield weapons ..." ...

The gun banners' forgotten push for open carry in Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In a recent editorial entitled 'Gun Lobby Working Overtime to Normalize Abnormal Behavior,' the Joyce Foundation's anti-gun blog 'GunGuys' asked if readers would be willing to 'sip hot chocolate with your toddler at Starbucks while a fellow patron openly displays a gun at the table next to you?'"

"But before they chide gun rights activists for advocating the practice of open carry, they might want to consider some of the comments made by their fellow gun ban extremists in Ohio during the battle to establish a concealed carry law in the Buckeye state."

"Before Ohio's concealed handgun licensure law was established in 2004, citizens had suffered under a ban on the carrying of concealed firearms for more than a century." ...

Praxis: Multi-tools
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Another short but important praxis from The Trainer:
Multi-Tools: One needs to be in or on your web gear. No exceptions. Too many applications for it not to be. For those who can't decide, understand this:

DO NOT buy a cheap knockoff! You get what you pay for, as with any other piece of gear you're betting your life on.

That said, here's a good site that will allow analysis of the various high quality multi-tools available today.

Pelosi pledges compromise on assault weapons ban
Submitted by: Mark Townsend

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"The ball is in Congress's court to craft a compromise in reinstating regulations on assault weapons, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) acknowledged Tuesday."

"During an interview on ABC's 'Good Morning America,' Pelosi said that the Congress will work to find some middle ground between the previous ban, which expired in 2004, and the precedent laid by the Supreme Court in a ruling enumerating more concrete gunowners' rights last term."

"'We have to find some level of compromise,' Pelosi said, citing 53 victims of gun violence nationwide in less than a month. ..." ...

KABA Note: Here's a "compromise": You don't try to ban our guns, and we won't kill all you send.

Gunmen in mass killings had permits
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"They had more in common than unleashing carnage — nearly every gunman in this monthlong series of mass killings was legally entitled to fire[sic] his weapons."

"So what does that say about the state of gun control laws in this country? One thing appears certain: the regulations aren't getting stricter. Many recent efforts to change weapons laws have been about easing them."

"Despite eight rampages that have claimed 57 lives since March 10, 'it hasn't sparked any national goal to deal with this epidemic. In fact, it's going the other way,' said Scott Vogel of the Freedom States Alliance, a gun control activist group." ...

I’m Against Guns and Violence, Unfortunately Reality Has Intruded on My Delusional Paradise.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Looking as if she’s on the edge of a meltdown, she paces, glances nervously at the display cases lined with gleaming rows of pistols and revolvers. She makes a move to exit the gun shop, then returns, as if yanked by a fishing reel."

"'Excuse me, do you, do you know about guns?'" ...

"'A bit.'"

"'I'm terrified of guns.'"

"I hold out my hands as if checking for rain."

"'Sounds crazy, I know, thing is—do you think the salesmen are going to be much longer?'"

"'There's tons of paperwork if you buy a gun.'"

"Her eyes dart about, then she just looks at me straight-on:"

"'Thing is, he's going to kill me.'"

"That's when she tells me about Ned; the evil, the obsessive, the ex-boyfriend." ...

San Diego District Attorney says LA DA's memo on open carry is wrong!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Last December the Los Angeles District Attorney issued an erroneous legal opinion stating that police officers could detain persons openly carrying guns in order to run serial numbers of guns, and further, could demand identification from the gun carriers to run background checks. contacted the LA DA and pointed out their mistakes with citations to pertinent California and federal authorities."

"But the LA DA stood his ground."

"And now comes San Diego Assistant District Attorney at saying that 'Los Angeles DDA Desallis Rutledge' was mistaken is opining that police officers had the power to detain open carriers to check gun serial numbers or demand IDs from gun carriers to run background checks." ...

Don't be blinded by the exceptions
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Gun legislation, by contrast, is swept by emotionalism. Each time there is a mass killing like in Alabama or New York, cries go up to clamp down harder on guns. 'If we could save even one life by this legislation....' it is said. We must remove guns from the hands of murderers' we are told. We need yet more 'reasonable' gun laws. Right now, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are using the violence in Mexico to justify reinstating the 'assault weapon' ban on scary semi-automatic rifles. ... This is focusing on the exceptions, not the rule. Let us resist scare tactics and anecdotal stories and focus on the big picture for laws that affect the whole country. ..." ...

Gun fight with the feds in Big Sky Country?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the wake of the easy passage through the Montana legislature of Montana House Bill 246, Governor Brian Schweitzer's signature is all that is needed to set up a potentially explosive battle between state sovereignty on the one hand, and smothering, centralized federal power on the other." ...

"For anyone who believes the federal government can legitimately exercise only the powers explicitly enumerated by the Constitution as being within its purview ... there is no debate--the federal government has zero power to regulate arms produced in Montana, and that are kept within the state (rather than sold in interstate commerce, and thus made subject to federal regulation under the commerce clause)." ...

Gun Control: connecting the dots of crime to gun control to socialism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"With so many active shooters in the news, with calls for more gun laws, our GRE's are remarking that the active shooter is already a person for whom a gun is prohibited. It totally discredits from the outset the claim that gun control even works; if it doesn't stop prohibited persons from obtaining guns, then gun control doesn't work, does it?"

"But, maybe stopping crime is not the idea. Gun control is only one of the steps in moving a society more and more toward Socialism. Let's look at a few dots to connect in our part of the world." ...

Armed civilians don't make a shooting worse
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"One of the arguments put forth against arming law abiding citizens has been that when the police show up, the extra shooters make the whole scene more chaotic, and innocents will get hurt. Not surprisingly, I disagree. I believe that not only are regular folks smart enough to recognize a situation where it would be appropriate to use deadly force to defend themselves, but they are also smart enough to know to sheath their guns when the police do show up. When all is said and done and everybody has put away their guns, there will be plenty of time to identify yourself as a participant to the officers." ...

Brady Campaign Promoting Gun Recall as Solution to Violence is Nuts
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"'If tainted pistachios, peanut butter, or spinach had killed these people, Congress would have jumped in with investigations, re-calls, and insisted that these foods be taken off the shelves in grocery stores. And yet, Congress does nothing...' "

"What do you expect Congress to do, Bradys? The sicko in Binghamton used handguns: Recall them? The sicko in Washington used a rifle--don't we now need to take those 'off the shelves' of gun stores? Say, this slope is getting a bit slippery, wouldn't you say...?"

"Come on--you brought it up. Spell it out."

NY: After the massacre: Binghamton carnage cries out for tighter state gun laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After the massacre at Columbine, laws were tightened to better regulate weapons sales at gun shows."

"After the massacre at Virginia Tech, laws were tightened to create a system for checking mental health records of gun buyers."

"After the massacre by the Washington sniper, laws were tightened to clamp down on lost and stolen guns."

"Now, there has been a fresh massacre - this one methodically taking 13 lives in upstate Binghamton."

"In New York, where the gun laws are said to be among the toughest in the nation."

"In New York, where the gun laws need to be tightened to enact uniform, strict statewide standards on pistol licensing."

"... Key among the provisions must be an end to the insane practice of issuing permits that have no expiration date." ...

MSNBC’s error-laden attack on Gottlieb no substitute for journalism
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sitting in for MSNBC’s Chris “Obama makes my leg tingle” Matthews on the cable network’s Hardball program on Monday, April 6, award-winning David Schuster demonstrated why conservatives, and particularly members of the firearms community, have such disdain for MSNBC." ...

"Hosting an appearance by New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow ... and Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, Schuster immediately bared his rather partisan fangs and went for Gottlieb’s jugular."

"Rather than allow Gottlieb time enough to breathe, much less explain his position or respond completely to a question, Schuster used the favored tactic of the demagogue: Interruption, sprinkled with obfuscation." ...

Shootings Prompt Questions on Politicians' Stances on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The stricter gun law debate and what -- if anything – can be done to help prevent tragedies like Friday's shooting."

"The mass killings bring to light restructuring and even toughening Upstate New York's gun laws."

"United States Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was able to win her seat in a largely conservative party in part because of her strong support of the Second Amendment."

"NC34 spoke with Gillibrand ... and she gave us her take on the state's current policies and what's going to be done in the future to prevent senseless acts like Friday's."

"A semi-automatic pistol and a high-powered rifle got into the hands of 41-year-old Jiverly Wong ..."

"... guns he was allowed to own because of the Second Amendment." ...

They're coming to take our guns away
Submitted by: jgh

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"Cop killer Richard Poplawski is an extremist. But amid the deafening din of the right wing's anti-government rhetoric, how extreme is he?" ...

"... the truth is that Poplawski's hateful views cannot be separated from the increasingly extreme ideology and rhetoric that characterize the contemporary American conservative movement. ..."

"... Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the GOP have been whipping up hatred and fear of Obama and 'liberal Democrats' for years. Joined by the [NRA], which has run false and irresponsible ads claiming that Obama is planning to take away Americans' guns, they have encouraged and helped to create a pathological right-wing subculture in which free-floating hatred of 'the government' mixes with a maniacal fetish for guns. ..." ...

Can the US live in peace with its guns?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The day that my US Green Card arrived in the post, I remember thinking to myself: 'Oh cool, now I can go out and buy a high-powered semi-automatic assault weapon.'"

"Approximately two millionths of a second later, I had another thought - actually it's probably best if I don't go out and buy a high-powered semi-automatic assault weapon, or any other kind of weapon for that matter."

"Knowing me, I would almost certainly shoot myself in the groin while loading it. Or my two-year-old son would get hold of it and execute his play date." ...

Submitter's Note: Green Card or no, living in CA you can't lawfully "buy a high-powered semi-automatic assault weapon".

Media peddles the "You might be a potential crazy mass murderer if..." list while ignoring real clues
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I spent the weekend away from access to news media, so upon my return home, if anyone asked me what I had been up to, I would have said:"
"'I spent the weekend at a shooting range with about 80 fellow Second Amendment supporters. We were attending a fundraiser for a political action committee [BFA] that seeks to defend our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. We used all manner of handguns and utilized safe gun handling techniques while practicing my kind of gun control (repeatedly hitting the target).'"
"Now that I've caught up a bit on the news ... it seems my answer needs to change. Apparently, according to the news media and the talking heads they quote:"
"I spent the weekend at a hidden compound with militia comprised of fellow potential Columbine-style mass murders. We were hoarding large amounts of cash for a subversive domestic terrorist group that is conspiring to overthrow the government. We used all manner of assault weapons (handguns with high-capacity magazines) and endangered ourselves and others, illustrating the need for common-sense gun control laws."

Jefferson 'Muzzle' Awards for Censorship Given to Two Colleges Involved in FIRE Cases
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Every year, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression awards the 'Jefferson Muzzle' to a few of the year's most egregious violators of free speech rights. For the second year in a row (and three out of the last four years), the Center has selected one or more of the malefactors in FIRE cases to receive this symbol of dishonor."

"This year, the administrations of Lone Star College–Tomball and Tarrant County College, both in Texas, received Muzzles for censoring gun-related speech in FIRE cases. As the Center reports:" ...

NC: Self defense: What Castle Doctrine means to you (update)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"If attacked, what are your rights under the law? Finding out afterward is too late!"

"Note: See updated information at end of article."

"Sometimes called 'Stand Your Ground' laws, often derided by gun control advocates as 'Make My Day' or 'shoot first' laws, Castle Doctrine reinforces the right of lawful citizens to protect themselves and others against deadly attack. As North Carolina joins 28 states which have either adopted or are considering similar such legislation, gun owners and especially concealed handgun permit-holders in all states should understand what protections the laws do and do not afford." ...

AR: Think It can't happen here - Resolution opposing assault weapons ban fails in House Committee
Submitted by: ARCCA

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"Arkansas is supposed to be a pro-gun state, but the House Judiciary Committee couldn't even muster enough votes to do what Mike Ross and some other pro-gun Democrats did at the federal level - oppose any new semi-auto firearms ban, or as the scaremongers like to call it 'assault weapons' ban."

"I've heard a lt of people tell me that, '...there's no way that it could happen here.' Well considering all the pro-gun bills that bit the dust this year, plus this news, I wouldn't be so sure."

"It failed by one vote."

"This from Arkansas News Bureau, 'A resolution asking President Obama not to renew the 1994 federal ban on assault weapons narrowly failed in a House committee Tuesday.'" ...

CA: LAPD officer arrested in Austin on suspicion of sexual assault had history of misconduct allegations
Submitted by: jgh

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"A Los Angeles police officer was arrested over the weekend in Travis County, Texas, for allegedly forcing himself on a motel employee while she was retrieving a crib for his child ..."

"Silvio Sam Filipovich ... was booked on suspicion of attempted sexual assault. He was released after posting $20,000 bond ..."

"Filipovich was 'not on active duty,' and was 'on an extended leave' at the time of the reported incident, according to a source familiar with the case ..."

"... Filipovich allegedly had asked a female motel employee for a crib for his infant child ... He then allegedly pushed her into a closet and tried to fondle her breasts and genitals before she fought him off and called for help." ...

PA: Poplawski bought guns through shop in Wilkinsburg
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Federal agents yesterday sought records from a Wilkinsburg gun dealership where Richard Poplawski, the accused killer of three Pittsburgh police officers, is believed to have purchased guns."

"... [reportedly] Mr. Poplawski owned four guns and obtained them all legally ... passing the required background checks."

"... Mr. Poplawski also had a permit to carry a concealed weapon, which is issued by the Allegheny County sheriff's office and involves ... an 'extensive background investigation.'" ...

"Two aspects of Mr. Poplawski's past -- his discharge from the Marine Corps in 2005 and a protection-from-abuse order obtained by his girlfriend the same year -- would not necessarily preclude him for buying or possessing guns." ...

PA: Critical error by 911 worker failed to note Poplawski owned guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When Richard Poplawski's mother called 911 to ask that her son be removed from their home in Stanton Heights, she acknowledged that he had weapons. But that crucial piece of information never was relayed to the three Pittsburgh police officers who responded Saturday and were fatally shot."

"'It should have gone out,' Allegheny County Chief of Emergency Services Robert A. Full said yesterday."

"Chief Full acknowledged that one of his employees made a mistake but said it was an anomaly considering the 911 center successfully handles almost 1.5 million calls a year."

"'There was human error,' Chief Full said in an evening interview at 911 headquarters in Point Breeze. 'We are all living this now forever and ever.'" ...

TX: Oakwood Police Chief Jailed: Wife Has Marks With Appearence of 'Taser'
Submitted by: jac

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"He's been the Oakwood Police Chief for almost two months. Now he's out of a job and jailed on a warrant for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. ..."

"Ivy's warrant was apparently issued after authorities had investigated a possible past incident in his home. A teletype had been sent out Monday morning advising law enforcement agencies that a 'wanted individual was a peace officer ...'"

"He was arrested in nearby Anderson County shortly after that. Anderson County then transferred Ivy to Leon County where he is being held on a $100,000 bond."

"Monday night, the Oakwood city council voted unanimously to let Ivy go. Council members were informed that Ivy's wife had damage consistent of that made by a 'taser'." ...

PA: Residents take aim at rifle range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Game Commission is planning to reopen the public shooting range at Nockamixon State Park."

"It's been four years since the air cracked with gunshots day and night, some barely grazing nearby homes."

"Fears that Nockamixon State Park's public rifle range is set to re-open this summer brought worried residents to Monday night's Haycock supervisors meeting."

"It was standing room only as nearly 25 neighbors packed the tiny municipal building telling horror stories of criminal and gang violence, threats against area homeowners, drug and alcohol use, 24-hour activity, toxic lead pollution and groundwater contamination, and reckless gun users - some shooting high-powered assault rifles into the air. " ...

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. — GEORGE BERNARD SHAW

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