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Pelosi: 'We Want Registration'; Holder: 2A Won't 'Stand In The Way'; SAF: 'Gloves Are Off'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on April 7 acknowledged that gun registration is on her agenda, days after Attorney General Eric Holder told reporters in Mexico that the Second Amendment would not 'stand in the way' of administration plans to crack down on alleged gun trafficking to Mexico."

"'These are alarming remarks from Speaker Pelosi and Attorney General Holder,' said Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb. 'It appears that the Obama administration and Capitol Hill anti-gunners have dropped all pretences about their plans for gun owners' rights, and it looks like the gloves are coming off.'" ...

Surprise: New Gallup poll shows support for gun control at historic low
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Fascinating stuff, mainly because it really is a surprise. My hunch when I first glanced at it was that this was still more gun-rights backlash ... to Obama's election, but eyeball the long-term trend. Freaky deaky:" ...

"I would have guessed that opposition to gun control always spikes during moments of fear, economic or otherwise, which means we should see sharp downward movement here during the Reagan recession of the early 80s and after 9/11. Tain't so; in fact, support for gun control actually rose during the former period. Check out the numbers in 1959, too. I always assumed Americans have become more inclined towards gun-grabbing over time as the country's become less rural, but that's also completely wrong ..." ...

The Benefit of Old Things
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As the administration continues to equivocate on the accuracy of the statistics they so blithely toss out about firearms being smuggled into Mexico, a disturbing trend is developing. In a word, the government has admitted they really don't care if their numbers jibe as long as their message is delivered as intended."

"When questioned about a Fox News report that challenged the government's position that ninety percent of the guns used in Mexico's drug wars came from the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder's answer was telling- and chilling: 'It doesn't matter if it is 60% or 70% or 90%, the reality is that too-many weapons are flowing from the United States into Mexico.'"

"In other words, don't let the facts get in the way of a good position ..." ...

'Stigma to gun ownership'?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I'm not even going to worry about the rabid anti-gun bias in the Associated Press's 'Licensed to kill? Gunmen in killings had permits.' That the mainstream media is thoroughly in the tank for citizen disarmament is old news. Nor am I going to waste my time debunking the hideous implication that because the killers had gun permits (as if it were legitimate in the first place to require permits for the exercise of an unalienable right--but I digress), they were 'licensed to kill.'"

"What I want to talk about instead are a couple more general statements made by what the article would have us believe are 'experts.' One of those is Jeffrey Chamberlain, an attorney and former prosecutor. He wonders why Americans 'tolerate' guns:" ...

At Gun Show, Conservatives Panic About Obama
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The sound of gunfire rumbles and echoes from half a mile away, long before anyone can see the entrance. The walk up to the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot starts on the country road outside the range ..." ...

"As fun as this is ... there's a sense of foreboding this year. At the October 2008 gun show ... 'it was like a McCain-Palin rally in here. It felt like we were going to win. ...'"

"Ever since the election of President Barack Obama, gun store owners have reported massive increases in sales of firearms and ammunition. Attendees and sellers at Knob Creek can confirm that. Ron Hansen, a retiree from Michigan, grumbles that the ammunition supply at the show has 'declined dramatically' since the displays of only a year ago ..." ...

Pelosi's 'Compromise' on 'Assault Weapons' Just Another Attack on Rights
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"There is a growing core of fed-up American gun owners who will not accept additional infringements and restrictions on our right to keep and bear arms. Do you understand what 'shall not be infringed' means, Nancy? Because we do."

"The 'compromise' you offer is no different from a rapist promising only partial penetration."

Pelosi made it official to ABC: 'We want registration.'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dropped a verbal bombshell in the middle of an interview on Good Morning America April 7, and surprisingly, neither the press nor a majority of gun rights activists seemed to notice."

"Responding to a question from ABC's Robin Roberts, Pelosi said that while Congress apparently does not want to take anyone’s guns away, 'We want them registered.'" ...

"Perhaps equally alarming was Pelosi's dismissal of an amendment on the District of Columbia voting rights legislation that would expand gun rights in the city." ...

Let’s fight the violence with stronger gun control laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you're a member of the NRA, please explain your organization's extreme opposition to meaningful gun control. In seven violent incidents in less than a month, whackos with guns have shot 53 innocent people, including sleeping children, helpless nursing home seniors, and police officers."

KABA Note: I am not a member, but my opposition to 'meaningful gun control' is all of those victims most of whom were disarmed by meaningless gun control

"And, in some of those cases, the killers armed themselves not with regular hand guns that many law-abiding people keep in their homes to protect themselves from the wingnuts, but assault rifles, sometimes ginned up with high-capacity magazines. ..." ...

KABA Note: Links added for edification.

Obama Could Stop Flow of Military Guns to Mexico
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) recently released Iron River: Gun Violence and Illegal Firearms Trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico Border, a comprehensive study of how the U.S. civilian firearms market contributes to the ongoing drug-related violence in Mexico. The report urges the Obama administration to take immediate action under the federal 1968 Gun Control Act to cut off imports into the U.S. of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons and 'cop-killer' handguns[sic] capable of piercing police body armor. Such weapons are imported into the U.S. and then illegally trafficked into Mexico." ...

KABA Note: By this time we all know that over 80% of these 'illegal firearms' do not come from the US.

TX: Pawn shop manager shoots would-be robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A robbery attempt in southwest Houston ended with gunshots and a suspect being taken to the hospital.

Saturday evening, investigators say that two men walked into the Bayou pawn shop off Fondren near Clarewood with guns drawn. The manager reportedly grabbed a gun and fired at the men. One of the suspects was hit and the other surrendered.

The condition of the suspect, who was hit by a bullet, hasn't been released. Police took three people in for questioning.

Australia experiencing more violent crime despite gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In a previous article, we examined the revisionist history of anti-rights proponents who claim that since Australia instituted their gun ban, there have been no mass murders, despite the recent 'gun-free' massacre of 135 Australians."

"It is a common fantasy that gun bans make society safer. ... gun ban organizations validate gun control by focusing on gun-involved violence while avoiding any mention of overall violent crime trends." ...

"In 2002–five years after enacting its gun ban–the Australian Bureau of Criminology acknowledged there is no correlation between gun control and the use of firearms in violent crime: 'The percentage of homicides committed with a firearm continued its declining trend since 1969.'" ...

CA: 4 Shot, 1 Dead at Korean Retreat Center
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The man suspected of fatally shooting a woman, wounding her husband and injuring another couple at a retreat started by Korean Catholics near Temecula was identified today as a 69-year-old volunteer who lived on the property." ...

"Chong, who was roughed up when another couple subdued him, was unconscious at a hospital today, suffering from trauma to his face ... Chong will be booked on suspicion of murder and attempted murder when his condition improves ..." ...

"Another couple were injured in subduing Chang, Lujan said. Shots were fired during the struggle, but no one else was shot, he said. All of those injured, except for the gunman, are in their 50s ..."

"A .32-caliber pistol was recovered at the scene ..." ...

KABA Note: But why would anyone need a gun in a church?!?

Connecting the dots of crime to gun control to socialism, Part II
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"More shootings in the news overnight. It's almost as if announced gun control measures are really a green light for borderline personalities to go ahead. What-the-hey? The social engineering of all of these shootings de-sensitizes rational persons into surrender sooner or later ... Make things worse, and you can obtain public support for making things worse."

"When Gun owners and Examiners say that if only one armed citizen would have been present, things would likely have turned out better, we are not imagining someone playing cop ... Anyone can stop a crime in progress. How smart that is varies from case to case, of course, but in these types of cases, why not give the victims a fighting chance?" ...

Holder Deferential On Guns; Cautious On Detainees
Submitted by: R. Smith

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... "KATIE COURIC: What about reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole? Do you think that will stop the flow of weapons to the U.S?"

"ERIC HOLDER: Well, I think the thing we need to do is come up with those things we can do right away. ..."

"(TRACK) But the guns being purchased and used in the US has also become front and center, given that a recent series of mass shootings ... While The Attorney General said he supported reinstating the assault weapons ban during his confirmation hearing, he's been silent on the subject since."

"KATIE COURIC: Did someone tell you to back off?"

"ERIC HOLDER: No one's told me to back off. I understand the second amendment. I respect the second amendment." ...

Olbermann Depicted Limbaugh as Gun Target, But Accuses Beck of Inciting Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Keith Olbermann ... on Tuesday accused FNC host Glenn Beck of inspiring the recent murder of three police officers in Pittsburgh by Richard Poplawski, and of 'personally encouraging Americans to shoot other Americans.' ..."

"Blaming Beck for inciting fear of a gun ban, Olbermann linked the FNC host to the shooting in several plugs. In one example, he referred to Beck as 'Harold Hill': 'Harold Hill keeps telling the bumpkins that Obama is going to take their guns away. One of them shoots and kills three policemen because he's convinced Obama is going to take his guns away. Harold Hill does not see the connection.' ... Olbermann pulled back only slightly from the accusation as he concluded his 'Worst Person in the World' segment:" ...

ABC Special to Dismiss Idea of Using Guns for Self Defense?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Will the upcoming ABC special 'If I Only Had a Gun' dismiss and deride the concept of using firearms to defend oneself and stop a potential massacre? A promo that aired during Wednesday's 'Good Morning America' seemed to suggest yes. As ominous music played in the background, an announcer intoned, 'Friday night on ABC, when it comes to protecting yourself, you may think, 'If I only had a gun.' Video then played of an experiment in which a female college student attempted to pull out what looked like a pellet gun to stop a faux Virginia Tech-style massacre."

"The ad's announcer quizzed, 'But if you had a gun, could you defend yourself in a crisis?' ..." ...

ABC pushes anti-gun agenda
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"We talk a lot about media bias, but sometimes the mainstream media goes so far beyond what should be acceptable fair and balanced reporting as to call into question their integrity."

"On Friday night, ABC's World News dedicated a segment to complaining about what they see as a lack of government interest in enacting more stringent gun control laws as a means of combating violence. Said substitute host Diane Sawyer, 'we keep hearing there is a gun for every man, woman and child in this country, and now they have gone up by that much more. But what about Congress? Is there any move in Congress to try to take some kind of action?'"

"Exactly what kind of action would she like to see? ..." ...

The everyday crisis of gun violence
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"I am going to go way out on a limb here and make a prediction: Over the next several months, more people will be killed in this country by the easy availability of guns than by North Korean missiles."

"But which problem is considered a crisis? And which is considered everyday life? (Or, to put it more accurately, everyday death.)"

"And which got the most response from our government recently? And which do we even remember?"

"Gun violence is so common in America — and I am talking about shootings in which there are multiple victims — that we barely notice it anymore. Besides, there are more important things to occupy our time." ...

OR: OSU students plan gun-rights events
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A student group at Oregon State University plans to promote gun rights with activities next week, including a rally for the right of concealed handgun license holders to be armed on campus."

"The rally, featuring Portland radio commentator Lars Larson, is set for 5 p.m. April 16 in the quad on campus."

"If the license holders carry pistols, they will violate a university rule against guns on campus."

"'The idea would be to get the university to confront the issue,' said RJ Friedman, president of the College Republicans at OSU, the group organizing what it calls 'Second Amendment Week.'"

"Gun-rights supporters say state law gives the legislature the sole right to regulate concealed weapons in Oregon ..." ...

Let's not rush to rewrite gun laws, Massa says
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Officials should resist any urges to rush into law new measures after last week's deadly shooting rampage in Binghamton, U.S. Rep. Eric Massa said Tuesday."

"People also should not try to use Friday's senseless act of violence to promote their own agendas, the Corning Democrat said during his weekly teleconference with media in the 29th Congressional District."

"'When you have a crisis, within 24 hours, people tend to use that crisis for whatever agenda it is that they want to have,' he said. 'I caution leaders and opinion makers from taking to the airwaves the day after a tragedy of this nature and using that tragedy for their own particular agenda.'" ...

Anti-Gun Mayors' Group at it Again
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Manuel A. (Manny) Diaz, mayor of Miami and president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors, issued a press release this week highlighting the anti-gun group’s national agenda."

"The mayors' group has a history of supporting anti-gun efforts so it's not surprising that the release was chock-full of incorrect information ... NSSF fired off a letter to the editor of the Sun Herald, which ran the release, seeking to set the record straight for readers."

"It's unfortunate, albeit not surprising, that big-city mayors, who only see firearms in their most negative context, are attempting to impose their will nationally. A look at the facts belies their call for still more gun control."

"So let's set the record straight:" ...

OH: City of Strongsville, OH bans gun sales in homes
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The City of Strongsville, Ohio has recently passed a new ordinance that bans the selling of any firearms, or part of a firearm or ammunition, or manufacture of any of the above in areas that are zoned residential. ..." ...

"So under this ordinance, which was sponsored by Mayor Tom Perciak and Councilman Ray Haseley, I could not sell a friend a gun in his house, or my house. We will be required to go down to the local grocery store, or a playground parking lot, or maybe even in front of city hall to do the transaction, because none of those areas are 'residential districts.'"

We need to start by understanding that because this is a zoning issue, it is not preempted by Sec 9.68 that HB347 enacted ..." ...

NY: Proposed gun measure still in holster
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A proposed Albany County law that would require gun shops to register ammunition sales — a measure that has created a firestorm — is being reviewed for its constitutionality."

"... the measure would regulate the storage, possession and sale of ammunition in the county. It would also require dealers to record each ammo sale and the caliber, make, model, manufacturer's name and serial number of the firearm for which the purchase was made."

"Introduced at the March meeting of the County Legislature, the proposal, called Local Law A, was sent to the Law Committee for review. Two weeks later, committee Chairman Bryan Clenahan sent the proposed local law to County Attorney Craig Denning for a ruling on its constitutionality." ...

Gang members stealing weapons from military, arming Mexican drug cartels?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The above is background--my point today is to look at another source of the cartels' firepower that is indeed American, but is also completely unrelated to the civilian gun market--gang members who join the U.S. military, and steal weapons that are then trafficked in the black market. ..." ...

"For several years now, the military has been scrambling for recruits, as the U.S. tries to expand the ranks. Inevitably, this has led to a loosening of standards, with criminal history and gang affiliation not necessarily considered disqualifying factors."

"... it cannot be ignored that with lower recruitung standards there is a concomitant increase in the incidence of criminal activity--weapons theft and smuggling included." ...

Where officers fear to tread
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When arguing against citizen's rights to be able to bear arms for self-defense, anti-gunners always propagate the myth that citizens do not need this right because the police will protect you. However, if you think about it logically, this is an extremely naïve position to take."

"Look around you right now. Is there a police officer visible? Unless you work in a police station or courthouse, the answer is probably 'No.' As I pointed out in a previous week's article, the police, as much as they might wish otherwise, will almost never be there when someone is attacked."

"But sometimes, a victim will get lucky and an officer, investigating an unrelated crime, will happen upon the scene while an attack is in progress." ...

AL: Alabama Officer Tickets Parked Car as Woman Lies Dead Inside
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A parking enforcement officer issued a ticket for a pickup truck outside an Alabama emergency room while a woman lay dead inside the vehicle, authorities said."

"Rebecca Kate Haley, 25, had been dead for at least seven hours when an illegal parking ticket was put on the windshield, authorities said."

"Police spokesman Sgt. Johnny Williams Jr. said the officer didn't see Haley because she was slumped over in the truck's cab. Drug paraphernalia was found in the truck."

"Williams said Tuesday that Haley's cause of death had not been determined."

"About an hour after the ticket was issued at 10:15 a.m. Monday outside the UAB hospital, a passer-by spotted Haley." ...

ME: Milo's Chief Resigns Month After His Arrest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Selectmen on Tuesday night unanimously accepted the resignation of Police Chief Michael Poulin."

"Town Manager Jeff Gahagan said the board received a resignation by mail from Poulin that was effective at the close of business Tuesday. ..."

"Poulin was arrested and charged last month with assault after he allegedly grabbed his wife, Elaine Poulin, by the arms and pinned her against a wall ..."

"After the incident, town officials suspended Poulin with pay pending the outcome of the continuing investigation. Earlier this month, selectmen authorized Gahagan to take 'appropriate disciplinary action' against Poulin. Gahagan, who conferred with the town's attorney about the board’s direction, had not yet taken action." ...

KY: Police: Confrontation With Naked Man Escalates Into Shooting
Submitted by: Larry

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"A domestic situation involving a nude man escalated into a shooting siutuation in south Louisville Wednesday morning." ...

"[Officer] Rice was called to scene on a domestic disturbance call. When she arrived, she saw a nude man in driveway at the residence."

"'He was approaching the officer and she was telling him to stay back, and as he approached her, she started to go around her car to put some distance between them, and he followed her around the car,' said witness Larry Gaus. ..."

"... Starcher tried to wrestle Rice's gun away from her. Both the officer and Starcher were shot during the struggle" ...

"... Starcher got Rice's gun and shot his girlfriend and a neighbor. When backup arrived, Starcher was shocked with a Taser." ...

UK: 'Rigged' face scan airport security risk
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"AIRPORT face scanners designed to stop terrorists getting into the UK have been 'rigged' to cut passenger queues and are creating an 'unacceptable' security risk, a confidential Whitehall e-mail has claimed."

"UK border officials at Manchester airport allege the machines have been recalibrated so that passengers shown as having just a 30% likeness to their passport photographs are being let into the country."

"The devices are designed to check the faces of British and European passengers against their digital passports." ...

"Because of the growing number of 'false negatives', immigration officers say they were ordered last month to recalibrate the machines, lowering the match threshold from 80% to 30%." ...

WI: New judge in town
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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There was one election in Wisconsin that many people may not have been following too closely.

Steve Cain of Cedarberg is the attorney who fought and won the Brad Krause open carry case in West Allis in February. Yesterday he overwhelmingly ousted the incumbent Mid-Moraine judge Grundahl. Mid-Moraine serves 14 communities in the two counties. The court's office is in West Bend.

Mr. Cain is 34 and a lawyer with the Houseman & Feind law firm in Grafton and he has served as a municipal attorney for communities in Ozaukee and Washington counties.

Congratulations Steve.

Liberty has never come from government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. — Woodrow Wilson, May 9, 1912, Address, New York Press Club.

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