Nigerian people caught in perfect storm of tyranny and terrorism
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David Codrea
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... "'[C]ivilians are not allowed to possess machine-guns, military rifles and handguns … private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons [and] private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is prohibited,' the site advises. Add to that licensing, background checks and registration for what they are allowed to own, a prohibition on concealed carry and stiff criminal penalties for gun law violations, and Nigeria is one of those places where the 'law-abiding' are at extreme disadvantage." ... |
Congressional leaders question ATF's Jones on conflicting information
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David Codrea
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... "Questioning Jones on information he provided at that is at odds with information provided by the Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations related to their proposed disciplinary action, Friday’s letter, signed by Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chair Darrell Issa, House Committee on the Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte, and House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Committee on the Judiciary Chair Jim Sensenbrenner, further stated “it is not clear what action, if any, ATF took to determine whether [Special Agent in Charge Bernard 'B.J.'] Zapor should be disciplined for his role in Operation Fearless." ... |
ATF may have accidentally defanged Hughes Amendment
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The current situation involves the Hughes Amendment--the pernicious poison pill (the actual passage of which is quite dubious) that attached itself, leech-like, to the otherwise much needed Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA) of 1986. Under former Congressman William Hughes' (D-NJ) amendment, no fully-automatic firearm that was not already registered by May 19, 1986 can ever be registered, and thus can never be legally owned by private citizens. ..."
"Now, though, the Prince Law Offices, P. C. blog, reports that the BATFE, in trying to impose more regulatory hoops (they simply cannot help themselves), may instead have inadvertently opened up a detour around the Hughes Amendment. ..." ... |
St. Helens anniversary not the only thing erupting Sunday
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Today’s 34th anniversary of the Mount St. Helens eruption might have been slightly overshadowed by some fireworks on the radio as gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb was the guest during the first hour of Tom Gresham’s “Gun Talk” program, and gun prohibitionists gathered in Bellevue for a strategy session."
"Gresham confirmed Gottlieb's appearance via e-mail Saturday. It proved to be a lively segment." ... |
Long sentence affirms CCRKBA solution to gun crime
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Yesterday’s 65-year prison sentence for a repeat felon who opened fire on police outside a Seattle nightclub in November 2012 follows the logic of legislation championed by gun rights advocates 20 years ago that pushed 'Hard Time for Armed Crime' into law by public initiative."
"The sentence seems to have the approval of Seattle Times readers, and should serve as a reminder that hard time for armed crime was an idea that originated with the gun rights community. ..." ... |
Amanda Marcotte: Guns Are Like a Dildo in a Drawer
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"If you’re offended by references to dildos, make the jump now. 'A dildo is a dildo because you use it that way,' Amanda Marcotte writes at rawstory.com. 'It’s a tool. But if you’re not using a dildo as a dildo, what is it really, then? What is it for? The image of a dildo sitting unused in a drawer is funny to us because it breaks one of the unspoken rules of what makes something a 'tool', which is that you use it to perform tasks. That, and dildos are inherently funny, but that’s neither here nor there.' And there you have it: a familiar anti-gun argument wrapped-up in an edgy metaphor. You don’t need a gun so you shouldn’t have one. So anyone who has a gun is paranoid/delusional. And worse. Let’s get to the worst part first . . ." ... |
Gun ban zealots increasingly panicked over '80% complete' firearm receivers
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"While guns produced by the process of 3-D printing have drawn the most interest of late, it is likely that for the near future, homemade firearms produced through lower tech, more traditional methods will make a great deal more difference in any efforts by we the people to acquire effective firepower--and acquire it anonymously--in defiance of government decrees. Perhaps the most important of those lower tech methods is the perfectly legal commerce in '80% complete' receivers ... --which, unlike 'complete' receivers, are not legally considered to be 'guns,' and can thus be sold without any legal hoops like vendor licenses, serial numbers, and background checks--that the buyer then finishes into a complete and functioning firearm." ... |
Why We Should Open Carry All the Time
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I can still remember the first time I saw a non-law-enforcement, non-military open carrier. It was at a Five Guys Burgers and Fries, and the guy was carrying a, full-size .357 magnum in a brown, leather holster on his right hip. I have always been a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms and though I had just recently moved to Virginia, I was also familiar with the laws surrounding firearms so I wasn’t that surprised (or shocked). Still there was an impact, a positive one, and this is why . . ." ... |
I Am An Unlicensed Dealer
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A couple months back, I crossed state lines to purchase two beautiful relics of war. Well, they weren’t actually beautiful. They’d been abused, mistreated, left out in the elements, and were generally neglected. Strictly speaking, they weren’t relics either. I mean, they’re old and from a bygone era, but they’re definitely 'modern.' I’d spotted them in a classified ad, called up the guy, negotiated a price and set up a meet. As a tinkering hobbyist, I receive great joy from restoring such equipment to its former glory. I paid in cash, took no bill-of-sale, and loaded them up. No paperwork, no ID, no background check. Just cash and carry, so to speak . . ." ... |
The Argument Against SA/DA Pistols
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I teach armed guard and CCW Classes in Arizona. The students I teach have very diverse backgrounds; some just bought a gun for the first time, some have done multiple deployments in the military, some were police officers for 30 years, some have been shooting their entire lives. The armed guard class is 16 hours total with four hours of range time (there is a lot of legal curriculum mandated by the state). There’s no longer a state-mandated curriculum for CCW in Arizona, but I teach four hours in the classroom and four hours on the range as I feel this is the bare minimum necessary for a novice to be able to carry a gun safely and not get themselves in legal trouble . . ." ... |
A Semi-Automatic Pistol Primer
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This is the second article in a two-part series intended to inform those considering their first handgun purchase, and those needing basic information on handgun types. The first article 'A Revolver Primer,' dealt with revolvers. As always at TTAG, the comments were lively and interesting. 'Shawn,' apparently a revolver fan, reminded me of the intrinsic accuracy vs. practical accuracy issue, also a topic of lively commentary, when he wrote, 'Real men are wheel men.' As I noted in the first article . . ." ... |
Anti-gunners Pursue Grand Slam of hypocrisy
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A few weeks ago we shared the story of the armed Men In Black surrounding Shannon Watts at her Moms Demand Action anti-gun soiree in Indianapolis. When called on it, her minions claimed that it was necessary because of death threats from our side. ..."
"Now, our friend Dave Workman at Second Amendment Foundation is quoted here once again. Seems the head of the Brady Organization was also surrounded by armed protectors at a recent speech in Washington state: http://www.examiner.com/article/gross-hypocrisy-brady-campaign-head-talks-gun-control-with-armed-security. In a 'gun-free zone,' of course. The rules are apparently only us peasants, whose lives aren’t worthy of protection from lethal threat…" ... |
Bloomberg: NRA focused on creating fear on Hill
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I) said Sunday that a gun violence campaign he’s launching will be focused on regulation instead of gun control or bans, adding that the NRA has 'created fear' in the minds of members of Congress."
"'We need to make the Congress understand that the vast preponderance of the public does not want criminals, minors or people with psychiatric problems to be able to buy guns,' he said on CBS’s 'Face the Nation.' 'And we've gotta make Congress understand that and vote that way.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: I see a little mission creep there: Didn't it used to just be the dangerously mentally ill that they wanted to disarm and not everyone who ever had any type of psych problem? |
Bloomberg-Funded Shannon Watts Starts Bullying Another Business: Chipotle
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The standard tactic from Michael Bloomberg’s personally funded Gun Control Hysteria Formerly Known as Moms Demand Action is pretty well established by now. Step one: pick a common fast food restaurant that an upper middle class white family would regularly visit. Step two: find an instance of scary looking guns being in one of their locations. Step three: bully the fast food chain until they can claim some minor form of victory. Step four: claim that 'gun bullies' are trying to unfairly force their opinion on the same restaurants that they just forced their will upon. Lather, rinse, repeat. Today’s target: Chipotle." ... |
NOIR Episode 2: “Colorways and Gun Culture” – Breakdown and Analysis (video story)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"If you haven’t heard or seen about Colion Noir’s new web series NOIR yet, you haven’t been paying attention."
"The first episode and the lead up to the first episodes attracted some… well, OK A LOT of criticism from some far left media outlets."
"The criticism ranged from critiquing the format of the show, the content of the show to actually calling out Noir as being an NRA manufactured hip, stylish, gun owner to market to a new generation. They even went as far as to call out his hat collection." ... |
Weekend Digest: Part Of The Problem Edition
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Florida Carry, Inc. regularly organizes an event called Second Saturday, where folks gather to take advantage of the tenet of Florida law that says it’s permissible to open carry while hunting, fishing, or camping, or traveling to and from those activities. Florida is, with very few exceptions like that one, most assuredly not an open carry state. The events often take place at a lake or beach or pier, and folks bring their BBQ guns and their fishing poles, and just have a good time and attempt to engage in a little public education. I’ve never personally attended one, but reactions, from both the public and LEOs, can vary considerably. Most recently, there was an event in Jacksonville . . ." ... |
BREAKING: Smart Gun Maker Filed Patent for Remote Kill Switch
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An alert reader emailed TTAG central with news that Armatix GmbH - makers of the iP1 'smart gun' – filed a patent application that included a remote kill switch for the firearm. Click here to view patent EP 1936572 A1, dated 2006. (Not a bug; a feature!) I’m not a patent attorney or an electrical engineer, but as far as I can tell this is the bit (translated from the original German) that indicates remote disabling . . ." ... |
Hillary Clinton can't shoot straight on gun control
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Hillary Clinton’s views on gun control change as frequently as her hairstyles."
"The former secretary of State has veered from calling for a national registry to win a Senate seat in New York to recalling a childhood spent duck hunting when running for president. Now, she has swung back to her more restrictive views on the Second Amendment with an eye on 2016."
"'I think that we've got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime,' Clinton said at a speech in Maryland on Tuesday. 'I don't believe that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people.'" ... |
NJ: Four Feisty GOP Foes Battle for Chance to Challenge Booker
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "In contrast, Goldberg goes all in for Second Amendment rights, an important issue for Republicans elsewhere in the nation. He recently testified in favor of allowing New Jerseyans to carry concealed weapons and against tougher limits on the size of gun magazines."
"In virtually the only mention the candidates make of the state’s cities, Goldberg argues citizens could deter street crime if they had the ability to shoot it out with drug dealers and other miscreants." ... |
CA: Senate District 20: An interview with Matt Munson
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Matt Munson is one of five candidates running for Senate District 20. He is the only Republican."
"Each of the candidates was contacted for an interview with the same questions. ..." ...
"What is your stand on the Second Amendment? How do you feel about the laws currently on the books to regulate guns and ammo? What, if anything, would you do to strengthen or weaken those laws?"
"I am fully for the second amendment. I think the rules currently on the books need to be modified to make sure that law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves without hassle. I would eliminate the ban on lead bullets because it’s a backdoor approach to gun control since 95% of the bullets sold are lead. ..." ... |
GA: 'Solid Reagan Republican' Rises in Senate Race
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., says he has a time-tested, conservative record on which people can count if he’s elected to the U.S. Senate, and he warns voters of buyer’s remorse if they elect either of the other top two contenders in the race." ...
"'We want to make sure people know I have honest-to-goodness conservative credentials that have been tested and tried,' Kingston said. 'On the other hand, David Perdue yesterday came out for a tax increase. That’s not a conservative position. He’s pretty weak on the Second Amendment. That’s well known. He’s flip-flopped on Common Core. Those are things people care about in Georgia. We want to make sure people know the difference between my voting record and his rhetoric.'" ... |
IA: Iowa U.S. Senate Candidate Profile: Q&A with Mark Jacobs
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "12. Can we prevent more mass shootings at schools, malls and movie theaters through legislation while preserving the Second Amendment?"
"Jacobs:'This is one of the problems we have in Washington — politicians attacking the symptom of a problem rather than the root cause. I don’t believe those incidents of mass violence are caused by the availability of a firearm. I’d be prepared to have a conversation on what could be done to stop (the mass shootings), but I think that’s a conversation on mental health ... not a conversation about second amendment rights. I believe our rights flow from God. Our Second Amendment makes it clear the right to bear arms is not to be infringed upon. That’s pretty black and white.'" ... |
MD: Carroll County State's attorney candidates weigh in on state of Second Amendment, prosecutor's role in protecting rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "As the prosecutor for Carroll County, the state’s attorney has discretion when pursuing gun-related crimes, including the use of a handgun in the commission of a felony or crime of violence, which carries a mandatory five-year minimum sentence."
"In the approaching June 24 primary election, two Republican candidates will seek election as the Carroll County State’s Attorney. The candidates are Jerry Barnes, the incumbent state’s attorney, and Brian DeLeonardo."
"We asked the candidates: State’s Attorney Barnes has remarked on the importance of only prosecuting 'true criminals' for gun crimes and protecting the Second Amendment rights of 'law-abiding firearms owners.' Do you agree with this policy? Why?" ... |
NY: Astorino plays it SAFE with gun-control stance
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Rob Astorino's never been a big fan of the SAFE Act."
"But last year, when he was running for re-election as county executive in Democratic Westchester, his criticism of the state's recent gun-control law was muted. He ... largely ignored his opponents' efforts to make guns a campaign issue."
"But now that he's running for governor against the author of the SAFE Act, which banned certain assault weapons and required registration of the ones already privately owned, he's been turning up at gun shows and rifle clubs and talking about the erosion of fundamental freedoms. He also chose a well-known opponent of the act as his running mate, Chemung County Sheriff Christopher Moss." ... |
OK: State House Passes Important Self Defense Bills
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The following story is via the NRA-ILA,"
"Yesterday, House Bill 3510, legislation introduced by House Speaker Jeffrey Hickman (R-58) and Senator Brian Bingman (R-12) to address Governor Mary Fallin’s (R) veto of House Bill 2539, passed in the Oklahoma House of Representatives by an 83 to 8 vote."
"Pro-gun House Bill 2614, legislation that authorizes concealed handgun license holders to store their handgun in a locked vehicle in school parking lots, also passed yesterday in the state House by an 83 to 6 vote." ... |
Targeted? Gun sellers say ‘high risk’ label from feds cuts off banking options, restricts business
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun retailers say the Obama administration is trying to put them out of business with regulations and investigations that bypass Congress and choke off their lines of credit, freeze their assets and prohibit online sales."
"Since 2011, regulators have increased scrutiny on banks’ customers. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. in 2011 urged banks to better manage the risks of their merchant customers who employ payment processors, such as PayPal, for credit card transactions. The FDIC listed gun retailers as 'high risk' along with porn stores and drug paraphernalia shops." ... |
Police Now “Armed For War” Against Returning Veterans
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"In an interview with Fox 59, a Morgan County, Indiana Police Sergeant admits that the increasing militarization of domestic police departments is partly to deal with returning veterans who are now seen as a homegrown terror threat." ...
"Sgt. Dan Downing of the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department states, ... 'The weaponry is totally different now that it was in the beginning of my career, plus, you have a lot of people who are coming out of the military that have the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.'" ...
"An April 2009 DHS intelligence assessment listed returning vets as likely domestic terrorists. ..." ... |
NC: Sheriff: Deputy's child fires service gun, shoots ear
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The son of a deputy at the Anson County Sheriff's Office found his father's service revolver and fired one round hitting the top of his left ear according to the Anson County Sheriff."
"Investigators said the child is 5 years old and it incident happened just after 1:15 p.m."
"The 5-year-old has no other injuries. Sheriff Allen said the child was responsive and talking when taken to the Anson County Hospital. The 5 year old was then moved to the Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte."
"Sheriff Allen said the deputy was not on duty and they are not releasing his name at this time." ... |
MO: Open Carry In Lake Ozark (And Elsewhere)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Of course, [Chief] Maples is lying. He certainly does understand why someone would want to carry a gun openly. If he claims otherwise, tell him to order his officers to carry concealed. And when he tries to explain that they are law enforcement officers, remind him that [SCOTUS] decided in Tennessee Versus Garner that law enforcement officers carry their weapons for exactly the same reason that we do, i.e., self defense, which is the only legitimate use of a weapon by LEOs."
"As for open carry being a 'safety issue,' he’s just making things up. Open carry is no more a safety issue than concealed carry, and if he has a problem with open carry because of 'safety,' then he is lying about his alleged support for concealed carry." ... |
CA: San Diego Sheriff Dodges Concealed Carry Permit Responsibility
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The problem with this response is that it argues directly against fact. The sheriff is claiming that Peruta found the California 'legislative scheme' to be unconstitutional. It did not. It found the sheriff’s practice of refusing to issue concealed carry permits to be unconstitutional. No one is claiming that sheriffs do not have the authority to issue permits. Numerous other sheriffs in California issue permits on a 'shall issue' basis. No one else is making the argument that they don’t have the power to do so, except Sheriff Gore. From the Peruta decision:" ... |