MI: Gun records should be kept open
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Corey Salo
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The Michigan Legislature has posed a troubling question about the public’s right to know.
In a 36 to 2 vote last week, Senate bills 49, 834 and 881, legislation that would remove information on firearms licenses from the public record, was approved and sent to the House.
Why should the state’s firearms license database be shielded from public access?
Gun rights advocates aren’t shy. Many owners of concealed weapons permits often want it to be known they are armed.
Submitters note: No, concealed carry means no one knows you are armed. That's the point. |
MT: German officials demand justice after exchange student killed in Montana
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The German consulate called for justice Wednesday after a homeowner fired four blasts from a shotgun into his garage, killing a 17-year-old exchange student who was inside. The investigation into the killing of Diren Dede of Hamburg should make clear that it is illegal to kill an unarmed juvenile just because he was trespassing, said Julia Reinhardt, spokeswoman for the consulate in San Francisco. ...
SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Seems to me that justice has already been served. The young Turk should have checked out the homeowner's last name before he struck. |
IN: Bible supports use of weapons in self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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The Bible offers ample support for the right of self-defense and the appropriate use of weaponry in the exercise of that right. That evidence is easy to find for anyone who cares to look. Rather than explain why his political views contradict Scripture, Rev. Sagendorf dodges the issue completely, and instead trumps up a charge of idolatry. He presumes to know who or what is worshipped by a vast multitude of people whom he has never met. That is a vain presumption indeed. |
MT: Montana lawmaker vows to repeal self-defense law after German teen's death
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Mark A. Taff
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A Montana legislator said on Thursday she would seek to repeal the state's so-called "castle doctrine" after attorneys for a man accused of killing an unarmed German teenager said they would use the stand-your-ground style law in his defense.
The father of the slain exchange student suggested in an interview with a German news agency that the gun culture of the United States was at least partly to blame for his son's death. |
MI: Detroiters fend for themselves in lawless city
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Mark A. Taff
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On Tuesday morning , a Detroit homeowner shot and killed an intruder who climbed into the woman’s bedroom window. That incident marks the 12th justifiable homicide in Detroit since the beginning of the year, and the most recent in a string of homeowners shooting intruders.
Increasingly, homeowners are defending themselves in the face of imminent danger against criminals. It is encouraging Detroit Police Chief James Craig continues to be supportive of their right to do so. |
IN: Femme Fatale: South Bend woman opens new gun shop
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Mark A. Taff
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New lines of purses, running shorts and even bras are showing up on the market, but they're not catering to your typical fashionista. Instead we're talking about accessories for female gun owners. Statistics show more and more women are carrying guns. Now a new South Bend business is looking to tap into the demand.
"This is a pink revolver," says Rebecca Bartol from behind the counter of her new store on South Main. The name of the shop is Femme Fatale Guns & Sporting, Incorporated. |
TX: 1 gun law better than 50
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Mark A. Taff
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Some sort of national CHL system — or states recognizing CHL permits from other states — would be preferable to the “patchwork of state-specific regulations that lead to carriers unwittingly violating the law when traveling,” as The Associated Press described it.
Legislation creating what amounts to a national or universal system for CHL carriers needs careful and precise attention in Congress, but there should be no confusion when it comes to the protection of the Second Amendment. |
MD: Maryland gun dealer will sell smart gun despite pressure from gun rights groups
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Mark A. Taff
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Andy Raymond, the co-owner of Engage Armament, told the Post that selling the smart gun was a “really tough decision” after what happened to Oak Tree Gun Club. However, Raymond said that Maryland’s gun laws are so strict that he has to offer the Armatix iP1 in order to expand the market.
In the meantime, Raymond says he hopes his rollout of the Armatix goes better than Oak Tree Gun Club’s. “If the same reaction happens here, we’ll be out of business,” he said.
Ed.: Going out of business sounds like a splendid outcome. |
WA: Common sense calls for repeal of Second Amendment
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Mark A. Taff
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I don’t believe the Second Amendment was ever intended to support the kind of gun craziness we contend with today, but since it’s always used to ward off any common-sense gun reforms, maybe we ought to just fix the Constitution and be done with it.
Yes, I know the odds against that are immense, but maybe we could start by nibbling away at the idea that the Constitution is infallible or that the founders had the answers to everything. They were smart men but neither perfect nor prescient. |
Boehner Secretly Plotting to Stab Gun Owners in the Back
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Mark A. Taff
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A Pew poll from last year indicated that if illegal immigrants were given citizenship, they would vote for liberal, anti-gun candidates by an 8-to-1 margin.
So by the time that a net 8,000,000-plus additional anti-gun voters emerge from Obama’s new proposal, it will be far too late to do anything about it. Handgun bans. Total gun registration. Confiscation programs. SWAT teams. These will be the inevitable consequence of adding 8,000,000 new anti-gun voters to the electorate. |
FL: NRA-backed bill done in by Sen. Jack Latvala, sheriffs
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Mark A. Taff
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It's not often that a bill backed by the National Rifle Association dies in the Florida Legislature.
"It just provides a reasonable limit," Latvala said.
The amendment was adopted on a 23-15 board vote, with the support of Tampa Bay Sens. Latvala, John Legg, R-Trinity, and Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, Wilton Simpson, R-Trilby, Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, and the sponsor of the bill, Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, voted against the amendment.
Afterward, Brandes pulled the bill and said he isn't going to bring it back this session.
"(The amendment) makes it a felony if you're a minute late after the evacuation," Brandes said. "It makes the bill anti-Second Amendment. It defeats the whole purpose." |
"Stand your ground" laws get major test in recent shootings
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Mark A. Taff
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A Montana man is accused of setting a trap and blindly blasting a shotgun into his garage, killing a 17-year-old German exchange student. A Minnesota man is convicted of lying in wait in his basement for two teenagers and killing them during a break-in.
The two recent cases take the "stand your ground" debate to a new level: Do laws that allow private citizens to protect their property also let them set a trap and wait for someone to kill? |
FL: Emergency Concealed Weapon Measure Muzzled In Senate
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Mark A. Taff
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A National Rifle Association-backed measure aimed at allowing people to carry concealed weapons without licenses during emergency evacuations has been holstered for this year.
Sen. Jeff Brandes, R-St. Petersburg, agreed Thursday to scrap his bill (SB 296) as questions and amendments — including one that sought to rename the bill “An act relating to the zombie apocalypse” — were starting to grind the Senate to a halt.
Brandes’ decision came with 41 other bills still lined up for votes or discussion, on the second-to-last day of the annual session.
He vowed to work to improve the measure over the summer for the 2015 session. |
Violence Policy Center ‘cooks the books’ on concealed carry killers
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Mark A. Taff
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Economist and political commentator John Lott has once again been crunching numbers and in an article published this week for the National Review takes a look at how the Violence Policy Center “cooks the books” in an effort to prove the dangerousness of concealed carry permit holders.
While the Violence Policy Center claims to work for “research, investigation, analysis, and advocacy for a safer America,” Lott says that the center’s claim against concealed carry, which is regularly published through a report titled “Concealed Carry Killers,” uses inaccurate information and miscalculated math to arrive with cherry picked statistics. |
WI: Milwaukee sheriff’s advice to Chicago: ‘Get a new police chief’
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Mark A. Taff
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After delivering a speech at the National Rifle Association’s annual convention discussing the concept of self-defense, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke talked to Guns.com about the changing demographics of gun ownership.
In some ways, law enforcement has become more accepting of gun rights, specifically self defense, in some cities but mostly counties. Being sheriff of Milwaukee — the surrounding area of the city of the same name — we posed the question to Clarke, “Are urban areas, which are traditionally hesitant to support gun ownership, coming around to adopt more a more rural attitude?” |
LA: Sulphur Police Officer Shoots Dog
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Mark A. Taff
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The dog's owner, Brandon Carpenter, says police officer Brian Thierbach came up to them with his gun drawn and ordered them out of the truck. Brandon tied his dog, named Arzy, to the bumper of the truck and explained to the officer the dog was not going to be a problem.
As Brandon and his friend were handcuffed and arrested for trespassing, the officer proceeded to search the truck, then suddenly, without warning fatally shot Arzy.A witness, Eric Midkiff, who works for the Daily News, said the dog did not act out in any way. Arzy's owner is furious and heartbroken. |
Ten Thoughts on the Second Amendment and Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
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3. The Second Amendment has no exceptions.
The Second Amendment reads: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The Second Amendment doesn’t read: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed except: when it comes to dangerous or unusual weapons, automatic weapons, weapons not envisioned at the time the Second Amendment was written, national security, emergencies, reasonable regulations, or extenuating circumstances. |
CO: NRA, others see Colorado mental health bill as 'gun grab'
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Mark A. Taff
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But the National Rifle Association and Rocky Mountain Gun Owners said the initial bill on civil commitment diminished due process and would deprive more Americans of their firearms. One activist called it the liberals' attempt to "play the mental health card" in attacking gun rights.
"We would do anything possible if we knew it would stop mass murder," said Joe Neville, a spokesman for RMGO. "But this was a backdoor attempt at gun control."
The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action called the bill "a volatile piece of mental health legislation" that could result in additional gun owners losing their constitutional rights. |
OK: Pro-gun group leads revolt, OK House overrides governor’s veto
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Mark A. Taff
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The state House of Representatives on Wednesday voted, 87-3, to enact a pro-gun measure — one of the 15 House bills Gov. Mary Fallin vetoed Tuesday.
If ultimately enacted over Fallin’s veto, the proposal — which had cleared both chambers of the Legislature almost unanimously (only one opposing vote, in the House) — will allow law-abiding citizens to purchase automatic weapons, silencers and other gun-related devices collectively known as “Nfas,” after securing a federal “tax stamp” allowing ownership. |
Redefining Mentally Ill and Who Can Own Guns
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Mark A. Taff
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The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), a law enforcement organization within the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), has submitted for public comment to the Federal Register a “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” which proposes to change the ATF definitions of “Adjudicated as a Mental Defective” and “Committed to a Mental Institution.” These proposed changes will highly affect the placement of individuals on the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) database at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Submission of comments ended the first week in April. |
IA: New Path for Pro-Firearms Legislation
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Mark A. Taff
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Due to the overwhelming demand for this bill and action by NRA members, House leadership and dedicated state Representatives worked with NRA and IFC to make a new path for this legislation this year. The language and intent of HF 2381 has been offered for incorporation into the end of session Standing Appropriations Bill, House File 2473, as amendment H-8315, filed yesterday by state Representative Matt Windschitl (R-17). |
MO: Federal Gun Law Nullification Bill Back to House
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Mark A. Taff
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The bill that says Missouri can choose which federal gun laws it will recognize needs one more approval from the House before it becomes a matter for the Governor.
The Senate has made some changes in the federal gun law nullification bill, as it’s called by critics, and has asked the House to approve them. Supporters expect Governor Nixon to veto the bill, setting up another override attempt in September. |