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Newslinks for 5/20/2014

‘Vigilantes’ with ‘illegal guns’ do to Boko Haram what government cannot
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That means the villagers who defended themselves from the terrorists were not just 'gun criminals' using 'illegal guns,' they also qualified for one of the Big Lie pejoratives 'progressive' anti-gunners use to disparage armed self-defense: They were also 'vigilantes.'” ...

A lesson for gun prohibitionists: Prohibition empowers criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Granted, most of the article is devoted to explaining that the cartels are replacing the lost marijuana revenue with an increased reliance on heroin and methamphetamine ... so Attorney General Holder's Department of 'Justice' need not worry that their favorite gun customers will run out of money."

"The point, though, is that marijuana legalization is very bad news for those who make their money meeting the rapidly disappearing illegal demand. Conversely, of course, a formerly legal product that becomes banned, or even 'merely' so heavily regulated that it had might as well be banned, opens up brand new money-making opportunities for those who value profit over the rule of law." ...

Note to Amanda Marcotte: It Stops Being “Unlikely” When It Starts Being You
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You may recall our recent post Amanda Marcotte: Guns Are Like a Dildo in a Drawer. Ms. Marcotte argued that American gun owners don’t need guns because they don’t need guns. The odds of needing a firearm for self-defense are so low anyone who exercises their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is paranoid ... As our readers pointed out, the odds of needing a fire extinguisher in your home are also low. People have them because the cost of not having a fire extinguisher when you need one are high. Same thing with guns. And there’s no getting around the fact that . . ."

"Bad things happen to good people. People minding their own business in places where you wouldn’t expect evil to appear." ...

Bloomberg sets new tone for disingenuous anti-gun semantics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Billionaire anti-gunner Michael Bloomberg may have entered a new phase of selling gun control yesterday when, during a conversation with Bob Schieffer on CBS' 'Face The Nation,' he introduced a new term regarding background checks and also suggested that gun control, by any other name, is not gun control."

"At about three and a half minutes into the interview, Bloomberg told Schieffer, 'We’ve got to make sure that the Congressmen understand the vast bulk of Americans want them to vote for sensible gun regulation, not control, not banning, just regulation.'"

"'That’s splitting hairs,' noted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and a longtime Bloomberg critic. ..." ...

Code Black – My Lockdown of the Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Probably the most important lesson I took away from this experience is, as things stand, there is no way to prevent student casualties, you can only limit them. This is a reality that we as educators, and Americans, need to come to terms with. Until we do something to deter the attackers, students are always going to be vulnerable to harm."

"Tucked away in my classroom I felt mostly helpless. I could protect students in my immediate vicinity, but what about other students? What about my wife? My future children? Allowing teachers and staff to be armed would give them the opportunity to prevent any further loss of our nation’s most valuable asset – our children." ...

Gear Review-GLOCK GTL Tactical Light and Laser
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you have a GLOCK brand GLOCK with an accessory rail? Do you want a light/laser combo for it? Then the GTL 22 might be for you, if you answer yes to one of the following: will you only buy GLOCK brand GLOCK accessories? Do you want to be able to put on/take off your light/laser combo with a minimum of fuss? If not, you will probably be better served by looking elsewhere."

"The Light"

"This model may have lived up to GLOCK perfection when it was released. It’s functional, sturdy and fits perfectly on GLOCK guns. It also uses old technology. LED bulbs? Not for GLOCK, which is still using Xenon. Green lasers are increasingly common, but GLOCK is still stuck on red. The laser color is forgivable, but the bulb is a much graver sin." ...

The Truth About MasterPiece Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We here at TTAG haven’t always been kind to MasterPiece Arms. Back in our early days Robert had some problems with their Protector handgun and things just went downhill from there. More recently I wrote a piece about one of their newer guns ('From the Deepest Depths of Uselessness' — the title should give away the tone) and as a response MasterPiece’s main man Phil Cashin invited me down to their facility to take a peek behind the curtain and see what’s really going on at MPA. This past weekend I flew to Georgia to do just that, and see for myself if the truth matches their reputation . . ." ...

The Perfect Self Defense Firearm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like one of TTAG’s prolific writers, I too have been on a quest to find the perfect firearm for self-defense. There are three practical kinds; rifles, shotguns, and of course, pistols. Of those three, there is only one that can apply to defense both out in the world and inside the home; the handgun. They can be carried concealed, openly, and kept close to one’s bedside at night. I believe anyone who intends to exercise their right to own and bear a firearm should have a handgun, as it is the most versatile in all roles. Now it would seem that handguns are perfect for everything, right? . . ."

"Wrong." ...

Seven New Products You Need to Know About
Submitted by: Suzanne Wiley

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"Every annual SHOT Show, we eagerly await all the new product débuts and releases. Sometimes companies are quick on the draw and have the products already shipping to gun stores ... After waiting a few months, we are finally seeing some of the much-anticipated new, innovative and redesigned gear we were excited about from the 2014 SHOT Show. Some of the products are not exactly brand new ... Others such as Luth-AR’s MBA-1 and MBA-2 are truly brand new to the market. Most of the time, it is worth the wait; companies have to work out the kinks in new products, or beef up production because supply just does not meet demand. Either way, without further ado, here are seven new products we are happy to announce we have in stock!" ...

Brady Camp sues NJ Atty. General to force ‘smart guns’ on consumers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun Brady Campaign today filed a lawsuit against Acting New Jersey Attorney General John Jay Hoffman to force him to take the first step toward imposition of the state’s 2002 so-called 'smart gun' law that would, within three years, prohibit manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers from selling anything other than this type of handgun."

"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), and the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) quickly reacted. CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb called it 'gun prohibition fanaticism' and ANJRPC Executive Director Scott Bach said the law 'forces you to use an unproven technology to defend your life.'" ...

'Anti-gun violence' writer thinks guns are useless unless being used to kill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the reasons it is difficult to believe advocates of ever more oppressive gun laws when they claim to be motivated by the desire to reduce violence is that they so often measure the usefulness of guns by the frequency with which they are used to shoot and kill someone. They seem really to believe that a gun not used to kill people is 'useless.' So, for example, you have this dubiously derived statistic cited in News Medical, that, 'A gun in the home is twelve times more likely to result in the death of a household member or visitor than an intruder.'" ...

How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A fraud on the American public.' That’s how former Chief Justice Warren Burger described the idea that the Second Amendment gives an unfettered individual right to a gun. When he spoke these words to PBS in 1990, the rock-ribbed conservative appointed by Richard Nixon was expressing the longtime consensus of historians and judges across the political spectrum."

"Twenty-five years later, Burger’s view seems as quaint as a powdered wig. Not only is an individual right to a firearm widely accepted, but increasingly states are also passing laws to legalize carrying weapons on streets, in parks, in bars—even in churches." ...

Gun violence in America (audio story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ProPublica reporter Lois Beckett examines how gun violence research has become the 'political third rail' - leaving us in the dark on some of the most basic facts about gun injuries in America"

"While we have clear data on murders from gun violence, no one seems to know how many Americans are shot – and survive – every year. In fact, the government’s own numbers seem to conflict on the matter."

"How can this be? And why has no one tried to resolve the difference?" ...

FL: Home invasion suspect shot, flees, crashes into home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Deputies said 38-year-old Anthony Capuano disguised with a mask and armed with a gun knocked on the door and demanded entry into the residence."

"When resident 22-year-old Heidi Christophell refused to let him in, deputies said the Capuano shattered a front window and began to crawl inside."

"Deputies said Christophell then ran to her bedroom and grabbed her boyfriend, 21-year-old Steven Brown's, handgun. She fired multiple rounds at the suspect and he fled from the residence." ...

FL: Homeowner in boxers and bathrobe holds thief at gunpoint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I was wearing my bathrobe and my underwear. I started chasing him,' said Chris Edson."

"It was around 5:30 Wednesday morning (May 14, 2014) when Chris saw a man, identified by police as 21-year-old Devon Harris, inside his pickup truck. Chris grabbed his handgun and went outside."

"Harris was so busy rifling through the truck for items to steal that he was oblivious to the outside world. 'I came up and went, 'Tap, tap, tap,' right with the gun, said 'Put your hands up!' He turned, he looked, he put his hands up and then he kept baiting me, putting his hands down. 'Put them up! Put them up!' Chris explained."

"I believe that's called poor situational awareness." ...

NV: Would-be robber shot at donut shop (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "According to police, an unarmed man tried to rob the business and demanded money from two customers. The shop's owner, Sothy Seang, had his girlfriend retrieve a gun they keep at the business."

"Police said a struggle ensued over the gun, and the man, identified as Alfonso Montellano, 32, of Corona, CA, was shot in the abdomen." ...

FL: African Store owner opens fire on robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First generation immigrants begin businesses at a rate higher than typical rate, according to These people also know how much work goes into owning a business and fiercely protect their hard earned business. Two Orlando, Florida pieces of crap scumbags decided to take from just such a man... or try to."

"The two men can be seen on security camera footage rushing into the store. According to police, the thugs fired a shot at one of the clerks, pistol whipped another, and grabbed cash from the register. That's when the store owner pulled his firearm from his hip and fired a single return shot, causing the thugs to flee." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Three Life Saving Tips for New Shooters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over at Jim Wilson offers 4 Life-Saving Tips for New Shooters: Get Professional Training, Buy the Best Defensive Gear You Can Possibly Afford, Internet Gun Forums are a Waste of Time and Practice. OK, sure. But this writer – who’s never been in a gunfight or served in the military, but is an NRA Pistol Instructor (FWIW) – thinks that’s a bit advanced for new shooters who might, by the way, be well-advised to start his or her firearm education with a rifle. Anyway, here are my three life-saving tips for new shooters . . ." ...

Interview with an Autodefensa: “We Are Not Going to Surrender our Weapons”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republished with permission from"

"TEPALCATEPEC, Michoacan.- His doctor’s gowns are hung in a closet. Fifteen months ago, he decided to exchange his stethoscope for a high power rifle. The family photographs are piled in a corner, covered with dust; memorabilia are in the drawers and the rest of his previously peaceful life was suspended in time. The past, his doctor’s office in the Health Center, the laughter from his four children, his wife’s home cooking, all that they call a warm home is only an ever more distant memory in his frenetic present. Here, there is only himself, his bodyguards and the mangoes that have fallen off a tree that nobody cares for any more . . ." ...

Chipotle: Don't bring guns in our stores
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after it says gun rights advocates brought military-style assault rifles into one of its restaurants in Texas."

"The Denver-based company notes that it has traditionally complied with local laws regarding open and concealed firearms."

"But in a statement Monday, the company said that 'the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers.'" ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Have it your way, Chipotle. I'll never again darken your doorway. If my gun can't enter your store, neither will my money!

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Declare Victory in Chipotle Open Carry Demo Backlash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in September 2013, the Texas Alcoholic Beverages Commission issued a warning to licensed establishments - Reminder: 'Long guns' prohibited in TABC. The notice stated, in part, '... [A] business that is licensed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages is prohibited by state law from allowing rifles or shotguns in the building.' As you can see from the picture above, that didn’t not happen at last week’s Open Carry Texas gathering at a Dallas Chipotle. Motivated by the prospect of losing their liquor license, perhaps, the chain has issued the now-standard non-legally binding (i.e. toothless) 'request' to customers to leave their firearms – including handguns carried by Concealed Handgun Licensees – at home . . ." ...

Bloomberg-Funded Shannon Watts Starts Bullying Another Business: Chipotle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Am I the only one who is starting to notice the soccer mom trend for chains under attack, by the way? First Starbucks and now Chipotle? I realize that Shannon Watts only became motivated to 'reduce gun violence' after a bunch of white New England children were murdered (apparently black children in Chicago don’t motivate Shannon), but from the person who used to do public relations for Monsanto, I would expect a more coherent strategy than 'only get pissed off when gun nuts come into restaurants I like.'" ...

Gun Rights Group At Odds With Chipotle Over Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chipotle is asking customers not to bring firearms into its stores after members of the Dallas Chapter of Open Carry Texas brought military style assault rifles into one of its restaurants over the weekend." ...
"Recently participants from an 'open carry' demonstration in Texas brought guns (including military-style assault rifles) into one of our restaurants, causing many of our customers anxiety and discomfort. Because of this, we are respectfully asking that customers not bring guns into our restaurants, unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel."
"Clark doesn’t believe that anyone was intimated by their actions this weekend. In fact, he says that Chipotle employees actually welcomed them into their store." ...

OR: 2014 Candidate Ratings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oregon Firearms Federation Political Action Committee candidate ratings for Oregon House and Senate races are attached."

"Please keep in mind that these ratings are almost exclusively for members of the major parties. 'Minor' or 'third' party candidates are typically chosen at their conventions."

"The process of rating candidates can be very complex and while we do our best to provide the best overview of a candidate, in some cases it simply cannot be done." ...

AL: Who's running for Alabama Senate District 1? Meet the GOP candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Republicans and two Democrats are competing in the June 3 primary to be their party's candidate for the Alabama Senate District 1 seat in the November general election." ...

"Here is a basic introduction to the Republican candidates ..."


"... I will stand for conservative values and protect our rights against any who would try to infringe on them."


"... I'm also running to protect our conservative values in Montgomery. I will defend our Second Amendment rights"


"... I am a proud member of the NRA and was honored to receive an A rating. I will protect our Second Amendment rights and our conservative values. ..."

ME: Shotgun Donation From Susan Collins Fires Up Her Campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whoever won a raffle for a shotgun from the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine has Sen. Susan Collins to thank."

"The Republican senator’s reelection campaign donated that prize in late March, according to details of her latest campaign expenditures filed with the Federal Election Commission (see page 310). Her campaign paid $1,055 to Fox Firearms Sales and Training Services of Vassalboro for the shotgun."

"That raffle occurred as part of the annual State of Maine Sportsman’s Show, held March 28-30. Collins herself attended a portion of the show." ...

IA: Iowa U.S. Senate Candidate Profile: Q&A with Scott Schaben
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "6. What are the issues you consider non-negotiable?"

"Schaben: 'The Second Amendment is huge. In my utopic world balancing the budget, because it depends on the layout of the land. ...'" ...

"12. Can we prevent more mass shootings at schools, malls and movie theaters through legislation while preserving the Second Amendment?"

"Schaben: 'You can’t legislate safety in that respect. Murder has been illegal for hundreds of years. So you ban murder, well now are we going to ban bad murder or mass murder? It’s still murder. It’s still illegal. You can’t write a law that says we’re going to ban all mass shootings so now we’ll all be safe. You have to create your own safety. ...'" ...

CA: Assembly District 40: An interview with Marc Steinorth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assembly District 40 is located in San Bernardino County ... Marc Steinorth is one of four candidates running for the seat."

"Steinorth agreed to answer a few questions about issues important in California. ..." ...

"What is your stand on the Second Amendment? How do you feel about the laws currently on the books to regulate guns and ammo? What, if anything, would you do to strengthen or weaken those laws?"

"I am a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and believe we must design our gun control laws to take weapons out of the hands of criminals while still preserving the rights of responsible gun owners. ... Our efforts would be better applied to strengthening our law enforcement agencies." ...

NH: Gun Owners of New Hampshire: Can this gang shoot straight?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But Scott Brown, who is to appear tonight (May 20th) before GONH, demands that GONH prohibit taping of his appearance. In other words, Brown wants to be free to lie ... to GONH while later denying what he said off the record."

"Now you know why I call him 'Slippery Scott' Brown. He’s for sale to the highest bidder ..."

"But why would GONH bend their rules only for Brown? Why the un-taped and un-recorded appearance tonight? What got into our Second Amendment 'fighters'? Looks like these boys and girls are shooting blanks when it comes to telling New Hampshire voters the truth abut Brown. Instead of making Brown bend to their rules, GONH is bending to his rules. I sure wouldn’t want these weaklings having my back in a battle." ...

KS: Secretary of State Kris Kobach blends politics, business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It turns out that Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach isn’t just a gun enthusiast and stalwart defender of the Second Amendment. He’s also a principal investor of the Kansas-based gun maker Minuteman Defense LLC."

"That investment, and Kobach’s potential for financial gain, makes his overt involvement in advancing a Kansas law that insulates Kansas-made firearms from federal regulations both questionable and contemptible."

"In 2013, the Kansas Legislature passed and Gov. Sam Brownback signed a bill that would protect Kansas-made firearms."

"Through the cry of state sovereignty, the law mandates that firearms made and sold in Kansas can’t be touched by federal regulations." ...

Congress to rein in Obama’s targeting of gun retailers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican lawmakers accused the Obama administration Monday of overreach in its stringent scrutiny of industries it considers “high risk,” saying legislation may be needed to rein in a regulation regime that has targeted gun retailers, who complain that federal action is limiting their access to banks and squeezing them out of business."

"Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, Missouri Republican and vice chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, noted that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has directed banks to apply extra scrutiny to 'high risk' businesses — such as gun sellers, pornography shops and drug paraphernalia stores — that use payment processors such as PayPal for credit card transactions." ...

Operation Choke Point Allegedly Being Used To Put Legitimate Gun Retailers Out Of Business
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in March 2013, the Obama Administration unveiled Operation Choke Point, a collaborative effort ... aimed at rooting out bad money; think con artists, drug traffickers, and money launderers ... According to a report filed by the Washington Times, however, it appears that Operation Choke Point is now being used to target legitimate gun retailers."

"Take for instance the case of Top Gun Firearms Training & Supply, a Miami retailer that just got dropped by BankUnited N.A. last month. Then there’s the case of McMillan Group International, a successful 12-year-old firearms manufacturer from Phoenix that got dropped by Bank of America in 2012. This despite the fact that the company never missed a single payment ..." ...

KS: Setting the Record Straight on the Second Amendment Protection Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, Jason Probst wrote a Hutchinson News editorial that illustrates perfectly why most Kansans no longer trust the editorial page. In it, Probst hyperventilated that because I’m a shareholder in a new Kansas gun company – Minuteman Defense, in Overland Park – I must have done something wrong by advocating the Second Amendment Protection Act, which the Kansas Legislature passed in 2013."

"Probst’s editorial is short on facts and long on partisan ranting. But three problems stand out." ...

MO: Missouri Legislature Fails to Nullify Federal Gun Grab
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What began with a bang ended with a whimper."

"The Missouri legislature failed to pass a bill nullifying the federal gun grab, leaving residents of the Show Me State vulnerable to the Obama administration’s assault on this fundamental right."

"With 20 minutes left on the last day of the state’s annual legislative session, two Democratic state senators effectively “filibustered” a bill passed just half an hour earlier by the state House that would have repaired constitutional barriers around the right to keep and bear arms. ..." ...

TN: Green proud of bills aiding veterans, crime victims
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Mark Green points to 27 bills he says he helped push through the state Legislature this year, ranging from several new laws 'benefiting veterans and protecting health care consumers, to preserving Second Amendment rights and protecting victims of crime.'" ...

"... Green notes that he won passage of several Second Amendment rights bills, including legislation giving the state all authority over the regulation of firearms so that a when a person goes across county lines, the laws are consistent."

"... Green said the bill is in keeping with the State Constitution which says the state is responsible 'to regulate the wearing of arms,' rather than counties or municipalities" ...

NJ: New Jersey to Repeal Smart Gun Law Only If NRA Will Strike a Deal
Submitted by: Suzanne Wiley

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"New Jersey State Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg says she and others will introduce a bill to repeal a 2002 New Jersey law mandating the sale of 'smart guns' only if the NRA backs off its opposition to the user-recognition guns and does nothing to stop the free enterprise of the buying and selling of smart guns." ...

ATF investigation wins national reporting award
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has received the Clark Mollenhoff Award for Investigative Reporting for its series exposing rogue tactics in ATF sting operations nationwide."

"Reporters John Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge were recognized for their 'Backfire' series, which exposed a botched Milwaukee sting — Operation Fearless — in which an agent's guns were stolen, among a host of other problems. Later stories found a wide range of issues nationwide, including agents using individuals with mental disabilities and later arresting them." ...

Cops, MRAPs and the Heartbreak of Police Operator Syndrome
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let me make something clear: you’re right to feel uncomfortable that cops have MRAPs and look like soldiers. I’m a twenty-year cop and even though I’ve received fairly extensive tactical training, even though I carried a carbine and plate carrier in my trunk when I was on the street, even though I believe there are times we need to be warriors, I agree that too many officers think of themselves as 'operators' instead of cops. And one symptom of the dreaded Police Operator Syndrome is the desire to rush to every 'my neighbor’s dog is pooping in my yard' call in an MRAP . . ." ...

Why are federal agencies arming themselves?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Second Amendment advocate has a theory about why the U.S. Department of Agriculture is buying body armor and submachine guns."

"Mike Hammond, legislative council to Gun Owners of America, says it follows a pattern of other federal agencies that seem to be preparing for war – against us."

"'We suspect that the federal government is anticipating and preparing for confrontation with American citizens,' he says, wondering aloud if President Obama is preparing for a dictatorship."

"'What are the characteristics of a dictatorship?' Hammond asks rhetorically. 'An individual who is bound not by the law, but by his own desires and his own goals. And that may be where we are now.'" ...

Feds Using Banks To Target Gun Stores
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Unable to enact its gun control agenda through Congress, the Obama Administration appears to be using the regulatory power of the federal government to crack down on gun sales. Since 2011, the FDIC has increased enforcement actions against banks that do business with so-called 'high risk' industries. Those industries include businesses that sell porn, drug paraphernalia, and now gun dealers as well. 'This may be a way for the administration to implement their policy that they haven't been able to do on a legislative front, so they're looking at the regulatory front,' says John Heasley, president of the Texas Bankers Association." ...

CA: Man may get $50,000 settlement after LBPD officer stepped on him during medical marijuana raid (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who claimed police brutalized him during a raid on a medical marijuana dispensary two years ago is set to receive a $50,000 settlement from the city."

"Surveillance video that was uploaded to YouTube after the June 19, 2012 raid at THC Downtown Collective showed a Long Beach Police Department officer stepping on Dorian Brooks, a young black man. The officer is seen placing both feet on the back of Brooks, who was prone, before stepping on his neck while arresting him."

"According to a lawsuit filed last year, as Brooks cried out in pain when the officer applied his weight, several of the officers made comments, including 'you’re a black drug dealer, you should be used to this.' Brooks had no prior criminal record." ...

IA: Man Claims SWAT Brutally Beat Him Without Reason (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Hytrek says he previously had told a relative to leave his property. That relative tried to retaliate, by telling police he was making threats. ..."

"Doctors treated Hytrek for a concussion, a broken orbital bone in his face, and other injuries ..."

"The charges of Assault and Harassment were dismissed ... but he's now filed a federal lawsuit claiming police used excessive force, and violated his rights."

"'... I did not resist them, nothing,' Hytrek explained. 'They could've came up to me and asked me what was going on, and they didn't.'"

"'Why was the swat team deployed and two why wasn't Mr. Hytrek provided a reasonable opportunity to surrender peaceably?' his attorney, Tom Prickett questioned." ...

CA: Jury weighs police pepper spray that blinded woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Riverside jury is expected to begin deliberations Wednesday over whether a former Beaumont police officer was using excessive force or doing his job when he permanently blinded a woman with a high-powered pepper spray gun."

"Enoch Clark, 38, is on trial on four felony counts of assault by a police officer and causing great bodily injury."

"Clark attempted to arrest Monique Hernandez ... After she resisted Clark’s attempts to handcuff her, Clark used his department-issued JPX gunpowder-propelled pepper spray weapon and fired it less than a foot away from her face."

"The blast of pepper spray gel sliced her right eye in half, fractured her right orbital bone and severed the optic nerve in her left eye.'" ...

MD: Armed Federal Agents Seize Reporter's FOIA Documents in Predawn Raid on Her Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Award-winning investigative journalist, Audrey Hudson, had her home raided by armed federal and Maryland-state agents, who used an unrelated search warrant on August 6 to seize documents she'd legally obtained in a [FoIA] request."

"Hudson, who exposed problems within the [DHS] in a series of pieces for The Washington Times, had her private notes and government documents seized by agents, which included – surprise – a Homeland official."
"The [seized] documents, some which chronicled Hudson's sources and her work at the Times about problems inside the Homeland Security Department, were seized under a warrant to search for unregistered firearms and a 'potato gun' suspected of belonging to her husband ..." ...

AR: Former Saline Co. Sheriff and other employees arrested (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Saline County Sheriff Bruce Pennington was arrested Friday and is being charged with felony abuse of public trust, felony theft of property value and misdemeanor theft of property."

"Pennington is accused of reducing a friend's community service sentence in exchange for having granite countertops installed in his house. A search warrant has been issued at Pennington's house for the countertops." ...

MI: Detroit police chief James Craig explains NRA article (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Detroit Police Chief James Craig is getting some national attention for his stance on residents' gun ownership."

"Craig has been vocal about his support for Detroit residents protecting themselves with guns. He has been outspoken on his belief that homeowners should protect their property, themselves and others with fire arms."

"Now, he's featured in the [NRA]'s 'America's 1st Freedom' magazine. The article, titled 'A Show of Courage in Detroit,' includes a Q&A with Craig, who said he never expected to create a 'big stir' with his comments."

"He told the NRA magazine that his experience as police chief in Portland, Maine -- where he said there were a lot of CCW holders -- helped him believe it makes a difference in deterring criminals." ...

MI: Detroit police chief on NRA article: 'I'm pro law-abiding citizens staying alive'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Detroit Police Chief James Craig’s stance on residents using guns to protect themselves is garnering national attention after landing him on the cover of a gun rights magazine."

"He reiterated his views today at a news conference, saying armed, law-abiding citizens can be a deterrent to violent crime."

"'I’m pro safety. I’m pro life. I’m pro law-abiding citizens staying alive, having the ability to protect themself in a dangerous situation,' he said." ...

Constitution Check: Is the Second Amendment a barrier to “smart guns”?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lyle Denniston says a movement to promote the adoption of the so-called “smart gun” technology will most likely be opposed by lawyers working to promote robust Second Amendment rights." ...

GA: Steakhouse in GA Removes “No Guns” Sign After Boycott From Gun Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Something about guns and red meat just go together. The two things are quintessentially American and forcing someone to enjoy one without the other apparently doesn’t go over too well with gun owners, especially in the South, where we take our gun rights and our ribeyes very seriously."

"T-Bonz steakhouse in Augusta, GA recently placed a 'No Guns' sign on their front door. The backlash was pretty much immediate. Customers began letting the restaurant know that if their gun wasn’t welcome, they would take their business elsewhere." ...

NC: Thieves in NC are Targeting Cars With Gun Related Stickers and Cars Parked near Gun Free Zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It looks like gun thieves in North Carolina are getting smart in their search to illegally acquire guns."

"According to a local report today, police have managed to bust several thieves they say are targeting cars that have gun related stickers on the bumper or windows."

"They are also targeting cars that are parked near gun free zones. These areas force law abiding concealed carriers to leave their firearms in their vehicles where they are the target of thieves." ...

FL: Passively Constructed Anti-Gun Headline of the Day: Miami International Airport Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns, knives, explosives flying into South Fla. airports proclaims, somehow resisting the obvious temptation to finish it off with an exclamation mark. And if that bit of passively constructed anti-pistol polemicizing wasn’t enough to convince people that people aren’t the problem – inanimate objects are – the lead gets it done. 'Threatening weapons, including guns, knives and explosives, have been flying into South Florida airport security checkpoints like never before.' Literally? Or have these threatening weapons been flying into the Gunshine State for years without the public’s knowledge? Just how big is this improbable problem? I’m glad I asked myself that question . . ." ...

MO: Fix 2nd Amendment (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s face it, the daily genocide occurring in the United States is mainly caused by the way the Second Amendment is written. It entitles everyone to own a gun."

"None of the work by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence or other major groups against guns seems to be effective. In no other civilized country are thousands of people killed every year." ...

AZ: Make high-school gun education mandatory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A letter writer on Thursday said, 'I'm not against the Second Amendment, but' ... an all too familiar refrain we hear coming from readers, politicians, media and even this newspaper's editorial board ('Keep the incompetents from owning weapons,' Opinions)."

"This reader says we need some 'control' over the issue, singling out legitimate risks to police and the public."

"So, let's get with it already. No high-school diploma should be issued without one credit in gun safety and marksmanship." ...

AZ: Protecting the right to bear … opinions. About guns.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alan Korwin wanted to splash his in-your-face pro-gun message on bus-stop billboards across Phoenix but the city stopped him, forcing Korwin to tone down his language."

"Korwin then took his case to court. Not long ago he won the latest round in what has been a nearly four-year legal slugfest. If the city doesn't appeal that decision Korwin will finally get to say what he wants to say about firearms in the way he wants to say it."

"If that happens those of us who disagree with Korwin's point of view should … celebrate?"


"You don't win an argument by muzzling the other guy."

"We're supposed to be better than that." ...

UK: Man appears in court accused of shooting young mum at her Bradford home
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"A 24-year-old man today appeared in court charged with the attempted murder of a young mum who was shot in her Bradford home."

"Hasan Khan, of Brassey Terrace, West Bowling, who has also been charged with firearms offences, appeared before Bradford and Keighley Magistrates’ Court." ...

The era of resisting big government is never over. — PAUL GIGOT (1998)

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