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Comparing guns to porn poses greater danger than just financial ostracism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Likening guns with obscene materials isn’t limited to loopy, agenda-driven ivory tower academics with no real-world influence. Anti-gun Senators Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer, with assists from Dick Durbin and Patrick Leahy, extended the comparison and went beyond it, advocating certain semiautomatics were equivalent with 'child pornography,' and thus unprotected by the Bill of Rights."

"If that’s the case, what does that say about how they intend to treat gun owners found in possession of such firearms?" ...

Punishing 'smart gun' Quislings already yielding potential policy rewards (NSFW video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So now, the first two attempts to market 'smart guns' in the U.S. have been abject, utter failures, and have indeed called into question how long the stores involved would have stayed in business had they proceeded with their plans. This happened in California and Maryland--the two states generally considered 'gun control' strongholds. ..."

"And the result? Even 'smart gun' mandates' biggest boosters are starting to realize that threats to require 'smart guns' are the biggest obstacle to the guns ever making it to gun dealers' shelves, and now, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Senator Weinberg may soon ask the New Jersey legislature to repeal her law:" ...

Ten Thoughts on the Second Amendment and Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently spoke on a panel at the Florida Liberty Summit in Orlando, Florida, about the Second Amendment and gun control. Because I have written many articles on these topics for Campaign for Liberty, the Tenth Amendment Center,, and the Future of Freedom Foundation, I thought it might be a good idea to reread them in order to be mentally prepared for any questions I would be asked by the moderator or the audience at the conference. In going through the articles, I came up with ten themes on the Second Amendment and gun control that summarize my thoughts on these matters." ...

Ammo Prices: 5/02/2014
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Sixth week!"

"So, I’m not sure why but The Sportsman Guide has 500rds of .380 ACP for less than half of the other vendors with availability. It *is* Wolf, but still…"

"Also, there are a lot more vendors selling .22LR this week. Prices are still a bit “gougy”, but there are some at $0.13/rd (or less; which I realize is still hideous)."

"This week I added background coloring to the lowest (and highest) price per round (PPR) in a category. I’m calculating on the raw number with a higher precision (rather than a currency conversion), so you may see items with a PPR a penny apart. If in doubt just look at the overall price…" ...

Sharps Rifle Co’s Reliabolt Sets Reliability Record. I Think. (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'We were not trying to set a record,' Tim Lesser, Sharp Rifle Company’s VP of Sales and Marketing pronounced in a presser. 'We just told the testers to shoot a modern sporting rifle till it jammed. After 7500 jam free rounds and a fried barrel, we felt good about the Relia-Bolt’s reliability.' Which is just as well, really, given the name of their product. ..."

Praxis: Stippling An AR-15 Magpul PMAG
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The enhanced grip texture cannot be understated. When hands are sweaty or bloody, the ability to manipulate the magazine with ease will be appreciated. . . I really enjoy the feel and look of this easy magazine mod." ...

Is This *The* Stupidest Argument for Gun Control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently debated Eliott Fineman, jefe of the Gun Victims Action Council (GVAC). I asked Fineman why he would leave a woman disarmed and defenseless against, say, a rapist. I was more than a little shocked when Fineman argued that a gun would be useless in that situation. When I pointed out that women have done it – scared off or shot potential rapists with a firearm – Fineman denied even the possibility that it could happen. In fact, Fineman wants to run a simulation to prove that a gun would be useless. And therefore OK to restrict or, let’s face it, ban them. In this he’s not alone . . ." ...

Shannon Watts: The New Face of Gun Control Hypocrisy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The standard position of Moms Demand Action, despite their statement that they 'support the 2nd Amendment,' is that guns are bad, m’kay? And especially guns on the hips of those with a concealed carry license. The very first item on the list of the Moms Demand Action 'facts' page is a link to the Violence Policy Center’s 'Concealed Carry Killers' compilation, a piece which twists facts to scare people into believing that armed citizens are really just bloodthirsty savages bent on murder and mayhem. So it’s no surprise that . . ." ...

Framing the danger of guns as a public health risk will change the debate over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal signed his state’s so-called guns everywhere law, it marked the latest in a string of legislative defeats for gun-control activists. Since the December 2012 Sandy Hook murders, 20 states have loosened gun laws. ..."

"To be sure, there have been meaningful successes for gun-safety advocates. But since Sandy Hook, the majority of gun laws passed in state legislatures around the country have loosened restrictions. How did this happen? Why did the nation respond to such a heinous crime by relaxing gun laws?" ...

What Do Guns Say?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On one level, the affair in Bunkerville can be seen as a vestige of Old West range-war mentality, opportunistically remixed with overtones of the militia movements of the early 1990s and an identity-politics firestorm that’s very 2014. But as a transaction between the state and citizens decided not by rule of law, nor by vote or debate, but rather by the simple presence of arms, Bunkerville is deeply troubling. Guns publicly brandished by private individuals decided the outcome. For all Bundy’s appeals to constitutional justification, what mattered at the end of the day was who was willing to take the threat of gunplay the furthest." ...

Submitter's Note: Well that and the revelation that Sen. Reid was behind the land grab, which was designed to permit his son's company to complete a "solar farm" deal with a Cinese firm.

Rights and responsibilities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Andy Shaw’s 'Second Amendment in context' editorial page column ... is a fascinating argument supporting the exercise of Second Amendment rights without restriction. He makes specific reference to the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments to support his contention that '... the Bill of Rights protects the individual’s inherent rights against government intrusion.' ..."

"I respectfully disagree with both his facts and his conclusion. While the Constitution clearly establishes freedom of speech, there are limitations to the practice of that liberty. One is prohibited from yelling 'Fire' in a crowded room and one is restrained from using speech intended to provoke violence, to libel or to slander another citizen. ..." ...

Gun Tweet of the Day: Have You No Shame? Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the more distasteful traits common among elitist gun-grabbers is the tendency to develop pathologically high opinions of themselves. Michael Bloomberg, as an example, figures he’s bought himself a spot in heaven with his civilian disarmament advocacy. Now, his newly-purchased protege, Shannon Watts, is exhibiting symptoms of the same syndrome . . ."

"As reported by, the hoplophobic harpy sees herself and her crusade to limit Americans’ gun rights as on a par with…Jackie Robinson. ..." ...

Will NRA ever get the message?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment absolutists complain that gun-control advocates are an out-of-touch elite seeking to destroy the way of life of real men who pack heat, pass weapons on to their sons, and are a rampart against government tyranny. It’s dangerous out there."

"At the [NRA]’s convention in Indianapolis last weekend, ... Wayne LaPierre warned his members that their lifestyle was under assault. 'I have never seen it on edge the way it is now,' he said. 'If it’s going to be saved, it’s in our hands. It’s in your hands.'"

"There’s no better venue than this gathering to experience the pain and joy of gun owners. To those not steeped in guns, the exhibition hall with weapons arrayed as far as the eye can see is a frightening display. ..." ...

Smart Gun Sales: Who Will Brave The Death Threats?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Maryland gun shop owner just became the second dealer since March to offer smart guns for sale then immediately reconsider after facing a violent backlash from gun-rights activists who fear their Second Amendment rights will be tarnished." ...

"Still, he’s been outspoken about how misguided he things National Rifle Association members have been about protesting the sale of smart guns: 'To me that is so fricking hypocritical. That the antithesis of everything that we pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment people should be. You are not supposed to say a gun should be prohibited. Then you are being no different than the anti-gun people who say an AR-15 should be prohibited.'" ...

Arms Cache Most Likely Kept in Texas by the C.I.A.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In passing references scattered through once-classified documents ... it is referred to as 'Midwest Depot,' but the bland code name belies the role it has played in some of the C.I.A.’s most storied operations."

"From the facility ... the C.I.A. has stockpiled and distributed untraceable weapons linked to preparations for the Bay of Pigs invasion and the arming of rebels and resistance fighters from Angola to Nicaragua to Afghanistan." ...

... "'I have worried about the extent to which the U.S. has spread small arms around over the decades to various parties it supported,' [retired C.I.A. analyst, Allen Thomson] said. 'Such weapons are pretty durable and, after the cause du jour passed, where did they go? ...'" ...

KABA Note: "Midwest Depot," "Operations GunWalker," what's a few score thousand weapons floating around, right?

A Giant Passes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A professor friend sent along this clipping from the New York Times on the death of Walter Walsh, one of the great gunfighters of the 20th Century. It’s a very well done obit; my only quibble would be that in most accounts I’ve read, the Japanese sniper he killed with his .45 pistol was 90 yards away, not 80."

"I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Walsh back in the 1990s, when we were both nominees for the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year. He won that award well before I did, and he certainly deserved to. He wasn’t a big man, but courage and fighting skill aren’t necessarily measured by physical size. Walter Walsh was very hard of hearing, the occupational hazard of serious shooters of his time ..." ...

CA: Elderly Resident Shoots and Kills Two Young Home Invaders in California (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here is another great example of guns being used an equalizer. What chance would two elderly people living alone have against two young men in the prime of their life in a physical altercation?"

"According to neighbors, an elderly, widowed homeowner asked her brother to move into her home due to a string of burglaries in the area."

"This turned out to be a good decision according to CBS Sacramento," ...

"Police say the two suspects appear to be in their late teens to early twenties. However, the local California media jumped on the chance to use the phrase 'Teens Shot Dead' in headlines about the incident." ...

MI: While on Phone With 911, 50 Yr Old Woman With a Carry Permit Shoots Home Invader in Detroit (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 50 year old woman in Detroit, who has lived in the same home for 20 years, took her brother’s advice last year when she bought a gun and got her carry permit."

"Of course, in this situation, the carry permit wasn’t in play since the incident happened inside the woman’s home, but I always like to point out when carry permit holders use their guns in a defensive situation ..."

"The woman armed herself when a 24 year old male broke a window to her home with a crowbar."

"Despite repeated warnings from the woman that she was armed and would shoot, the suspect still entered the home."

"That’s when the woman opened fire and hit the suspect once in the arm. That was enough to stop the attack right there." ...

SC: Family of Dead Armed Robber Speaks Out Against CCP Holder Who Shot Him & Calls For Stricter Gun Laws (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of an armed robber is speaking out after surveillance video was released of their family member committing an armed robbery."

"On the video Dante Williams is clearly seen entering a South Carolina Waffle House, pointing a gun at employees and customers and attempting to rob the restaurant."

"Justin Harrison was eating at the bar. Harrison, a concealed carry permit holder, was armed. He waited for an opportunity, shot Williams, and attempted to detain the second suspect."

"The family of Williams says that Harrison didn’t need to shoot and shouldn’t have felt threatened. They want to change South Carolina’s carry permit laws to require more training in order to get a permit." ...

NV: Nevada [Democrat] congressman Steven Horsford seeks removal of Bundy backers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Nevada congressman is calling on elected officials in the state to rid a town in his district of militia members who have rallied around rancher Cliven Bundy in his battle with federal land managers."

"Rep. Steven Horsford, in an address to the Clark County Democratic Convention in Las Vegas on Saturday, said he's making the request after hearing more complaints from constituents about the presence of Bundy supporters near Bunkerville, 75 miles northeast of Las Vegas." ...

Submitter's Note: Why does this article never identify Horsford as a Democrat? The closest it comes is saying he addressed the Clark County Democratic Convention.

Bunkerville Remains The Flash Point
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Bunkerville represents the first action of the people's resistance against an unconstitutional governmental bureaucracy turned paramilitary unit. We are likely to see more as time goes on, because there is not a bureaucracy that has not been turned into a paramilitary unit. " ...

"Citizens seeking lawful redress of grievances have been labeled 'domestic terrorists' and given, therefore, criminal intent in preparation for wholesale slaughter or internment, thus creating armies of individuals recognizing the inherent evil of the corrupted government and reacting appropriately to counter these abuses."

"When legality becomes a ruse, illegality becomes legitimate."

KABA Note: To quote that notorious right-wing nut-job, John Fitzgerald Kennedy: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

PA: NRA Endorses Rep. Bill Shuster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday the National Rifle Association (NRA) announced its official endorsement of Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Briar) in the fight to retain his seat in Pennsylvania’s 9th District."

"'Bill has a strong record of support for our Second Amendment freedoms,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA Political Victory Fund. 'We encourage all NRA members and gun owners in Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District to vote Bill Shuster for Congress on May 20.'" ...

Operation Choke Point targets firearms and pornography industries
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Operation Choke Point, the Justice Department is targeting lawful industries with investigations designed to dramatically increase their paperwork burdens -- including industries seemingly accorded constitutional protection against undue burdens, like pornography (First Amendment), firearms (Second Amendment), and dating services (freedom of intimate association)."

"Reason Magazine reports on its assault on the porn industry and how banks are closing the checking accounts of porn performers as a result:" ...

"Operation Chokepoint is also targeting firearms dealers, drawing the ire of Second Amendment advocates. As one angrily put it:" ...

MN: What Minnesota’s New Domestic Violence Law Really Does
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There has been some confusion about the “Domestic Violence Gun Confiscation” bill recently passed in the MN House of Representatives. I have been updated on exactly what the bill does and does not do by someone in the know and it is important that people understand what’s going on. In addition, Rep. Tony Cornish really is a friend to gun owners. He worked very hard to turn this bill (which originated from Felonious Mayors Against All Illegal Guns) from a complete and utter disaster into something which actually pretty well mirrors federal law. Interestingly enough . . ." ...

CO: Gun-rights groups opposed Colorado mental health bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mass murders led Colorado's governor to seek improvements in how the state handles potentially dangerous cases of mental illness, but Second Amendment advocates labeled the proposed legislation "another gun grab" and shrank its scope."

"A bill nearing a Senate vote would accomplish one aim of the attempted reform. It would redefine who is dangerous enough to be held for treatment against their will — which supporters say is meant to clarify the process for mental health professionals."

"Efforts to make the process easier for those professionals were jettisoned after gun-rights groups objected." ...

OK: OK Governor Fallin vetoes bill because gun rights are 'minor issue'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If Fallin's veto was surprising, her stated reason for issuing it is utterly astounding. From the American Suppressor Association:"
"During a press conference, Fallin explained her decision by stating, 'I’ve used my executive power, my executive authority to set aside ‘minor issues’ so that we can have more time to deal with major issues here at the Capitol and hopefully get the attention to get those things done.'"
"So first note that she has decided that advancing Oklahomans' right to keep and bear arms is a 'minor issue.' The people's Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms is . . . no big deal, evidently. Any other portions of the Bill of Rights similarly 'minor,' Governor, or is it just that one?" ...

FL: 'Hurricane' gun bill killed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The so-called 'Hurricane' gun bill died in the Senate last week."

"Below is the email announcing its demise from Marion Hammer, executive director of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, and a past president of NRA."

"Note the tone."

"I've never seen her write like this."

"She promises the bill will be reintroduced during the next session."

"Here's the email:" ...
"Be perfectly clear, this was a straight up Second Amendment issue in its purest form. And the Florida Sheriffs Association opposed your fundamental individual right to keep and bear arms at a time when you most need to be able to protect yourself and your family." ...

FL: Florida Governor Ducks, Dodges ‘Warning Shot’ Bill On His Desk
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 'warning shot' bill heads to Florida Gov. Richard L. Scott’s desk after the Florida Senate passed this legislation the first week in April, in an attempt to rid the state of penalties for firing a warning shot in self-defense."

"'I haven’t had a chance to review it yet, but I fully believe in the Second Amendment,' said Governor Rick Scott in a press conference after the bill passed the Senate."

"The warning shot bill was first passed by the House in November." ...

Has time come for the Supreme Court to take up carry?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Speculation has been building that tomorrow, the Supreme Court could announce whether it will consider if the right to bear arms for personal protection extends outside the home by taking a New Jersey case that challenges the Garden State’s ultra-restrictive 'needs based' permit requirement."

"It is a case brought by the [SAF] and the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs called Drake v. Jerejian. If the high court accepts their petition, it would be the third time in a row that attorney Alan Gura would argue a Second Amendment case before the justices. He won both the Heller case, brought by the Cato Institute, in 2008 and the McDonald case, brought by SAF and the Illinois State Rifle Association, in 2010." ...

Alan Gura vs. the NRA on Peruta Decision?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California Right To Carry ('Home of the only lawsuit seeking to restore Loaded Open Carry to California') issued the following press release/blog post:"

"There doesn’t seem to be any love lost between the [NRA] and Alan Gura the attorney behind the 2008 US Supreme Court decision on the Second Amendment – District of Columbia v. Heller. When Alan Gura was plodding along en route to the Supreme Court, the National Rifle Association tried to derail his lawsuit (Heller) but failed. Today, Mr. Gura appears to be trying to return the favor. Now the lead attorney in the case of Richards v. Prieto for the Second Amendment Foundation, Mr. Gura is trying to get the NRA case, Peruta v. San Diego, declared moot and vacated . . ." ...

NY: Anti-NY SAFE Act plaintiffs sign on to appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The initiator of a lawsuit challenging the state’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act gathered signatures Friday at the St. Lawrence County Courthouse from five of the 11 fellow plaintiffs in the county for an appeal on the constitutionality of the law."

"Robert L. Schultz, founder of We the People of New York, was to collect 217 signatures from Jefferson County plaintiffs — the largest group among 1,256 plaintiffs spread throughout 58 counties — at 8 a.m. Saturday in front of the Dulles State Office Building and from 20 Lewis County plaintiffs at 9:30 a.m. in front of the courthouse in Lowville." ...

Police Antics And SWAT-Capades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s a well worn category here, and that itself is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in Amerika. Here is the first report we discussed just recently."
"HENRICO, Va. (WTVR) –Ruth Hunter, a 75-year-old woman, said she was tied up while State Police invaded her Henrico apartment." ...
"The team left her zip tied because as you know, seventy five year old women are such an ever-present danger to law enforcement. She could have thrown down with the best of them while they were busy doing other things, like going to the right house rather than grandmother’s place."

"Next up, police in Miami-Dade badly beat a young man with Down Syndrome for packing a Colostomy bag." ...

WA: Spokane County sheriff’s deputy fired for misconduct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Spokane County sheriff’s deputy Todd Saunders was fired for misconduct today after an investigation showed he spent much of his on-duty time at the home of a woman who was not his wife."

"The behavior began last August, according to Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich. Saunders would call in previously collected names and license plate numbers for dispatchers to run to make it appear that he was busy ... He was put on paid administrative leave in March when someone complained that Saunders’ patrol car was parked in front of a house on the West Plains for hours ..."

"'The evidence was just overwhelming as to what happened,' Knezovich said. 'When he ran those people’s names, those are serious civil rights violations. This isn’t good.'" ...

CA: Jury Seated, Trial Starting for Former Beaumont Cop Accused of Blinding Woman in DUI Stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jury was seated Wednesday for the trial of an ex-cop accused of firing a pepper spray gun so close to a Beaumont woman's face that it permanently blinded her."

"Enoch Clark, 38, could face more than 20 years in prison if convicted of the disabling assault on 32-year-old Monique Hernandez on Feb. 21, 2012." ...

WI: Deputy Crashes into Woman’s Car, Then Falsely Charges Her With DUI (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Wisconsin woman is still fighting to make things right after a sheriff’s deputy allegedly hit her with his car and then arrested her for drunk driving more than a year ago."

"Tanya Weyker’s Camry was allegedly struck by Milwaukee County Deputy Sheriff Joseph Quiles’ patrol car last February and she suffered a broken neck in the collision…." ...

FL: St. Pete officer fired after shooting, mother of victim speaks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mother of a teenager shot and critically injured by a St. Petersburg police officer in December is speaking out."

"This comes on the same day a city shooting review board found the officer who shot her son, Brian Fernandez, 31, was fired from the department for using excessive force and breaking city and department rules."

"Quade Everett, 18, was left with severe brain injuries and now lives in a rehabilitation center after the shooting. ..." ...

"The documents show Officer Fernandez broke city and department rules and essentially lied during the internal affairs investigation." ...

TN: Arizona Police Officer Arrested In Downtown Nashville (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Arizona police officer was arrested on multiple charges in downtown Nashville on Wednesday night."

"Timothy Reed Merrill, age 32, was charged with assault, vandalism and public intoxication."

"A police affidavit said Merrill, who was in town for training, had caused issues at Dixieland Delights on Broadway and then allegedly punched the front window of the store. The employee told officers that Merrill had been asked to leave the store because he was harassing a cashier and became disorderly." ...

MI: Time to reduce gun violence: an open letter to Senator Dave Hildenbrand
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"It’s time for state Senator Dave Hildenbrand (MI-29) to step up and join reasonable efforts to reduce gun violence in Michigan – to save lives, to stand with a majority of voters, and to act consistently with his own public comments."

"Gun deaths now outnumber auto fatalities in Michigan. The Second Amendment allows reasonable laws to reduce those gun deaths ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Okay, since 53.6% of those "gun deaths" were suicides (a little lower than the national average of 59.5% according to the CDC's numbers for 2002 - 2010 (most recent)) what "reasonable laws" do you suggest for improving Michigan's mental health crisis system?

GA: Security boosted in wake of new Georgia gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Visitors to the Old Courthouse on Wright Square will soon have to pass through a metal detector installed in response to Georgia’s expanded gun law that takes effect July 1." ...

"However, the city’s security enhancements were in the works long before Gov. Nathan Deal signed House Bill 60 into law on April 23."

"'Improving security at public buildings has been a project we’ve been working on for several years now,' said city spokesman Bret Bell. 'It started with adding security guards to our public buildings about five years ago, and then we added surveillance cameras to our buildings.'" ...

FL: Are there limits to bearing arms?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There seems to be considerable misunderstanding (ingenuous or disingenuous?) of the Second Amendment by which a very wide ownership of guns in the U.S. is now considered to be constitutionally protected, as illustrated by Emmy Light’s web comment in the The Record (4/20/14) that there can be no limits, because the amendment states 'The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed' and the dictionary definition of infringe is to restrict or limit. For some reason she missed out the whole first part of the amendment which states that 'A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state; the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'" ...

TX: Second Amendment group marches in El Paso
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The local chapter of a state organization that supports the right of people to openly carry firearms participated in a statewide march on Saturday."

"Twenty members of Come and Take It Texas walked from Mesa Street and Cincinnati Avenue toward Mesa and Rim Road holding the Texas Flag and openly carrying several rifles, shotguns and pre-1899 black powder hand guns."

"They placed the guns in holsters while marching." ...

NJ: More gun laws hamstring law-abiding gun owners (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Too bad New Jersey’s politicians don’t understand that the laws they write affect only those who will abide by them. Criminals are going to do as they please, but the honest citizen is a little less safe with every infringement on their right to bear arms."

"New Jersey is one of the few states that just doesn’t grasp the meaning of the Second Amendment’s phrase 'shall not be infringed.'"

"Bills such as S993, which reduces the maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, do nothing to address the criminal element that preys on the citizens of New Jersey. Criminals don’t obey laws!" ...

WA: Gun rights: Keep Second Amendment, just stop distorting its meaning
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jerry Large is well-intentioned but off the mark ['Common sense calls for repeal of Second Amendment,' Local News, May 1]."

"The Second Amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms, but explicitly for the purpose of maintaining a 'well-regulated militia' — just read the text."

"It certainly does not allow crazy 'guns everywhere' policies as Republicans and the NRA falsely claim." ...

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. — Justice Robert H. Jackson

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