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‘Gun for Hire’ Colandro asks how N.J. will afford 900,000 new felons
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“And as a bonus to most of you,” Colandro added, earning laughter and applause from attendees, “we will all be felons as well, and many of us will lose our jobs and become wards of the state, like the majority of your constituents are now.”

FL: Police Shooting Frenzy Raises Concerns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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On December 10, more than two dozen police officers from across Miami Dade County converged on a blue Volvo that had crashed in the backyard of a townhouse ...
As the car was wedged helplessly between a light pole and a tree, nearly a minute passed before officers opened up – firing approximately 50 bullets at the car and the two unarmed men inside the vehicle.
The two men inside the car survived that initial volley of gunfire, according to witnesses, who said they could see the men moving inside the Volvo. Everything went quiet for nearly two minutes before the officers opened up a second time – unleashing an unrelenting torrent of bullets that lasted almost 25 seconds. By the time it was over, the two men inside the car were dead.

CA: Mother of teen killed in attempted burglary says 'they didn't have to kill him'
Submitted by: jac

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Steven Crider and Michael Sambrano, 14, were shot dead as they tried to enter an elderly widow’s home, police said. Police told the station that it may have been the third time the two targeted the house.

The homeowner was robbed on Easter and had replaced her deadbolt locks with double-locking deadbolts, a family member said. The teens were reportedly shot by another relative staying at the home.

AZ: Court says ads supporting gun rights allowed on city bus shelters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a partial victory for free speech rights, the state Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that gun-rights advice Alan Korwin has a legal right to post a political statement about the Second Amendment on Phoenix bus shelters.

The judges said city officials acted improperly in refusing to accept the ads because they were not limited strictly to a commercial message — in this case the topic being the training of people to handle firearms.

IA: Where's compromise in gun debate?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We appear to have reached a point in this county where the debate over the Second Amendment is pitting those who believe there are some places where guns do not belong against those who believe any limit on their right to carry in any place is unconstitutional.

It is hard to see any way of reaching a compromise in this debate.

SD: Guns unwelcome in legislative chambers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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South Dakota lawmaker Steve Hickey has 17 guns, a National Rifle Association card and a faith that pistol-packing residents make public places safer – except for the one where he works.

“We have the most contentious issues being debated in public policy, affecting people in irate, angrily ways and affecting millions and millions of dollars,” Hickey said of the copper-domed capitol in Pierre, where he sponsored a law allowing teachers to carry firearms in schools. “This is different than when you go work at the bar. This is different than you working at the bank.”

NH: Food Stamp Recipients Should Be Able to Buy Guns with EBT Cards
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On May 7th 2014 New Hampshire Representative Timothy Horrigan (D-Durham) stood on the state house floor and argued against legislation forbidding the use of EBT cards for guns, saying such a ban “is a blatant violation of the Second Amendment.”

OK: This governor messed with gun owners and lost again
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Oklahoma Senate voted unanimously Thursday to override Gov. Mary Fallin’s veto of House Bill 2461. Coming just days after similar action in the state House, it was the first time the Republican-dominated Legislature reversed a veto from the GOP governor.

After saying for days an override attempt was unlikely, Senate President Pro Temp Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa, allowed Majority Floor Leader Mike Schultz, R-Altus, to schedule a vote on the bill, a measure ardently supported by gun rights’ groups.


Senators voted, 39-0, to reverse Fallin. The House overrode the chief executive, 86-3, last week. As a result, the measure will become law, taking effect Nov. 1

IN: NRA is no civil rights organization
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As usual, the NRA attempted to scare its faithful in order to drum up additional gun sales. Its leadership claimed that support for background checks and laws to curb gun trafficking is eroding our rights, even as Indianapolis grapples with a per capita homicide rate that has reached a 30-year high. There’s a reason that criminals in Indiana rarely if ever have to go outside the state’s borders to acquire the weapons they use to kill with. How “free” are Indianapolis residents who feel trapped inside their homes at night as a result?

SC: Attorney General: Republican Club's fundraiser offering handgun as prize is illegal raffle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A fundraiser by a local political club that offers a handgun as a prize is illegal under state law, according to an S.C. Attorney General's Office spokesman.

The Greater Bluffton Republican Club is offering a Colt M1911 handgun and 30 minutes of shooting-range instruction as a prize in its "Second Amendment Fundraiser," but the drawing would violate state law, which prohibits raffles and lotteries.

MA: Comm2A Wins Second Amendment Rights Cases
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a case brought by Commonwealth Second Amendment, Inc. (Comm2A) on behalf of two individual plaintiffs, a U.S. District Court Judge has ruled unconstitutional the application of a Massachusetts law barring persons with convictions for simple drug possession from obtaining a License to Carry firearms when their convictions occurred out of state.

In his 14 page decision Judge Richard Sterns ruled that the law infringed upon the plaintiffs’ Second Amendment right to possess firearms in their home for purposes of self-defense and the right to maintain proficiency in their use.

TX: As Gov. of Texas, Would Abbott Continue to Stand for States' Rights?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s no secret that President Obama and his globalist gang are determined to disarm civilians. Attacks on the right to keep and bear arms are a constant and consistent activity of the Obama administration.

When states assert their rightful authority to pass laws nullifying unconstitutional federal acts, the White House orders its spokesmen to send threatening letters to the governors of those states courageous enough to get sideways of a president that sees himself above the law, particularly the constitutional law.

TX: NRA backs Paxton in Texas AG race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the race to become Texas’ next attorney general, state Sen. Ken Paxton, a Republican, is pulling out the big guns, or rather the big guns are supporting him.

On Monday the political arms of the National Rifle Association and Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA) endorsed Paxton in the upcoming May 27 runoff election.

GA: Cities and Counties Examine New Security Measures After Gun Bill Signing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some local cities and counties are exploring whether to add metal detectors or police officers to government buildings without security. The effort comes after Governor Nathan Deal recently signed a bill allowing those with concealed weapons permits to carry guns into unsecured government buildings.

KS: In Wichita, gun storage around kids no longer law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For 12 years, Wichita had an ordinance regulating gun storage around children. The Wichita law required that guns be properly secured if someone under 18 could have access and required that adults keep guns unloaded, locked away or secured with trigger locks. The City Council adopted the ordinance - punishable by a fine of up to $2,500 and up to a year in jail - in 1993 after a rash of accidental shootings involving children. In a little over two years, from January 1991 through April 1993, police recorded 69 firearms accidents in Wichita that resulted in death or injury. In 26 of the cases, the victim was under 18.

In 2005, the Wichita gun storage ordinance was repealed because a state law nullified it.

MO: Missouri moves toward stronger gun rights as Supreme Court wavers on Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If the Second Amendment's very breadth has left too much room to jurists' imaginations, this amendment is quite specific. To “the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms,” it adds a right to keep “ammunition, and accessories typical to the normal function of such arms.” This specifically closes the door on backdoor gun-control methods attempted in other states through ammunition and accessory bans.

More importantly, the Missouri amendment also requires the courts to apply “strict scrutiny” to any restriction on gun rights -- which is to say, restrictions will not survive judicial review unless they serve a “compelling governmental interest” and are tailored as narrowly as possible to achieve that interest.

MO: Missouri Legislature Asks Voters To Consider Stronger Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The state legislature is asking Missouri voters whether the Constitution should be changed to provide a stronger right to bear arms.

The legislature has sent to the November ballot a proposal to define the right to bear arms in Missouri as “unalienable” and to require the state to defend any infringement of that right. It would also guarantee a constitutional right to defend one’s family with a firearm.

The proposal cleared the state Senate 23-8 on Wednesday after the House passed it 122-31 the day before.

Metro Arm’s American Classic II 1911 – Where Beauty Meets Form & Function
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Eagle Imports, Inc., the exclusive distributor of Metro Arms, Bersa and Comanche firearms products, believes that price should not dictate pistol quality.

Case in point: the Metro Arms American Classic II 1911 style pistol, designed to be accurate right out of the box, yet featuring details and styling only found on high priced pistols.

Operation Chokepoint: Creeping into Unconstitutionality?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to the administration’s own guidance, the list of disapproved industries it is targeting for supervision include not just payday loans and credit-repair services, but also firearms/fireworks sales, ammunition sales, “As Seen on TV” products, gambling, home-based charities, pornography, online pharmaceuticals, and sweepstakes.

Bring it: ‘NRA Moms’ vs. Bloomberg’s ‘Moms Demand Action’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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And so it begins. Quite possibly, one of the most interesting gun control battles in a long time will be held in the world of Mom-dom. Soccer moms from across this land will put on the shoulder pads of pro- or anti-gun control sides and head out for knock-down, drag-out media wars. The field will get bloodied and believe me, there will not be any Kool-Aid moms in white pants running around in this scenario.

FL: "Pop-Tart Gun" Bill Allows Kids to Play With Fake Firearms in Florida Schools
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This bill is pretty much a middle finger to every school's zero-tolerance policy, like the one at the Maryland school that suspended an 8-year-old in March 2013 after he chewed his Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun. Of course, no one seems to be addressing what kind of future sociopath would gnaw his food into weaponry -- instead the NRA awarded this kid a lifetime membership. (Kidding!)

NY: Handgun-sharing ‘ban’ is a burden
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A few weeks back I went into visit our Orleans County clerk to ask for information on adding my father’s handguns onto my handgun permit, and vice versa. My father had gone into his county clerk’s office, in a neighboring county east of us, and was told it’s as easy as filling out a couple of forms, and to find out what my county required. I was surprised to learn that in our county, our judge has decided he will not allow handgun sharing unless living in the same residence.

IL: Illinois Certified Firearms Instructor Bill Needs Your Action
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In spite of our efforts to see protections added to HB4290, the Certified Firearms Instructor bill, it passed out of Senate committee yesterday unchanged.

Having already passed the House, it now goes to the Senate floor for second and third reading and then vote.

Please contact your State Senator and urge them to vote no on HB4290 unless protections are added for instructors who act in good faith within the vague and confusing rules established by the Illinois State Police.

NH: Gun Owners Beat Back Gun Bans & Gun Registration In New Hampshire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This defeat of the bill came after GOA had teamed up with the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition — a truly pro-gun group in the state — to oppose the bill. GOA and NHFC both issued multiple grassroots alerts and made direct appeals to legislators in the state capitol.

GOA also authored op-eds in state newspapers.

Sadly, a couple of “pro-gun” groups had pushed the legislation in New Hampshire to send lots of additional names to NICS. They felt that, if the liberal media saw that gun groups were willing to assist in taking away gun rights from some people, then the “gun lobby” would be viewed more favorably. Suffice it to say that this strategy never, ever works.

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. — GARY LLOYD

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