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CT: Fatal shooting began with road-rage incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After the road-rage incident, he said the first driver went to a home on Priscilla Street where a party was being held. The second driver followed the first to the Priscilla Street address and then left, returning a short time later with Parlemon.

Viadero said Parlemon then got out of the car with a mask covering his face and approached the house.

He continued that the shooter, believing that Parlemon had a gun, got his own gun and shot Parlemon.

Parlemon, bleeding from his wound, managed to get back into the car he came in and it drove off.

Viadero said the other unidentified people in the car dropped Parlemon off at the Evers Street firehouse and took off. Police were still searching for the car.

LA: Guns in Churches Bill Being Reworked
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Churches are places where people come together and worship, but some state legislators believe churches need to have better security.

Reverend Harold Trahan, pastor at St. Mary Catholic Church, said "I hope that if they do pass this law, that'll be up to the local pastor to say I do not want this implemented in my church."

Reverand Trahan has been a pastor for 41 years at St. Mary Catholic Church in Lafayette. He says he's never once felt his safety was threatened.

"I have never seen anyone with a gun in a church and I don't want anyone to start,” Trahan said. “I don't believe that children should be seeing people carry firearms in the church, I'm very much against it."

CA: California bill would increase rules on rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers in the California Assembly have evoked "Joe the Plumber," Japanese internment and the late novelist Ayn Rand as they battle over a gun control bill that would extend the same reporting requirements and regulations that govern hand guns to rifles and other long guns.

On Thursday, the measure, AB1810, passed the Assembly on a 43-10 vote. It now moves to the Senate. Assemblyman Mike Feuer, D-Los Angeles, sponsored the bill, saying it would help law enforcement investigate gun crimes. Opponents argue the Legislature is systematically taking away their constitutional rights under the Second Amendment.

UK: Britain Should Repeal Gun Laws, says American Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"In the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament should begin to dismantle Britain's stupid, draconian gun control laws," gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today.

"In addition," he continued, "Americans should tell those who would follow the British system of firearms regulation in this country to go take a hike.

"The recent Cumbria massacre in which suspected gunman Derrick Bird reportedly killed 12 people, including himself, and wounded 25 others, at 30 different locations, shows that these tough gun control laws do not prevent criminal violence. It shows instead that people who may have been armed if the law had not prevented them from being armed were made helpless by the law, in fact victimized because of it."

WY: Our love affair with guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Dave Faas pulls the weathered and worn long rifle out of a case and walks to the back of the small studio.

The gun's stock is repaired with brass screws and still shoots after 115 years.

His friend Bill Capozella, dressed in a cowboy getup, with a six-shooter on his hip, asks him if it's a '97.

"How many you got now?" Capozella asks.

"Ninety-sevens? Seventeen, I think," Faas responds.

"He started collecting those things," Capozella says.

"This is a '92 Winchester," the gray-haired Faas corrects his friend.

Should right to silence need claiming?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Imagine if the government treated our other Constitutional protections this way. Federal agents would be free to shut down church services unless prayer was preceded by a pastor's public statement that churchgoers were exercising their First Amendment rights. Newspapers and bloggers would have to print the First Amendment on their front page to stave off a crackdown against criticizing the president. Gun owners would have to sign documents affirming their Second Amendment rights, or the government would be free to seize their firearms. Sounds ridiculous, even un-American, right?

IL: Chicago homeowner shoots convicted felon in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police say that they pulled over Aaron Marshall of Chicago for a traffic violation, at which point he jumped out of his car, dropped the illegal drugs he was carrying, fled to a nearby home, and dove through the house's front window. The homeowner, who feared for his safety, reportedly grabbed his handgun and fired in self defense, striking Marshall in the chest and saving himself. Marshall, who survived, has reportedly been charged with criminal trespass, drug possession, driving while revoked, and failure to obey a stop sign. According to court records, Marshall's convictions include aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and a drug conviction.

IL: Homicides are up 4 percent, though overall crime has dropped
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the last couple of weeks, police have declined to seek criminal charges against two residents who shot intruders, despite the city's decades-old handgun ban. Both residents appear to have used a gun in self-defense, according to police. Detectives are still gathering the evidence in both cases, Weis said.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule this month on the constitutionality of Chicago's 28-year gun ban.

"I know there's a general thought that the handgun ban will be overturned," Weis said. "It's a little premature to talk about that until we actually have the decision."

UT: No shooting within city limits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After countless letters and several public hearings debating the code, council members, the city attorney and chief of police examined the language further and recommendations were made regarding the use of other potentially dangerous objects.

The council voted 4-1 to amend city code, also making it unlawful to "discharge or use any air gun, BB gun, slingshot, wrist rocket, crossbow, bow and arrow, or any other contrivance of similar nature within the jurisdictional limits of Centerville City."

Romney explained that the law didn't apply to novelties and plastic toys of similar nature that aren't designed to travel more than 50 feet.

IL: Oral Arguments Heard In Critical Second Amendment Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The case, U.S. v. Skoien, addresses the standard of review to be applied when laws are challenged under the Second Amendment.

The NRA argued in its amicus brief that the highest standard, “strict scrutiny” test should apply, meaning that any gun-control law must address a compelling governmental interest, and any legislation enacted to address that interest must be narrowly tailored so as not to unnecessarily infringe on the right to keeps and bear arms.

New Developments In The ‘Concealed Carry’ Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Meanwhile, critics argue that increased gun ownership leads to more gun crime and that concealed handguns boost the chances of arguments becoming lethal, and increase the number of unintended gun injuries.

However, recent research conducted by David Burnett and Clayton Cramer, who track incidents of defensive gun use at, found that concealed guns may in fact save lives.

The stories they documented include senior citizens fighting off robbers and women defending themselves against attackers, proving that armed citizens may prevent violent crimes at restaurants, grocery stores, banks or coffee houses.

Bench Memos
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights. This memo has been discussed before. In response to an argument that the District of Columbia’s strict gun laws violate the Second Amendment, Kagan declared: “I am not sympathetic.” This argument won the day in the recent Heller case.

AZ: NELA first in state to complete gun program
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For their final intensive of the 2009-10 school year, 12 Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy students completed the 90-hour Arizona Gun Safety Program for Arizona high school students.

According to Matt and Sherrie Seibert, who helped write the program and worked with NELA teacher Charles Mentken to teach the class, the NELA students were the first in the state to complete the entire course.

According to NELA sophomore Jackson McCrea, the purpose of the class was to "educate students in the proper way to handle firearms. We will all probably come in contact with firearms sometime and we need to do it safely."

Citizen Heroes Snared in Foolish Gun Restrictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Supreme Court is expected to strike down Chicago’s ban when they release their decision in the case of McDonald v. Chicago. That decision is scheduled to be announced toward the end of this month and answers the question whether the Second Amendment restricts states and municipalities from enacting harsh gun laws. It is likely that there will never be a clear and complete definition from the courts as to exactly what restrictions are acceptable and what are not and at this point there is very little jurisprudence on that subject so Chicago will doubtlessly respond by implementing some less comprehensive, but equally onerous restrictions once their total ban is rejected. Expect the wrangling over what is and what is not an infringement of “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” to be bouncing through the courts for at least the next two or three decades.

IA: Should the U.S. Senate confirm Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supremem Court?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another example is the Second Amendment. While she says it protects an individual's right to own guns, this is not an unlimited protection.


Kagan has no quarrel with the death penalty. She believes that there should be a ban on assault weapons.

Kagan, then, comes across as a legal centrist. Since the High Court may rule on such fundamental issues as racial justice, private property and immigrant rights, we can only speculate about how she will respond.

Most observers believe she will be confirmed. We need a new justice who will vigorously protect individual liberty, equality, privacy and our political system.

NV: Reid Just May Eke Out Victory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Las Vegas small-business man Glenn Brown emerged from an early voting polling station in Las Vegas on Wednesday saying he is a registered Republican who voted for Lowden in the primary. However, Brown said he would probably support Reid in the general election because of Reid’s power in Washington.

A staunch Second Amendment supporter, Brown said, “The only reason the Democratic Party hasn’t done what they might have done [on gun control] is because Harry is keeping them in check.” Brown cited Reid’s work in bringing the Clark County Shooting Park to the Vegas area.

But he said, “I thought Harry had bigger cojones” and should have stood up to Obama’s push for health care reform.

CA: Defense's dilemma: Should ex-BART cop testify?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The only person who knows for sure why former BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle killed an unarmed train rider is Mehserle himself. But whether he will explain the shooting at his murder trial is an open question - and a monumental one.

SC: Third suspect in I-95 robbery attempt, shootout in Colleton County turns himself in
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At that time a silver colored sedan pulled up with three men inside. One of the men hopped out of the car and pointed a gun at the mother-in-law. Her son-in-law stood up from behind the vehicle, drew his own weapon and ordered the men to leave several times. As the suspect turned and pointed his gun, the son-in-law fired several rounds hitting the suspect several times. The suspect fell to the ground and dropped his weapon. ...
Officials say the son-in-law who fired in self-defense recently returned from the Middle East as an Army [SPC] and had a concealed weapons permit to carry his weapon. He will not face any charges.

Despite adjustments, court harried in June
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stanford University law Professor Jeffrey Fisher asked Stevens at a conference in May how he might feel on the first Monday in October, when his colleagues begin a term without him.

"I really don't know," Stevens said. "I'm mainly concerned about getting the work done by the end of the term. We're a little behind in some of our output."

Among the cases awaiting decisions:

•McDonald v. City of Chicago: testing whether the Second Amendment right to bear arms can be invoked against city and state gun regulations; a 2008 ruling said the Second Amendment could be used to challenge regulations by the federal enclave of Washington.

WA: Gun-Lovers De-Litter Shooting Area
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Members of, a Second Amendment group, picked up trash and targets at the local shooting area. They coordinated the effort with the state Department of Natural Resources and Project Wilderness from Bend, Ore.

There were a few weekend shooters at the pit when the volunteers arrived, and Tyler says they pitched in to help with the cleanup.

Once the work was done, Tyler says, "We barbequed burgers and had a good time chatting with others who share similar interests. At the end of the day, what else is a Second Amendment group to do but blow off a few rounds. We managed to find all our targets and add them to the growing pile."

Should Law Require 'Shooting to Wound'?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"That any would believe Lone Ranger outcomes can be mandated by legislation speaks more to the childish ignorance of much of the political class running our cities. It figures this would be proposed in New York."

Gun-Savvy Citizen Shoots Hostage-Takers, Saves Family and Police Chief
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A citizen competent in firearms use saved the day--not to mention a police chief. And this gripping story is but one entry from 'Guns in the News' in a just-republished issue of GUNS Magazine."

"From 50 years ago."

Teen stabbed multiple times in church parking lot
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"A teenage boy was stabbed nearly a dozen times Sunday morning in an LDS Church parking lot. Police are now trying to track down the attacker.

Police say the stabbing happened around 5 a.m. on the north side of the church at 3450 S. 6400 West. The 16-year-old was able to drag himself away from the scene of the crime, but collapsed a block later.

"It was an extremely bloody scene," said Sgt. Paul Gill with the West Valley City Police Department. "It was a violent attack."

Submitter's note: Gee, why would anyone need a self defense tool at church. Criminals never prey on people in church parking lots. This is why I carry to church.

Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police

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