Take not counsel of your fears
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"Soldiers are in most ways no different than the population they spring from. They are men and women, the same as the rest of us. They pull their pants (or their panties) on one leg at a time just as we all do. ..." ...
"I am distrurbed (as are many soldiers who are paying attention) by the fact that some on our side are assuming in advance their collective defection in the cause we all hold dear. So hold onto your pews, parishioners, here comes the fire and brimstone." ...
"I am sick and tired of all this 'woe is us!' pity party crap about Homeland Security training exercises and military involvement in same, and I am especially sick and tired of folks blaming ordinary soldiers for it and assuming that one day soon, they are going to violate their oaths to the Constitution. ..." ... |
Sugarmann column on Gun World editor as off-base as the entire gun prohibition movement
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"Earlier in July, the Violence Policy Center's Josh Sugarmann – writing on the Huffington Post website – made what had to be one of the more bone-headed attempts in recent memory to drive a wedge between people in the firearms community when he critiqued remarks written by Jan Libourel, editor of Gun World magazine."
"Libourel is an extraordinarily bright guy, well-read in every sense, and – as is common among gun writers – unabashedly opinionated. As a recognized firearms authority, he's supposed to be opinionated. That's his job, and he is very good at it. Gun owners enjoy those opinions, even if they don't always agree with them; it's a 'First Amendment thing.' Evidently, Sugarmann doesn't get this; not at all surprising ..." ... |
Republicans Echo NRA Concerns
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"On Wednesday, Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy derided the National Rifle Association for announcing that it would be scoring senators' votes on the Sonia Sotomayor confirmation. 'I would hope all senators would make up their mind based on what they saw or what they heard and not what any pressure group on the either right or left comes up with,' the Vermont Democrat said at a press conference, which was co-hosted by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., in coordination with progressive interest groups."
"But whether or not the NRA is pulling the strings, the Second Amendment is clearly one of the biggest concerns for Republicans voting against Sotomayor ..." ... |
2nd Amendment questions prompt 2 Georgia nays for Sotomayor
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"Georgia's delegation to the US Senate announced yesterday that both senators will be voting against the confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice, when the matter comes to the full senate next week."
"Both Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) cited concerns over Sotomayor's stand on the Second Amendment ..."
"Chambliss, who received more money from gun rights groups last year than any other senator besides then presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), said in a statement released Thursday evening, that he is 'concerned about her reasoning in cases where she has considered this [Second Amendment] issue,' and overall finds 'her lack of well-reasoned opinions troublesome.'" ... |
Ron Ramsey Urges Vote Against Sotomayor; She Ain't Gun Enough
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"Tennessee gubernatorial aspirant Ron Ramsey doesn't seem to have learned from the backlash against the legislature's guns-in-parks-and-bars bills. So he's decided to insert himself into the confirmation vote on Judge Sonia Sotomayor, hoping to push his unique brand of gooberism on the federal level."
"In an announcement this afternoon, Ramsey called on Tennesseans to urge their senators to vote against the nominee. He doesn't actually mean this, since he knows that Lamar Alexander already plans to vote yea, while Bob Corker will vote nay. But it does offer him the chance to snuggle up to gun nuts in the Republican primary:" ... |
Too close for comfort
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The U.S. Senate acted wisely in rejecting a measure that would have allowed a person with a permit to carry a concealed weapon in one state to also carry such a weapon into any other state." ...
"Had it passed, the provision would have considerably expanded federal legislative power over the states with regard to gun rights."
"Historically, the U.S. Supreme Court has very lightly interpreted the Second Amendment ..."
"Some, but not all, of the rights under the Bill of Rights have been extended from federal to state law by exercise of the Fourteenth Amendment ..."
"Significantly, the court has yet to extend to the states by incorporation the explicit protection of the Second Amendment." ... -------
KABA Note: Even more significantly, SCOTUS has never had a case on point since 'incorporation' was started. |
Assemblywoman Schimel Works to Defeat Thune Amendment
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Assemblywoman Michelle Schimel, 16th AD, teamed up with New York State Senator Chuck Schumer, Jackie Hilly of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, and the Brady Campaign to defeat an attempt by the gun lobby to legalize the transport of concealed pistols across state lines."
"Assemblywoman Schimel, who has advocated for numerous crime prevention measures[sic] such as microstamping, was on the floor of the National Conference of State Legislators in Philadelphia lobbying state representatives from crucial swing states to call their respective United States senators to beat the amendment. ..." ... |
En Banc 9th Circuit to Hear Gun Case, Though Neither Side Requested It
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"The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled an en banc hearing in a case that applied the Second Amendment to the states, though neither side had sought additional review."
"University of Pittsburgh law professor Arthur Hellman told the Recorder that gun-control supporters on the San Francisco-based appeals court may have voted for rehearing to eliminate a circuit split and a reason for the U.S. Supreme Court to accept the case."
"A 9th Circuit panel had ruled in April that the individual right to gun ownership found in the Supreme Court decision District of Columbia v. Heller applied to state and local governments. Heller had involved a Washington, D.C., resident and did not decide the incorporation issue." ... |
Gun Law Expert Commends Congressmen for Sponsoring Mariners Self-Defense Bill
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"'Freedom-loving Americans congratulate two congressmen for sponsoring a bill this week to ensure the traditional right of self-defense of United States mariners against acts of piracy,' gun rights activist John M. Snyder said here today."
"'This contrasts sharply and favorably with the Senate Judiciary Committee's vote earlier in the week to recommend Senate confirmation to the Supreme Court of a nominee who doesn't even know if there is a right to self-defense,' he added. 'Hopefully, the full Senate will refuse to accept its committee's absurd position'"
"Reps. Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) and Elijah Cummings (D-MD) introduced H.R. 3376, the proposed United States Mariner and Vessel Protection Act of 2009. ..." ... |
VA: Virginia Is For Pro Gun Activists
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"As I noted in last month’s column, the 2009 Virginia elections will be ground zero for our grassroots activities this year. Not only will these elections determine the future our of our gun rights in Virginia, but they will also be used as a barometer for the 2010 elections."
"If two recent events I attended in Virginia Beach are any indication, we are well positioned this year in Virginia to remind politicians running in 2010 that those who oppose the Second Amendment do so at their own political peril!"
"On July 16, my Virginia Beach tour begin with a Volunteer Kick-Off meeting I conducted along with NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative (CFR) Tom Garloch. ..." ... |
TN: Parks & Rec. Board Requests Ban On Firearms In Parks
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"The Greeneville Parks & Recreation Advisory Board voted Thursday to ask the Greeneville Board of Mayor and Aldermen to pass a resolution banning firearms from Greeneville's parks." ...
"At the outset of discussion of the issue of guns in parks, Parks & Recreation Director Butch Patterson passed out a newsletter from the Tennessee Parks & Recreation Association indicating that 21 municipalities across the state had passed resolutions banning firearms from their parks."
"Twenty-four other municipalities were said to be working on similar resolutions."
"The action came on a motion from County Attorney Roger Woolsey, a Parks and Recreation Board member." ... |
Obama's Secret Police
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"Well, we can relax, because the bad old days of the Bush administration, when government agencies routinely spied on the antiwar movement and other dissidents, are over — right?"
"Wrong – very wrong."
"The indispensable Amy Goodman has the scoop: The Seattle Port Militarization Resistance (SPMR) group in Washington state thought their listserv coordinator, who went by the name 'John Jacob,' was one of them: a dedicated antiwar activist and self-described anarchist. They trusted him, they put him in a key position, they befriended him – and then they found out that he was a government informant." ... |
K-9 "Officers" Outrank Civilian Humans
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"Last month, Jeffrey L. Metz of Delaware, Ohio was sentenced to six months in jail and five years’ probation for two felony counts: Failure to obey a police officer and assaulting a police officer."
"Metz earned the first charge by leading police on a high-speed chase ... The second charge, a fourth-degree felony, was filed because Metz struck a police dog, referred to as a 'K-9 Officer' in the official paperwork, that was sent to subdue him. The dog, named Thor, lost a tooth."
"A few weeks after Metz was sentenced to half a year behind bars for striking [Thor] ... an Ohio State student who struck and accidentally killed a man in Columbus received a 60-day jail sentence. ..." ... |
MA: Police officer suspended after racially charged e-mail
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"An officer in the Boston Police Department has been suspended after allegedly writing a racially charged e-mail about Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. to colleagues at the National Guard, a law enforcement official said."
"The law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Officer Justin Barrett referred to the black scholar as a 'jungle monkey' in the letter, written in reaction to news coverage of Gates’s arrest July 16. Barrett was suspended Tuesday, pending a termination hearing."
"Mayor Thomas M. Menino condemned the comment and called for the officer's dismissal." ... |
TN: Sheriff Gobble Doesn't Understand The 2nd Amendment
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"I am delighted to see that Sheriff Gobble supports the Second Amendment, I do too. But I am sorry to see that he clearly does not understand it. Contrary to his apparent belief, it does not guarantee us the right to be armed at all times."
"Your Second Amendment rights will not get you aboard an airplane with a gun; they will not gain you admittance to a school if you are armed; and they will not get you past my front door if you come to my home to visit and I ask you to leave your gun outside. Obviously, there are places where you cannot carry your gun."
"Likewise, our First Amendment right to free speech does not mean that we are free to incite a riot or disrupt a worship service or other public meeting. ..." ... |
DC: D.C. lawyer arrested for expressing contempt towards police
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"Attorney Pepin Tuma probably knows the law when it comes to expressing your First Amendment rights in front of police officers. It’s something you would hope they teach in the first year of law school."
"Unfortunately, Washington D.C. police haven't a clue."
"They arrested Tuma Saturday night after the 33-year-old attorney chanted, 'I hate the police. I hate the police.'"
"The charge: Disorderly conduct."
"I've said it before and I'll say it again. Disorderly conduct is the charge cops use when they can't think of an actual crime committed."
"It happened in my arrest. It happened in the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Gates. And it has happened on many of the contempt of cop arrests I write about." ...
"Tuma, who is gay, said police pushed him against an electric utility box, ordering him to 'shut up, faggot.'" ... |
TN: 5 local restaurants prohibit guns or likely to
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"Five of 11 Oak Ridge restaurants surveyed this week said they either will prohibit guns in their businesses or are leaning toward doing so under a new state law that went into effect July 14."
"Conversely, two restaurants said they will allow permit holders to carry weapons."
"Meanwhile, representatives at four other establishments said they have either not yet made a decision or not announced one."
"The new Tennessee law allows permit holders to carry weapons into restaurants that serve alcohol as long as the person carrying the gun doesn't drink. Restaurant owners can reportedly "opt out" of the legislation by posting signs announcing a ban on weapons in their establishments." ... |
TN: Nashville council members hear both sides on guns-in-parks ban
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"Metro Council members on Thursday peppered two groups of experts with questions about the impact of a proposal to ban guns in city parks, with each side arguing that its stance would make the parks safer."
"Supporters of the ban said preventing handgun carry permit holders from bringing their guns would protect children and others who simply want to enjoy themselves. Opponents said the ban would leave legal gun owners unprotected, while criminals would continue to bring their weapons."
"'Criminals don't obey the law,' Rick Cowan, a software engineer who attended the forum in the council chamber, said after it was over. 'I, and I alone, am responsible for my self-defense.'" ... |