FL: Floridians not gun-shy
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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It might be concern for President ... Obama's record on guns or fear that a bad economy will cause crime to rise, or reaction to last year's guns-at-work law. Or maybe a combination of all three is behind the rapid rise in applications for pistol-toting permits, state officials say.
"We're still sitting on about 50,000 applications," said Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson. "We're getting in about 14,000 or 15,000 a month and whenever they get a good slug out, they're getting another 15,000 in."
Bronson went to the Legislature last spring for authorization to hire 61 temporary employees — bringing the total to 202 — who have helped whittle down a backlog that then stood at 90,000 for all types of concealed-weapon permits. |
PA: Pizza shop armed robber shot in self defense
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Mark A. Taff
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The owner of Tony's Place, a pizza shop in Philadelphia, PA, reportedly shot an armed robber in self defense.
Police say that an armed robber entered the pizza shop, which is located on the 2900 block of Frankford Avenue, at about 11:45 PM on Saturday. The robber is said to have threatened the life of the pizza shop owner, while demanding money. The shop owner reportedly grabbed his gun and fired in self defense. The robber was hit, and is in critical condition at a local hospital. Neither the shop owner nor any innocent bystanders were harmed. |
NV: Rule changes sought at Washoe County shootng range
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Mark A. Taff
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Thousands of people sight in deer rifles, practice target shooting, compete in shooting sports and train for their careers every year at the Washoe County Regional Shooting Range. Advertisement
The range on the Pyramid Highway near Pyramid Lake may get a new direction and goals, as a new committee sets long-term goals and considers raising user fees and perhaps changes the way groups reserve the range for use.
The seven-member Washoe County Shooting Facility Advisory Committee formed in July will make recommendations to the Washoe County Commission. |
Gun Owners Mourn Start of Sotomayor Era
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The Senate easily confirmed the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Only 31 Senators took seriously their oath to uphold the Constitution and voted against this radical anti-gun nominee, with 68 voting for confirmation.
All the Democrats in attendance voted for Sotomayor, while nine Republicans joined their ranks.
The Republican Senators who voted for Sotomayor were: Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Christopher Bond of Missouri, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Richard G. Lugar of Indiana, Mel Martinez of Florida, George Voinovich of Ohio and Susan Collins and Olympia J. Snowe of Maine. |
Prospects dim for Mexican firearms treaty
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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...Obama's call for the Senate to ratify a hemispheric small-firearms treaty dominated his last visit to Mexico, but in the four months since, both the treaty pledge and the drug violence that prompted it have dropped off the radar - a victim of Congress' full schedule and gun politics.
That means on Sunday Mr. Obama will go with an empty hand to Mexico, which blames the U.S. for many of the weapons used by drug cartels that have violently thwarted a crackdown by Mexican authorities.
And even though Mr. Obama and his administration have accepted that blame, prospects are dim for passage of the treaty, which calls on countries to license gun manufacturers and try to control illicit trafficking in firearms, ammunition and explosives. |
IL: Gun rights activists reach out at Black Women's Expo in Chicago
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Mark A. Taff
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"You know you're wrong for that poster, right?" The lady asked, eyeing Representative Bobby Rush's face under the prominent words "I Sold Out to White Politicians . . . ." It didn't surprise Illinois Carry representative "Dr. G" that she took offense; the poster is obviously meant to be too provocative to ignore. What's surprising, he says, is the number of people at a Chicago event who made a point of signing his petition for concealed carry reform. He wasn't at a gun show or a gun-rights rally, after all. For only the second year, Illinois gun rights groups including the ISRA, Illinois Carry, and the Second Amendment Sisters, joined by civil rights group CORE Chicago, had purchased space at the Black Women's Expo in Chicago. |
KS: Police: 70 year old stabs neighbor in self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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Two people were arrested following a stabbing in south Wichita Saturday night. It happened just after 9:00 P.M. in the 5100 block of south Hydraulic. Police say a 30-year-old man kicked in his 70-year-old neighbor's door, and that the elderly man stabbed the 30 year old in self-defense. A nephew of the 70 year old then hit the attacker with an edging tool. The 30 year old who broke into the house was taken to the hospital with critical injuries.
The 30 year old and the nephew were arrested. The 70 year old's actions were ruled self-defense. |
MI: Gun ownership rapidly on rise in county
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Mark A. Taff
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While the national debate about the right to bear arms most likely won't be resolved anytime soon, one thing is certain: Livingston County residents believe in exercising their Second Amendment rights. Advertisement
The county has issued 1,200 gun permits — both new and renewed — since January, which is nearly triple the 445 issued for the same time period last year.
"My guess is (the reason) is twofold: One, concerns with potential for gun restrictions and, two, partially due to the economy," Lt. Mike Kinaschuk of the Livingston County Sheriff's Department said.
"People believe they have to protect themselves. There are fewer police officers on the street these days," he noted. |
WI: Picnickers in Green Bay bear arms for gun rights
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Mark A. Taff
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About 40 men — and a handful of women — gathered Saturday at Ted Fritsch Park in Green Bay to enjoy burgers and hot dogs and celebrate the right to bear arms. Advertisement
Most carried a holstered sidearm; some didn't. All were offering the same message: "We're here to spread the word that open carry is legal and bring some attention to it," said Dan Cumings, 33, of Green Bay. He had a .357-caliber revolver holstered on his right hip.
Tiana Silva of Appleton said she wore a handgun Saturday simply because she can. Her pink holstered Taurus 9 mm semi-automatic handgun was as much a fashion statement as a self-defense implement.
"I support the Second Amendment and this is one way to do it," she said. |
SD: Who Should Pay for the Exercise of Your Rights?
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Mark A. Taff
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Are other Americans obligated to pay for your access to your rights? For instance, should other Americans be forced to buy you a gun to fulfill your Second Amendment right, or buy you a newspaper to fulfill your First Amendment right? Are other Americans obligated to pay for a theoretical “right” to “free” health care?
Ed.: There is also a nice, but unrelated, cartoon on the site. |
TX: Teen fatally shot on far West Side
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Mark A. Taff
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The man, who has not yet been identified, was shot once in the head around 4:30 a.m. at a home in the 5800 block of Cliff Path, said Sgt. Barry Smith with the San Antonio Police Department. Smith said the man and several others had been fighting near the home when another man, who officers said owns the home, came outside.
He began to fight with the others, Smith said, and then is believed to have shot the victim on his front porch with a handgun.
Police recovered the weapon and detained the suspected shooter, but Smith said it is unclear whether the man will face any charges as the shooting may be considered a justified homicide, meaning the man was acting in self-defense. |
FL: The gun shop stimulus
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Mark A. Taff
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The situation puts angry, Southwestern Americans in a slightly inconsistent position. They demand that Mexico keep its dad-gummed people from coming north without permission. But, as for our guns going south without their permission? Mexico has to suck that up for our Second Amendment.
This is known as the Good Neighbor Policy. Mexicans describe it as, "Poor Mexico: So far from God, so close to the United States."
So, the government is wasting taxpayers' dollars on the Mexico border. We spend $40 million a year and still wind up with the world's richest and best-armed criminal organization on our southern border. |
Praxis: L. Neil Smith's Choice for the Optimum "Urban Assault Rifle"
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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Libertarian and science fiction writer L. Neil Smith responded to my Praxis question with the email below. . .
I have always considered my M94 Marlin in .44 Magnum to be my "urban assault rifle" since Jeff Cooper invented the term. Ten rounds in the magazine, one in the chamber, can be re-fed without being incapacitated. Much stronger and more durable than the Winchester. I own several "black guns" -- tell your henpecked friend to practice saying "sport-utility rifle" -- but for this retired gunsmith, it's the Marlin 94, or its big brother the 1895CB (ony nine rounds in the magazine, alas) in .47-70. . . |
Gun rights are for immigrants too
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Mike Stollenwerk
Website: http://www.opencarry.org
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Some gun rights advocates worry that immigrants from other cultures will dilute support for gun rights in America. But I'm not so sure that's true, especially since immigrants come to America for freedom and opportunity not found in their home country. And the fact that two out of two random CHP applicants in Virginia are immigrants just goes to show you that it appears that gun rights are for immigrants too.
Pay-Pal SHUTS DOWN Gun-Blogger's Fundraiser FOR THE TROOPS!
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Paypal is owned by eBay. Their PR department is at (408) 376-7458. Please be polite.
This is turning into a big PR mess for them, and a couple thousand voice messages suggesting that, while we don’t think they hate wounded soldiers, we’d love it if they could, you know, confirm that.// No Good Deed Goes Unpunished From Kevin @ The smallest minority
OK, I'm livid.
As most of you know, the fourth annual Gun Blogger's Rendezvous is fast approaching (43 days away as I write this), and this year I planned to make a special contribution to support Project Valour-IT - a gun giveaway that would be for even those unable to attend. But I'm not a 501(c)(3) organization, or any other kind of tax-free charity, so I couldn't actually run a |
Resistance to Slavery and Oppression is Hatemongering
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At just over five minutes of the video, watch what this ignorant and intolerant clown says about Americans with guns and ammunition. Watch him make claims about what peaceful, freedom-loving Americans who buy guns are plotting to do. Listen good – I won’t even repeat those words in this blog. Then Mr. Schaeffer notes that crazy Americans with guns “think that Obama is going to take their guns away…” Now, a simple google search will produce scores of media news, sound bites, quotes, interviews, and GOVERNMENT BILLS that put forth blatant evidence that Obama and his administration hacks desire to disarm Americans. |
Praxis Request: Rifle for Urban Setting?
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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So here's my question. Other than an "assault weapon" . . . what would you recommend I purchase, and why? As I see it, it needs to be in a common caliber, something I could reload, something that doesn't scream "scary military rifle" to the wife, is reasonably accurate at distances typically shot, can be fitted with a scope (my eyes ain't what they once were) and costs under $300. Is there anything like that? . . . it doesn't need to be a semi. Indeed, I was thinking of maybe a lever, but was unsure of the ubiquity of ammunition for these rifles. |
Praxis: "The Box O' Truth" -- A University Education in Practical Terminal Ballistics.
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Mike Vanderboegh
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"The Box O' Truth - What you always wanted to know... But were unable to test yourself!" -- Old Painless
The Box O' Truth website is run by Old Painless, a Life and Patron Member of the NRA who holds certification as a Pistol Instructor, Rifle Instructor, Shotgun Instructor, Personal Firearms Defense Instructor, and Home Firearms Safety Instructor.
In Old Painless' words:
The purpose of the Box O' Truth is to test the penetration of various rounds. There is only one way to know how much a certain round penetrates. You must shoot it into a medium and see for a fact.
Go to his site and observe all the tests. Great stuff. And be sure and subscribe to his newsletter.
David Olofson's Revenge: An Open Solicitation for Documents Related to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
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Mike Vanderboegh
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Cockroaches hate the light.
So, too, do federal bureaucrats, especially ATF bureaucrats, for they have more slip-shod operations, misuse of taxpayer funds and sheer, bloody misconduct to hide. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests can often disclose inconvenient facts, but more often they are successfully stonewalled. ("Document? What document? Cannot be found, silly peasant.") Even requests for exculpatory material when a man is on trial for an alleged federal felony which will decide where he gets to spend the rest of his life are often ignored or short-circuited, contrary to law.
People Die in Obama's Unarmed Chicago
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A reader sent me this amazing article. The disarmed Chicago citizenry is getting slaughtered. The article refers to Chicago as a bloodbath. He summarizes:
The #’s total were 48 dead 210 wounded with the most draconian laws in the country. We don’t need to mention the 624 armed robberies (handgun), 1454 burglary’s (forceable entry) or the others.
From the article:
As of July 30, at least 42 people had been shot and killed, and 183 more had been shot and wounded since July 1. Among the injured were a 9-year-old girl, an 8-year-old boy, a UPS driver who was on a break after making a delivery, and two Chicago police officers serving a drug warrant. |
8 Tools and Gadgets to Prepare Your Home For Any Disaster
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For millions of Americans living along the Gulf and Atlantic coastlines, hurricane season is an annual call to arms, a six-month stretch from June through November spent watching the skies and the local news for signs of trouble. Other regions cope with the threat of wildfires, quakes and tornadoes—and blackouts can strike anywhere. While no season is safe from disruption, late summer seems particularly inviting to the demons of disaster. Here’s a step-by-step guide to preparing your home and family. |
Is This Coming? [video]
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Bob Staurovsky
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Mr. Manning states the white people of this country are NOT going to be pushed anymore. He says riots WILL break out and make the black riots look like nothing, watch the video for yourself. http://la-gun.com/email/manning/ |
FL: Gun permits jump 67 %
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Florida is seeing a huge increase in applications for concealed weapon permits.
The state is on pace to handle 150,000 requests -- a 67 percent increase over 2008. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was so overwhelmed that Commissioner Charles Bronson petitioned the Legislature for 61 temporary employees, giving him 202 workers to wade through a spring backlog of 90,000 requests. That amount alone represents as many petitions as the state received in all of 2008.
Submitter's note: ...and still they get a quote from liar, liar, pants on fire Hamm. |
OR: Jeff Maxwell Lawsuit Filed
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Bruce Krafft
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"If you think dealing with the legislative system is frustrating, you don't know the half of it."
"Those of you who followed the case of Jeff Maxwell, a Marine Corp veteran who was arrested at Western Oregon University for exercising his Second Amendment rights, know how long we have been involved in our efforts to get justice for him."
"It has been a very long and complicated journey"
"Although we were able to quickly get the criminal charges against him dropped, getting the Oregon University system to comply with the law is another matter." ...
"On August 7th, our attorneys filed a Petition for Judicial Determination of Validity of Rule." ... |
No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775]. |