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Newslinks for 8/11/2009

WI: Concealed carry killers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution has been interpreted as guaranteeing a right to bear arms.
.....But we do not respect the bizarre claim that the Second Amendment can be read to include a right to conceal arms.

NE - Political Statement Frightens Neighbors
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Omaha Police rush to the Gifford Park Neighborhood after a caller reported a man, walking his dog, and carrying a big gun. The call was made on Monday, August 3rd shortly after 5PM.

TX: Tax-Feeders and Manufactured “Crimes”
Submitted by: Larry

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“I told them, `Isn’t it strange that someone parked their car there with the windows down and the keys in it?’” he recalled. The police replied that there was no problem, since the car was parked legally, and then left.

Puzzled by the apparent indifference of the police and worried that the car might be a crime scene, Ledford and his girlfriend decided to examine the vehicle in the hope of learning the identity of its owner. They noticed odd things, such as broken glass, a pair of men’s work boots, a length of rope, and a bikini top in the back seat; this made them wonder if the car belonged to a serial killer.

Practically the instant that the couple approached the abandoned vehicle, a police cruiser sped to the scene and Ledford and Ward were arrested. At the station they waived their right to counsel and tried to explain their concerns to the on-scene investigator, who released them immediately.

However, a few days later the couple was served with an arrest warrant signed by the same investigator, who accused them of burglary.

CT: Police Responding to Gunshots, Find World War II Re-Enactment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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State police who responded to a report of gunshots in Old Lyme instead found some men re-enacting a World War II Jeep landing.
Troopers and officers from the state Department of Environmental Protection were called to Calves Beach in Old Lyme late Sunday morning after neighbors reported hearing gunfire.
DEP spokesman Dwayne Gardner says they found the men in costume on a restored World War II landing vessel, shooting blanks from a .50-caliber machine gun.
He says Roy Gagne of Chester told them he and his friends were filming a re-enactment. It was not clear why.
Gagne was cited for creating a public disturbance and for not having an operators license for the landing craft.

UK: Self defense in England, in our future?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk , England , killed one burglar and wounded a second. In April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term.

How did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once great British Empire ?

It started with the Pistols Act of 1903. This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license. The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns.

Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.

Should the 2nd Amendment Apply to the States?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the wake of last year’s Heller decision the question of incorporating the 2nd Amendment to the states has seen some play in the U.S. circuit court system. What is “incorporation” and should the 2nd Amendment override state law?

First, here is some audio from Guntalk, a weekly radio show hosted by Tom Gresham of, a wonderful resource for all gun-owners.

Gresham reveals the details of the previous incorporation-related cases and a new development that could have a bearing on whether or not the Supreme Court takes up the question. Before it was a no-brainer for the high court to hear the case, but now the 9th Circuit Court appears to be trying their hardest to make it a “brainer”.

Bloomberg, Booker Blast Loopholes in Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Newark Mayor Cory Booker is expressing outrage at loopholes in the nation's gun laws. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press", Booker said even those who own firearms think a change is needed.

BOOKER: I'm not concerned about law-abiding citizens having access to guns. Not one shooting in my city last year was by somebody who went, had a background check, bought a gun and shot somebody in my city - does not happen. What we're concerned with is these myriad of laws that create the flow of illegal weapons into our cities.

N.Y. mayor says he’d raise funds for anti-NRA effort
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he would raise money for a national campaign to counter the political influence of the National Rifle Association, building on the recent defeat of federal legislation that would have eased prohibitions against carrying concealed weapons. “You know, the NRA doesn’t spend that much money,’’ said Bloomberg during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press’’ program yesterday. “If you want to beat the NRA you have to go out and get your message out, and it costs money to do that.’’

CA: Casing-code issues snag handgun law
Submitted by: Todd Vandermyde

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Two years after California passed a novel law requiring the next generation of semiautomatic handguns to leave a microscopic identifying code on shell casings, the controversial technology appears no closer to being introduced here or anywhere else.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown has not certified the law, which is required before it can take effect as scheduled on Jan. 1, and his aides could not say when that may happen.

Media Injects Bias into Mexican 'Crime Gun' Debate
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"And notice the way he goes from one class of firearm on the ban agenda to another without missing a beat? And how, when all is said and done, Grillo's piece is not about 'keep[ing] guns in El Norte,' but out of the hands of We the People?"

"Un-American": "All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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“All Jews are swine, un-German, and unpatriotic traitors.” -- Adolf Hitler, quoted by Georg Bernhard, “Tactics of Hitler.” New York Times, 13 December 1931.

Well, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have finally come around to the "U" word -- "Un-American" -- when describing their opponents. . .

The thing is, from their world view they're right in saying that we're "Un-American" for we do not agree with their vision of what America was, is and should be. For our part, we find them to be traitors to the Founders' republican vision. So too, I dare say, would the Founders.

Governors oppose DoD emergency powers
Submitted by: Larry

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Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas (R), chairman of the National Governors Association, and Vice Chairman Gov. Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia penned a letter opposing the Pentagon proposal, which they said would hinder a state's effort to respond to a disaster.

Current law gives governors control over National Guard forces in their own states as well as any Guard units and Defense Department personnel imported from other states.

The letter comes as the Pentagon proposes a legislative fix that would give the secretary of Defense the authority to assist in response to domestic disasters and, consequently, control over units stationed in an affected state.

Poll Shows Americans Support Right-to-Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United States Senate recently voted on an amendment that would have allowed Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry in all other states that also grant carry permits. The amendment, sponsored by Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.) and David Vitter (R-La.), won a significant majority of votes, 58 to 39, but failed to reach the 60 votes needed to avoid a Senate filibuster.

Anti-gun senators have long argued that the majority of Americans do not support firearm freedoms. They made this erroneous claim once again during the debate on the Thune/Vitter amendment. Now, a new poll has proven them wrong.


DC: DC hit with another gun rights lawsuit
Submitted by: Daniel White

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Alan Gura, one of the attorneys in the DC v. Heller case, in conjunction with the Second Amendment Foundation, has filed another lawsuit against the city after three DC residents were denied on their gun registration applications because they stated they intended to carry their defensive handguns outside of their homes. A fourth person, a law student from New Hampshire, joined in the complaint because DC also does not issue permits nor recognize the existing permits of non-residents. At the heart of the complaint is the allegation that DC's "laws, customs, practices and policies generally banning the carrying of handguns in public violate the Second Amendment" of the U.S. Constitution.

Brady Campaign misrepresents ATF data to promote 'more guns, more crime' message
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, America’s preeminent gun control organization, recently issued a report suggesting that states with “weak gun laws” are the nation’s major sources of “crime guns.” But as with other Brady reports, a deeper examination is in order before accepting their conclusions.

TN: 1 month later, only holes are in anti-gun argument
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Is it safe to go back to the restaurants? Has the smoke cleared?

It's almost been almost a month since the law allowing gun-carry permit holders to carry in bars and restaurants if they're not drinking, and I haven't heard of even one violent incident. Have you?

Air Force Training More Pilots for Drones Than for Manned Planes
Submitted by: Larry

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The hasty push of unmanned systems into the Iraq-Afghanistan battle area has shown some vulnerabilities, however, including the need for a better sorting, processing and distribution of the massive amounts of intelligence collected. That problem will only get worse with the new sensors.

In addition, the House Armed Services Committee complained in its report on the fiscal 2010 defense authorization bill that money meant to fund the Predator portion of the planned fleet was redirected to the Reaper program, which doesn't have enough aircraft in the pipeline to meet the 50-orbit goal.

A long-term issue for the unmanned systems such as the Predator and Reaper aircraft is how to protect them when they operate in an area where the enemy has sophisticated air defenses and the United States does not control the airspace. Deptula conceded survivability is a concern. He said the service is looking at countermeasures and "low observability," which means stealth aircraft that fly fast -- even at hypersonic speeds -- and cannot be picked up on radar.

Ed.: This is a bit off-topic, but as I'm studying aerospace engineering, I'll just fess up to a bit of bias and let it slide. ;-)

CA: Cash for guns event is a new kind of gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Do you have an old hand gun lying around the house you don't need anymore? Would you give it over to the police in return for a $100 gift card? How about letting of that shotgun that has been accumulating dust ? Would you take a $50 gift card in exchange? Maybe you bought an assualt weapon hoping to tear up the town but there just hasn't been an opportunity to use it. Would you let it go for a $200 gift card?

If you showed up at a recent "cash for guns" event at the Fresno Fairgrounds you could have joined hundreds of others who were willing to disarm. But you would have had to gotten up early to do it.

NV: Concealed weapons applications up in Washoe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Business for Kevin Roth has been better in recent months.

Roth, an approved concealed weapons instructor at Arms to Bear in Sparks, said he’s seen an increase of about 30 percent in people signing up for his concealed weapons classes compared to last year.

Roth’s business reflects what the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office has seen- an increase in requests for permits to carry concealed weapons in the past eight months.

While some, including Roth, say higher unemployment and crime rates are one factor, others point to a fear of stricter gun control under the Obama administration.

“I’ve heard from local people planning to buy guns that they are concerned about gun control,” Roth said Friday.

NE : Gun Sellers Now Required to Provide Fingerprint
Submitted by: Anonymous

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OMAHA - A new city ordinance is on the books, requiring second hand gun shops to fingerprint anyone selling a gun. Omaha police say it will help cut violence, by taking illegal weapons off the street.

NE: The fight over the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. -- Amendment II

Those 14 words, perhaps more than any others in the U.S. Constitution, have inspired discussions, arguments and legal debates for years and years.

Now, legislation introduced in January by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) and lingering in the House Judiciary Committee has stirred up emotions on both sides of the gun control issue and once again brought these words into the spotlight.

Rush's bill, the Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act (H.R. 45), establishes a federal licensing and registration regime under the direction of the U.S. Attorney General and would make it a criminal act not to register as an owner of a firearm.

MI: Army veteran killed after standoff in Howell
Submitted by: Mitch

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"A gunman was killed in what is being described as suicide by cop this afternoon after the gunman approached a deputy and raised his gun.

"Bezotte said police first arrived at the scene for a potential overdose. Gilson was going through a divorce and was taking muscle relaxers and OxyContin.

"Bezotte said police were at the scene when Gilson ordered everyone off the property and brandished the handgun. He then went to get his M-16, according to the sheriff.

NY: Plaxico Burress’s Doomsday Weapon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The inanity of gun control is manifesting itself in the case of former New York Giants’ wide receiver Plaxico Burress. Thanks to New York City’s strict gun laws, which carry a mandatory minimum sentence, Burress is facing 3 1/2 years in the penitentiary.


Plaxico Burress has no more business going to jail than you and I do. He’s no criminal. What is criminal is New York City’s gun-control law.

Burress has nothing to lose. He ought to plead not guilty, contend that New York City’s gun-control law is unconstitutional, and take the case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. He’d be doing us all a big favor.

Ed.: Go bumper!

UT: Sotomayor wasn't qualified
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I have long been disappointed by senators who have voted to confirm appointees to the courts, cabinet-level positions, and other offices in the federal government for no other reason than "bipartisanship" and with the idea that the president is entitled to surround himself with people with the same agenda as his own regardless of their opinion of the Constitution.

This so-called "bipartisanship" must end. I expect our congressmen always stand firm on the Constitution, limited government and for individual liberty as envisioned by our founders. Simultaneously, they must ensure the public understands why they take that stand. Our senators' vote against Sotomayor is a small step in the right direction.


A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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