Why hasn't Obama retracted claim on Mexican 'crime guns'?
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"A correspondent sent me a link to a BBC story from a few months back, 'Obama backs Mexico's war on drugs.' In it, the president perpetuates a falsehood about Mexican 'crime guns'."
"Regular Gun Rights Examiner readers know we were among the first voices challenging the now-discredited '90% of Mexican crime guns come from the US' line coming from the gun ban camp. And we continue to challenge their numbers now that they've decided their prior claim hurts their credibility."
"Which brings us back to our BBC report. It includes a video. Play it. And hear Obama's words:""'More than 90% of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States...'" ... |
"What does ammunition packaging have to do with the restoration of this Constitutional Republic?"
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Mike Vanderboegh
Website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
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"'Nitre in the cave, sulphur in the ground, charcoal in the firepit and flint in the quarry never scared anybody, boy, let alone killed 'em. And a musket or a rifle without ammunition is jest a club. You don't keep the King's men away with jest words and bluster. It's work, hard work, as much as will that's needed to make a killin' -- and no man ever became free or stayed free without killin'. And I believe God meant men to be free. So it is God's own work we must be about this day, lad. Work hard . . . and learn.' -- The Powderman's Apprentice, an unfinished short story."
"Theaton, over at Keep and Bear Arms the other day, took me to task for this post from Friday entitled Praxis: Tactical Packing the 7.62x54R ..." ... |
Socialized Medicine and the loss of the second amendment, Part V
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"Let me tell you why I watch FOX News. It's not only the Hosts who talk, but the Guests who answer questions and then compound the felony. Beyond the insults to gun owners and brave constituents who are willing to meet officials, there are many other nuggets of insight all around."
"First, on The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly's health care expert from the AARP was legislative policy director David Certner answering Bill. As of last night, August 10, 2009, AARP spokes Certner indicated that is more than one bill, such as HR 3200. Are our Congress Critters answering questions depending on the Bill they have in mind when asked? Are they so chicanerous and mendacious? Are they so prevaricating? That means are they lying? ..." ... |
TN: Guns in restaurants policy proves itself in Tennessee
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Daniel White
Website: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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"An article recently appeared in The Tennessean reporting on that state's experience one month after the passage of legislation allowing those citizens with concealed carry licenses to bring their firearms with them into restaurants that serve alcohol ..."
"... Opponents of the bill predicted mayhem."
"'We apparently are going to have 225,000 vigilantes shooting in bars,' said David Smith ..."
"Of course, nothing of the sort actually occurred. The same thing happens every time a piece of pro-gun legislation starts gaining momentum ... The Brady Campaign and their ilk fire up the propaganda machine and start predicting gun battles in the street and mass hysteria. Each time they cry wolf, nothing happens." ... |
A Few Words On Gun Control
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... "Almost everyone here in the US can tell you what was to be the first battle in our War of Independence. The Battle of Lexington Green in Massachusetts in April, 1775. ..."
"But what's now conveniently left out of the US History textbooks today is why the British were coming."
"And why was that?"
"... General Thomas Gage, military governor of Massachusetts, ... decided to counter these moves by sending a force out of Boston to confiscate weapons stored in the village of Concord."
"Confiscate the weapons…"
"And why did the British want the weapons confiscated? Well, to be able to properly control one's subjects, first you must be able to take away their ability to resist. ..." ... |
Cheaper Than Dirt Sponsors 2009 Arkansas Section Multi-Gun Championship
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"Cheaper Than Dirt! is happy to announce their sponsorship of the 2009 USPSA Arkansas Section Multi-Gun Championship being held August 29th – 30th at The Old Fort Gun Club River Range. Based out in Fort Smith, Arkansas, The Old Fort Gun Club is an 800 member organization that supports shooting sports and Second Amendment Rights."
"The Old Fort Gun Club River Range is a 35 acre facility with seven pistol bays, as well as 100 and 300 yard rifle ranges." ...
"USPSA is the United States Practical Shooting Association. Practical shooting events challenge competitors to combine speed and accuracy while engaging targets set throughout an obstacle course." ... |
Skyway shooting tragedy proves gun laws don’t disarm criminals
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"Remember the name Louis Guswalter 'Bart' Parker III, described by the Seattle Times as 'a felon known to carry firearms.'"
"This model citizen is being held in the King County Jail on $1 million bail in connection with what has now become the shooting death of 19-year-old Markesha Monroe, who made the pitifully poor choice of dating a thug, but it should not have cost her life."
"It is not clear to whom the gun belonged, but it should not have been in the same room with the suspect. Several gun control laws were supposed to have prevented that." ... |
Firearms Industry Rejects National Park Service Classification of Traditional Ammunition as a Health Threat
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"In response to an announcement regarding a National Parks Service program encouraging hunters to voluntarily switch to alternative ammunition, the National Shooting Sports Foundation rejected NPS's categorization of traditional ammunition as a health threat. NSSF is offering to work with the National Park Service to develop measures to educate hunters about steps they can take to prevent scavengers from ingesting lead fragments of spent traditional ammunition. The park service is proposing to ban, at a minimum, the use of lead bullets, shot and sinkers in the park system by NPS personnel." ... |
Praxis: Vacuum-packing Ammunition
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"My thanks to Sipsey Streeter es for forwarding these pics of his packaging of 5.56 NATO (note that it's in bandoleers and stripper clips) for long term storage using food vacuum seal bags. This is an excellent idea, especially for anything you are going to cache underground."
"These are the current-issue 4-pocket M16 bandoleers (the white thread you see is a pull string that opens the pocket up, making it deeper so as to accomodate a fully-loaded thirty round magazine). Thus each bandoleer has 120 rounds in it. Or 720 rounds in an M2A1 'fifty cal' can."
"Mike III" ... |
Americans Should Demand Safe Havens From Deadly Guns
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"Like thousands of other women across the country, on the evening of August 11th, Elizabeth Gannon, Heidi Overmier, Jody Billingsley went to their local gym to participate in an aerobics class. That same evening, 48-year-old George Sodini entered the LA Fitness Center with four guns, 150 rounds of ammunition and started shooting. Before the shooting spree was over, Elizabeth, Heidi and Jody were dead and 9 others were wounded." ... -------
Submitter's Note: I have confirmed with LA Fitness' corporate headquarters; all members are prohibited from carrying guns. So the scene of this massacre was a classic FSA "safe haven from guns", which made it a ripe target for a twisted sicko. |
Conservatives Packing Heat at Town Hall Meetings [video available]
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The town hall meeting / tea bagger story line is starting to get a little too twisted for my taste. This week, in two separate incidents, one in Tennessee and one in Arizona, armed civilians were reported to town hall meetings to speak their mind.
I understand the second amendment exists, but conspiracy to commit violence is also a crime, and the case for conspiracy against some people can and should be made, as these threatening tweets reported by Talking Points Memo reveal.
Still, if you're for health care reform, don't get scared. Most meetings have been well-staffed by local police. Cenk Ughar of the Young Turks adds his $.02 in the accompanying video. |
Halting Town Hall Intimidation Is AlterNet's Top Take Action Campaign This Week
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"Corporate-backed 'grassroots' action, better known as 'astroturfing,' has a toxic lineage in the American political canon." ...
"... the Service Employers International Union on Friday was slammed by angry calls and e-mails from people crying 'socialism' and threatening violence."
"'I suggest you tell your people to calm down, act like American citizens, and stop trying to repress people's First Amendment rights,' one caller said. 'That, or you all are going to come up against the Second Amendment.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Trust antis to confuse legitimate self-defense with threats. The quoted call was in response to SEIU thugs (several of whom were arrested) assaulting a demonstrator and trying to intimidate opponents to ObamaCare. Google "Kenneth Gladney" for more info. |
Be wise, keep away from extremist groups
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... "A couple of militia groups are forming in this area. I accept the concept because I'm pro-Second Amendment. However, militias are supposed to be 'well-regulated' and these appear to be poorly regulated patriots that could morph into domestic terrorists."
"If I'm aware of possible felony conduct, you can bet that the feds are listening - warrantless ala Bush - to dittoheads who never heard of operations security."
"This is worse than the Clinton-hater era when Tim McVeigh went off half-cocked, siding with child rapist but gun lover David Koresh and his radical, religious cult. Wise sportsmen should steer clear of extremist groups. Practice real conservation, lead by example and stress safety." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Thanx for the heads-up on your plans Judenrat. |
Maybe the time has come for all to pack heat
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Bruce Krafft
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... "Perhaps the most extreme gun-rights advocates are on to something. If we were all armed, even while doing aerobics, sitting in a classroom or in our church services, the 'bad guys' would think twice about disturbing the peace. They may not always be rational, but surely they would resort to less lethal means if they feared death at the hands of their potential victims, right?"
"Packing heat would be a welcome return to the 19th-century frontier ethos. Exercising our right to live and die like Wild Bill Hickock would be a major step forward in American civilization. A country like that wouldn't need stricter gun laws. Such a place would already be paradise on Earth." -------
Submitter's Note: Individuals taking responsibility for their own self-defense and that of their loved ones would indeed "be a major step forward in American civilization". |
NC: Media falls for NRA propaganda
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"To The Editor: Shame on the Times-News. Sensationalism admittedly sells newspapers, but is it necessary to fabricate it? Reporting as facts things which never happened isn't a recent practice of this paper."
"It has run countless stories about shooting deaths (Columbine, Paducah, Dunblaine, Scotland and Virginia Tech to cite a few). Now you claim that five innocent people were shot to death in Gaffney, S.C. All lies!"
"No one has ever been shot to death ... because guns don't kill. The NRA is of course, guilty of the big lie (perfected by Nazi Germany), confident that the intellectually and ethically deficient will believe any untruth, regardless of how absurd, if it's repeated often enough ..." ... |
NH: Men with guns -- outside town hall
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Website: http://www.nysrpa-pvf.org
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"Outside the event where President Obama will conduct his town hall, there is an anti-Obama protestor with a gun -- a pistol strapped to his lower leg."
"The local police chief said it's legal for the man to have a registered handgun -- as long as it is not concealed. What's more, he is on private property, a church yard, which has given him permission to be there." ...
"The local police say he is within his rights to carry a handgun openly under state law. He was carrying a 9-mm Smith and Wesson strapped to his lower leg." ... -------
KABA Note: So a man was on private property, obeying the law. This is a 'news' story, why? |
UT: Vernal woman [and carry permit holder] credited for saving boy from kidnapper
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Website: http://www.macpistol.com
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... "'The little boy told me, 'I tried to jump in the water to get away,' Searle said. 'I was like, 'You don't know him at all?' He said, 'No.' Then he said to me that, you know, 'He said he wasn't going to kill me.'"
"Searle has a concealed weapons permit and a gun in her car. She can't believe she was put in a situation where she thought about using it."
"'It's something I'll never forget, that little boy's face,' she said. 'You see stuff like that on TV and you don't think it can happen to you. And I'm sure people don't think it can happen to their children.'" ... |
Bad Laws, Bad Legislators, Bad Ideas (and the Gun Manufacturers that continue to look the other way)
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Bruce Krafft
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"On Friday, it would be nice to be able to talk about the anticipation with which we all look toward the weekend. After all, it's the most continuous time many of us have to enjoy the outdoors. Some Fridays, unfortunately, that's just not possible."
"Yesterday, New Jersey became the fourth state to pass legislation limiting state residents to one handgun purchase every thirty days. We have been told, however, that this isn't legislation designed to be anti-handgun - it's anti-violence legislation."
"Right. It's necessary in a state with almost as many firearms regulations as indicted legislators. It's nothing more than 'feel-good' legislation. ..." ... |
TN: County says no to guns in parks
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"Guns are not permitted in county-owned parks - and that won't change Sept. 1 when the state's guns-in-parks law goes into effect."
"The Dyer County Commission voted 15-4 Monday night to opt out of the new state law. The commission's decision affects the Dyer County Fairgrounds and the Community Development Park, which includes the Dixie Youth baseball complex."
"As it is written, the state law allows persons with valid handgun carry permits to possess handguns in all parks, natural areas, campgrounds and similar public places. Local governments wishing to keep guns out of their parks have until Sept. 1 to opt out." ... |
OH: Dave Yost implores supporters: Don't let Mike DeWine turn back the clock on gun rights
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"If Republican Attorney General candidate Dave Yost has anything to say about it, former Senator Mike DeWine's vehement anti-gun record will be front and center in the upcoming GOP primary battle."
"A fundraising letter being circulated by Yost is drawing attention to DeWine's record of support for some of the most radical gun control proposals in the past two decades, and the importance to gun owners of the office to which DeWine now aspires."
"Following is the text of the letter, entited 'Important message regarding your Second Amendment rights.':" ... |
Hernando radio host Haa gets Secret Service visit after perceived threat on Obama
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... "'A caller calls in, and man this guy is torqued. He says, 'Man, I'm ticked and frustrated at Obama, I'm loading up on ammunition, I'm going to be practicing.' And Haa says, 'Don't be wasting it on targets. Save it for the administration.'" ...
"On Thursday morning, during the commercials, Haa stood outside and sucked down cigarettes."
"First he said: 'Never was said.'"
"Then he said: 'I don't remember.'"
And then he said: 'It's possible somebody actually thought they heard that ...'" ...
"He snuffed out another cigarette and went back inside. He walked back down the hallway toward the studio. He stopped at the door and turned."
"'What if I actually had said that?' he asked. 'So what? This is America!'" |
Militarizing the Homeland
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... "Award-winning journalist and Associate Editor of the Nation Institute's Tomdispatch.com Nick Turse writes ... 'As a product of the 1980s G.I. Joe generation, I can attest to the seductive power of those three inch action figures in selling the military to young boys.'"
"In an interview with Truthout, Turse observed, 'Only later would I learn just how enmeshed G.I. Joe's manufacturer, Hasbro, was with the military. One instance of this close association came to me in 2003 when the Department of Defense shared the specifications for their Future Force Warrior concept with the toy company, even before awarding the contract to General Dynamics. ...'" ... |
Who's to Blame When Vets Turn Homicidal?
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"'The active army is just about broken' retired Gen. Colin Powell had the audacity to say in 2007. ..."
"... while the Army can always add bodies (and it will) to its ranks to fill operational gaps and even ease strain, it cannot reverse nor easily address the fact that the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are creating a generation of veterans who are not only disabled, sick, and emotionally unstable (52 percent of returning soldiers have already accessed VA healthcare and benefits), but on a very limited scale, are also becoming extremely violent , suicidal, and even zombie-like in their willingness to die and to kill again." ... |
NJ: Cops: Officer drew gun in restaurant
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"An off-duty Hudson County sheriff's officer was arrested Saturday night after allegedly threatening the manager of a Downtown restaurant with a gun, according to Jersey City police reports."
"Roger Eubanks ... was charged with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes, reports said."
"Police were called to the Ole Restaurant, 564 Washington Blvd., on a report of a man being threatened with a gun."
"The 36-year-old restaurant manager told police he asked Eubanks, who had been drinking a lot, to quiet down after he became loud and confrontational with staff and customers, reports said."
"Eubanks then pulled a gun on the manager before leaving the restaurant, reports said." ... |
WA: 'You pulled us out of a funeral procession'
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"When Donald Ross's sister passed, more than 100 people attended her funeral mass ..."
"The burial was scheduled for a nearby cemetery, but Ross and his family only made it a quarter of a mile when flashing lights forced them to the side of the road."
"Harold... said, 'You pulled us out of a funeral procession,' said wife Shirley Ross."
"But the deputy kept them there, writing up five citations because the driver and the passengers were not wearing a seat belts. And the sheriff's department says he had every right."
"'We're out here trying to prevent funerals, not disrupt them,' said Dave Reagan ..."
"... By the time Ross and his family members got back on the road, the burial was over." ... |
WY: Residents vent frustrations over Glenrock tasing
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"Glenrock residents packed their town hall Monday to voice outrage over the tasing of a 76-year-old man by police officers at a parade."
"The man's family called for the officers' firing, and Police Chief Tom Sweet told the crowd 'we probably didn't do things the best way we could have.'" ...
"The exact circumstances that led to the tasing have not been disclosed by authorities. Glenrock police told state agents Bud Grose failed to obey directions while he was operating an antique tractor at the parade." ...
"Mike Pyatt, a former Glenrock police officer, called one of the officers a 'hot head' and said the other had poor people skills. He called on town leaders to make changes at the department." ... |
NY: Briggs accuses Kroll of placing licensed gun owners in jeopardy
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"Sullivan County Clerk Daniel Briggs Tuesday said criminal defense attorney Glenn Kroll, is placing licensed gun owners in jeopardy by obtaining a list of their names and addresses."
"Kroll, who is the Democratic candidate for Sullivan County district attorney, secured the information through the freedom of information law. While Briggs acknowledges it is legal to get the list, he is concerned what damage it could do if it got into the wrong hands."
"The list includes single parents or people living alone, he said. 'There are those who are currently in or have served in law enforcement, responsible for numerous arrests, and now must worry about how this information will be used and for what purpose.'" ... |
TX: Tax-Feeders and the New Debtors’ Prisons
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"In Houston, Texas, a city of about two million people, the tax-fed revenue-farmers known as 'police' seek to enforce 1.7 million warrants. Almost none of them deal with actual offenses against persons or property ..."
"... The 'worst offenders' in this group of 'scofflaws' are property owners, particularly businessmen, who have been cited for building code infractions or trivial cosmetic violations of the tax code."
"'How trivial?' you ask — or, at least, you should. Well, of the eight people listed as 'Houston's Most Wanted' – people who have 100 or more outstanding warrants — four were cited for the apparently grievous offense of 'failure to securely attach a tax permit to a coin-operated machine.'" ... |
OR: Speak up before it is too late
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... "One other quick note: without their guns, our founders would never have been able to take a stand and make the break from old mother England, and this great country would never have become a reality, much less flourished as it has. Gun rights are just as important as all the others. There's a little saying being held up that says: 'Without the second amendment, there wouldn't be a first.'"
"Jim Gadberry
Roseburg" |
CO: Meaning clearly includes us
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"This is in response to David Baker’s letter, 'No right to own firearms,' in the August 8 Gazette. My letter addresses the grammar and meaning of the Second Amendment"
"'The right of the people to keep and bear arms' is the subject of the sentence that makes up the Second Amendment. 'Shall not be infringed' is the predicate of that sentence. Together they are the independent clause of that sentence, the significance of which is that it contains a complete idea, the heart of the sentence, and an independent meaning capable of standing alone." ... |
CO: Supreme Court disagrees with writer
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"David Baker's interpretation of the Second Amendment doesn't jibe with the Supreme Court's, nor does it take into account the fact that the National Guard didn’t come into existence until 100 years after it was written."
"The first part of the Second Amendment is a subordinate clause; it gives the rationale for the second line, 'The right of the people (individual private citizens) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'"
"Baker would also be well advised to familiarize himself with the Colorado Constitution. Article II, Section 13 ..." ... |