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Newslinks for 8/13/2009

2009 Firearms civil rights conference
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education (SAFE) Presents:"


"September 13th, 2009 –1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Doors open at 12:00 NOON
Sheraton Long Island Hotel
110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Smithtown, NY 11788 ..." ...


"Wayne R. LaPierre Jr., Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association."

"Chris Cox, Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action."

"Ron Schmeits, President, National Rifle Association, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, NRA Whittington Center."

"Alan Gottlieb, Founder and Chairman of Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep & Bear Arms and the Second Amendment Foundation." ...

Gambit: "Eat me! EAT! ME!"
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Gambit ... 1. An opening in chess in which a minor piece, or pieces, usually a pawn, is offered in exchange for a favorable position." ...

"I was talking over present events on the blog and around the country with a very good friend the other day, and he was urging me to back off on the direct affronts to the ATF and its armed bureaucrats. ...

"He couldn't believe that every time I write something about a specific ATF employee, I send them a copy to their work emails." ...

"'Damn, Mike, you know what you remind me of?'"

"'What's that?'"

"'Remember in Men in Black where Kay insults the interstellar cockroach and yells, 'Eat me! Eat me!'?'"

"I laughed."

"He said, 'It ain't funny, boy. Sooner or later they WILL eat you. Why the hell do you keep tempting them?'"


"He's a chess player and he knew what I was saying. After a moment he commented."

"'Pretty damn hard on the pawn, though.'" ...

MSNBC Spreads Fear and Prejudice Over Gun Owner at Obama Event
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "We see what's going on, right? A supposed 'watchdog' press demanding to know why a citizen dares exercise his rights...? With the implication that We the People can't be trusted to be either moral or competent...?"

"And the further implication that the only ones who can be trusted work for the government...?" ...

Gun club: No guns allowed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As the Founder of the Second Amendment March, I travel across the country speaking about the right to keep and bear arms and about the importance of Second Amendment activism. Recently I was asked to speak to a gun club about these things and I have to admit I had preconceived notions about the club, its members, and how I should talk to them. My preconceptions were way off target. This particular gun club was like no other I'd been to for the simple reason that 'No guns were allowed'."

"Now, before I get too far in let me clarify that statement. Guns were allowed on the range, but not inside the clubhouse or anywhere else on the premises. ... That seemed odd to me, for a gun club I mean. ..." ...

Top Ten Ways Not To Survive
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"1. Don't Prepare: Many won't prepare, putting their faith in a collapsing system ..."

"2. Investing In Gold, silver, diamonds etc : These are based on perceived value not actual need. ... it just makes more sense to stockpile food, water-filters, first-aid supplies, ammo etc. ..."

"3. Relying On One Food Source: This is a big mistake. What happens when your supplies are depleted, or you lose possession of those goods? Strive for at least three independent sources to fill your nutritional needs. Always have a backup plan."

"4. Bugging Out: I'm not a fan of the head for the hills survival strategy. ... Remember; bugging out is just another word for becoming a refugee." ...

Editor's Note: I personally have 16 man-months of food, 50 pounds of coffee, 75 pounds of sugar, 100+ pounds of salt and various spices, guns, ammo, and a friend with a working farm 80 miles from the city who is willing to let me stay (and work).

Test your gun-totin' hypocrisy!
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There's been lots of chatter yesterday about William Kostric, the man outside the Obama town hall Monday with a holstered 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol strapped to his right leg."

"The sign he was holding: 'It's time to water the tree of liberty,' a reference to Thomas Jefferson's quote, 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'" ...

"... there's a much more interesting question, here, and one that few will be honest enough to answer forthrightly:"

"What if Kostric were a Muslim and the president had been George Bush?"

How would the conservative blogosphere have reacted? How would the media have treated his presence? ..." ...

Only in America - gunman waits outside town hall meeting for Obama and police say it's OK
Submitted by: David Probert

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"A 9mm pistol holstered clearly to his side, and holding a placard that references spilling the blood of patriots, this gunman is waiting for none other than Barack Obama."

"But instead of being wrestled to the ground by police and taken away to prison, William Kostnic is left untouched - because it is legally OK to carry a weapon in New Hampshire so long as it is not concealed."

"Kostnic was waiting for the U.S. president before a town hall meeting in the town of Portsmouth, New Hampshire yesterday. He stood in the grounds of a nearby church, which was private property, and police had no objections to his presence ..." ...

KABA Note: This is the primary difference between subjects and citizens.

Your Second Amendment right to protest?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Photos of a gun-carrying anti-Obama protester (William Kostric) outside the president’s New Hampshire town hall meeting set off a storm in the blogosphere but didn’t impress the Wall Street Journal, which found nothing alarming about people bringing guns to protests, writing that, 'outside Manhattan, citizens' exercising their Second Amendment rights are nothing unusual.'

"Unlike the WSJ, headlines a cause for concern:"
"The man is carrying a sign that says, 'It Is Time to Water the Tree of Liberty.' That's a reference to a Thomas Jefferson quote: 'The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.' ..." ...

Anti-gun Propaganda from Time Magazine
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In a Time Magazine article entitled 'Obama's Mexico Mission: Keep Guns in El Norte' Journalist Ioan Grillo conjures up images of back alley gun deals where Americans sell sniper rifles, machine guns and other 'heavy weapons' to Mexican drug lords who load them in unmarked panel trucks and smuggle them south. With all the melodrama and sensationalism of a dime store detective novel, Grillo tells us that 'vast arsenals' flow south from the United States." ...

"It would be despicably evil stuff, selling 'vast arsenals' to brutal murderers who use them against innocent civilians and police. Luckily it's not true. Virtually nothing in Grillo's article is supportable by real evidence. ..." ...

Man With Open Carry Near Obama – Horrors, Gasp, Awful!
Submitted by: Larry

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"'A guy has a gun in the open near our 'historic” president?' (Yes, he said historic.)"

"This was 'developing news' on MSNBC. Obama was on his way to a town hall in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. There were many protesters standing around waiting for his arrival. One man was openly carrying a handgun. The man, it is said, had a permit, had a registered gun, and had permission from the property owner ... Watch Larry, Curly, and Moe debate this endlessly, stating that the guy should be removed from the private property immediately. They are demanding that Feds round the guy up and remove him from the same vicinity of the Great Messiah who is soon to grace the proletariats of Portsmouth with his legendary and divine presence. ..." ...

NV: Liquor Store Clerk Wounded Would-be Robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Las Vegas police say a liquor store clerk gunned down during a botched robbery Friday night shot one of his assailants. The Clark County coroner's office identifies the dead clerk as 62-year-old Arthur Miller of Las Vegas. Police arrested his two alleged assailants - 24-year-olds Antonio Duenas and Michael Cruz - at a hospital where Duenas was treated for a gunshot wound to the abdomen. They're due in court tomorrow (Wednesday).

WI: State Sell-Out: Gunderson Still Pushing Anti Gun Brady Check Expansion Bill
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"State Rep. Gunderson didn't respond to WGO's past Candidate Surveys. Now, he's pushing a bill to expand the Brady background system. Where does his allegiance lie? With Sarah Brady, or the Constitution?"

"Ignoring the wishes of grassroots gun owners, and doing the bidding of Sarah Brady, State Rep. Scott Gunderson is still pushing AB70, the bill to expand the National Instant Check System (NICS) in Wisconsin."

"The silence by the institutional gun lobby on this dangerous anti-gun bill has been splitting ear drums. NRA-ILA e-mail alerts have not mentioned a peep about this bill, which is being dubbed by WGO the 'Veterans Disarmament Act.'" ...

NC: Are N.C. democrats trying to kill 'Castle Doctrine?'
Submitted by: Charlotte Gun Rights Examiner

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"In politics, committees are graveyards for bills. ... the easiest way to kill a bill without going on record against it is to simply ignore it. This they do by shunting the bill to a committee from which it will never see the light of a hearing."

"Such is the possible fate of Senate Bill 928, 'The Castle Doctrine.' Unsurprisingly, it is being held hostage by Democrats. ... [it] has already passed the Democrat-controlled North Carolina Senate."

"Alas, none of that seems to matter to N.C. House Majority Leader Hugh Holliman (Davidson), who has reportedly told constituents he will do nothing to rein in Rep. Deborah Ross (Wake), the virulently anti-gun chair of the Judiciary I Committee where the bill languishes." ...

What Police Officers Are Owed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In his Aug. 9 Local Opinions commentary, 'My 'Crime' on U Street? Offending the Police,' Pepin Andrew Tuma, a 'prosperous attorney,' made his case for being able to walk down a public street chanting 'I hate the police' loud enough to be heard by five or six officers busy with a nearby traffic stop. He was outraged that one of the officers took exception to his remarks and arrested him for disorderly conduct."

"Given his education, Mr. Tuma should not have been. Everyone over 12 knows that if you insult a cop in public, you will probably be arrested for something like disorderly conduct. Chances are that the charges will be dropped ... But nothing will happen to the police officer who arrested and handcuffed Mr. Tuma. ..." ...

Time for police to end high speed chases
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Police departments need to seriously consider putting an end to high speed chases. They are rarely productive and more often destructive, and too often terribly tragic."

"A high speed chase involving a police officer in Dinuba, CA, in Tulare County, claimed the lives of eight people Saturday afternoon. One high speed chase --eight people, five children from one family. ..."

"They were headed to a football game ... when their crew cab pick-up was slammed into by a Dodge Neon driven by three teenagers who were fleeing a police cruiser over a traffic infraction. ..."

"How long will police officers ... continue to argue that they need the ability to chase when the crime is a traffic infraction and the price is eight lives?" ...

Officials see rise in militia groups across US
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends."

"The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a black president are among the causes for the recent rise, the report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says. Conspiracy theories about a secret Mexican plan to reclaim the Southwest are also growing amid the public debate about illegal immigration."

"Bart McEntire, a special agent with the [ATF], told SPLC researchers that this is the most growth he's seen in more than a decade."

"'All it's lacking is a spark,' McEntire said in the report." ...

KABA Note: Just a spark? Well Bart maybe you guys in F-Troop and the rest of the FedGov better start being a little more careful about playing with matches.

The tyranny of the bigoted
Submitted by: John Pierce - Minneapolis Gun Rights Examiner

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"... [O]ne of the greatest threats to the free exercise of civil rights is the promulgation of catch-all offenses such as 'disorderly conduct.' With no clear definition of what constitutes behavior that is 'disorderly', many in law enforcement use such laws as a way to control and punish citizens for otherwise legal and constitutionally protected behavior." ...

"The Madison WI Police Dept appears to be one such agency. On August 8th, they received a call from a 'concerned citizen' who reported a 'man walking … with a holstered gun on his hip.'"

"They found 28 year-old graduate student Travis Yates legally and peacefully wearing a properly holstered sidearm and cited him for disorderly conduct because 'his actions disturbed other citizens.' ..."

"Never mind the fact that this is EXACTLY the type of open carry that Attorney General Van Hollen stated was constitutionally protected and NOT grounds for a disorderly conduct charge." ...

The Ultimate Prosecutorial Weapon: Honest Services Fraud
Submitted by: Larry

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... "At the federal prosecutor's office in the Southern District of New York, the staff, over beer and pretzels, used to play a darkly humorous game. Junior and senior prosecutors would sit around, and someone would name a random celebrity – say, Mother Theresa or John Lennon."

"It would then be up to the junior prosecutors to figure out a plausible crime for which to indict him or her. The crimes were not usually rape, murder, or other crimes you'd see on Law & Order but rather the incredibly broad yet obscure crimes that populate the U.S. Code like a kind of jurisprudential minefield: Crimes like 'false statements' (a felony, up to five years), 'obstructing the mails' (five years) ... The result, however, was inevitable: 'prison time.'" ...

FL: Women Love the Police State and Tasers, Too (video available)
Submitted by: Larry

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"This is surreal. Is this show really on TV? A bunch of tough-guy, hard-butted women who all want to be “one of the guys” and rough up citizens thanks to the privilege of their plastic badges. One dame says, “There’s always a good time to use a taser.” Wow – real tough lady, ain’t she? Look at the end of the video when the four women stand there and pose: two have their arms crossed looking real fearsome tough, the one on the front left adopts the bodybuilders flinty pose with arms out, and the one on the right front puts her hand on her gun. Ohhh scary! ..." ...

OK: Officer charged in abuse of wife
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Tulsa police officer was arrested Tuesday on charges accusing him of domestic assault and battery, pointing a weapon at his wife and interfering with an emergency telephone call." ...

"The charges stem from allegations that he assaulted his wife at their home ..." ...

"Montgomery's wife, Stacy Montgomery, told officers that he had pulled her out of her vehicle by her wrist when she arrived home from work ..."

"During the argument, Ronald Montgomery is accused of assaulting his wife, pointing his loaded service pistol at her face and stating, 'You want to play games now, well, we will play games,' ..." ...

"She also said her husband took her cell phone away from her twice, preventing her from calling 911." ...

IN: Officer charged with sexual misconduct with a minor
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A police officer was arrested Tuesday after being accused of sexual misconduct with a minor." ...

"Gabbei faces a felony charge of sexual misconduct with a minor. He met the teenager when he worked security at a roller skating rink in Avon where the girl went skating. The two spoke, then exchanged text messages and talked on the phone. Finally, police say, he convinced her to sneak out of her Pittsboro home and go to the park."

"'It's not clear right now if he was, per se, on-duty or off-duty,' Sgt. Myers said, confirming that Gabbei was in uniform and had his patrol car at the time of the meeting." ...

GA: Albany police officer arrested
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An Albany Police Department officer stands charged with simple battery on his wife, a police spokeswoman said."

"Jason Weaver, 28, was booked into Dougherty County Jail on Saturday, a jail spokeswoman said. He made $1,500 bond and was released, she added."

"'There was an argument with his wife, Tamelya Weaver, and it did get physical,' Phyllis Banks, APD spokeswoman, said. 'Police responded to Weaver's home on the 1900 block of Churchill Road at 1:57 a.m. about a dispute.'"

"Weaver, who has been on the force for three years, was placed on administrative leave with pay, Banks said. The length of the leave depends on the investigations." ...

FL: Officer Arrested Had Complaints In Past
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the case of a Jacksonville police officer charged with sexual assault on a teenage girl, Channel 4 has now obtained the officer's employment history with the sheriff's office." ...

"The records from the sheriff's office show that Silcott has been with the department for 19 years."

"In that time, there have been several complaints made against him, either by a citizen or a supervisor. As a result, he was ordered to take additional training or counseling a dozen times." ...

"While his record does not reflect any trouble in the last seven years until now, he was suspended three times for unbecoming conduct of an officer in 1993 and 1994."

"The report does not detail each complaint. ..." ...

CA: Santa Barbara Police Officer Placed On Leave Following Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An off-duty police officer with the Santa Barbara Police Department is facing charges of indecent exposure, plus resisting and obstructing an officer."

"According to the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department, 33-year-old Brain Sawicki was arrested at Refugio Beach Monday afternoon."

"Investigators say, two young girls walking on the beach were being followed by Sawicki. When walking back to the campground, the girls say Sawicki was laying on ground masturbating."

"The girls immediately contacted a State Park Ranger. While being interviewed, the girls were able to point Sawicki out to the Ranger."

"When approached by the Ranger, Sawicki fled, leading the Ranger on a short pursuit." ...

TN: Tennessee Police Recruit Shot by Instructor During Training
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Memphis Police Department recruit was accidentally shot in the arm by an instructor during a training exercise at the Police Training Academy.

The recruit, who was not identified, was wounded Tuesday in the left wrist and released from a hospital after treatment.

Deputy Chief Joe Scott told WMC-TV that the drill was meant to teach recruits how to draw a weapon using their non-shooting hand. One of two instructors fired a gun that was supposed to have been unloaded.

Scott called it an "unfortunate accident."

The instructor was routinely relieved of duty until an investigation is completed.

Submitter's Note: ...I'm the only one in this room qualified to ..BANG! ...

AZ: Valley Hiker With Gun Arrested (video available)
Submitted by: Mike

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Scottsdale police arrested an 18-year-old hiker carrying a gun Tuesday morning and charged him with disorderly conduct.

School officials were preparing to lock down nearby schools for precautionary reasons but did not need to after it was determined the the gun was an Airsoft-type gun and not a firearm, officers said. [emphasis added]

Police arrived at the Sunrise Trailhead at about 6:15 a.m. after getting a call of a suspicious man wearing fatigues and carrying a rifle.

Maximillian Hoemke said that he was beginning ROTC and wanted to prepare for upcoming classes, police said.

Switzerland: Senior police officer arrested in drug case
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A high-ranking police officer is under investigation, suspected of selling drugs and taking them himself.

The head of regional police for Zofingue, in the canton of Aargau, was taken into custody after a wide variety of illegal drugs were found during a search. A former police officer from Lenzbourg is also being investigated for drugs offenses.

UK: We're sorry, say the police who took FOUR hours to respond to nurses being threatened with rape
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A chief constable has apologised personally to two student nurses who had to wait four hours for help after a gang of intruders threatened to rape them."

"Flatmates Amy Overend, 19, and Melissa Cooper, 22, barricaded themselves in their rooms and rang 999 when four men sneaked into their hospital accommodation shouting abuse."

"But when they called again after an hour they were told they were classed as a ' secondary emergency' because they were behind locked doors."

"Miss Overend then called her father, an ex-magistrate, who repeatedly called the control room to demand that someone was sent round."

"By the time officers arrived the gang had run off, but the nurses were worried they would return." ...

NC: GRNC Needs Volunteers CLT Gun Shows
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"GRNC needs volunteers to host the tables at the next Dixie Gun & Knife Classic to be held the weekend of August 15th & 16th at the Metrolina Expo Center in Charlotte."



"Please set aside some time to help. If you have an articulate friend whom you would like to introduce to gun rights activism please invite her or him to work with us show weekend whether or not that person is a current member."

"Volunteers please email Frank Hinson at You may call him at at Home (704)372-8055, Cell (704)200-0513 with your preferred day and time(s) to be scheduled to work." ...

NY: Whalen Inducted Into State Trapshooting Hall Of Fame
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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"Brian Whalen marked another career achievement by being inducted to the New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association Hall of Fame at the home grounds in Cicero."

"Nomination and acceptance into the ATA Hall of Fame is in recognition of a person's lifetime achievement, expertise of marksmanship, promotion, and contribution to the sport of trapshooting." ...

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.— Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. — Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ]

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