2009 Firearm Civil Rights Conference
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"Now that the Second Amendment has been confirmed to be an individual citizens' right as spelled out in the US Supreme Court Decision in the Heller Case you need to attend this conference."
"You will get the latest information on your Firearm Civil Rights nationwide and locally. *You will meet and network with fellow activists, sportsmen and women concerning your civil rights and those of your children and grand children."
"This Conference will raise issues of concern and provide suggested courses of action with local and national leaders of Second Amendment organizations and legislators from all levels of government." ... |
Gambit: "Waco Jim" Cavanaugh and Gran Torino
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"It struck me, when I was sending a copy of the last post to 'Waco Jim' Cavanaugh, that he probably wishes he had made better choices in 1993 and later, in 1995 when he committed perjury about fire from the helicopters in front of Congress. I mean, unless he's a real mad dog (and informants say he isn't), he's got to hate that moniker 'Waco Jim.' I mean, really HATE it."
"Which, of course, is why I do my damnedest to popularize it. No one ever answered for that monstrous crime. We all still live under 'Waco Rules.' And Cavanaugh, perhaps not the most guilty of the culpable feds, but certainly one of them, ought to be irritated. It is oh-so-minor payback for his very real sins." ... -------
Spoiler Alert: If you have not yet seen 'Gran Torino', there is a big spoiler in this post . . . |
Brady Campaign misrepresents ATF data to promote 'more guns, more crime' message (Part 2)
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"Previously, we examined how the Brady Campaign misused the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) data to manufacture conclusions that the ATF itself says are false. But Brady's report contains additional errors and hides important truths. Let's examine the following statement:""Georgia led the states with the highest total number of crime gun exports, not adjusted for population. Florida had the second highest total number of crime gun exports, followed by Virginia, Texas and Indiana. All five states have weak gun laws making it easy for criminals to get firearms, scoring fewer than 20 out of 100 on the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence 2008 state scorecard." ... |
Conservative Groups Dismiss Report on Rise of Militias
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"Conservative groups are rejecting as 'anecdotal and exaggerated' a report out of the [SPLC] that claims the election of a black president has fanned the flames of a resurgent anti-government 'militia movement.'"
"The SPLC report cited a recent rash of ideologically driven violent crimes, rising gun sales, a reported rise in the number of militia groups and level of activity ..."
"But right-leaning groups say the evidence of a distinct rise in militia activity is spotty and that the SPLC is unfairly lumping isolated extremists in the same category as those who are protesting the administration's economic and social policies, under the umbrella term 'militia.'"
"They add that the racism charge is bunk." ... |
Poll Shows Americans Support Right-to-Carry
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"The United States Senate recently voted on an amendment that would have allowed Right-to-Carry permit holders to carry in all other states that also grant carry permits. ..."
"Anti-gun senators have long argued that the majority of Americans do not support firearm freedoms. They made this erroneous claim once again during the debate on the Thune/Vitter amendment. Now, a new poll has proven them wrong." ...
"It will come as a shock to the 39 senators who voted to deny law-abiding Americans their right to self-defense when traveling outside their home states, but the results showed that 83% of Americans support Right-to-Carry laws." ... |
Many Gun Owners, the State and Media Agree; 2a Is No Longer Relevant
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"As a government grows more and more intrusive on individual liberties, that government's fear of the armed citizen increases exponentially, just as an armed robber fears a well-armed potential victim. Here in America in the last seventy plus years, our government and their stooges in the media have sought to relegate the right of a free people to keep and bear arms into a privilege, subject to government approval, rather than an inalienable right. Sadly, many gun owners have agreed to participate in this madness."
"I have been consistent in my objections to asking permission and paying for the privilege to carry a weapon on my person, if and when I chose to do so ..." ... |
Answering anti-sovereign's Helmke . . .
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"Paul Helmke reports in the Huffington Post, Does the NRA approve taking guns to town halls?"
"I doubt it. Here in a nationwide medium, Helmke asks and I'll answer. I doubt very much if the NRA feels they are even asked. You see, Mr. Helmke betrays his inner perceptions of being guided by others instead of guiding himself when he presumes that we do as we are told by the NRA and other non-profits. Whoever is prompting the anti-gun coaching cards is horribly misleading them."
"Gun owners are lovers of independence, theirs and yours, and not the same kind of animal Helmke-types are where getting permission or even marching orders is, well... the order of the day." ... |
Advance to Contact
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... "... when you see articles like this one in yesterday's USA Today, know that the OpFor is sending a hard ping in your direction:""Feds try to detect 'lone offenders' By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY"
"Federal authorities have launched an effort to detect lone attackers who may be contemplating politically charged assaults ..." ... "What you, as a free American, decide to do in response, if anything, to such pings is entirely up to you. Just understand that it most likely won't be the incontinents at BATFE who come after you."
"And for the Federales who are reading this post, you and your fellow agents would be well served to remember ..." ...
"If 'the bad thing' starts in this country, there will be no rules."
"No rules at all." ... |
Kostric's Poster An Enormous Tactical Mistake
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"While I will defend to the death William Kostric's exercise of his rights to free speech, voluntary association and the bearing of arms (even all at the same time!) and I applaud his fortitude, I have to disapprove of his tactics in this particular case. The combination of firearm and a call to kill tyrants simply is not the message libertarians need to send right now. We need to focus instead on the core of our philosophy: non-aggression. It's the only thing that separates us from the statists." ... -------
Kudos to www.strike-the-root.com |
Gun Rights Don't Apply In Domestic Violence Cases, Appeals Court Rules
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"Last year's U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment did not, contrary to what you may have heard at the time, resolve very much."
"Unanswered are questions about carrying firearms in public, gun sales on government property, firearm registration, guns in government housing, handgun restrictions that aren't exactly the same as the District of Columbia's, zoning and gun stores, and so on. And so far, at least, lower courts have been overwhelmingly hostile to gun owners' rights."
"The latest example is a decision late Thursday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, which said that a criminal defendant may not be allowed to present a Second Amendment defense to a federal jury in Utah. ..." ... |
Resurrecting the Right-wing Militia Bogeyman
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"The [SPLC] is up to its old tricks, demonizing conservatives and playing the race card for profit."
"... we hear, be vigilant or the 'racist' righties will get you. This is the message of a recent AFP news article oh-so ominously titled 'Right-wing militias on the rise in US: report.'"
"Here's how the piece begins:""Incensed by the election of the first black US president, right-wing militia groups in the United States are rising again after a decade of decline . . . ."
"Ideologically driven by racism and a virulent anti-government, anti-taxation and anti-immigrant agenda, the homegrown groups that thrived in the 1990s and spurred numerous deadly terrorist attacks are expanding, said the [SPLC]." ... |
New 4GW Manuals
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We've just posted a new version of FMFM 1-A, Fourth Generation Warfare, along with two new manuals:
FMFM 3-23 Air Cooperation FMFM 3-25 How to Fight in a 4th Generation Insurgency All of these are available from our 4GW Manuals page.
These manuals for the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Marine Corps were produced by the 4GW Seminar at Marine Base Quantico. |
US military embraces robot 'revolution'
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"ROBOTS in the sky and on the ground are transforming warfare, and the US military is rushing to recruit the new warriors that never sleep and never bleed."
"The latest robotics were on display at an industry show this week at a naval airfield in Maryland, with a pilotless helicopter buzzing overhead and a 'Wall-E' look-alike robot on the ground craning its neck to peer into a window."
"The chopper, the MQ-8B Fire Scout, is no tentative experiment and later this year will be operating from a naval frigate ..."
"The rugged little robot ... is called a Pakbot, which can climb over rocks with tank treads, pick up an explosive with its mechanical arm and dismantle it while a soldier directs the machine from a safe distance." ... |
What every kid should know about the Second Amendment
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... "Notice that the first thing this amendment mentions is a well-regulated militia, which is sort of a National Guard. When the British ruled our country, they were against our militia having weapons ... That makes sense. We now have no problems with the National Guard or the U.S. Army, Navy or Air Force having weapons, since these weapons are meant to protect us and our country against foreign invaders. That does not mean, however, that regular citizens should be allowed to bear weapons of mass destruction which might cause great damage to our innocent people. So the intent of the Second Amendment is obvious. Dangerous weapons are meant to be only in the hands of 'a well regulated Militia' or National Guard." ... |
TN: Rockford residents with gun permits can pack heat in city parks
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"Rockford city park patrons who have gun carry permits can pack heat."
"Rockford City Commission voted unanimously Thursday night not to opt out of the new state law, but to allow park users with carry permits to take their guns."
"The city, with 847 residents in 3¬½ square miles, bucked the trend of its larger neighbors."
"The governing bodies of the two largest cities in the county, Maryville and Alcoa, both unanimously voted to opt out and prohibit guns in public parks."
"Greg Benson and wife Diane of Franklin Hill Boulevard, Maryville, were the only citizens to speak out on the issue. They attended the meeting 'in support of the Second Amendment.'" ... |
TN: Children endangered by guns in parks
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"I have to ask, have those in the county government lost their minds? Is carrying guns around small children at play really necessary? Are people afraid the 4-year-olds are going to riot, and they're going to have to be corralled using a gun? Or is it the rampant and overwhelming lack of crime in our parks that have people scared?"
"Because I seriously want to know what benefit there is in people carrying a gun in a public park. Self-defense is the only reason I've heard." ... -------
Submitter's Note: In order: No. Yes. No, no. Nope. Self-defense is certainly part of it. Taking responsibility for my safety and the safety of my loved ones is another part, because the safest thing to do when attacked is resist with a gun. |
Town Hall Outrage? Media cooperated in disruptions at GOP events
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"A special spot in hell is reserved for the media whose shameless hypocrisy has sunk to new lows with their feigned indignation over health care town hall protests. ..." ...
"... plucking individual protesters who went to health care town halls and confronting them on-air with irrelevant questions, or intentional misquotes ..."
"Case in point: Chris ... Matthews accusing protester William Kostric of 'carrying a God damned gun' at Obama's New Hampshire town hall, even though Kostric was outside, not inside the event, and was carrying his handgun legally, holstered safely on his leg. Ironically, one of the points Kostric was trying to make, and that Matthews refused to hear, was about the erosion of individuals' rights. ..." ... |
TN: Knox youth remains in jail after death threats posted on MySpace against his life
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"The lawyer for a suspect in a Knoxville fatal home invasion says his client has agreed to remain in jail for his own safety."
"... the attorney for 17-year-old Zahn Christopher Ealey told a Juvenile Court referee on Thursday that threats against Ealey's life had been posted on the Internet social networking site MySpace."
"Ealey is charged with attempted aggravated robbery, aggravated burglary and possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime in a home invasion during which 17-year-old Arsenio Wooten was fatally shot on Aug. 5."
"Knoxville police said Wooten and Ealey were both armed when they tried to force their way into a house and Wooten was shot by the homeowner, who has not been charged." |
TN: 'Victims' part of robbery try
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"A victim's tale of robbery and murder unraveled when investigators learned that she'd participated in the stickup that backfired and turned deadly ..." ...
"According to a police affidavit:"
"Brannon, boyfriend Calvin Jefferson, Mitchell, and another man, Edgar Smith, 24, spent the early morning hours Thursday gambling, and Smith was seen with 'a large amount of money.'"
"Brannon later drove Mitchell and Smith to the Exxon, ostensibly to get money Brannon's boyfriend owed Smith."
"Brannon went inside ... then came out holding money she'd pretended to withdraw from the ATM. Mitchell then pulled a gun and turned to rob Smith, who was sitting in the rear seat."
"But Smith pulled his own gun and shot Mitchell." ... |
IN: Cops: Armed homeowner stops enraged man
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"A Columbus resident is accused of trying to break into a rural Whiteland home."
"Patrick F. Ianni, 33, 4440 Post-horn Court, Columbus, was arrested on charges of residential entry and public intoxication."
"At about 1:40 a.m. Thursday, Ianni kicked the door of a rural Whiteland home and broke the door jam but walked away after the owner threatened to shoot him if he entered the home, according to a police report."
"'The only smart decision he made was not to enter that home,' Johnson County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Doug Cox said. 'He's alive today because he didn't enter that house.'" ... |
GA: Westley, the bear seen in Weston and Wellington, shot dead in Georgia
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"Westley, the wandering black bear, whose journeys brought him too close to homes in Wellington and Weston earlier this year, has died in southeast Georgia, wildlife officials said. He was 3."
"Westley, estimated to weigh 200 pounds, was killed by a homeowner Saturday with a shotgun after he damaged property and wandered in a residential neighborhood ..."
"'It'd been trying to get into homes, pounding on garages and attempting to get through doors,' Cummings said. 'The bear had become too accustomed to people.'"
"... a homeowner named Ken Boyette saw Westley in his neighborhood Saturday, uncomfortably close to where children were riding bicycles and playing football. He shot Westley, killing him instantly." ... |
SC: Husband, wife hold off robber until police arrive
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An Horry County husband and wife fight off would-be robber inside their business.
According to a press release, a man tried to rob Ron’s Busy Corner, 5709 Juniper Bay Rd, Conway, Thursday afternoon when he placed a knife to the back of the store’s owner.
Police said Roger Lee Green, 34, of Galivants Ferry came into the store and pointed a knife to the back of the store owner while he was sitting at a table.
The owner stood up, struggled with Green, along with a customer, and took the knife away.
The owner’s wife was then able to get a pistol and hold the man there until police arrived.
Green is currently in J. Ruben Long Detention Center charged with Armed Robbery. |
TX: Store Clerk Shoots Robber, KBMT Obtains Video
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"Beaumont police are looking for a man witnesses say has a gunshot wound to the arm after he robbed the Gulf Street Liquor Store in Beaumont."
"... The store owner told police a man ... used a large-caliber handgun in the robbery. As the robber started to leave the clerk grabbed his own handgun and chased the suspect into the parking lot. Police say the clerk told officers the suspect turned and pointed a gun in his direction so he fired a number of shots at the suspect. He said one of the slugs hit the man in the arm."
"'I ran out to get his license plate,' said Farid Ali who owns the Gulf Street Liquor Store in Beaumont. 'When he saw me he tried to shoot me and that is when I shot back.'" ... |
NY: Back at Work, Harlem Store Owner Recounts Shooting
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"A day after shooting four men who tried to rob his restaurant supply store, killing two of them, Charles Augusto Jr., 72, was back at work in Harlem on Friday morning. His feelings the day after he pulled the trigger? 'I wish I didn't need to,' he said."
"Mr. Augusto, who goes by Gus, opened the shop ... at 8 a.m. He was accompanied by an employee who had been hit with a pistol during the robbery Thursday afternoon. After the employee was struck, Mr. Augusto picked up his shotgun and fired it three times."
"The shots killed two men, James Morgan, 29, and Raylin Footman, 21, and wounded two others, Bernard Witherspoon and Shamel McCloud, both 21 ... The two survivors are being charged with robbery ..." ... |
FL: South Florida Store Clerks Go Vigilante
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"It was pouring rain ... when a man burst into a Honduran grocery store ... A shirt was wrapped around his face as he gripped a black semiautomatic handgun. ... he demanded the contents of the cash register and cartons of cigarettes in a plastic bag."
"Next he began herding customers to the back of the small market."
"But when he returned to the counter to collect his loot, ... Valentin Fiallos pointed a .38 and squeezed the trigger. As Bell scampered from the store, he turned and shot back several times. Fiallos, shielding himself, squeezed off several more rounds." ...
"All over South Florida, besieged employees are shooting back. A few blood-soaked examples:" ... |
IL: Gun rights 101: Is a FOID card a concealed carry license?
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"Absolutely not. For anyone who isn't certain, Illinois has added a warning to the front of the FOID card:""CAUTION: This card does not permit bearer to UNLAWFULLY carry or use firearms. This does not authorize the carrying of a concealed firearm." "Illinois currently has no provision to allow citizens ... to carry a loaded firearm, whether it is concealed or not. The closest thing Illinois has is what is usually called 'fanny pack carry,' which is done by carrying an unloaded gun fully enclosed in a case with a loaded magazine close at hand. This is far less useful than true concealed carry and is most often practiced as a political statement." |
IL: Gun rights 101: What is an Illinois FOID card?
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... "All Illinois residents need Firearm Owner IDentification cards, or FOIDs. Illinois residents must have valid FOID cards in order to purchase, sell, transfer, own or possess any firearm or ammunition anywhere in Illinois. A FOID card is not a concealed carry license; Illinois is the only state in the union that still prohibits both open carry and concealed carry of loaded firearms." |
IL: Gun rights 101: What are the legal requirements for the FOID?
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In order to be issued an Illinois FOID, you must be able to pass an extensive Illinois State Police background check. The ISP will check to see whether you have ever been convicted of a felony, recently been convicted of certain specific crimes like assault or battery, whether you are subject to an order of protection or have ever violated one, whether you've been adjudicated mentally defective, are addicted to narcotics or are otherwise ineligible. There is no minimum age, but if you're under 21, you will need the written consent of your parents or guardians (who must themselves be eligible for a FOID card!) -------
Submitter's Note: The full text is here, but since Examiner writers get paid based on traffic, feel free to click the link . . . |
IL: Gun rights 101: How long does it take to get a FOID card?
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"Legally, the Illinois State Police are obligated either to issue a FOID or deny the application within 30 days of receipt of your application, and since the check is usually cashed immediately upon receipt, it's possible to keep track of how long the process takes."
"In reality, the division of the Illinois State Police that processes these documents has always been understaffed, so it's not uncommon for that wait to stretch to 45 or even 60 days in the months before firearm deer hunting season opens in November."
"In addition, a backlog has been building for years, and the surge in new gun owners during and after the 2008 Presidential election completely overwhelmed the licensing division. ..." ... |
IL: Gun rights 101: How to get an FOID card
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"The most common way to get a FOID card is to go to your local gun shop or a gun show and ask around. Almost every retail gun shop in Illinois will process your FOID applicaion for a small fee. You can also simply click here to print the application from the Illinois State Police website, then mail the application yourself. If you do that, there are two important things to keep in mind. First, you must follow the directions on the application exactly; they aren't overly complcated, but a small mistake like forgetting your signature or entering the wrong county code will invalidate your application, and your $10 fee will not be refunded. ..." |
IL: Gun rights 101: Do I really need a FOID card?
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"Yes. As a matter of law, possessing, buying or owning a firearm without a FOID card is a misdemeanor in Illinois--IF you are eligible for the FOID card. For instance, if your card has expired, or you don't have one, but you meet all the legal requirements below, you are in that misdemeanor zone. However, if you've been convicted of the same offense at least once already, or if you don't have a card and are legally disqualified from getting one (for instance, if you are a felon) then you jump straight to the felony penalties."
"Selling a firearm without a FOID (or to someone who doesn't have one) is a Class 3 Felony the first time, even if both you and the seller would legally qualify for a FOID card apiece. ..." ... |
TN: No ban to guns in Millington parks
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"On an issue that has fueled public debate in Shelby County in the last few months, the decision over whether to allow guns in parks went over rather quietly in Millington."
"Last week, the Board of Mayor and Alderman failed to get a second on a motion to bring an ordinance banning guns in Millington parks to the floor for discussion." ...
"'It never had any support to bring it to the floor, and I think it speaks volumes that it is a nonissue here,' said Alderman Jim Brown. 'I think some of these communities that jumped on this bandwagon real quick to pass resolutions may have done it too quickly because this may be a Second Amendment issue.'" ... |
NY: Mount Vernon council candidate handcuffed over gun in waistband
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"Mount Vernon City Council candidate Samuel Rivers was handcuffed and had his gun confiscated Sunday morning in New Rochelle after, police said, they found him passed out drunk with the weapon poking from his waistband."
"Just after 6 a.m., New Rochelle police spotted Rivers slumped over on the front steps of Don Conqui restaurant at 115 Cedar St. and he could not be woken up by shouting or shaking, according to a police report. Police took his handgun and put him in handcuffs."
"Rivers woke up groggy and refused to answer questions, according to the report from the New Rochelle Police Department. Police also said in the report that Rivers was 'highly intoxicated' and they could smell a strong odor of alcohol on his breath." ... |
ATF increases inspections of gun dealers in Texas
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"Added agents have allowed the [ATF] to inspect roughly 1,000 licensed gun dealers in the Houston area, an overdue check to ensure dealers are maintaining paperwork needed to investigate gunrunning rings, said the agency's acting director Thursday."
"'We've never had inspectors like this, not in a long time,' Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson said in an interview with The Associated Press following the signing of an agreement to share intelligence with Mexico."
"ATF reassigned 100 agents and other staff to Houston in April to clear a backlog of leads and inspections as part of a U.S. pledge to help Mexican authorities investigating violent drug cartels. The initiative, scheduled to run four months, ends later this month." ... |
U.S., Mexico strengthen drug crime efforts
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"High-ranking U.S. and Mexican government officials signed an agreement in San Antonio on ... fighting cross-border drug crime."
"The letter of intent recommends a joint strategic plan in weapons and ammunition trafficking investigations. ..." ...
"Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina-Mora said the deal recognizes shared responsibility for the gun-trafficking problem."
"... 'But the Second Amendment was never meant to arm foreign criminal groups, and we should go after the criminals that are illegally shipping weapons into the criminal hands of groups based in our country.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: How about going after the corrupt officials who divert legal shipments? |
Fined for cursing a cop?
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"Sir Robert Peel, the father of modern police forces, may be best remembered for specifying that law enforcement officers should never hold higher status than members of the public they serve ... Increasingly, though, government officials demand deference to their uniformed enforcers by the citizenry. Take, for example, a proposed (and constitutionally suspect) ordinance in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that would fine anybody who swears at the cops."
"Alderman Patrick Juliana describes 'being a law enforcement officer' as 'the toughest job in the world.' (... police work is a dangerous job, but not, by any means, the most dangerous.) That, says the elected official, is why people should be fined $118 if they continue to swear at police after a warning." ... -------
Kudos to www.strike-the-root.com |
SPLC: The Obama Regime’s Private Cheka
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... "For decades, the SPLC and like-minded leftist 'watchdog' groups have indoctrinated police and other law enforcement agencies regarding the putative threat of 'right-wing extremism.' ..."
"Now, under the rule of Obama the Blessed, it appears that the SPLC has been absorbed into the Homeland Security apparatus."
"A group called Americans for Limited Government filed a [FOIA] Request demanding to see the sources of the much-discussed Homeland Security Department 'Report on Rightwing Extremism.' Not surprisingly, the 'intelligence' behind that report consisted of roughly a single working day's worth of internet browsing, with the SPLC badly over-represented among the ... sources cited in this supposedly authoritative report." ... |
Second Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Against City of New York for Violation of Constitutional Rights in Post-September 11 Security Crackdown
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"The United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a Bronx gun shop owner who claimed her constitutional rights were violated in a search and seizure of her store following a post-9/11 security crackdown by the [NYPD]."
"Angela Spinelli, the owner of Olinville Arms, Inc., appealed the case to the Second Circuit after a federal district court granted the ... motion for summary judgment dismissing her case. In the overturned ruling, the district court held that Spinelli failed to demonstrate that the city had denied her Constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment, her rights to Due Process of Law, or tortuously interfered with her business, when they confiscated her entire firearms inventory and suspended her dealer's licenses." ... |
Do Gun Turn-In Programs Prevent Shootings?
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"While a teen struggles to survive a shooting, the city tries to get guns off the streets. But do gun turn-in programs really work? Taccara Swain, 15, was shot in the head three times Wednesday night. ..."
"It's this kind of tragedy the city of Chicago is trying to stop with a gun turn-in program this weekend. But are events like that effective? CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery reports that the continuing carnage in our streets suggests otherwise."
"That 15-year old was reportedly caught in gang crossfire. As long as gangs control hundreds of millions of dollars by selling illegal narcotics here, they'll always be able to buy big firepower." ... |
TN: Report shows man shot in back by East Ridge police
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"A medical examiner's report shows that a Chattanooga man who was fatally shot by East Ridge police during a pursuit was shot twice in the back."
"East Ridge police have said 20-year-old Richard L. Dunn Jr. was trying to run over officers and rammed two police vehicles with a stolen car when they fired at him Saturday night in the Chattanooga suburb."
"The medical examiner's report shows Dunn was killed by two gunshot wounds in the back."
"Police spokesman Erik Hopkins declined comment pending a report by Tennessee Bureau of Investigation."
"Police said officers were responding to a report of an armed man near a motel and officers fired at the suspect as he attempted to run over them." ... |
ME: National Guard drill at high school to prepare for possible H1N1 riot
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"Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School will be the site of a National Guard riot control drill Thursday morning to prepare in the event of a panic over distribution of serum to treat the swine flu."
"The school ... has been designated by state officials as a distribution site for the H1N1 flu vaccine. The drill is to prepare for a worst-case scenario should the serum have to be transported from Augusta and people rush to get it."
"On Thursday morning, four or five National Guard Humvees will travel from Augusta to Paris with vials of fake serum. The National Guardsmen will take on the roles of panicked citizens and military police and practice what they would do, such as using tear gas, in the case of a riot." ... |
FL: NRA Fundraiser Hosted In Chipley
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"Northwest Florida Friends of NRA hosted their 2009 Annual Fundraiser Banquet Aug. 13 at the Ag Center in Chipley. In addition to dinner, the event included silent auctions, games and raffles."
"As America's oldest civil rights organization, the NRA's mission is to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution, especially the inalienable right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment."
"Friends of NRA is an exciting grassroots fundraising program that fosters community involvement, raises money and gives 100 percent of net proceeds to qualified local, state and national programs through The NRA Foundation ... including but not limited to ... youth firearms safety and education programs ..." ... |